|Maxlength | string | Maximum characters for input. _`field-maxLength` |

Carsten Rose
|Note | string | Note of *FormElement*. Depending on layout model, right or below of the *FormElement*. |
| | | Report syntax can also be used, see report-notation_ |

Carsten Rose
|Tooltip | text | Display this text as tooltip on mouse over. _`field-tooltip` |

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|Placeholder | string | Text, displayed inside the input element in light grey. _`field-placeholder` |

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|value | text | Default value: See field-value_ |

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|sql1 | text | SQL query. See individual `FormEelement`. _`sql1` |

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|Parameter | text | Might contain misc parameter. See fe-parameter-attributes_ |

Carsten Rose
|feGroup | string | Comma-separated list of Typo3 FE Group ID. NOT SURE IF THIS WILL BE IMPLEMENTED. Native |
| | | *FormElements*, fieldsets and pills can be assigned to feGroups. Group status: show, hidden, |
| | | hidden. Group Access: FE-Groups. User will be assigned to FE-Groups and the form definition |

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| | | reference such FE-groups. Easy way of granting permission. |
|Deleted | string | 'yes'|'no'. |
.. _`field-value`:
FE: Value
By default this field is empty: QFQ will fill it with the corresponding existing column value on form load.
For a customized default value define: ::
{{SELECT IF('{{column:RE}}'='','custom default', '{{column:R}}') }}

Carsten Rose
For non primary records, this is the place to load an existing value. E.g. we're on a 'Person' detail form and would like
to edit, on the same form, a corresponding person email address (which is in a separate table): ::
{{SELECT FROM Address AS a WHERE a.pId={{id:R0}} ORDER BY LIMIT 1}}
Report syntax can also be used, see report-notation_.
.. _`report-notation`:

Carsten Rose
FE: 'Report' notation
The FE fields 'value' and 'note' understand the `Report`_ syntax. Nested SQL queries as well as links with SIP encoding

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are possible. To distinguish between 'Form' and 'Report' syntax, the first line has to be `#!report`::

Carsten Rose
10.sql = SELECT ...
20 {
sql = SELECT ...
5.sql = SELECT ...

Carsten Rose
.. _fe-parameter-attributes:
Attributes defined in the parameter field
See also at specific *FormElement* definitions.
| Name | Type | Note |
| acceptZeroAsRequired | string | 0|1 - Accept a '0' as a valid input. Default '0' (=0 is not a valid input) |
| autofocus | string | See `input-option-autofocus`_ |

Carsten Rose
| capture, | string | See `input-upload`_ |
| accept, | | |
| maxFileSize, | | |
| fileDestination, | | |
| fileTrash, | | |
| fileTrashText, | | |

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| fileReplace, | | |
| autoOrient, | | |
| autoOrientCmd, | | |
| autoOrientMimeType, | | |
| chmodFile, chmodDir, | | |
| slaveId, | | |
| sqlBefore, | | |
| sqlInsert, | | |
| sqlUpdate, | | |
| sqlDelete, | | |
| sqlAfter, | | |
| importToTable, | | |
| importToColumns, | | |
| importRegion, | | |
| importMode, | | |
| importType, | | |
| importNamedSheetsOnly, | | |
| importSetReadDataOnly, | | |
| importListSheetNames, | | |
| checkBoxMode | string | See `input-checkbox`_, `input-radio`_, `input-select`_ |

Carsten Rose
| checked | | |
| unchecked | | |
| label2 | | |
| itemList | | |
| emptyHide | | |
| emptyItemAtStart | | |
| emptyItemAtEnd | | |
| buttonClass | | |

Carsten Rose
| data-pattern-error | string | Pattern violation: Text for error message |

Carsten Rose
| data-required-error | string | Required violation: Text for error message |

Carsten Rose
| data-match-error | string | Match violation: Text for error message |

Carsten Rose
| data-error | string | Violation of 'check-type': Text for error message |

Carsten Rose
| decimalFormat | string | [precision,scale] Limits and formats input to a decimal number with the specified precision and scale. |
| | | If no precision and scale are specified, the decimal format is pulled from the table definition. |

Carsten Rose
| htmlAfter | string | HTML Code wrapped after the complete *FormElement* |
| htmlBefore | string | HTML Code wrapped before the complete *FormElement* |

Carsten Rose
| extraButtonLock | none | [0|1] Show a 'lock' on the right side of the input element. See `extraButtonLock`_ |

Carsten Rose
| extraButtonPassword | none | [0|1] Show an 'eye' on the right side of the input element. See `extraButtonPassword`_ |

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| extraButtonInfo | string | Text. Show an 'i' on the right side of the input element. See `extraButtonInfo`_ |

Carsten Rose

Carsten Rose
| extraButtonInfoClass | string | By default empty. Specify any class to be assigned to wrap extraButtonInfo |
| extraButtonInfoMinWidth| string | See `extraButtonInfo`_ |

Carsten Rose
| editor-plugins, | string | See `input-editor`_ |
| editor-toolbar, | | |
| editor-statusbar, | | |
| fileButtonText | string | Overwrite default 'Choose File' |
| fillStoreVar | string | Fill the STORE_VAR with custom values. See `STORE_VARS`_. |

