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  * Class: **native**
  * Type: **text**
  * Name: city
  * Label: City
  * Value: `{{SELECT city FROM Address WHERE personId={{r}} ORDER BY id LIMIT 1}}`

* *FormElement*: insert/update address record

  * Class: **action**
  * Type: **afterSave**
  * Label: Manage Address
  * Parameter:

    * `slaveId={{SELECT id FROM Address WHERE personId={{r}} ORDER BY id LIMIT 1}}`
    * `sqlInsert={{INSERT INTO Address (personId, city) VALUES ({{r}}, '{{city:F:allbut:s}}') }}`
    * `sqlUpdate={{UPDATE Address SET city='{{city:F:allbut:s}}' WHERE id={{slaveId:V}} }}`
    * `sqlDelete={{DELETE FROM Address WHERE id={{slaveId:V}} AND ''='{{city:F:allbut:s}}' LIMIT 1}}`

Form: Person Wizard - firstname, single note

Requirement: A form that displays the column 'firstname' from table 'Person' and 'note' from table 'Note'.
If the records don't exist, the form should create it.
Column Person.noteId points to

Form primary table: Person

Form slave table: Address

Relation: ` = Address.personId`

* Form: wizard

  * Name: wizard
  * Title: Person Wizard
  * Table: Person
  * Render: bootstrap

* *FormElement*: firstname

  * Class: **native**
  * Type: **text**
  * Name: firstname
  * Label: Firstname

* *FormElement*: email, text, 20

  * Class: **native**
  * Type: **text**
  * Name: note
  * Label: Note
  * Value: `{{SELECT Note FROM Note AS n, Person AS p WHERE{{r}} AND ORDER BY id }}`

* *FormElement*: insert/update address record

  * Class: **action**
  * Type: **afterSave**
  * Name: noteId
  * Label: Manage Note
  * Parameter:

    * `sqlInsert={{INSERT INTO Note (note) VALUES ('{{note:F:allbut:s}}') }}`
    * `sqlUpdate={{UPDATE Note SET note='{{note:F:allbut:s}}' WHERE id={{slaveId:V}} }}`

.. _example_class_template_group:

This example will display graphics instead of text 'add' and 'remove'. Also there is a distance between the templateGroups.
     tgClass = qfq-child-margin-top
     tgAddClass = btn alert-success
     tgAddText = <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus" aria-hidden="true"></span>
     tgRemoveClass = btn btn-danger alert-danger
     tgRemoveText = <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" aria-hidden="true"></span>


* QFQ delivers a chart JavaScript lib: Docs:
* The library is not sourced in the HTML page automatically. To do it, either include the lib

  * in the specific tt_content record (shown below in the example) or
  * system wide via Typo3 Template record.

* By splitting HTML and JavaScript code over several lines, take care not accidentally to create a 'nesting'-end token.
  Check the line after `10.tail =`. It's '}' alone on one line. This is a valid 'nesting'-end token!. There are two options
  to circumvent this:

  * Don't nest the HTML & JavaScript code - bad workaround, this is not human readable.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
  * Select different nesting token, e.g. '<' (check the first line on the following example). ::

     # <

     10.sql = SELECT '_'
     10.head =
       <div style="height: 1024px; width: 640px;">
         <h3>Distribution of FormElement types over all forms</h3>
         <canvas id="barchart" width="1240" height="640"></canvas>
       <script src="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Chart.min.js"></script>
         $(function () {
           var ctx = document.getElementById("barchart");
           var barChart = new Chart(ctx, {
             type: 'bar',
               data: {

     10.tail =

     # Labels
     10.10 <
       sql = SELECT "'", fe.type, "'" FROM FormElement AS fe GROUP BY fe.type ORDER BY fe.type
       head = labels: [
       tail = ],
       rsep = ,

     # Data
     10.20 <
       sql = SELECT COUNT( FROM FormElement AS fe GROUP BY fe.type ORDER BY fe.type
       head = datasets: [ {   data: [
       tail = ],  backgroundColor: "steelblue", label: "FormElements" } ]
       rsep = ,

Upload Form Simple

Table Person

| Name                | Type         |
| id                  | int          |
| name                | varchar(255) |
| pathFileNamePicture | varchar(255) |
| pathFileNameAvatar  | varchar(255) |

* Form:

  * Name: UploadSimple
  * Table: Person

* FormElements:

