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  • #js_formupdate
  • 10115ThypeAheadStaticList2
  • B10117TypeAheadAfterSaveJSONIsShown
  • B10554extraButtonLockSeemsToBeBroken
  • B10754failMakeDocLocal
  • B11325_sql_call
  • B11517_extraButtonInfo_notVisible
  • B11865FormEditorExceptionWhenEditedAfterSave
  • B12015FormInsteadOfFormInOldFormListReport
  • B12016passwordHasingTypo3v8NotWorking
  • B12186_TinyMCE_Config_für_Objekte
  • B12341FormSubmitLogBroken
  • B12395DoubleOutputWhenFunctionWithSql
  • B12468FormTitleAfterSave
  • B12674-QFQ_Function_subheader_skip_deleted
  • B13659-Sanatize-class-for-reserved-keyword-in-report
  • B13899_fix_deprecations
  • B14288removed_upload
  • B14530_action_X_no_debug_message
  • B15314_CatchAll_with_logged_in_FE/BE_does_not_respect_the_current_logged_in_user_
  • v24.12.0
  • v24.10.0
  • v24.7.0
  • v24.5.1
  • v24.5.0
  • v24.3.0
  • test-alfred20
  • v23.10.1
  • v23.10.0
  • v23.6.4
  • v23.6.3
  • v23.6.2
  • v23.6.1
  • v23.6.0
  • v23.3.1
  • v23.3.0
  • v23.2.0
  • v23.1.1
  • v23.1.0
  • v22.12.1
40 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.023May222117161514131211105130Apr2928272625242322212019181716151412111098543231Mar30292826222120191817161514131211765432128Feb2726252322212015139876532131Jan302826252423211918171615141312111098765432131Decimagecut working! (change from merge)F11850: comment Code. Refs #11850imagecut still buggy (change from merge)F11850: comment Code. Optimize MultiFormTest #11850filepond minor changes (change from merge)subrecord column title maxlength (change from merge)Merge branch 'develop' into F17252_Renderer_RefactoringF11850: Implement Unit Test for MultiForm. Fix Bug, optimize saveMultiForm, implement create Pill and update Pill im formWizard.json #11850imageCut: failed to read image does not throw exception anymore.Merge branch 'B18610_Missing-imageSource' into 'develop'Reload STORE_RECORD after uploadFix FormElement Title: strip html tagsF11850: implement to see defaultvalues in formWizard.json Refs #11850Merge branch 'B18604-CodeCorrectionError' into 'develop'sanitization was to lateMade a getter for commentsSanitize " & removed commentsF11850: add formWizard.json. #11850F11850: Adjust deleteRow function in multiform.jsF11850: Implement function processRow . #11850F11850: Implement to render delete Button and a hidden template element for Multiform in buildMultiForm(). Create a new function retriveNewElements. Implement to delete row in multiform.js. #11850F11850: Implement to render add Button and a hidden template element for Multiform in buildMultiForm(). Create a new function addGenericElements to be able fake new records. New Constants for Multiform. Implement to add new row in multiform.js. Create new CSS-Class for dummy-row #11850Doc: rewrite some paragraphs about intitialization.Doc: move 'initialization from 'Installation' to 'Concept'fix typoMerge branch 'F18547-Create-QFQ-tables-on-demand' into 'develop'Add doc for FormWizardFix unit testAdd doc in pageslug migration wizard: how to disable migration wizard.Choose better defaults for empty configRename qfq sql files to match new convention. Catch exception for missing function and check if is QFQ.Write some inline notes.Fix unit testsExisting tables are disbaled.After playing the SQL file the browser is redirected to the referer.Table SQL is played.Add chromedrive to .gitignoreException shows form with all tables to create.Exception shows form with all tables to create.Add /extension/Tests/selenium/selenium_logs .gitignore for selenium tests