Carsten Rose
| form, | string | See `subrecord-option`_ |
| page, | | |
| title, | | |
| extraDeleteForm, | | |
| detail, | | |
| subrecordTableClass, | | |
| min | s/d/n | Minimum and/or maximum allowed values for input field. Can be used for numbers, dates, or strings. |
+------------------------+--------+ |
| max | s/d/n | *Always use the international format 'yyyy-mm-dd[ hh:mm[:ss]]* |
| processReadOnly | [n] | [0|1] By default FE's with type='readonly' are not processed during 'save'. |
| | | This option forces to process them during 'save' as well. |

Carsten Rose
| retype, | string | See `input-text`_ |
| retypeLabel, | | |
| retypeNote, | | |
| characterCountWrap, | | |
| hideZero, | | |
| emptyMeansNull, | | |
| showSeconds | string | 0|1 - Shows the seconds on form load. Default: 0 |
| showZero | string | 0|1 - Empty timestamp: '0'(default) - nothing shown, '1' - the string '0000-00-00 00:00:00' is displayed |
| timeIsOptional | string | 0|1 - Used for datetime input. 0 (default): Time is required - 1: Entering a time is optional |
| | | (defaults to 00:00:00 if none entered). |

Carsten Rose
| typeAheadLimit, | string | See `input-typeahead`_ |
| typeAheadMinLength, | | |
| typeAheadSql, | | |
| typeAheadSqlPrefetch, | | |
| wrapRow | string | If specified, skip default wrapping (`<div class='col-md-?'>`). Instead the given string is used. |
+------------------------+--------+ |
| wrapLabel | string | |
+------------------------+--------+ |
| wrapInput | string | |
+------------------------+--------+ |
| wrapNote | string | |
| trim | string | By default, whitespace is trimmed. To disable, use 'trim=none'. You can also specify custom trim |
| | | characters: 'trim=\\ ' only trims spaces. |

Carsten Rose
| sqlValidate | string | See `sqlValidate`_ |
+------------------------+--------+ |

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+------------------------+--------+ |
| messageFail | string | |
| dataReference | string | Optional. See `applicationTest`_ |

Carsten Rose
| requiredPosition | int | See `requiredPosition`_. |

Carsten Rose
| minWidth | int | See `checkboxRadioMinWidth`_. |

Carsten Rose
* `s/d/n`: string or date or number.

Carsten Rose
slaveId, sqlBefore, sqlAfter, ...
See `slave-id`_

Carsten Rose
Native *FormElements*

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Carsten Rose
* Like 'input', 'checkbox', ...

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.. _`input-option-autofocus`:

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Carsten Rose

Carsten Rose
The first *FormElement* with this attribute will get the focus after form load. If there is no such attribute
given to any *FormElement*, the attribute will be automatically assigned to the first editable *FormElement*.

Carsten Rose
To disable 'autofocus' on a form, set 'autofocus=0' on the first editable *FormElement*.
Note: If there are multiple pills defined on a form, only the first pill will be set with 'autofocus'.

Carsten Rose
.. _`extraButtonLock`:

Carsten Rose
* The user has to click on the lock, before it's possible to change the value. This will protect data against unwanted modification.

Carsten Rose
* After Form load, the value is shown, but not editable.

Carsten Rose
* Shows a 'lock' on the right side of an input element of type `text`, `date`, `time` or `datetime`.
* This option is not available for FormElements with `mode=readonly`.
* There is no value needed for this parameter.

Carsten Rose
.. _`extraButtonPassword`:

Carsten Rose
* The user has to click on the eye (unhide) to see the value.

Carsten Rose
* After Form load, the data is hided by asteriks.
* Shows an 'eye' on the right side of an input element of type `text`, `date`, `time` or `datetime`.

Carsten Rose
* There is no value needed for this parameter.

Carsten Rose
.. _`extraButtonInfo`:

Carsten Rose
* After Form load, the `info` button/icon is shown but the information message is hidden.

Carsten Rose
* The user has to click on the `info` button/icon to see an additional message.

Carsten Rose
* The value of this parameter is the text shown to the user.
* Shows an `info` button/icon, depending of `extraButtonInfoPosition` in configuration_

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* `auto`, depending on `FormElement` type:
* on the right side of an input element for type `text`, `date`, `time` or `datetime`,
* below the FormElement for all other types.

Carsten Rose

Carsten Rose
* `below`: below the FormElement for all types.

Carsten Rose
* `extraButtonInfoMinWidth`: default is 250 and defines a minimal width.
* For `FormElement` with mode `below`, a `span` element with the given class in `extraButtonInfoClass` (FE, F, configuration_)

Carsten Rose
will be applied. E.g. this might be `pull-right` to align the `info` button/icon on the right side below the input element.

Carsten Rose

Carsten Rose
.. _`checkboxRadioMinWidth`:
Checkbox / Radio: minWidth
Checkbox and Radio Elements, shown in plain horizontal mode, receives a minWidth to align them. The default is 80px and
might be defined per Form or per FormElement.

Carsten Rose
.. _`requiredPosition`:
Required Position
By default, input elements with `Mode=required` will be displayed with a 'red asterix' right beside the label. The position
of the 'red asterix' can be choosen via the `parameter` field::
requiredPosition = label-left|label-right|input-left|input-right|note-left|note-right
The default is 'label-right'.
The definition can be set per Form (=affects all FormElements) or per FormElement.

