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Installation.rst 78.1 KiB
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.. ==================================================
.. ==================================================
.. ==================================================
.. Header hierarchy
.. ==
..  --
..   ^^
..    ""
..     ;;
..      ,,
.. --------------------------------------------used to the update the records specified ------
.. Best Practice T3 reST:
..             Reference:
.. Italic *italic*
.. Bold **bold**
.. Code ``text``
.. External Links: `Bootstrap <>`_
.. Internal Link: :ref:`downloadButton` (default url text) or :ref:`download Button<downloadButton>` (explicit url text)
Carsten  Rose's avatar
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.. Add Images:    .. image:: ./Images/a4.jpg
.. Admonitions
..           .. note::   .. important::     .. tip::     .. warning::
.. Color:   (blue)       (orange)           (green)      (red)
.. Definition:
.. some text becomes strong (only one line)
..      description has to indented

.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM.

.. include:: Includes.txt

.. _installation:


The following features are only tested / supported on linux hosts:

* General: QFQ is coded to run on Linux hosts, preferable on Debian derivates like Ubuntu.
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* HTML to PDF conversion - command `wkhtmltopdf` and `qfqpdf`.
* Concatenation of PDF files - command `pdfunite`.
* Convert of images to PDF files - command `img2pdf`.
* PDF decrypt (used for merge with pdfunite) - command `qpdf`.
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* PDF decrypt (used for merge with pdfunite) - command `gs` - if `qpdf` is not successful.
* PDF fix (used for merge with pdfunite) - command `pdf2ps` and `ps2pdf` - if `qpdf` is not successful.
* Mime type detection for uploads - command `file`.
* Split PDF into JPG - command `convert`.
* Repair PDF - command `pdftocairo`.
* Convert HEIC/HEIF to png - command `heif-info` and `heif-convert`.

.. _`preparation`:


Report & Form

To normalize UTF8 input, *php-intl* package is needed by

* normalizer::normalize()

For the :ref:`download` function, the programs `img2pdf`, `pdfunite`, `qpdf`, `gs`, `pdf2ps`, `ps2pdf` and `file` are
necessary to concatenate PDF files.

Preparation for Ubuntu::

  sudo apt install php-intl
  # for file upload, PDF and 'HTML to PDF' (wkhtmltopdf), PDF split
  sudo apt install poppler-utils libxrender1 file pdf2svg qpdf ghostscript img2pdf libheif-examples
  sudo apt install inkscape imagemagick            # to render thumbnails

.. _wkhtml:

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HTML to PDF: qfqpdf

The below named `wkhtml` becomes more and more outdated (no further development). As a replacement, QFQ started to use
puppeteer ( The tool can't be used directly, a wrapper is neccessary
which is available under The wrapper uses and installs always the latest version of
puppeteer. On first start and during updates, it might take longer to render a pdf.


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    mkdir /opt/qfqpdf; cd /opt/qfqpdf
Carsten  Rose's avatar
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    curl -L -o qfqpdf
    chmod a+x qfqpdf
    ./qfqpdf --version

HTML to PDF: wkhtmltopdf

`wkhtmltopdf <>`_ will be used by QFQ to offer 'website print' and 'HTML to PDF' conversion.
The program is not included in QFQ and has to be manually installed.

* The Ubuntu package `wkhtmltopdf` needs a running Xserver - this does not work on a headless webserver.

  * Best is to install the QT version from the named website above.
  * In case of trouble with wkhtmltopdf, also install 'libxrender1'.
  * The current version 0.12.4 might have trouble with https connections. Version 0.12.5-dev (github master branch)
    seems more reliable. Please contact the QFQ authors if you need a compiled Ubuntu version of wkhtmltopdf.

In :ref:`configuration` specify::

    config.cmdWkhtmltopdf:  /opt/wkhtmltox/bin/wkhtmltopdf

If wkhtml has been compiled with dedicated libraries (not part of LD_LIBRARY_PATH), specify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH together
with the path-filename::

    config.cmdWkhtmltopdf: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/wkhtmltox/lib /opt/wkhtmltox/bin/wkhtmltopdf

.. important::

    To access FE_GROUP protected pages or content, it's necessary to disable the `[FE][lockIP]` check! `wkhtml`
    will access the Typo3 page locally (localhost) and that IP address is different from the client (=user) IP.

