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Snippets Groups Projects
Manual.rst 261 KiB
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.. ==================================================
.. Header hierachy
.. ==
..  --
..   ^^
..    ''
..     ;;
..      ,,
.. --------------------------------------------------
.. External Links: `Bootstrap <>`_:
.. Add Images:
.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM.

.. include:: Includes.txt

.. _installation:



Report & Form

In PHP 5.x the QFQ extension needs  the PHP MySQL native driver. The following functions are used and are only available with the
native driver (see also:

* mysqli::get_result (important),
* mysqli::fetch_all (nice to use)

To normalize UTF8 input, the *php5-intl* resp. *php7.0-intl* package is needed by

* normalizer::normalize()

Preparation for Ubuntu 14.04::

	sudo apt-get install php5-mysqlnd php5-intl
	sudo php5enmod mysqlnd
	sudo service apache2 restart

Preparation steps for Ubuntu 16.04::

	sudo apt install php7.0-intl

wkhtmltopdf: print page / convert HTML to PDF

Different browser prints the same page in different variations. To prevent this, QFQ implements a small PHP wrapper `print.php`
which uses (webkit based) to convert HTML to PDF. The converter is also during `download`_ to
convert HTML to PDF. The converter is not included in QFQ and has to be manually installed.
* The Ubuntu package `wkhtmltopdf` needs a running Xserver - this does not work on a headless webserver. Best is to
   install the QT version from the named website above.
* FE_GROUP protected pages/tt-content are not accessible via `wkhtmltopdf`.
* SIPs can't be used via  `wkhtmltopdf`.
In `config-qfq-ini`_ specify the:

* installed `wkhtmltopdf` binary,
* the site base URL.

Provide a `print this page`-link (replace {current pageId})::

	<a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/qfq/api/print.php?id={current pageId}">Print this page</a>

Any parameter specified after `print.php` will be delivered to `wkhtmltopdf` as part of the URL.

Typoscript code to implement a print link on every page::

	10 = TEXT
	10 {
		wrap = <a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/qfq/api/print.php?id=|&type=2"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-print" aria-hidden="true"></span> Printview</a>
		data = page:uid


* Install the extension via the Extensionmanager.

  * If you install the extension by manual download/upload and get an error message
    "can't activate extension": rename the downloaded zip file to `` or `qfq_<version>.zip` (e.g. version: 0.9.1).

  * If the Extensionmanager stops after importing: check your memory limit in php.ini.

* Enable the online local-documentation_.
* Copy/rename the file *<Documentroot>/typo3conf/ext/<ext_dir>/config.example.qfq.ini* to
  *<Documentroot>/typo3conf/config.qfq.ini* and configure the necessary values: `config.qfq.ini`_
  The configuration file is outside the extension directory to not loose it during updates.
* Play the SQL File *<ext_dir>/qfq/sql/formEditor.sql* to fill the database with the *FormEditor* records.
* Configure Typoscript to include Bootstrap, jQuery, QFQ javascript and CSS files.


	page.meta {
	  X-UA-Compatible = IE=edge
	  X-UA-Compatible.attribute = http-equiv
	  viewport=width=device-width, initial-scale=1

	page.includeCSS {

		file1 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/bootstrap.min.css
		file2 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/bootstrap-theme.min.css
		file3 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/jqx.base.css
		file4 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/jqx.bootstrap.css
		file5 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/qfq-bs.css

	page.includeJS {

		file1 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/jquery.min.js
		file2 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap.min.js
		file3 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/validator.min.js
		file4 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/jqx-all.js
		file5 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/globalize.js
		file6 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/tinymce.min.js
		file7 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/EventEmitter.min.js
		file8 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/qfq.min.js

Setup a *report* to manage all *forms*:

* Create a Typo3 page.
* Set the 'URL Alias' to `form` (default) or the individual defined value in parameter EDIT_FORM_PAGE (config.qfq.ini).
* Insert a content record of type *qfq*.
* In the bodytext insert the following code:


	# If there is a form given by SIP: show

	10 {
		# List of Forms: Do not show this list of forms if there is a form given by SIP.
		# Table header.
		sql = SELECT CONCAT('{{pageId:T}}&form=Form&') as _Pagen, '#', 'Name', 'Title', 'Table', '' FROM (SELECT 1) AS fake WHERE  '{{form:SE}}'=''
		head = <table class="table table-hover qfq-table-50">
		tail = </table>
		rbeg = <thead><tr>
		rend = </tr></thead>
		fbeg = <th>
		fend = </th>