Carsten Rose
.. _`input-checkbox`:

Carsten Rose
Type: checkbox
Checkboxes can be rendered in mode:
* *single*:
* One column in a table corresponds to one checkbox.
* The value for statuses *checked* and *unchecked* are free to choose.
* This mode is selected, if a) *checkBoxMode* = single, or b) *checkBoxMode* is missing **and** the number of fields of the column definition is <3.
* *FormElement.parameter*:
* *checkBoxMode* = single (optional)
* *checked* = <value> (optional, the value which represents 'checked')
* If *checked* is empty or missing: If *type* = 'enum' or 'set', get first item of the definition. If *type* = string, get default.
* *unchecked* = <value> (optional, the value which represents 'unchecked')
* If *unchecked* is empty or missing: If *type* = 'enum' or 'set', get second item of checked. If *type* = 'string', get ''.
* *label2* = <value> (Text right beside checkbox) (optional)
* *multi*:
* One column in a table represents multiple checkboxes. This is typically useful for the column type *set*.
* The value for status *checked* are free to choose, the value for status *unchecked* is always the empty string.
* Each field key (or the corresponding value from the key/value pair) will be rendered right beside the checkbox.
* *FormElement.parameter*
* *checkBoxMode* = multi

Carsten Rose
* *itemList* - E.g.:
* ``itemList=red,blue,orange``
* ``itemList=1:red,2:blue,3:orange``
* If ':' or ',' are part of key or value, it needs to escaped by \\ .

Carsten Rose
E.g.: `itemList=1:red\\: (with colon),2:blue\\, (with comma),3:orange``

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* *FormElement.sql1* = ``{{!SELECT id, value FROM someTable}}``

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* *FormElement.maxlength* - vertical or horizontal alignment:
* Value: '', 0, 1 - The check boxes will be aligned vertical.
* Value: >1 - The check boxes will be aligned horizontal, with a linebreak every 'value' elements.
* *FormElement.parameter*:
* *emptyHide*: Existence of this item hides an entry with an empty string. This is useful for e.g. Enums, which have an empty
entry, but the empty value should not be selectable.
* *emptyItemAtStart*: Existence of this item inserts an empty entry at the beginning of the selectlist.
* *emptyItemAtEnd*: Existence of this item inserts an empty entry at the end of the selectlist.
* *buttonClass*: Instead of the plain HTML checkbox fields, Bootstrap
`buttons <>`_. are rendered as `checkbox` elements. Use
one of the following `classes <>`_:

Carsten Rose
* `btn-default` (default, grey),
* `btn-primary` (blue),
* `btn-success` (green),
* `btn-info` (light blue),
* `btn-warning` (orange),
* `btn-danger` (red).

Carsten Rose
With a given *buttonClass*, all buttons (=radios) are rendered horizontal. A value in *FormElement.maxlength* has no effect.
* *No preselection*:
* If a form is in 'new' mode and if there is a default value configured on a table column, such a value is shown by default.
There might be situations, where the user should be forced to select a value (e.g. specifying the gender). An unwanted
default value can be suppressed by specifying an explicit definition on the FormElement field `value`::

Carsten Rose

Carsten Rose
For existing records the shown value is as expected the value of the record. For new records, it's the value `0`,
which is typically not one of the ENUM / SET values and therefore nothing is selected.
Type: date
* Range datetime: '1000-01-01' to '9999-12-31' or '0000-00-00'. (
* Optional:
* *FormElement.parameter.dateFormat*: yyyy-mm-dd |
Type: datetime
* Range datetime: '1000-01-01 00:00:00' to '9999-12-31 23:59:59' or '0000-00-00 00:00:00'. (
* Optional:
* *FormElement.parameter*:
* *dateFormat* = yyyy-mm-dd |
* *showSeconds* = 0|1 - shows the seconds. Independent if the user specifies seconds, they are displayed '1' or not '0'.
* *showZero* = 0|1 - For an empty timestamp, With '0' nothing is displayed. With '1' the string '0000-00-00 00:00:00' is displayed.

Carsten Rose
Type: extra
* The element behaves like, and can be used as, a HTML hidden input element - with the difference & advantage, that the
element never leaves the server and therefore can't be manipulated by a user.
* The following names are reserved and can't be used to name 'extra' FormElements: 'id', 'type', 'L'.
* The element is not transferred to the the browser.
* The element can be used to define / pre calculate values for a column, which do not already exist as a native *FormElement*.

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* The element is build / computed on form load and saved alongside with the SIP parameter of the current form.
* The element is not recalculated during save - it's stored during 'Form Load' inside the current form SIP handle.

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* Access the value without specifying any store (default store priority is sufficient).
.. _`input-text`:

Carsten Rose
Type: text
General input for any text.
* By default, the maximum length of input data is automatically restricted by the underlying database column.
* HTML decides between one line input (=Input text) and multiline input (=Textarea).
* *FormElement.size* = [<width>[,<min height (lines)>[,<max height (pixel)>]]]
* The parameter is optional and controls the behaviour of the input / textarea element.
* The `<width>` is counted in 'characters'.
* But: the *visible* width of an input element is defined by the Bootstrap column width (and *not* the width given
here). Finally: the value here is meaningless. Nevertheless it has to be given for future compatibility.