Configure via Typo3 Installtool `All configuration > $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']`: ::

   [FE][lockIP] = 0

.. warning::

    ``[FE][lockIP] = 0`` disables an important anti-'session hijacking' protection. The security level of the whole installation
    will be *lowered*! Again, this is only needed if `wkhtml` needs access to FE_GROUP protected pages & content. As an
    alternative to lower the security level, create a separated page subtree which is only accessible (configured via
    Typoscript) from specific IPs **or** if a FE-User is logged in.

If there are problems with converting/downloading FE_GROUP protected pages, check :ref:`configuration` `showDebugInfo = download` to debug.

.. note::

    Converting HTML to PDF gives no error message but RC=-1? Check carefully all includes of CSS, JS, images
    and so on! Typically some of them fails to load and wkhtml stops running! Verify the correct loading of all elements
    by calling the site via a regular browser and bypassing any browser cache (Ctrl F5).

.. note::

   On Ubuntu, Apache is started by default with `LANG=C`. This is true even when the OS default locale is set to `en_US.UTF-8`.
   Furthermore, all child processes of Apache will inherit `LANG=C`. Some PHP functions (like 'escapeshellarg()')
   or `wkhtml` will strip all non-ASCII characters (e.g. commandline arguments).

   Let Apache run with the system locale: `/etc/apache/envvars`, activate the line `. /etc/default/locale` and restart Apache.

Checklist wkhtml problems

* `config.baseUrl` is configured and correct.
* To track down problems:

  * In :ref:`configuration` set `debug.showDebugInfo=auto,download`.
  * Do the download.
  * Check :ref:`QFQ_LOG` for any output.
  * Grab the URL given in the :ref:`QFQ_LOG`, open a browser in private mode (no existing browser session) and open the URL.
  * Check the `--cookie-jar '/tmp/qfq.cookie....'` file for the cookie.
  * Call wkhtml manually on the webserver, with the same options as given in the :ref:`QFQ_LOG`.


Different browser prints the same page in different variations. To prevent this, QFQ implements a small PHP wrapper
`print.php` with uses `wkhtmltopdf` to convert HTML to PDF.

Provide a `print this page`-link (replace 'current pageId' )::

  <a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/print.php?id={current pageId}">Print this page</a>

Any parameter specified after `print.php` will be delivered to `wkhtmltopdf` as part of the URL.

Typoscript code to implement a print link on every page::

  10 = TEXT
  10 {
    wrap = <a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/print.php?id=|&type=99"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-print" aria-hidden="true"></span> Printview</a>
    data = page:uid

Send Email

QFQ sends mail via `sendEmail` - a small perl script without a central

By default, `sendEmail` uses the local installed MTA, writes a logfile to `fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/log/mail.log` and handles attachments
via commandline options. A basic HTML email support is implemented.

**NOTE**: The `log` directory has been moved into `qfqProject` with a recent upgrade of QFQ. For backwards compatibility logs are still stored in `fileadmin/protected/log/` if that directory already exists.

The latest version is v1.56, which has at least one bug. That one is patched in the QFQ internal version v1.56p1 (see
QFQ GIT sources in directory 'patches/sendEmail.patch').

Nevertheless, on latest system the TLS support is broken - please check :ref:`sendEmailProblem`.

The Typo3 sendmail eco-system is not used at all by QFQ.

.. _`thumbnail`:


Thumbnails will be rendered via ImageMagick ( 'convert' and 'inkscape' (
'inkscape' is only used for '.svg' files.

The Typo3 graphic eco-system is not used at all by QFQ.

Usage: :ref:`column-thumbnail`.

.. important::

If there are no thumbnails and you see ``convert-im6.q16: no images defined`` in syslog: Check file
``/etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml`` and update:

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
  old: ``<policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" />``

  New: ``<policy domain="coder" rights="read | write" pattern="PDF" />``

* Install the extension via the Extension Manager.

  * If you install the extension by manual download/upload and get an error message
    "can't activate extension": rename the downloaded zip file to `` or `qfq_<version>.zip` (e.g. version: 18.12.0).

  * If the Extension Manager stops after importing: check your memory limit in php.ini.