		10 {
			# All forms
			sql = SELECT CONCAT('{{pageId:T}}&form=Form&r=', as _Pagee,,, f.title, f.tableName, CONCAT('form=Form&r=', as _Paged FROM Form AS f  ORDER BY
			rbeg = <tr>
			rend = </tr>
			fbeg = <td>
			fend = </td>

.. _config-qfq-ini:


| Keyword                     | Example                                         | Description                                                                |
| DB_USER                     | DB_USER=qfqUser                                 | Credentials configured in MySQL                                            |
| DB_PASSWORD                 | DB_PASSWORD=12345678                            | Credentials configured in MySQL                                            |
| DB_SERVER                   | DB_SERVER=localhost                             | Hostname of MySQL Server                                                   |
| DB_NAME                     | DB_NAME=qfq_db                                  | Database name                                                              |
| DB_NAME_TEST                | DB_NAME_TEST=qfq_db_test                        | Used during development of QFQ                                             |
| DB_INIT                     | DB_INIT=set names utf8                          | Global init for using the database.                                        |
| SQL_LOG                     | SQL_LOG=sql.log                                 | Filename to log SQL commands: relative to <ext_dir> or absolute.           |
| SQL_LOG_MODE                | SQL_LOG_MODE=modify                             | *all*: every statement will be logged - this is a lot                      |
|                             |                                                 | *modify*: log only statements who change data                              |
| SHOW_DEBUG_INFO             | SHOW_DEBUG_INFO=auto                            | Possible values: auto|yes|no. For 'auto': If a BE User is logged in,       |
|                             |                                                 | debug information will be shown on the fronend.                            |
| CSS_LINK_CLASS_INTERNA    L | CSS_LINK_CLASS_INTERNAL=internal                | CSS class name of links which points to internal tagets                    |
| CSS_LINK_CLASS_EXTERNAL     | CSS_LINK_CLASS_EXTERNAL=external                | CSS class name of links which points to internal tagets                    |
| CSS_CLASS_QFQ_CONTAINER     |CSS_CLASS_QFQ_CONTAINER=container                | QFQ with own Bootstrap: 'container'.                                       |
|                             |                                                 | QFQ already nested in Bootstrap of mainpage: <empty>                       |
| CSS_CLASS_QFQ_FORM_PILL     |CSS_CLASS_QFQ_FORM_PILL=qfq-color-grey-1         | Wrap around title bar for pills: CSS Class, typically a background color   |
| CSS_CLASS_QFQ_FORM_BODY     |CSS_CLASS_QFQ_FORM_BODY=qfq-color-grey-2         | Wrap around formelements: CSS Class, typically a background color          |
| DATE_FORMAT                 | DATE_FORMAT= yyyy-mm-dd                         | Possible options: yyyy-mm-dd,                                   |
| FORM_DATA_PATTERN_ERROR     |FORM_DATA_PATTERN_ERROR=please check pa.         | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'pattern' violation       |
| FORM_DATA_REQUIRED_ERROR    |FORM_DATA_REQUIRED_ERROR=missing value           | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'required' fields         |
| FORM_DATA_MATCH_ERROR       |FORM_DATA_MATCH_ERROR=type error                 | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'match' retype mismatch   |
| FORM_DATA_ERROR             |FORM_DATA_ERROR=generic error                    | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'no specific' given       |
| FORM_BS_COLUMNS             | FORM_BS_COLUMNS=12                              | The whole form will be wrapped in 'col-md-??'. Default is 12 for 100%      |
| FORM_BS_LABEL_COLUMNS       | FORM_BS_LABEL_COLUMNS = 3                       | Default number of BS columns for the 'label'-column                        |
| FORM_BS_INPUT_COLUMNS       | FORM_BS_INPUT_COLUMNS = 6                       | Default number of BS columns for the 'input'-column                        |
| FORM_BS_NOTE_COLUMNS        | FORM_BS_NOTE_COLUMNS = 3                        | Default number of BS columns for the 'note'-column                         |
| FORM_BUTTON_ON_CHANGE_CLASS | FORM_BUTTON_ON_CHANGE_CLASS=alert-info btn-info | Color for save button after modification                                   |
| BASE_URL_PRINT              | BASE_URL_PRINT=               | URL where wkhtmltopdf will fetch the HTML (no parameter, those comes later)|
| WKHTMLTOPDF                 | WKHTMLTOPDF=/usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf                | Binary where to find wkhtmltopdf.                                          |
| EDIT_FORM_PAGE              | EDIT_FORM_PAGE = form                           | T3 Pagealias to edit a form.                                               |
| LDAP_1_RDN                  | LDAP_1_RDN='ou=Admin,ou=example,dc=com'         | Credentials for non-anonymous LDAP access. At the moment only one set of   |
+-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ crendentials is supported.                                                 |
| LDAP_1_PASSWORD             | LDAP_1_PASSWORD=mySecurePassword                |                                                                            |