  * Name: name

    * Type: text
    * Label: Name

  * Name: pathFileNamePicture

    * Type: upload
    * Label: Picture
    * Parameter::


  * Name: pathFileNameAvatar

    * Type: upload
    * Label: Avatar
    * Parameter::


Upload Form Advanced 1

Table: Person

 | Name                | Type         |
 | id                  | int          |
 | name                | varchar(255) |

Table: Note

 | Name                | Type         |
 | id                  | int          |
 | pId                 | int          |
 | type                | varchar(255) |
 | pathFileName        | varchar(255) |

* Form:

  * Name: UploadAdvanced1
  * Table: Person

* FormElements

  * Name: name

    * Type: text
    * Label: Name

  * Name: mypathFileNamePicture

    * Type: upload
    * Label: Picture
    * Value: {{SELECT pathFileName FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}} }}
    * Parameter::

        slaveId={{SELECT id FROM Note WHERE pId={{id:R0}} AND type='picture' LIMIT 1}}
        sqlInsert={{INSERT INTO Note (pathFileName, type, pId) VALUE ('{{fileDestination}}', 'picture', {{id:R0}}) }}
        sqlUpdate={{UPDATE Note SET pathFileName = '{{fileDestination}}' WHERE id={{slaveId}} LIMIT 1}}
        sqlDelete={{DELETE FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}}  LIMIT 1}}

  * Name: mypathFileNameAvatar

    * Type: upload
    * Label: Avatar
    * Value: {{SELECT pathFileName FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}} }}
    * Parameter::

        slaveId={{SELECT id FROM Note WHERE pId={{id:R0}} AND type='avatar' LIMIT 1}}
        sqlInsert={{INSERT INTO Note (pathFileName, type, pId) VALUE ('{{fileDestination}}', 'avatar', {{id:R0}}) }}
        sqlUpdate={{UPDATE Note SET pathFileName = '{{fileDestination}}' WHERE id={{slaveId}} LIMIT 1}}
        sqlDelete={{DELETE FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}}  LIMIT 1}}

Upload Form Advanced 2

Table: Person

 | Name                | Type         |
 | id                  | int          |
 | name                | varchar(255) |
 | noteIdPicture       | int          |
 | noteIdAvatar        | int          |

Table: Note

 | Name                | Type         |
 | id                  | int          |
 | pathFileName        | varchar(255) |

* Form:

  * Name: UploadAdvanced2
  * Table: Person

* FormElements

  * Name: name

    * Type: text
    * Label: Name

  * Name: mypathFileNamePicture

    * Type: upload
    * Label: Picture
    * Value: {{SELECT pathFileName FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}} }}
    * Parameter::

        slaveId={{SELECT id FROM Note WHERE id={{noteIdPicture}} LIMIT 1}}
        sqlInsert={{INSERT INTO Note (pathFileName) VALUE ('{{fileDestination}}') }}
        sqlUpdate={{UPDATE Note SET pathFileName = '{{fileDestination}}' WHERE id={{slaveId}} LIMIT 1}}
        sqlDelete={{DELETE FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}}  LIMIT 1}}
        sqlAfter={{UPDATE Person SET noteIdPicture={{slaveId}} WHERE id={{id:R0}} LIMIT 1

  * Name: mypathFileNameAvatar

    * Type: upload
    * Label: Avatar
    * Value: {{SELECT pathFileName FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}} }}
    * Parameter::

        slaveId={{SELECT id FROM Note WHERE id={{noteIdAvatar}} LIMIT 1}}
        sqlInsert={{INSERT INTO Note (pathFileName) VALUE ('{{fileDestination}}') }}
        sqlUpdate={{UPDATE Note SET pathFileName = '{{fileDestination}}' WHERE id={{slaveId}} LIMIT 1}}
        sqlDelete={{DELETE FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}}  LIMIT 1}}
        sqlAfter={{UPDATE Person SET noteIdAvatar={{slaveId}} WHERE id={{id:R0}} LIMIT 1

Typeahead: SQL

Table: Person

 | Name                | Type         |
 | id                  | int          |
 | name                | varchar(255) |

* Form:

  * Name: PersonNameTypeahead
  * Table: Person

* FormElements

  * Name: name

    * Type: text
    * Label: Name
    * Parameter: ``typeAheadSql = SELECT name FROM Person WHERE name LIKE ? OR firstName LIKE ? LIMIT 100``

Typeahead: LDAP with additional values

Table: Person

 | Name                | Type         |
 | id                  | int          |
 | name                | varchar(255) |
 | firstname           | varchar(255) |
 | email               | varchar(255) |