Carsten Rose
* `<min-height>`:
* Counted as 'lines'.
* If not set the height is treated as 1.
* A `<min-height>` of 1 forces an one line input. Exception: `<max-height>` > 0 enables `auto-grow`.
* `<max-height>`:
* Controls the `auto-grow`-Mode.
* Counted in 'pixel'.
* If not set it becomes the default of 350 pixels.
* If > 0, the `auto-grow` mode is activated and the height of the textarea will be dynamically updated
up to `<max-height>`.
* If = 0, the `auto-grow` mode is disabled.

Carsten Rose
* *FormElement.parameter*:
* *retype* = 1 (optional): Current input element will be rendered twice. The form can only submitted if both elements are equal.

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* *retypeLabel* = <text> (optional): The label of the second element.
* *retypeNote* = <text> (optional): The note of the second element.
* *characterCountWrap* = <span class="qfq-cc-style">Count: | </span> (optional).

Carsten Rose
Displays a character counter below the input/textarea element.
* Also check the fe-parameter-attributes_ *data-...-error* to customize error messages shown by the validator.
* *hideZero* = 0|1 (optional): `with hideZero=1` a '0' in the value will be replaced by an empty string.
* *emptyMeansNull* = [0|1] (optional): with `emptyMeansNull` or `emptyMeansNull=1` a NULL value will be written if
the value is an empty string

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* *inputType* = number (optional). Typically the HTML tag 'type' will be 'text', 'textarea' or 'number' (detected automatically).
If necessary, the HTML tag 'type' might be forced to a specific given value.

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* *step* = Step size of the up/down buttons which increase/decrease the number of in the input field. Optional.
Default 1. Only useful with `inputType=number` (defined explicit via `inputType` or detected automatically).
* *textareaResize* = 0|1 (optional). Be default = 1 (=on). A textarea element is resizable by the user.

Carsten Rose
.. _`input-typeahead`:

Carsten Rose
Type Ahead

Carsten Rose

Carsten Rose
Activating `typeahead` functionality offers an instant lookup of data and displaying them to the user, while the user is
typing, a drop-down box offers the results. As datasource the regular SQL connection or a LDAP query can be used.

Carsten Rose
With every keystroke (starting from the *typeAheadMinLength* characters), the already typed value will be transmitted to
the server, the lookup will be performed and the result, upto *typeAheadLimit* entries, are displayed as a drop-down box.

Carsten Rose
* *FormElement.parameter*:
* *typeAheadLimit* = <number>. Max numbers of result records to be shown. Default is 20.
* *typeAheadMinLength* = <number>. Minimum length to type before the first lookup starts. Default is 2.

Carsten Rose

Carsten Rose
Depending of the `typeahead` setup, the given FormElement will contain the displayed `value` or `id` (if an id/value dict is

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Carsten Rose
Configuration via Form / FormElement
All of the `typeAhead*` (except `typeAheadLdap`) and `ldap*` parameter can be specified either in
*Form.parameter* or in *FormElement.parameter*.

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Carsten Rose
* *FormElement.parameter*:

Carsten Rose
* *typeAheadSql* = `SELECT ... AS 'id', ... AS 'value' WHERE name LIKE ? OR firstName LIKE ? LIMIT 100`

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* If there is only one column in the SELECT statement, that one will be used and there is no dict (key/value pair).
Elias Villiger
* If there is no column `id` or no column `value`, then the first column becomes `id` and the second column becomes `value`.

Carsten Rose
* The query will be fired as a 'prepared statement'.
* The value, typed by the user, will be replaced on all places where a `?` appears.
* All `?` will be automatically surrounded by '%'. Therefore wildcard search is implemented: `... LIKE '%<?>%' ...`
* *typeAheadSqlPrefetch* = `SELECT firstName, ' ', lastName FROM person WHERE id = ?`
* If the query returns several results, only the first one is returned and displayed.
* If the query selects multiple columns, the columns are concatenated.

Carsten Rose

Carsten Rose
.. _`input-editor`:

Carsten Rose
Type: editor
* TinyMCE (, community edition) is used as the QFQ Rich Text Editor.
* The content will be saved as HTML inside the database.
* All configuration and plugins will be configured via the 'parameter' field. Just prepend the word 'editor-' in front
of each TinyMCE keyword. Check possible options under:

Carsten Rose
* Bars:
* Top: *menubar* - by default hidden.
* Top: *toolbar* - by default visible.
* Bottom: *statusbar* - by default hidden, exception: *min_height* and *max_height* are given via size parameter.
* The default setting in *FormElement.parameter* is::
Elias Villiger
editor-plugins=code link lists searchreplace table textcolor textpattern visualchars

Carsten Rose
editor-toolbar=code searchreplace undo redo | styleselect link table | fontselect fontsizeselect | bullist numlist outdent indent | forecolor backcolor bold italic editor-menubar=false
* To deactivate the surrouding `<p>` tag, configure in *FormElement.parameter*::
This might have impacts on the editor. See
* Set 'extended_valid_elements' to enable HTML tags and their attributes. Example: ::
editor-extended_valid_elements = span[class|style]
* Set 'editor-content_css' to use a custom CSS to style elements inside the editor. Example: ::
editor-content_css = fileadmin/custom.css
* *FormElement.size* = <min_height>,<max_height>: in pixels, including top and bottom bars. E.g.: 300,600

Carsten Rose

Carsten Rose
Type: annotate

Carsten Rose
Annotate image or text. Typically the image or text has been uploaded during a previous step. The annotation will be
saved in ** column of the current record. The uploaded file itself will not be modified. The annotations
can be shown in edit (and might be modified) or in readonly mode.