Example: *typo3conf/config.qfq.ini*


	; To get internal default values, inactivate the option by commenting (= ';') it.
	DB_USER = qfqUser
	DB_SERVER = localhost
	DB_PASSWORD = 12345678
	DB_NAME = qfq_db
	DB_INIT = set names utf8
	SQL_LOG = sql.log
	CSS_LINK_CLASS_EXT = external
	CSS_CLASS_QFQ_FORM_PILL = qfq-color-grey-1
	CSS_CLASS_QFQ_FORM_BODY = qfq-color-grey-2

.. _local-documentation:

Local Documentation

To render the QFQ reST documentation:

* Take care to have 'unzip' and 'Python setuptools' installed (necessary to run).

Preparation for Ubuntu 16.04::

	sudo apt install unzip python-setuptools python-pip

* Install the extension "Sphinx Python Documentation Generator and Viewer" (sphinx).

  * Execute the update script (symbol 'two arrows as a circle' behind the extension name)
  * Choose 'Sphinx 1.4.4' - click on 'Import'.

* In the Exension Manager open the configuration dialog of the extension 'sphinx'. Activate the 'Sphinx 1.4.4' option and save it.
* On top of the browser window click on the 'question mark' to open the menu, choose 'Sphinx'.
* Show doumentation 'QFQ Extension'

* If you have problems with the rendering, please check:

.. _concept:


The QFQ extension is activated through `tt-content` records of type `QFQ`. One (or more) tt-content records per Typo3
page are necessary to render *forms* and *reports*.

Access privileges

The Typo3 FE Groups can be used to implement access privileges. Such groups are assigned to
* Typo3 FE users,
* Typo3 pages,
* and/or Typo3 content records (e.g. QFQ records).

This will be used for general page structure privileges.

A `record base` privileges controlling (e.g. which user can edit
which person record) will be implizit configured, by the way that records are viewable / editable (or not) through
SQL in the specifiq QFQ tt-content statements.

Typo3 QFQ content element

Insert one or more QFQ content elements on a Typo3 page. Specify column and language per content record as wished.

The title of the QFQ content element will not be rendered. It's only visible in the backend for orientation.

QFQ Keywords (Bodytext)

 | Name              | Explanation                                                                     |
 | form              | Formname defined in ttcontent record bodytext                                   |
 |                   | * Fix. E.g.: **form = person**                                                  |
 |                   | * by SIP: **form = {{form}}**                                                   |
 |                   | * by SQL: **form = {{SELECT c.form FROM conference AS c WHERE{{a:C}} }}** |
 | r                 | <record id> The form will load the record with the specified id                 |
 |                   | * Variants: **r = 123**, by SQL: **r = {{SELECT ...}}**                         |
 |                   | * If not specified, the default is '0'                                          |
 | <level>.db        | Select a DB. Only necessary if a different than the standard DB should be used. |
 | <level>.fbeg      | Start token for every field (=column)                                           |
 | <level>.fend      | End token for every field (=column)                                             |
 | <level>.head      | Start token for whole <level>                                                   |
 | <level>.tail      | End token for whole <level>                                                     |
 | <level>.rbeg      | Start token for row.                                                            |
 | <level>.rbgd      | Alternating (per row) token                                                     |
 | <level>.rend      | End token for row. Will be rendered **before** subsequent levels are processed  |
 | <level>.renr      | End token for row. Will be rendered **after** subsequent levels are processed   |
 | <level>.rsep      | Seperator token between rows                                                    |
 | <level>.fsep      | Seperator token between fields (=columns)                                       |
 | <level>.sql       | SQL Query                                                                       |
 | <level>.althead   | If <level>.sql is empty, these token will be rendered                           |
 | debugShowBodyText | If ='1' and config.qfq.ini:*showDebugInfo=yes* - shows a tooltip with bodytext  |

.. _debug:


* config.ini: *SHOW_DEBUG_INFO = yes|no|auto*

  * *yes*:

    * Form:

      * For every internal link/button, show tooltips with decoded SIP on mouseover.
      * Shows an 'Edit form'-button (wrench symbol) on a form. The link points to the T3 page with the :ref:`form-editor`.

    * Report: Will be configured per tt-content record.

      *debugShowBodyText = 1*

  * *no*: No debug info.

  * *auto*: Depending if there is a Typo3 BE session, set internally:

    * *SHOW_DEBUG_INFO = yes*  (BE session exist)
    * *SHOW_DEBUG_INFO = no*   (no BE session)

.. _variables:


Most fields of a form or report specification might contain:

* ''constants'' (=strings), this is the standard use case.
* ''variables'' retrieved from the stores (see below),
* ''SQL statements'' (limited set of),
* or any combination of the above.