* Copy/rename the file *<site path>/fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/conf/example.qfq.json* to *<site path>/fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/conf/qfq.json*.
  Configure the necessary settings :ref:`configuration`
  The configuration file is outside of the extension directory, to not loose it during de-install and install again.
* When the QFQ Extension is called the first time on the Typo3 frontend, the file *<ext_dir>/Classes/Sql/qfqDefaultTables.sql* will
  played and fills the database with the QFQ system tables.

* Configure Typoscript to include Bootstrap, jQuery, QFQ javascript and CSS files.

.. _setup-css-js:

Setup CSS & JS

    page.meta {
        X-UA-Compatible = IE=edge
        X-UA-Compatible.attribute = http-equiv
        viewport=width=device-width, initial-scale=1

    page.includeCSS {
        file01 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/bootstrap.min.css
        file02 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/bootstrap-theme.min.css
        file03 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/qfq-bs.css
        file04 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/tablesorter-bootstrap.css
        file05 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/font-awesome.min.css
        file06 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.css
        file07 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/codemirror.css
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        # Only needed if FullCalendar is used
        file10 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/fullcalendar.min.css
Carsten  Rose's avatar
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        # Only needed if FormElement 'upload' filepond is used
        file11 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/filepond.min.css

    page.includeJS {
        file01 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/jquery.min.js
        file02 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap.min.js
        file03 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/validator.min.js
        file04 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/tinymce.min.js
        file05 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/EventEmitter.min.js
        file06 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/qfq.min.js
        file07 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/typeahead.bundle.min.js
        file08 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/jquery.tablesorter.combined.min.js
        file09 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/jquery.tablesorter.pager.min.js
        file10 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/widget-columnSelector.min.js
        file11 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/moment.min.js
        file12 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js
        file13 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/codemirror.min.js
        file14 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/code-mirror-mode/sql/sql.min.js
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        # Only needed if FormElement 'annotate' is used.
        file20 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/fabric.min.js
        file21 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/qfq.fabric.min.js
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        # Only needed if FullCalendar is used.
        file22 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/fullcalendar.min.js
Carsten  Rose's avatar
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        # Only needed if widget-output is used.
        file23 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/widget-output.min.js
Carsten  Rose's avatar
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        # Only needed if FormElement 'upload' filepond is used.
        file24 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/filepond.min.js
        file25 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/filepond-plugin-file-validate-size.min.js
        file25 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/filepond-plugin-file-validate-type.min.js
.. _datetimepicker:

There are three types of datetimepicker available which can be set over QFQ-Configuration, Form.parameter and FormElement.parameter.::

   dateTimePickerType = qfq
   dateTimePickerType = browser
   dateTimePickerType = no


Is set as default and gives best experience. For this type following steps are needed to do at first time:

Include these JS and CSS Files to get datetimepicker work:

* bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.css
* bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js

As first option both can be inserted to the setup of the main Template like the other scripts shown above.

Second option is to use the UZH CD template.

Following configurations can be set over FormElement.parameter:

dateFormat = *DD.MM.YYYY* | *MM-DD-YYYY* -> DD:day of month,MM:month value,YYYY:year value
dateDaysOfWeekEnabled = *0,1,6* -> 0:sunday,1:monday,2:tuesday,3:wednesday,4:thursday,5:friday,6:saturday
dateLocale = *en* | *de* -> Set language
min = *03.05.2022* | *03.05.2022 14:00:00* -> minDate that can be set for date or datetime
max = *23.07.2022* | *23.07.2022 13:00:00* -> maxDate that can be set for date or datetime
dateViewModeDefault = *days* | *months* | *years*
clearMe = *0* | *1* -> show clear button
dateShowCalendarWeeks = *false* | *true*
dateUseCurrentDatetime = *false* | *true*
datetimeSideBySide = *false* | *true* -> Show time right to date


For this datetimepicker most options are given from browser and there only can be set max and min date as own parameters.
Date format can not be changed, means dateFormat settings and parameters dont have impact on this type of datetimepicker.
It will be used for datetime, date and time.