* Form:

  * Name: PersonNameTypeaheadSetNames
  * Table: Person
  * Parameter::

      ldapServer =
      ldapBaseDn = ou=Addressbook,dc=example,dc=com

* FormElements

  * Name: email

    * Class: native
    * Type: text
    * Label: Email
    * Note: Name: {{cn:LE}}<br>Email: {{mail:LE}}
    * dynamicUpdate: checked
    * Parameter::

       # Typeahead
       typeAheadLdapSearch = (|(cn=*?*)(mail=*?*))
       typeAheadLdapValuePrintf ‘%s / %s’, cn, email
       typeAheadLdapIdPrintf  ‘%s’, email

       # dynamicUpdate: show note
       ldapSearch = (mail={{email::alnumx}})
       ldapAttributes = cn, email

  * Name: fillLdapValues

    * Class: action
    * Type: afterSave
    * Parameter::

       ldapSearch = (mail={{email::alnumx}})
       ldapAttributes = cn, email

       sqlUpdate={{ UPDATE Person AS p SET'{{cn:L:alnumx:s}}' WHERE{{slaveId}} LIMIT 1 }}

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
.. _`import-merge-form`:

Import/merge form

The form `copyFormFromExt` copies a form from table `ExtForm / ExtFormElement` to `Form / FormElement`. The import/merge
* offers a drop down list with all forms of `ExtForm`,
* an input element for the new form name,
* create new
* copied FormElements get the new
* the copied form will be opened in the FormEditor.
* Play (do all sql statements on your QFQ database, e.g. via `mysql <dbname> < copyFormFromExt.sql` or `phpMyAdmin`) the
  file  *<ext_dir>/Classes/Sql/copyFormFromExt.sql*.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Insert a link/button 'Copy form from ExtForm' to open the import/merge form. A good place is the list of all forms (see `form-editor`_).
  E.g.: ::
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
    10.head = {{'b|p:id={{pageAlias:T}}&form=copyFormFromExt|t:Copy form from ExtForm' AS _link }} ...
If there are several T3/QFQ instances and if forms should be imported frequently/easily, set up a one shot
'import Forms from db xyz' like: ::

  10.sql = CREATE OR REPLACE table ExtForm SELECT * FROM <db xyz>.Form
  20.sql = CREATE OR REPLACE table ExtFormElement SELECT * FROM <db xyz>.FormElement
.. _`report`:
The QFQ extension is activated through tt-content records. One or more tt-content records per page are necessary to render
*forms* and *reports*. Specify column and language per content record as wished.
The title of the QFQ content element will not be rendered. It's only visible in the backend for orientation of the webmaster.

To display a report on any given TYPO3 page, create a content element of type 'QFQ Element' (plugin) on that page.

A simple example

Assume that the database has a table person with columns firstName and lastName. To create a simple list of all persons, we can do the following::
    10.sql = SELECT firstName, lastName FROM person
Ephraim Seidenberg's avatar
Ephraim Seidenberg committed
The '10' indicates a *root level* of the report (see section `Structure`_). The expression '10.sql' defines an SQL query
for the specific level. When the query is executed, it will return a result having one single column name containing first and last name
The HTML output, displayed on the page, resulting from only this definition, could look as follows::

I.e., QFQ will simply output the content of the SQL result row after row for each single level.

Format output: mix style and content
Variant 1: pure SQL
To format the upper example, just create additional columns::
    10.sql = SELECT firstName, ", ", lastName, "<br>" FROM person
    Doe, John<br>
    Miller, Jane<br>
    Star, Frank<br>

Variant 2: SQL plus QFQ helper

QFQ provides several helper functions to wrap rows and columns, or to separate them. In this example 'fsep'='field
separate and 'rend' = row end:
    10.sql = SELECT firstName, lastName FROM person
    10.fsep = ', '
    10.rend = <br>

HTML output::

    Doe, John<br>
    Miller, Jane<br>
    Star, Frank<br>

Check out all QFQ helpers under qfq_keywords_.

Due to mixing style and content, this becomes harder to maintain with more complex layout.