* A variable (or SQL) statement is surrounded by curly braces:

  *{{VarName[:<store / prio>[:<sanitize class>[:<escape>]]]}}*

* Example:




  *{{SELECT name FROM person WHERE id=1234}}*

  *{{SELECT name FROM person WHERE id={{r}} }}*

  *{{SELECT name FROM person WHERE id={{key1:C:alnumx}} }}*

* Leading and trailing spaces inside curly braces are removed.

  * *{{ SELECT "Hello World"   }}* acts as *{{SELECT "Hello World"}}*
  * *{{ varname   }}* acts as *{{varname}}*

* There are several stores, from where to retrieve the value. If a value is not found in one store, the next store is searched,
  until a value is found or there are no more stores available.
* If anywhere along the line an empty string is found, this **is** a value: therefore, the search will stop.
* If no value is found, the value is an <empty string>.

URL Parameter

* URL (=GET) Parameter can be used in *forms* and *reports* as variables.
* If a value violates a parameter sanitize class, the value becomes an empty string.


* Variables used in SQL Statements might cause trouble, if they contain single or double ticks.
* Escaping of single or double is defined by the parameter <escape> (fourth parameter):

  * 's' - single ticks will be escaped.
  * 'd' - double ticks will be escaped.
  * 'l' - LDAP search filter values will be escaped.
  * 'L' - LDAP DN values will be escaped.
* Even it's possible to escape single and double ticks at the same time, this makes no sense.
* Which of them to escape (single or double) depends on the surrounding SQL query.
* Escaping is only necessary inside of SQL or LDAP queries.
* All values in Store *C* (Client=Browser) and store *F* (Form) will be sanitized:
* All :ref:`predefined-variable-names` have a specific default sanitize class. For these variables, it's not necessary
  to specify a sanitize class.
* All other variables (Store: C, F) get by default the sanitize class defined in the corresponding form. If not defined
  the default class is 'digit'.
* A default sanitize class can be overwritten by individual definition: *{{a:C:all}}*

| Name             | Form | Query | Pattern                                                                                 |
| **alnumx**       | Form | Query | [A-Za-z][0-9]@-_.,;: /() ÀÈÌÒÙàèìòùÁÉÍÓÚÝáéíóúýÂÊÎÔÛâêîôûÃÑÕãñõÄËÏÖÜŸäëïöüÿ             |
| **digit**        | Form | Query | [0-9]                                                                                   |
| **numerical**    | Form | Query | [0-9.-+]                                                                                |
| **email**        | Form | Query | [a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}                                          |
| **min|max**      | Form |       | Compares the value against an lower and upper limit (numeric or string).                |
| **min|max date** | Form |       | Compares the value against an lower and upper date or datetime.                         |
| **pattern**      | Form |       | Compares the value against a regexp.                                                    |
| **allbut**       | Form | Query | All characters allowed, but not [ ]  { } % & \ #. The used regexp: '^[^\[\]{}%&\\#]+$', |
| **all**          | Form | Query | no sanitizing                                                                           |


Only variables that are known in a specified store can be substituted.

 |Name |Description                                                                             | Content                                                                    |
 | F   | :ref:`STORE_FORM`: data not saved in database yet.                                     | All native *FormElements*. Recent values from the Browser.                 |
 | S   | :ref:`STORE_SIP`: Client parameter 's' will indicate the current SIP, which will be    | sip, r (recordId), form                                                    |
 |     | loaded from the SESSION repo to the SIP-Store.                                         |                                                                            |
 | R   | :ref:`STORE_RECORD`: Record - the current record loaded in the form                    | All columns of the current record from the current table                   |
 | B   | :ref:`STORE_BEFORE`: Record - the current record loaded in the form before any update  | All columns of the current record from the current table                   |
 | P   | Parent record. E.g.: on multi forms the current record of the outer query              | All columns of the MultiSQL Statement from the table for the current row   |
 | D   | Default values column : The *table.column* specified *default value*.                  |                                                                            |
 | M   | Column type: The *table.column* specified *type*                                       |                                                                            |
 | C   | :ref:`STORE_CLIENT`: POST variable, if not found: GET variable                         | Parameter sent from the Client (=Browser).                                 |
 | T   | :ref:`STORE_TYPO3`: a) Bodytext (ttcontent record), b) Typo3 internal variables        | See Typo3 tt_content record configuration                                  |
 | V   | :ref:`STORE_VARS`: Generic variables                                                   |                                                                            |
 | L   | :ref:`STORE_LDAP`: Will be filled on demand during processing of a *FormElement*       | Custom specified list of LDAP attributes                                   |
 | 0   | *Zero* - allways value: 0, might be helpful if a variable is empty or undefined and    | Any key                                                                    |
 |     | will be used in an SQL statement.                                                      |                                                                            |
 | E   | *Empty* - allways an empty string, might be helpful if a variable is empty or undefined| Any key                                                                    |
 |     | and will be used in an SQL statement                                                   |                                                                            |
 | Y   | :ref:`STORE_SYSTEM`: a) Database, b) helper vars for logging/debugging:                |                                                                            |
 |     | SYSTEM_SQL_RAW ... SYSTEM_FORM_ELEMENT_COLUMN, c) Any custom fields: CONTACT, HELP, ...|                                                                            |