Carsten Rose
Two modes are available:

Carsten Rose
A simple grafic editor to paint on top of the image (best by a tablet with pen or grafic tablet). The uploaded image
is shown in the background. All drawings are saved as a JSON fabric.js data string. Supported file types:
**png, svg**. PDF files can be easily divided into per page SVG files during upload - see `split-pdf-upload`_
Per code line, annotation(s) can be added. Different users can add individual annotations. A user can only edit the
own annotations. The annotations are saved as QFQ internal JSON string.
.. note::
Drawing with fabric.js might produce a lot data. Take care the column type/size is big enough (>=64kB).
An image, specified by ``FormElement.parameter.imageSource={{pathFileName}}``, will be displayed in the background. On
form load, both, the image and an optional already given grafical annotations, will be displayed. The image is SIP
protected and will be loaded on demand.

Carsten Rose

Carsten Rose
| Attribute | Value | Description |
| annotateType | grafic | *grafic|text*. Default is *grafic*. Select mode. |
| imageSource | <path filename> | Background image. E.g. `fileadmin/images/scan.png` |

Carsten Rose
| defaultPenColor | <rgb hex value> | Pen default color, after loading the fabric element. Default is '0000FF' (blue). |

Carsten Rose

Carsten Rose
.. note::

Carsten Rose
By using the the `FormElement` `annotate`, the JS code `fabric.min.js` and `qfq.fabric.min.js` has to be included. See setup-css-js_.

Carsten Rose
| Attribute | Value | Description |
| annotateType | text | *grafic|text*. Default is *grafic*. Select mode. |
| textSource | <path filename> | Text file to annotate. |
| annotateUserName | <john doe> | Will be shown at annotation line. |
| annotateUserUid | <123> | Will be shown at annotation line. |
| annotateUserAvatar | <https://gravatar...> | Will be shown at annotation line. |
| highlight | auto | off,auto,javascript,qfq,python,matlab |

Carsten Rose

Carsten Rose
Type: imageCut
Uploaded images can be cut or rotate via QFQ (via fabric.js). The modified image is saved under the given pathFileName.

Carsten Rose
* The 'value' of the `FormElement` has to be a valid PathFileName to an image.

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* Valid image file formats are SVG, PNG, JPG, GIF.
* Invalid or missing filenames results to an empty 'imageCut' element.

Carsten Rose
* *resizeWidth* = <empty>|[width in pixel] - the final width of the modified image. If empty (or not given), no change.
* *keepOriginal* = <empty>|[string] - By default: '.save'. If empty (no string given), don't keep the original. If an
extension is given and if there is not already a <pathFileName><.extension>, than the original file is to copied to it.

Carsten Rose

Carsten Rose
Type: note
An FormElement without any 'input' functionality -just to show some text. Use the typical fields 'label', 'value' and
'note' to be displayed in the corresponding three standard columns.
Type: password
* Like a `text` element, but every character is shown as an asterisk.
.. _`input-radio`:

Carsten Rose
Type: radio
* Radio Buttons will be built from one of three sources:
1. 'sql1': E.g. *{{!SELECT type AS label FROM car }}* or *{{!SELECT type AS label, typeNr AS id FROM car}}* or *{{!SHOW tables}}*.
* Resultset format 'named': column 'label' and optional a column 'id'.
* Resultset format 'index':
* One column in resultset >> first column represents *label*
* Two or more columns in resultset >> first column represents *id* and second column represents *label*.
2. *FormElement.parameter*:
* *itemList* = `<attribute>` E.g.: *itemList=red,blue,orange* or *itemList=1:red,2:blue,3:orange*
* If ':' or ',' are part of key or value, it needs to escaped by \\ . E.g.: `itemList=1:red\\: (with colon),2:blue\\, (with comma),3:orange`

Carsten Rose
3. Definition of the *enum* or *set* field (only labels, ids are not possible).
* *FormElement.maxlength* = `<value>`
* Applies only to 'plain' radio elements (not the Bootstrap 'buttonClass' from below)
* *vertical* or *horizontal* alignment:
* `<value>`: '', 0, 1 - The radios will be aligned *vertical*.
* `<value>`: >1 - The readios will be aligned *horizontal*, with a linebreak every 'value' elements.
* *FormElement.parameter*:
* *emptyHide*: Existence of this item hides an entry with an empty string. This is useful for e.g. Enums, which have an empty
entry, but the empty value should not be selectable.
* *emptyItemAtStart*: Existence of this item inserts an empty entry at the beginning of the selectlist.
* *emptyItemAtEnd*: Existence of this item inserts an empty entry at the end of the selectlist.
* *buttonClass* = <class> - Instead of the plain radio fields, Bootstrap
`buttons <>`_. are rendered as `radio` elements. Use
one of the following `classes <>`_:

Carsten Rose
* `btn-default` (default, grey),
* `btn-primary` (blue),
* `btn-success` (green),
* `btn-info` (light blue),
* `btn-warning` (orange),
* `btn-danger` (red).