Format output: separate style and content

The result of the query can be passed to the `Twig template engine <>`_
in order to fill a template with the data.::
    10.sql = SELECT firstName, lastName FROM person
    10.twig = {% for row in result %}
        {{ row.lastName }}, {{ row.firstName }<br />
    {% endfor %}

HTML output::

    Doe, John<br>
    Miller, Jane<br>
    Star, Frank<br>

Check out using-twig_.
All **root level queries** will be fired in the order specified by 'level' (Integer value).
For **each** row of a query (this means *all* queries), all subqueries will be fired once.
* E.g. if the outer query selects 5 rows, and a nested query select 3 rows, than the total number of rows are 5 x 3 = 15 rows.
There is a set of **variables** that will get replaced before ('count' also after) the SQL-Query gets executed:
  Variables from specific stores.
``{{<name>:R}}`` - use case of the above generic definition. See also `access-column-values`_.
  Similar to  ``{{<name>:R}}`` but more specific. There is no sanitize class, escape mode or default value.
``{{<level>.line.count}}`` - Current row index
  This variable is specific, as it will be replaced before the query is fired in case of ``<level>`` is an outer/previous
  level or it will be replaced after a query is fired in case ``<level>`` is the current level.
  Total rows (MySQL ``num_rows`` for *SELECT* and *SHOW*, MySQL ``affected_rows`` for *UPDATE* and *INSERT*.
  Last insert id for *INSERT*.
  If the content of `<level>` have been stored, e.g. `<level>.content=hide`.

``{{<level>.line.altCount}}`` - Like 'line.count' but for 'alt' query.

``{{<level>.line.altTotal}}`` - Like '' but for 'alt' query.

``{{<level>.line.altInsertId}}`` - Like 'line.insertId' but for 'alt' query.

See :ref:`variables` for a full list of all available variables.
Different types of SQL queries are possible: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SHOW, REPLACE
Only SELECT and SHOW queries will fire subqueries.
Processing of the resulting rows and columns:
  * In general, all columns of all rows will be printed out sequentially.
  * On a per column base, printing of columns can be suppressed by starting the column name with an underscore '_'. E.g.
    `SELECT id AS _id`.
     This might be useful to store values, which will be used later on in another query via the `{{id:R}}` or
     `{{<level>.columnName}}` variable. To suppress printing of a column, use a underscore as column name prefix. E.g.
*Reserved column names* have a special meaning and will be processed in a special way. See
`Processing of columns in the SQL result`_ for details.
There are extensive ways to wrap columns and rows. See :ref:`wrapping-rows-and-columns`
.. _`using-twig`:

Using Twig

How to write Twig templates is documented by the `Twig Project <>`_.

QFQ passes the result of a given query to the corresponding Twig template using the Twig variable
`result`. So templates need to use this variable to access the result of a query.

Specifying a Template
By default the string passed to the **twig**-key is used as template directly,
as shown in the simple example above::

   10.twig = {% for row in result %}
       {{ row.lastName }}, {{ row.firstName }<br />
   {% endfor %}

However, if the string starts with **file:**, the template is read from the
file specified.::

   10.twig = file:table_sortable.html.twig

The file is searched relative to *<site path>* and if the file is not found there, it's searched relative to
QFQ's *twig_template* folder where the included base templates are stored.

The following templates are available:

  A basic table with column headers, sorting and column filters using tablesorter and bootstrap.

  A template to display the values of a single record in a vertical table.

The link syntax described in column-link_ is available inside Twig templates
using the `qfqlink` filter::

  {{ "u:" | qfqlink }}

will render a link to **.

Json Decode
A String can be JSON decoded in Twig the following way::

  {% set decoded = '["this is one", "this is two"]' | json_decode%}

This can then be used as a normal object in Twig::

  {{ decoded[0] }}

will render *this is one*.

Available Store Variables

QFQ also provides access to the following stores via the template context.

  * record
  * sip
  * typo3
  * user
  * system

All stores are accessed using their lower case name as attribute of the
context variable `store`. The active Typo3 front-end user is therefore available as::

  {{ store.typo3.feUser }}


The following block shows an example of a QFQ report.

*10.sql* selects all users who have been assigned files in our file tracker.