* Default *<prio>*: *FSRVD* - Form / SIP / Record / Vars / Table definition.
* Hint: Preferable, parameter should be submitted by SIP, not by Client (=URL).

  * Warning: Data submitted via 'Client' can be easily spoofed and altered.
  * Best: Data submitted via SIP never leaves the server, cannot be spoofed or altered by the user.
  * SIPs can _only_ be defined by using *Report*. Inside of *Report* use columns 'Link' (with attribute 's'), 'page?' or 'Page?'.

.. _predefined-variable-names:

Predefined variable names


Store: *FORM* - F

* Sanatized: *yes*
* Represents the values in the form, typically before saving them.
* Used for:

  * *FormElements* who will be rerendered, after a parent *FormElement* has been changed by the user.
  * *FormElement* actions, before saving the form.
  * Values will be sanitized by the class configured in corresponding the *FormElement*. By default, the sanitize class is `alnumx`.

 | Name                            | Explanation                                                                                                                                |
 | <FormElement name>              | Name of native *FormElement*. To get, exactly and only, the specified *FormElement* (for 'pId'): *{{pId:F}}*                               |


Store: *SIP* - S

* Sanatized: *no*
* Filled automatically by creating links. E.g.:

  * in `Report` by using `_page?` or `_link` (with active 's')
  * in `Form` by using subrecords: 'new', 'edit', 'delete' links (system) or by column type `_page?`, `_link`.

 | Name                    | Explanation                                               |
 | sip                     | 13 char uniqid                                            |
 | r                       | current record id                                         |
 | form                    | current form name                                         |
 | table                   | current table name                                        |
 | urlparam                | all non Typo3 paramter in one string                      |
 | <user defined>          | additional user defined link parameter                    |


Store: *RECORD* - R

* Sanatized: *no*
* Current record loaded in Form.
* If r=0, alle values are empty.

 | Name                   | Explanation                                                                                                                                      |
 | <column name>          | Name of a column of the primary table (as defined in the current form). To get, exactly and only, the specified form *FormElement*: *{{pId:R}}*  |


Store: *BEFORE* - B

* Sanatized: *no*
* Current record loaded in Form without any modification.
* If r=0, alle values are empty.

This store is handy to compare new and old values of a form.

 | Name                   | Explanation                                                                                                                                      |
 | <column name>          | Name of a column of the primary table (as defined in the current form). To get, exactly and only, the specified form *FormElement*: *{{pId:R}}*  |


Store: *CLIENT* - C

* Sanatized: *yes*

 | Name                    | Explanation                                                                                                                              |
 | s                       | =SIP                                                                                                                                     |
 | r                       | record id. Typically stored in SIP, rarely specified on the URL                                                                          |
 | keySemId                | always current Semester Id                                                                                                               |
 | keySemIdUser            | *{{keySemIdUser}}*, may be changed by user                                                                                               |
 | HTTP_HOST               | current HTTP HOST                                                                                                                        |
 | REMOTE_ADDR             | Client IP address                                                                                                                        |
 | '$_SERVER[*]'           | All other variables accessable by *$_SERVER[]*. Only the often used have a pre-defined sanitize class.                                   |
 | form                    | Unique name of current form                                                                                                              |
 | ANREDE                  | *{{sex}}* == male >> Sehr geehrter Herr, *{{sex}}* == female  Sehr geehrte Frau                                                          |
 | EANREDE                 | *{{sex}}* == male >> Dear Mr., *{{sex}}* == female >> Dear Mrs.                                                                          |


Store: *TYPO3* (Bodytext) - T

* Sanatized: *no*

 | Name                    | Explanation                                                       | Note     |
 | form                    | Formname defined in ttcontent record bodytext                     | see note |
 |                         |                                                                   |          |
 |                         | * Fix. E.g. *form = person*                                       |          |
 |                         | * via SIP. E.g. *form = {{form}}*                                 |          |
 | pageId                  | Record id of current Typo3 page                                   | see note |
 | pageType                | Current selected page type (typically URL parameter 'type')       | see note |
 | pageLanguage            | Current selected page language (typically URL parameter 'L')      | see note |
 | ttcontentUid            | Record id of current Typo3 content element                        | see note |
 | feUser                  | Logged in Typo3 FE User                                           |          |
 | feUserUid               | Logged in Typo3 FE User uid                                       |          |
 | feUserGroup             | FE groups of logged in Typo3 FE User                              |          |

* **note**: not available
  * by *FormElement* class 'action' with type 'beforeSave', 'afterSave', 'beforeDelete', 'afterDelete'.