Carsten Rose
With a given *buttonClass*, all buttons (=radios) are rendered horizontal. A value in *FormElement.maxlength* has no effect.
* *No preselection*:
* If there is a default configured on a table column, such a value is selected by default. If the user should actively
choose an option, the 'preselection' can be omitted by specifying an explicit definition on the FormElement field `value`::

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For existing records the shown value is as expected the value of the record. For new records, it's the value `0`,
which is typically not one of the ENUM values and therefore nothing is selected.
.. _`input-select`:

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Type: select
* Select lists will be built from one of three sources:
* *FormElement.sql1* = `{{!<SQL Query}}`
* E.g. *{{!SELECT type AS label FROM car }}* or *{{!SELECT type AS label, typeNr AS id FROM car}}* or *{{!SHOW tables}}*.

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* Resultset format 'named': column 'label' and optional a column 'id'.
* Resultset format 'index':
* One column in resultset >> first column represents *label*
* Two or more columns in resultset >> first column represents *id* and second column represents *label*.
* *FormElement.parameter*:
* *itemList* = `<attribute>` - E.g.: *itemList=red,blue,orange* or *itemList=1:red,2:blue:3:orange*
* If ':' or ',' are part of key or value, it needs to escaped by \\ . E.g.: `itemList=1:red\\: (with colon),2:blue\\, (with comma),3:orange`

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* Definition of the *enum* or *set* field (only labels, ids are not possible).
* *FormElement.size* = `<value>`

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* `<value>`: <empty>|0|1: drop-down list.

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* `<value>`: >1: Select field with *size* rows height. Multiple selection of items is possible.
* *FormElement.parameter*:
* *emptyItemAtStart*: Existence of this item inserts an empty entry at the beginning of the selectlist.
* *emptyItemAtEnd*: Existence of this item inserts an empty entry at the end of the selectlist.
* *emptyHide*: Existence of this item hides the empty entry. This is useful for e.g. Enums, which have an empty
entry and the empty value should not be an option to be selected.
* *datalist*: Similar to 'typeAhead'. Enables the user to select a predefined option (sql1, itemList) or supply any
free text. Attention: Safari (and some other) browsers do not support this fully -

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.. _`subrecord-option`:

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Type: subrecord
The *FormElement* type 'subrecord' renders a list of records (so called secondary records), typically to show, edit, delete
or add new records. The list is defined as an SQL query. The number of records shown is not limited. These *FormElement*

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will be rendered inside the form as a HTML table.
* *mode / modeSql* = `<type/value>`
* *show / required*: the regular mode to show the subrecords
* *readonly*: New / Edit / Delete Buttons are disabled
* *hidden*: The FormElement is rendered, but hidden with `display='none'`.
* *dynamicUpdate* - not supported at the moment.
* *sql1* = `{{!SQL Query}}`

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* SQL query to select records. E.g.::
{{!SELECT AS id, CONCAT(addr.street, addr.streetnumber) AS a, AS b, AS c FROM Address AS addr}}

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* Notice the **exclamation mark** after '{{' - this is necessary to return an array of elements, instead of a single string.
* Exactly one column **'id'** has to exist; it specifies the primary record for the target form.
In case the id should not be visible to the user, it has to be named **'_id'**.

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* Column name: *[title=]<title>[|[maxLength=]<number>][|nostrip][|icon][|link][|url][|mailto][|_rowClass][|_rowTooltip]*

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* If the keyword is used, all parameter are position independent.
* Parameter are separated by '|'.

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* *[title=]<text>*: Title of the column. The keyword 'title=' is optional. Columns with a title starting with '_' won't be rendered.
* *[maxLength=]<number>*: Max. number of characters displayed per cell. The keyword 'maxLength=' is optional. Default
maxLength '20'. A value of '0' means no limit. This setting also affects the title of the column.

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* *nostrip*: by default, html tags will be stripped off the cell content before rendering. This protects the table
layout. 'nostrip' deactivates the cleaning to make pure html possible.
* *icon*: the cell value contains the name of an icon in *typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons*. Empty cell values
will omit an html image tag (=nothing rendered in the cell).
* *link*: value will be rendered as described under :ref:`column-link`
* *url*: value will be rendered as a href url.
* *mailto*: value will be rendered as a href mailto.
* *_rowClass*
* The value is a CSS class name(s) which will be rendered in the *<tr class="<_rowClass>">* of the subrecord table.
* The column itself is not rendered.

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* By using Bootstrap, the following predefined classes are available:
* Text color: *text-muted|text-primary|text-success|text-info|text-warning|text-danger* (
* Row background: *active|success|info|warning|danger* (

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* *_rowTooltip*

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* Defines the title attribute (=tooltip) of a subrecord table row.

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* Examples::
{{!SELECT id, note1 AS 'Comment', note2 AS 'Comment|50' , note3 AS 'title=Comment|maxLength=100|nostrip', note4 AS '50|Comment',

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'checked.png' AS 'Status|icon', email AS 'mailto', CONCAT(homepage, '|Homepage') AS 'url',

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CONCAT('d|s|F:', pathFileName) AS 'Download|link',
ELT(status,'info','warning','danger') AS '_rowClass', help AS '_rowTooltip' ...}}

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* *FormElement.parameter*
* *form* = `<form name>` - Target form, e.g. *form=person*
* *page* = `<T3 page alias or id>` - Target page with detail form. If none specified, use the current page.