.. TODO use content = hide instead of _user once this is implemented

*10.10* then selects all files belonging to this user, prints the username as header
and then displays the files in a nice table with links to the files. ::

      10.sql = SELECT assigned_to AS _user FROM file_tracker

      10.10.sql = SELECT id, path_scan FROM file_tracker
      WHERE assigned_to = '{{user:R}}'
      10.10.twig = <h2>{{ store.record.user }}</h2>
      <table id="file-list" class="table table-hover tablesorter" id="{{pageAlias:T}}-twig">
        {% for row in result %}
            <td>{{ }}</td>
            <td>{{ ("d:|M:pdf|s|t:"~ row.path_scan ~"|F:" ~ row.path_scan ) | qfqlink }}</td>
        {% endfor %}

The parsed bodytext could be displayed by activating 'showDebugInfo' (:ref:`debug`) and specifying


    debugShowBodyText = 1

A small symbol with a tooltip will be shown, where the content record will be displayed on the webpage.
Note: :ref:`debug` information will only be shown with *showDebugInfo: yes* in configuration_.

.. _`inline-report`:

Inline Report editing

For quick changes it can be bothersome to go to the TYPO3 backend to update the page content and reload the page.
For this reason, QFQ offers an inline report editing feature whenever there is a TYPO3 BE user logged in. A small
link symbol will appear on the right-hand side of each report record. Please note that the TYPO3 Frontend cache
is also deleted upon each inline report save.

In order for the inline report editing to work, QFQ needs to be able to access the T3 database. This database
is assumed to be accessible with the same credentials as specified with indexQfq.

A report can be divided into several levels. This can make report definitions more readable because it allows for
splitting of otherwise excessively long SQL queries. For example, if your SQL query on the root level selects a number
of person records from your person table, you can use the SQL query on the second level to look up the city where each person lives.

    10.sql = SELECT id AS _pId, CONCAT(firstName, " ", lastName, " ") AS name FROM person
    10.rsep = <br>

    10.10.sql = SELECT CONCAT(postal_code, " ", city) FROM address WHERE pId = {{10.pId}}
    10.10.rbeg = (
    10.10.rend = )

    John Doe (3004 Bern)
    Jane Miller (8008 Zürich)
    Frank Star (3012 Bern)

Text across several lines

To get better human readable SQL queries, it's possible to split a line across several lines. Lines
with keywords are on their own (`QFQ Keywords (Bodytext)`_ start a new line). If a line is not a 'keyword' line, it will
be appended to the last keyword line. 'Keyword' lines are detected on:

 * <level>.<keyword> =
 * {
 * <level>[.<sub level] {
    10.tail = End

    20.sql = SELECT 'a warm welcome'
               'some additional', 'columns'
This is the default. All lines are joined with a *space* in between. E.g.::
Results to: ``10.sql = SELECT 'hello world' FROM mastertable``

Notice the space between "'" and "FROM ...".

Join mode: strip whitespace
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Ending a line with a \\ strips all leading and trailing whitespaces of that line joins the line directly (no extra
    10.sql = SELECT 'hello world', 'd:final.pdf \
Results to: ``10.sql = SELECT 'hello world', 'd:final.pdf|p:id=export|t:Download' AS _pdf``
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Note: the \\ does not force the joining, it only removes the whitespaces.
To get the same result, the following is also possible::

    10.sql = SELECT 'hello world', CONCAT('d:final.pdf'
                                    '|t:Download') AS _pdf

Leading / trailing spaces

By default, leading or trailing whitespaces are removed from strings behind '='. E.g. 'rend =  test ' becomes 'test' for
rend. To prevent any leading or trailing spaces, surround them by using single or double ticks. Example::
  10.sql = SELECT name FROM Person
  10.rsep = ' '
  10.head = "Names: "
By default, curly braces '{}' are used for nesting. Alternatively angle braces '<>', round braces '()' or square
braces '[]' are also possible. To define the braces to use, the **first line** of the bodytext has to be a comment line and the
last character of that line must be one of '{[(<'. The corresponding braces are used for that QFQ record. E.g.::

    # Specific code. >
    10 <
      sql = SELECT
      head = <script>
             data = [
                 10, 20

Per QFQ tt-content record, only one type of nesting braces can be used.

Be careful to:

* write nothing else than whitespaces/newline behind an **open brace**
   10.sql = SELECT 'Yearly Report'
         sql = SELECT companyName FORM Company LIMIT 1
         sql = SELECT depName FROM Department
         head = <p>
         tail = </p>
         5 {
               sql = SELECT 'detailed information for department'
               1.sql = SELECT name FROM Person LIMIT 7
               1.head = Employees:
   30.5.tail = More will follow
.. _`access-column-values`:
Access column values
Columns of the upper / outer level result can be accessed via variables in two ways

 * STORE_RECORD: `{{pId:R}}`
 * Level Key: `{{10.pId}}`

The STORE_RECORD will always be merged with previous content. The Level Keys are unique.