Store: *VARS* - V

* Sanatized: *no*

 | Name                    | Explanation                                                                                                                                |
 | random                  | random string with length of 32 chars, alphanum                                                                                            |
 | slaveId                 | see *FormElement* `action`                                                                                                                 |
 | filename                | Original filename of an uploaded file via an 'upload'-FormElement. Valid only during processing of the current 'upload'-formElement.       |
 | fileDestinaton          | Destination (path & filename) for an uploaded file. Defined in an 'upload'-FormElement.parameter. Valid: same as 'filename'.               |


Store: *LDAP* - L

* Sanatized: *yes*

 | Name                    | Explanation                                                                                                                                |
 | <custom defined>        | See *ldapAttributes*                                                                                                                       |


Store: *SYSTEM* - Y

* Sanatized: *no*

 | Name                    | Explanation                                                              |
 | DB_USER                 | defined in config.ini                                                    |
 | DB_SERVER               | defined in config.ini                                                    |
 | DB_NAME                 | defined in config.ini                                                    |
 | DB_INIT                 | defined in config.ini                                                    |
 | SQL_LOG                 | defined in config.ini                                                    |
 | SQL_LOG_MODE            | defined in config.ini                                                    |
 | SHOW_DEBUG_INFO         | defined in config.ini                                                    |
 | CSS_LINK_CLASS_INTERNAL | defined in config.ini                                                    |
 | CSS_LINK_CLASS_EXTERNAL | defined in config.ini                                                    |
 | CSS_CLASS_QFQ_CONTAINER | defined in config.ini                                                    |
 | EXT_PATH                | computed during runtime                                                  |
 | SITE_PATH               | computed during runtime                                                  |
 | DATE_FORMAT             | defined in config.ini                                                    |
 | class                   | defined in config.ini (CSS_CLASS_QFQ_FORM) or form definition            |
 | classPill               | defined in config.ini (CSS_CLASS_QFQ_FORM_PILL) or form definition       |
 | classBody               | defined in config.ini (CSS_CLASS_QFQ_FORM_BODY) or form definition       |
 | data-pattern-error      | defined in config.ini or form definition                                 |
 | data-require-error      | defined in config.ini or form definition                                 |
 | data-match-error        | defined in config.ini or form definition                                 |
 | data-error              | defined in config.ini or form definition                                 |
 | bsColumns               | defined in config.ini (FORM_BS_COLUMNS) or form definition               |
 | bsLabelColumns          | defined in config.ini (FORM_BS_LABEL_COLUMNS) or form definition         |
 | bsInputColumns          | defined in config.ini (FORM_BS_INPUT_COLUMNS) or form definition         |
 | bsNoteColumns           | defined in config.ini (FORM_BS_NOTE_COLUMNS) or form definition          |
 | sqlFinal                | computed during runtime, used for error reporting                        |
 | sqlParamArray           | computed during runtime, used for error reporting                        |
 | sqlCount                | computed during runtime, used for error reporting                        |

SQL Statement

* The detection of an SQL command is case *insensitive*.
* Leading  whitespace will be skipped.
* The following commands are interpreted as SQL commands:


* A SQL Statement might contain parameters, including additional SQL statements. Inner SQL queries will be executed first.
* All variables will be substituted one by one from inner to outer.
* Maximum recursion depth: 5 (a recursion depth of 2 is sometimes used for mailing with templates, 3 and more probably confuses too much and is therefore not practicable, but supported until depth of 5)
* The number of variables inside an input field or a SQL statement is not limited.
* A resultset of a SQL statement will be imploded over all: concat all columns of a row, concat all rows - there is no glue string.

* Example::

  {{SELECT id, name FROM Person}}
  {{SELECT id, name, IF({{feUser}}=0,'Yes','No')  FROM Vorlesung WHERE sem_id={{keySemId:Y}} }}
  {{SELECT id, city FROM Address AS adr WHERE adr.pId={{SELECT id FROM Account AS acc WHERE{{feUser}} }} }}

* Special case for SELECT input fields. To deliver a result array specify an '!' before the SELECT: ::

   {{!SELECT ...}}

  * This is only possible for the outermost SELECT.

