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Refs #12439 Rename 'javascript/src/Plugins/tinymce.charCount.js' to...

Closed Carsten Rose requested to merge f12439-CharacterCount into develop
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@@ -1545,7 +1545,7 @@ Explanation:
Type: editor
* TinyMCE (, community edition) is used as the QFQ Rich Text Editor.
* TinyMCE (, community edition) is used as QFQ Rich Text Editor.
* The content will be saved as HTML inside the database.
* All configuration and plugins will be configured via the 'parameter' field. Just prepend the word 'editor-' in front
of each TinyMCE keyword. Check possible options under:
@@ -1558,11 +1558,12 @@ Type: editor
* Top: *menubar* - by default hidden.
* Top: *toolbar* - by default visible.
* Bottom: *statusbar* - by default hidden, exception: *min_height* and *max_height* are given via size parameter.
* Bottom: *statusbar* - by default hidden, exception: *min_height* and *max_height* are given via size parameter or
*maxLength* is given.
* The default setting in *FormElement.parameter* is::
editor-plugins=code link lists searchreplace table textcolor textpattern visualchars
editor-plugins=code link lists searchreplace table textcolor textpattern visualchars paste
editor-toolbar=code searchreplace undo redo | styleselect link table | fontselect fontsizeselect | bullist numlist outdent indent | forecolor backcolor bold italic editor-menubar=false
@@ -1581,6 +1582,15 @@ Type: editor
editor-content_css = fileadmin/custom.css
* *FormElement.size* = <min_height>,<max_height>: in pixels, including top and bottom bars. E.g.: 300,600
* *FormElement.maxLength* = <max in browser>[,<max on server>] - e.g.: 1000 or 1000,1500
* *max in browser*: Only text, without any formatting, is counted. The value here is neither number of characters
nor number of bytes (in UTF8 bytes and characters don't have to be equal). For the counting, all HTML tags are skipped.
The current count is displayed in the status bar at the bottom. When the content is saved, all HTML tags are saved too.
Therefore you should definitely reserve some extra space in the table column.
* *max on server*: This can be upto the size of the table column. It is the real maximum which will be stored. Every
character is counted. Again be careful, UTF8 character might need several bytes.
Type: annotate