This option deactivates the datetimepicker and allows a normal user input. Input still will be checked for correct format and following parameters are available too:

* dateFormat
* min
* max
* clearMe

.. _form-editor:


Setup a *report* to manage all *forms*:

* Create a Typo3 page.
* Set the 'URL slug' to `/form` (recommended) or the individual defined value in parameter `editFormPage` (configuration_).
* Insert a content record of type *qfq*.
* In the bodytext insert the following code (see explanation of code: :ref:`reportAsFile`)::

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Carsten  Rose's avatar
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* Twig version of FormEditor::

During the first run (or on QFQ update), the forms defined in `Resources/Private/Form/*` are imported. These are system
forms and might be overwritten through QFQ when during QFQ updates.

.. _install-checklist:

Installation: Check List

* Protect the directory `<T3 installation>/fileadmin/protected` in Apache against direct file access.

  * `<T3 installation>/fileadmin/protected/` should be used for confidential (uploaded / generated) data.
  * `<T3 installation>/fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/log/...` is the default place for QFQ log files.

* Protect the directory `<T3 installation>/fileadmin` in Apache to not execute PHP Scripts - malicious uploads won't be executed.
* Correctly set the QFQ extension setting "base url" in the typo3 backend.
* Setup a log rotation rule for `sqlLog`.
* Check that `sqlLogMode` is set to `modify` on productive sites. With `none` you have no chance to find out who changed
  which data and `all` really logs a mass of data.

Encryption key and default method

To set up the encryption feature first thing to do is to append the encryption key in the qfq.json file.
This can be done with writing a new line at the end of the file which looks like this::

    "ENCRYPTION_KEY": "myTestKey"

It is possible to define your own default as encryption method. AES-128 is set from the beginning.
Place to set the default is the QFQ-Configuration in Extension Manager. See: :ref:`extension-manager-qfq-configuration`


* Keyword 'ENCRYPTION_KEY' is given and need to be written correctly.
* For security reasons please use keys with a length of 8 chars or more.
* If the encryption feature was used before and a key change is needed, check first for with actually key
  encrypted data. With one key encrypted data can not be decrypted with another key.
.. _configuration:


Marc Egger's avatar
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The file `qfq.project.path.php` provides the path to the qfqProject directory.

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* The qfqProject directory contains the qfq configuration file (see :ref:`qfq.json`) as well as forms and reports which
  are saved as files. See :ref:`formAsFile` and :ref:`reportAsFile`.
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* The file `qfq.project.path.php` is located/created in the root directory of the application. (Where index.php is located)
* This file only returns the path to the qfq project directory where logs, config (`qfq.json`), report files and form files are located.
* If the file does not exist, it is created and the project path is set as follows:
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  * Does the deprecated config file typo3conf/config.qfq.php exist? Then set the qfq project path to `fileadmin/protected/qfqProject` (config is migrated automatically to qfqProject).
  * If not, does `fileadmin/protected exist`? Then set the qfq project path to `fileadmin/protected/qfqProject`.
  * If not, then set qfq project path to `../` (i.e. outside the app directory where index.php is located)

Example: *typo3conf/config.qfq.php*: ::


   QFQ project path configuration
   !! ATTENTION !!: The files in the project directory should NOT be served by your http server!
   Only exception: The app directory inside the project directory may be served.

   return 'fileadmin/protected/qfqProject'; // path relative to app directory (i.e. location of this file).

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* Additionally to the keywords bellow one can also override the configuration values defined in the Typo3 extension
  manager: :ref:`extension-manager-qfq-configuration`