A form can retrieve data from LDAP server(s) to display or to save them. Configuration options for LDAP will be specified
in the *parameter* field of the *Form* and/or the *FormElement*. Definitions of the *FormElement* will overwrite definitions
of the *Form*. One LDAP Server can be configured per *FormElement*. Multiple *FormElements* might use individual LDAP
Server configurations.
To decide which Parameter should be placed on *Form.parameter* and which on *FormElement.parameter*: If LDAP access is ...

* only necessary in one *FormElement*, most usefull setup is to specify all values in that specific *FormElement*,
* needed on multiple *FormElement*s (of the same *Form*, e.g. one *input* with *typeAhead*, one *note* and one *action*), it's more
  efficient to specify the base parameter *ldapServer*, *ldapBaseDn* in *Form.parameter* and the rest on the current

| Parameter                   | Example                          | Description                                                   | Form | FormElement | Used for |
| ldapServer                  |            | Hostname. For LDAPS: `ldaps://`      | x    | x           | TA, FSL  |
| ldapBaseDn                  | ou=Addressbook,dc=example,dc=com | Base DN to start the search                                   | x    | x           | TA, FSL  |
| ldapAttributes              | cn, email                        | List of attributes to save in STORE_LDAP                      | x    | x           | FSL      |
| ldapSearch                  | (      | Regular LDAP search expresssion                               | x    | x           | FSL      |
| ldapTimeLimit               | 3 (default)                      | Maximum time to wait for an answer of the LDAP Server         | x    | x           | TA, FSL  |
| ldapUseBindCredentials      | ldapUseBindCredentials=1         | Use LDAP_1_* crendentials from config.qfq.ini for ldap_bind() | x    | x           | TA, FSL  |
| typeAheadLdap               | -                                | Enable LDAP as 'Typeahead' data source                        |      | x           | TA       |
| typeAheadLdapSearch         | `(|(cn=*?*)(mail=*?*))`          | Regular LDAP search expresssion, returns upto typeAheadLimit  | x    | x           | TA       |
| typeAheadLdapSearchPrefetch | `(mail=?)`                       | Regular LDAP search expresssion, typically return one record  | x    | x           | TA       |
| typeAheadLdapSearchPerToken | -                                | Split search value in token and permutate search combination  | x    | x           | TA       |
| typeAheadLdapValuePrintf    | `'%s / %s', cn, mail`            | Custom format to display attributes, as `value`               | x    | x           | TA       |
| typeAheadLdapIdPrintf       | `'%s', mail`                     | Custom format to display attributes, as `id`                  | x    | x           | TA       |
| typeAheadLimit              | 20 (default)                     | Result will be limited to this number of entries              | x    | x           | TA       |
| typeAheadPedantic           | typeAheadPedantic                | Activate 'pedantic' mode - only valid keys are allowed        | x    | x           | TA       |
| typeAheadMinLength          | 2 (default)                      | Minimum number of characters before starting the search       | x    | x           | TA       |
| fillStoreLdap               | -                                | Activate `Fill STORE LDAP` with the first retrieved record    |      | x           | FSL      |
* *typeAheadLimit*: there might be a hard limit on the server side (e.g. 100) - which can't be extended.
* *ldapUseBindCredentials* is only necessary if `anonymous` access is not possible. RDN and password has to be configured in

.. _LDAP_Typeahead:

Typeahead (TA)

*Typeahead* offers continous searching of a LDAP directoy by using a regular *FormElement* of type *text*.
The *FormElement.parameter*=*typeAheadLdap* will trigger LDAP searches on every user **keystroke**
(starting after *typeAheadMinLength* keystrokes) for the current *FormElement* - this is different from *dynamicUpdate*
(triggered by leaving focus of an input element). Typeahead delivers a list of elements.

* *FormElement.parameter.typeAheadLdap* - activate the mode *Typeahead* - no value is needed, the existence is suffucient.
* *Form.parameter* or *FormElement.parameter*:

  * *ldapServer* = ``
  * *ldapBaseDn* =  `ou=Addressbook,dc=example,dc=com`
  * *typeAheadLdapSearch* = `(|(cn=*?*)(mail=*?*))`
  * *typeAheadLdapValuePrintf* = `'%s / %s', cn, email`
  * *typeAheadLdapIdPrintf* = `'%s', email`
  * Optional: *ldapUseBindCredentials* = 1

All fetched LDAP values will be formatted with:
* *typeAheadLdapValuePrintf*, shown to the user in a drop-down box and
* *typeAheadLdapIdPrintf*, which represents the final data to save.
The `id/value` translation is compareable to a regular select drop-down box with id/value pairs.
Only attributes, defined in *typeAheadLdapValuePrintf* / *typeAheadLdapIdPrintf* will be fetched from the LDAP directory.
To examine all possible values of an LDAP server, use the commandline tool `ldapsearch`. E.g.::

  ldapsearch -x -h -L -b ou=Addressbook,dc=example,dc=com "("

All occurences of a '?' in *ldapSearch* will be replaced by the user data typed in via the text-*FormElement*.
The typed data will be escaped to fullfill LDAP search limitations.
Regular *Form* variables might be used on all parameter and will be evaluated during form load (!) - *not* at the time when
the user types something.