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* *extraDeleteForm*: Optional. The per row delete Button will reference the form specified here (for deleting) instead of the default (*form*).
* *detail* = `<string>` - Mapping of values from
* a) the primary form,
* b) the current row,
* c) any constant or '{{...}}' -
to the target form (defined via `form=...`).

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* Syntax::
<source table column name 1|&constant 1>:<target column name 1>[,<source table column name 2|&constant 2>:<target column name 2>][...]

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* Example: *detail=id:personId,rowId:secId,&12:xId,&{{a}}:personId* (rowId is a column of the current selected row defined by sql1)

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* By default, the given value will overwrite values on the target record. In most situations, this is the wished behaviour.
* Exceptions of the default behaviour have to be defined on the target form in the corresponding *FormElement* in the

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field *value* by changing the default Store priority definition. E.g. `{{<columnName>:RS0}}` - For existing records,

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the store `R` will provide a value. For new records, store `R` is empty and store S will be searched for a value:
the value defined in `detail` will be choosen. At last the store '0' is defined as a fallback.
* *source table column name*: E.g. A person form is opened with (r=5). The definition `detail=id:personId`
and `form=address` maps to address.personId. On the target record, the column personId becomes '5'.
* *Constant '&'*: Indicate a 'constant' value. E.g. `&12:xId` or `{{...}}` (all possibilities, incl. further SELECT
statements) might be used.
* *subrecordTableClass*: Optional. Default: 'table table-hover qfq-subrecord-table qfq-color-grey-2'. If given, the default will be
subrecordTableClass = table table-hover qfq-subrecord-table qfq-table-50
subrecordTableClass = table table-hover qfq-subrecord-table tablesorter tablesorter-pager tablesorter-filter
* *subrecordColumnTitleEdit*: Optional. Will be rendered as the column title for the new/edit column.
* *subrecordColumnTitleDelete*: Optional. Will be rendered as the column title for the delete column.

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**Subrecord DragAndDrop**
Subrecords inherently support drag-and-drop, see also `drag_and_drop`_.
The following parameters can be used in the `parameter` field to customize/activate drag-and-drop:
* *orderInterval*: The order interval to be used, default is 10.
* *dndTable*: The table that contains the records to be ordered.
If not given, the table name of the form specified via `form=...` is used.
* *orderColumn*: The dedicated order column in the specified dndTable (needs to match a column in the table definition).
Default is `ord`.
If `dndTable` is a table with a column `orderColumn`, QFQ automatically applies drag-and-drop logic
to the rendered subrecord. It does so by using the subrecord field *sql1*. The `sql1` query should
include a column `id` (or `_id`) and a column `ord` (or `_ord`). E.g.::
FE.sql1 = {{!SELECT AS _id, p.ord AS _ord, FROM Person WHERE!='' ORDER BY p.ord}}
* If you want to deactivate a drag-and-drop that QFQ automatically renders, set the `orderColumn` to a non-existing column.
E.g., `orderColumn = nonExistingColumn`. This will deactivate drag-and-drop.
* In order to evaluate the `sql1` query dynamically during a drag-and-drop event, the STORE_RECORD (with the current subrecord)
is loaded.
* The stores STORE_RECORD, STORE_SIP and STORE_SYSTEM are supported during a drag-and-drop event and can be used in FE.sql1 query.
* STORE_SIP: SIP values on form load
* STORE_RECORD: values of the current record loaded in the form.
* If the subrecord is rendered with drag-and-drop active, but the order is not affected upon reload, there is
most likely a problem with evaluating the `sql1` query at runtime.

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Type: time
* Range time: '00:00:00' to '23:59:59' or '00:00:00'. (
* Optional:
* *FormElement.parameter*
* *showSeconds* = `0|1` - shows the seconds. Independent if the user specifies seconds, they are displayed '1' or not '0'.
* *showZero* = `0|1` - For an empty timestamp, With '0' nothing is displayed. With '1' the string '00:00[:00]' is displayed.

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.. _`input-upload`:

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Type: upload
An upload element is based on a 'file browse'-button and a 'trash'-button (=delete). Only one of them is shown at a time.
The 'file browse'-button is displayed, if there is no file uploaded already.
The 'trash'-button is displayed, if there is a file uploaded already.
After clicking on the browse button, the user select a file from the local filesystem.

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After choosing the file, the upload starts immediately, shown by a turning wheel. When the server received the whole file
and accepts (see below) the file, the 'file browse'-button disappears and the filename is shown, followed by a 'trash'-button.

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Either the user is satisfied now or the user can delete the uploaded file (and maybe upload another one).
Until this point, the file is cached on the server but not copied to the `fileDestination`. The user have to save the
current record, either to finalize the upload and/or to delete a previously uploaded file.
The FormElement behaves like a
* 'native FormElement' (showing controls/text on the form) as well as an
* 'action FormElement' by firing queries and doing some additional actions during form save.

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Inside the *Form editor* it's shown as a 'native FormElement'.
During saving the current record, it behaves like an action FormElement
and will be processed after saving the primary record and before any action FormElements are processed.

