Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with Docker version 18.09.2
Other Documentation
More documentation and docker tips are located in:
Build Images
Clone the docker image repository:
git clone https://systemvcs.math.uzh.ch/megger/qfq_docker.git
Build images as explained in the README.md of the image repository. For the below scripts to work please name the images
Run and Interact with Containers
Run qfq in docker container from scratch
clone qfq git project
git clone https://git.math.uzh.ch/typo3/qfq
change to project directory (qfq)
make bootstrap
cd docker
open the newly generated file run_qfq_docker.output and copy the value of T3_PORT. In a browser go to<T3_PORT>.
Deploy qfq extension changes to running container
Assumes you have run qfq in docker as explained above.
- change to docker directory
Dump QFQ and (truncated) Typo3 databases to docker directory
Assumes you have run qfq in docker as explained above.
- again from the docker directory run
(this will overwrite the db_fixtrue_*.sql files)
Run Phpmyadmin
ATTENTION: Use Firefox if Phpmyadmin login does not work in Chrome!
Assumes you have run qfq in docker as explained above.
- change to docker directory and run
- open the file run_qfq_docker.output and copy the value of PMA_PORT. In a browser (Firefox) go to<PMA_PORT>.
Run selenium tests on local machine (with visible browser)
Assumes you have run qfq in docker as explained above.
- Install selenium for python:
python3 -m pip install --user selenium
- again from the docker directory run
Run a single selenium test file on local machine
Assumes you have run qfq in docker as explained above.
- copy T3_PORT from docker/run_qfq_docker.output
- Export variables (replace <T3_PORT>):
- in extension/Tests/selenium run
python <selenium test file>.py
Run selenium tests in docker container (test execution not visible)
Assumes you have run qfq in docker as explained above.
- from the docker directory run
Permanently remove all above created containers and their data
(only removes the containers listed in run_qfq_docker.output)
- from the docker directory run
WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable needs to be in PATH
Download Chromedriver:
wget -O /tmp/chromedriver.zip http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/`curl -sS chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE`/chromedriver_linux64.zip
Unzip chromedriver to current working directory
unzip /tmp/chromedriver.zip chromedriver
export chromedriver path environment variable before running selenium tests locally
export CHROMEDRIVER_PATH=<absolute path to chromedriver>/chromedriver