- Feb 05, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
QuickFormQuery: renamed from Form.php to QuickFormQuery.php. Include 'Report'. New: If there is no formname specified, this is not an error anymore - just do nothing. QuickFormQueryTest: renamed from FormTest.php to QuickFormQueryTest.php formEditor.sql: Fixed some missing 'not null' definitions. BuildFormPlainTest, SipTest: Adjustments from renaming Form.php qfq.php: renamed from form.php to qfq.php index.php: Adjustments from renaming form.php report.php: new test file, to see something with report (not working now)
Carsten Rose authored
- Feb 03, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
AbstractBuildForm: new getColumnSize() - retrieve size limit for a column from the table definitiom. $formElement['maxLength'] will be checked against the max physical size and adjusted where necessary. Implemented 'tooltip' as a title tag. All rendered HTML Attributes are now trimmed. getInputCheckPattern(): fixed a bug and new check if min|max are set. Renamed extractKeyValueList() to getKeyValueListFromSqlEnumSpec(). BuildFormPlainTest: new
Carsten Rose authored
Form: added flag $phpUnit. AbstractBuildForm: added one line description to all functions. Subrecords: changed column title delimiter from '@' to '|' to be more consistant to other places in QFQ.
- Feb 02, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
Store, Constants, Save, StoreTest: undo renaming STORE_0 back to STORE_ZERO. const with a number at the end seems not to be accepted in the phpunittests.
Carsten Rose authored
Form: changed detection of load/saved from POST SIP Parameter to POST/GET Method. Introduced Save. Now, loadFormSpecification() differentiate between load and save. Save: new. formEditor: fixed some minor bugs in form specification.
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
AbstractBuildForm: parentRecords can now overwritten. Rewrite getActionUrl(). Used new HelperFormElement::buildFormElementId(). Fixed error that textarea elements didn't displayed any value. Removed hidden element for checkboxes. Renamed buildHidden() to buildNativeHidden(). New buildHidden() which stores Hidden value in SIP (instead of transferring via form). BuiltForm*: moved SIP to POST element (builtNewSep() ).
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Store: Removed CLIENT_POST_ID and CLIENT_GET_ID. Various functions: check if supplied store is known. Check that STORE_ZERO never saves a value. New mode for setVar(): overWrite. Constants: New qfq.log. SQL_FORM_ELEMENT splitted to SQL_FORM_ELEMENT_SPECIFIC_CONTAINER|ALL_CONTAINER. New ROW_INSERT, ROW_UPDATE. Renamed STORE_ZERO to STORE_0.
Carsten Rose authored
DbException: minor renaming. HelpFormElement: New buildFormElementId. Support: New log().
Carsten Rose authored
Database: renamed rowCount() to getRowCount(). Additonal error message for sql(), New: dbLog(). prepareExecute will log all fired queries.
- Feb 01, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
- Jan 30, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
BuildFormPlain: moved 'head()' to AbstractBuildForm. BuilFormTable: adjusted to use generic getFormTag().
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
- Jan 29, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
- Jan 28, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
HelperFormElement, KeyValueStringParser, AbstractBuildFormd, Constants, Database: All Exceptions supplied with an error code
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
AbstractBuildForm: Select Statements might contain empty lists. First version of editlink(). Subrecords with links to detailform.
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Form: Error Message if multiple forms have the same name.
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Store: in function fillSip added parameter 's' and 'SIP_URL_PARAM'. getStore() now handles non existing stores well.
Carsten Rose authored
Sip.php: renamed urlParamToSip to queryStringToSip, getSipFromUrlParam to getSipFromQueryString. Added getQueryStringFromSip
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
- Jan 27, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
AbstractBuildForm: subrecord extended with Prameter 'form' and 'detail'. Renderung subrecord columns rewritten and two new columntypes added: 'url', 'mailto'