In case the typed value (technically this is the value of the *id*, latest in the moment when loosing the focus) have
to be a valid (= exist on the LDAP server), the *typeAheadPedantic* mode can be activated.
If the user typed something and that is not a valid *id*, the client (=browser) will delete the input when loosing the focus.
To identify the exact *id*, an additional search filter is necessary: `ypeAheadLdapSearchPrefetch` - see next topic.

* *Form.parameter* or *FormElement.parameter*:

  * *typeAheadPedantic*


After 'form load' with an existing record, the user epects to see the previous saved data. In case there is an *id* to
*value* translation, the *value* does not exist in the database, instead it has to be fetched again dynamically from the
LDAP server. A precise LDAP query has to be defined to force this:

* *Form.parameter* or *FormElement.parameter*:

  * *typeAheadLdapSearchPrefetch* = `(mail=?)`

This situation also applies in *pedantic* mode to verify the user input after each change.

Sometimes a LDAP server only provides attributes like 'sn' and 'givenName', but not 'displayName' or a practial combination of
multiple attributes - than it is difficult to search for 'firstname' and (=boolean AND) 'lastname'. E.g. 'John Doe', results to search like
`(|(sn=*John Doe*)(givenName=*John Doe*))` which will be probably always be empty.
Instead, the user input has to be splitted in token and the search string has to repeated for every token.
* *Form.parameter* or *FormElement.parameter*:

  * *typeAheadLdapSearchPerToken* - no value needed.

This will repeat the search string per token.

   Ldap search string: (|(a=*?*)(b=*?*))

   Result: (& (|(a=*X*)(b=*X*)) (|(a=*Y*)(b=*Y*))
Attention: this option is only usefull in specific environments.
.. _Fill_LDAP_STORE:


Before processing a *FormElement*, an optional configured FSL-action loads **one** record from a LDAP directory and stores
the named attributes in STORE_LDAP. If the LDAP search query selects more than one record, only the first record is processed.
The attributes names always becomes lowercase (PHP implentation detail on get_ldap_entries()) in the store. To make
accessing STORE_LDAP easily, the keys are implemented case insensitive for this specific store. FLS is triggered during *Form*-...
* load,
* dynamic update,
* save.

The FLS happens *before* the main *FormElement* processing starts. Therefore the fetched LDAP data (specified by *ldapAttributes*),
are available via `{{<attributename>:L:allbut:s}}` during the regular *FormElement* processing. Take care to specify
a sanatize class and optional escaping on further processing of those data.

Important: LDAP access might slow down the *Form* processing on load, update or save! The timeout (default: 3 seconds) have
 to be multiplied by the number of accesses. E.g. a broken LDAP connection and 3 *FormELements* with *FSL*
 results to 9 seconds delay on save. Also be prepared not to receive the expected data.

* *FormElement.parameter.fillStoreLdap* - activate the mode *Fill S* - no value is needed, the existence is suffucient.
* *Form.parameter* or *FormElement.parameter*:

  * *ldapServer* = ``
  * *ldapBaseDn* =  `ou=Addressbook,dc=example,dc=com`
  * *typeAheadLdapSearch* = `(|(cn=*?*)(mail=*?*))`
  * *ldapAttributes* = `givenName, sn, telephoneNumber, email`
  * *ldapSearch* = `(mail={{email::l}})`
  * Optional: *ldapUseBindCredentials* = 1

After filling the store, access the content via `{{<attributename>:allbut:L:s}}`.


* Forms will be created by using the *QFQ Form Editor* on the Typo3 frontend (HTML form).
* The Formeditor itself consist of two predefined QFQ forms: *form* and *formElement*
* Every form consist of a) a *Form* record and b) multiple *FormElement* records.
* A form is assigned to a  *table*. Such a table is called the *primary table* for this form.
* There are three types of forms which can roughly categorized into:

  * *Simple* form: the form acts on one record, stored in one table.

    * The form will create necessary SQL commands for insert, update and delete (only primary record) automatically.

  * *Advanced* form: the form acts on multiple records, stored in more than one table.