Multiple columns, with the same column name, can't be accessed individually. Only the last column is available.

Retrieving the *final* value of `special-column-names`_ is possible via '{{&<column>:R}}. Example::

  10.sql = SELECT 'p:home&form=Person|s|b:success|t:Edit' AS _link
  10.20.sql = SELECT '{{link:R}}', '{{&link:R}}'

The first column of row `10.20` returns 'p:home&form=Person|s|b:success|t:Edit',the second column returns
'<span class="btn btn-success"><a href="?home&s=badcaffee1234">Edit</a></span>'.

  10.sql= SELECT AS _pId, FROM Person AS p
  10.5.sql = SELECT, 'dummy' AS _pId FROM Address AS adr WHERE adr.pId={{pId:R}}
  10.5.20.sql = SELECT '{{pId:R}}'
  10.10.sql = SELECT '{{pId:R}}'

The line '10.10' will output 'dummy' in cases where there is at least one corresponding address.
If there are no addresses (all persons) it reports the person id.
If there is at least one address, it reports 'dummy', cause that's the last stored content.

  10.sql= SELECT AS _pId, FROM Person AS p
  10.5.sql = SELECT, 'dummy' AS _pId FROM Address AS adr WHERE adr.pId={{10.pId}}
  10.5.20.sql = SELECT '{{10.pId}}'
  10.10.sql = SELECT '{{10.pId}}'

Notes to the level:
| Levels      |A report is divided into levels. The Example has levels *10*, *20*, *30*, *30.5*, *30.5.1*, *50*                        |
| Qualifier   |A level is divided into qualifiers *30.5.1* has 3 qualifiers *30*, *5*, *1*                                             |
| Root levels |Is a level with one qualifier. E.g.: 10                                                                                 |
| Sub levels  |Is a level with more than one qualifier. E.g. levels *30.5* or *30.5.1*                                                 |
| Child       |The level *30* has one child and child child: *30.5* and *30.5.1*                                                       |
| Example     | *10*, *20*, *30*, *50** are root level and will be completely processed one after each other.                          |
|             | *30.5* will be executed as many times as *30* has row numbers.                                                         |
|             | *30.5.1*  will be executed as many times as *30.5* has row numbers.                                                    |

    # Displays current date
    10.sql = SELECT CURDATE()

    # Show all students from the person table
    20.sql = SELECT AS pId, p.firstName, " - ", p.lastName FROM person AS p WHERE p.typ LIKE "student"

    # Show all the marks from the current student ordered chronological
    20.25.sql = SELECT e.mark FROM exam AS e WHERE e.pId={{20.pId}} ORDER BY

    # This query will never be fired, cause there is no direct parent called 20.30.
    20.30.10.sql = SELECT 'never fired'

.. _wrapping-rows-and-columns:

Wrapping rows and columns: Level
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Order and nesting of queries, will be defined with a TypoScript-alike syntax::

    level.sublevel1.subsublevel2. ...

* Each 'level' directive needs a final key, e.g: 20.30.10. **sql**.
* A key **sql** is necessary in order to process a level.

Processing of columns in the SQL result

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* The content of all columns of all rows will be printed sequentially, without separator (except one is defined).
* Rows with `special-column-names`_  will be rendered internally by QFQ and the QFQ output of such processing (if there
  is any) is taken as the content.

.. _special-column-names:
.. note::

    Twig: respect that the 'special column name'-columns are rendered before Twig becomes active. The recommended
    way by using Twig is *not to use* special column names at all. Use the Twig version *qfqLink*.
QFQ typically don't care about the content of any SQL-Query - it just copy the content to the output (=Browser).

One exception are columns, whose name starts with '_'.  E.g.::

  10.sql = SELECT 'All', 'cats' AS red, 'are' AS _green, 'grey in the night' AS _link

* The first and second column are regular columns. No QFQ processing.
* The third column (alias name 'green') is no QFQ special column name, but has an '_' at the beginning: this column
  content will be hidden.
* The fourth column (alias name 'link') uses a QFQ special column name. Here, only in this example, it has no
  further meaning.


* Columns starting with a '_' but not defined as as QFQ special column name are hidden(!) - in other words: they are
  not **printed** as output.
* SQL hint: If there is no column alias defined, the column name becomes the value
  of the first row. E.g. if the first selected row contains a  '_' as the first
  character, the column name becomes '_....' - which will be hidden! To be safe: always define an alias!