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* *FormElement.value* = `<string>` - By default, the full path of any already uploaded file is shown. To show something
different, e.g. only the filename, define: ::
a) {{filenameBase:V}}
b) {{SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX( '{{pathFileName:R}}', '/', -1) }}
See also `downloadButton`_ to offer a download of an uploaded file.

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* *FormElement.parameter*:
* *fileButtonText*: Overwrite default ‘Choose File’
* *capture* = `camera` - On a smartphone, after pressing the 'open file' button, the camera will be opened and a
choosen picture will be uploaded. Automatically set/overwrite `accept=image/*`.
* *accept* = `<mime type>,image/*,video/*,audio/*,.doc,.docx,.pdf`
* List of mime types (also known as 'media types'):
* If none mime type is specified, 'application/pdf' is set. This forces that always (!) one type is specified.
* To allow any type, specify ``*`` or ``*/*`` or ``*.*``.
* One or more media types might be specified, separated by ','.
* Different browser respect the given definitions in different ways. Typically the 'file choose' dialog offer:
* the specified mime type (some browers only show 'custom', if more than one mime type is given),
* the option 'All files' (the user is always free to **try** to upload other file types) - but the server won't accept them,
* the 'file choose' dialog only offers files of the selected (in the dialog) type.
* If for a specific file type is no mime type available, the definition of file extension(s) is possible. This is **less
secure**, cause there is no *content* check on the server after the upload.

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* *maxFileSize* = `<size>` - max filesize in bytes (no unit), kilobytes (k/K) or megabytes (m/M) for an uploaded file.
If empty or not given, take value from Form, System or System default.

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* *fileTrash* = [0|1] - Default: '1'. This option en-/disables the trash button right beside the file chooser. By default
the trash is visible. The trash is only visible if a) there is already a file uploaded or b) a new file has been chosen.
* *fileTrashText* = `<string>` - Default: ''. Will be shown right beside the trash glyph-icon.

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* *fileDestination* = `<pathFileName>` - Destination where to copy the file. A good practice is to specify a relative `fileDestination` -

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such an installation (filesystem and database) are moveable.
* If the original filename should be part of `fileDestination`, the variable *{{filename}}* (STORE_VARS) can be used. Example ::
fileDestination={{SELECT 'fileadmin/user/pictures/',, '-{{filename}}' FROM Person AS p WHERE{{id:R0}} }}
* Several more variants of the filename and also mimetype and filesize are available. See `store_vars_form_element_upload`_.
* The original filename will be sanitized: only '<alnum>', '.' and '_' characters are allowed. German 'umlaut' will
be replaced by 'ae', 'ue', 'oe'. All non valid characters will be replaced by '_'.

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* If a file already exist under `fileDestination`, an error message is shown and 'save' is aborted. The user has no
possibility to overwrite the already existing file. If the whole workflow is correct, this situation should no
arise. Check also *fileReplace* below.
* All necessary subdirectories in `fileDestination` are automatically created.
* Using the current record id in the `fileDestination`: Using {{r}} is problematic for a 'new' primary record: that
one is still '0' at the time of saving. Use `{{id:R0}}` instead.
* Uploading of malicious code (e.g. PHP files) is hard to detect. The default mime type check can be easily faked
by an attacker. Therefore it's recommended to use a `fileDestination`-directory, which is secured against script
execution (even if the file has been uploaded, the webserver won't execute it) - see `SecureDirectFileAccess`_.
* *sqlBefore*, *sqlAfter*: available in :ref:`Upload simple mode` and :ref:`Upload advanced mode`.
* *slaveId*, *sqlInsert*, *sqlUpdate*, *sqlDelete*, *sqlUpdate*: available only in :ref:`Upload advanced mode`.
* `fileSize` / `mimeType`
* In :ref:`Upload simple mode` the information of `fileSize` and `mimeType` will be automatically updated on the current
record, if table columns `fileSize` and/or `mimeType` exist.
* If there are more than one Upload FormElement in a form, the automatically update for `fileSize` and/or `mimeType`
are not done automatically.
* In :ref:`Upload advanced mode` the `fileSize` and / or `mimeType` have to be updated with an explicit SQL statement::
sqlAfter = {{UPDATE Data SET mimeType='{{mimeType:V}}', fileSize={{fileSize:V}} WHERE id={{id:R}} }}

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* *fileReplace* = `always` - If `fileDestination` exist - replace it by the new one.

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* *chmodFile* = <unix file permission mode> - e.g. `660` for owner and group read and writeable. Only the numeric mode is allowed.
* *chmodDir* = <unix file permission mode> - e.g. `770` for owner and group read, writeable and executable. Only the
numeric mode is allowed. Will be applied to all new created directories.
* *autoOrient:* images might contain EXIF data (e.g. captured via mobile phones) incl. an orientation tag like TopLeft,
BottomRight and so on. Web-Browser and other grafic programs often understand and respect those information and rotate
such images automatically. If not, the image might be displayed in an unwanted oritentation.
With active option 'autoOrient', QFQ tries to normalize such images via 'convert' (part of ImageMagick). Especially
if images are processed by the QFQ internal 'Fabric'-JS it's recommended to normalize images first. The normalization
process does not solve all orientation problems.