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Marc Egger committed
  * e.g. if `qfq.json` contains `"flagProduction":"no"` then this value is taken instead of the one set in the extension manager.
| Keyword                       | Example                                               | Description                                                                                              |
| DB_<n>_USER                   | "DB_1_USER"="qfqUser"                                 | Credentials configured in MySQL                                                                          |
| DB_<n>_PASSWORD               | "DB_1_PASSWORD"="1234567890"                          | Credentials configured in MySQL                                                                          |
| DB_<n>_SERVER                 | "DB_1_SERVER"="localhost"                             | Hostname of MySQL Server                                                                                 |
| DB_<n>_NAME                   | "DB_1_NAME"="qfq_db"                                  | Database name                                                                                            |
| LDAP_1_RDN                    | "LDAP_1_RDN"="ou=Admin,ou=example,dc=com "            | Credentials for non-anonymous LDAP access. Only one set supported.                                       |
| LDAP_1_PASSWORD               | "LDAP_1_PASSWORD"="mySecurePassword"                  |                                                                                                          |
| PASSWORD_HASH_TYPE            | "PASSWORD_HASH_TYPE"="PASSWORD_BCRYPT"                | Password hashing algorithm used for "p" action class. See: :ref:`variable-escape`                        |
|                               |                                                       | Possible values: "PASSWORD_ARGON2I" (QFQ default), "PASSWORD_BCRYPT", "PASSWORD_DEFAULT" (PHP default)   |
| ENCRYPTION_KEY                | "ENCRYPTION_KEY"="myTestKey"                          | Key for encryption and decryption of data.                                                               |
|                               |                                                       |                                                                                                          |
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Example: *fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/qfq.json*: ::
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     "DB_1_USER": "<DBUSER>",
     "DB_1_SERVER": "<DBSERVER>",
     "DB_1_PASSWORD": "<DBPW>",
     "DB_1_NAME": "<DB>",
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     "DB_2_NAME": "<OPTIONAL DB>",
Marc Egger's avatar
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     "LDAP_1_RDN": "<OPTIONAL> ou=Admin,ou=example,dc=com",
     "LDAP_1_PASSWORD": "<OPTIONAL> mySecurePassword",

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.. _config-qfq-php:
Marc Egger's avatar
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**DEPRECATED** : use :ref:`qfq.json` as described above.

.. _extension-manager-qfq-configuration:

Extension Manager: QFQ Configuration

* These configuration values can be overwritten by :ref:`qfq.json`

| Keyword                           | Default / Example                                     | Description                                                                |
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| **Config**                                                                                                                                                             |
| flagProduction                    | yes                                                   | yes|no: used to differentiate production and development site.             |
| render                            | single                                                | both|single: QFQ will show form and/or report. In most cases only one at a |
|                                   |                                                       | time is needed. Options: 'single' (default) or 'both' (legacy). In mode    |
|                                   |                                                       | 'single' prefer 'form' over 'report'.                                      |
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| baseUrl                           |  or                                | URL where wkhtmltopdf will fetch the HTML (no parameter, those comes later)|
|                                   | multiple like 'http://localhost,                      |                                                                            |
|                                   |,'         |                                                                            |
| dateFormat                        | yyyy-mm-dd                                            | Possible options: yyyy-mm-dd,                                  |
| editInlineReports                 | checked/unchecked                                     | Shows an edit symbol in the frontend to directly edit a QFQ Report record. |
| reportAsFileAutoExport            | no                                                    | Auto export of qfq reports to files. See :ref:`reportAsFile`               |
| **Graphics**                                                                                                                                                           |
| cmdInkscape                       | inkscape                                              | If inkscape is not available, specify an empty string.                     |
| cmdConvert                        | convert                                               | Image-/GraphicsMagics 'convert' is recommended.                            |
| cmdPdf2svg                        | pdf2svg                                               | Convert PDF to SVG.                                                        |
| cmdPdftocairo                     | pdftocairo                                            | Poppler based.                                                             |
| cmdWkhtmltopdf                    | /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf                                  | PathFilename of wkhtmltopdf. Optional variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...   |
| cmdQpdf                           | qpdf                                                  | PathFilename of qpdf. Optional variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...          |
| cmdGs                             | gs                                                    | PathFilename of gs. Optional variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...            |
| cmdPdfunite                       | pdfunite                                              | PathFilename of pdfunite. Optional variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...      |
| cmdImg2pdf                        | img2pdf                                               | PathFilename of img2pdf. Optional variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...       |
| cmdHeifConvert                    | heif-convert                                          | PathFilename of heif-convert. Optional variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH=... .|
|                                   |                                                       | During upload, HEIF/HEIC images will be silently converted to PNG. To      |
|                                   |                                                       | disable the conversion, leave the field blank.                             |
| cmdPdf2ps                         | pdf2ps                                                | Will be used to convert images from PDF to PS.                             |
| cmdPs2pdf                         | ps2pdf                                                | Will be used to convert images from PS to PDF.                             |
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| **Debug**                                                                                                                                                              |
| throwExceptionGeneralError        | auto                                                  | | *yes*: 'general errors' in QFQ (PHP) will throw an exception.            |
|                                   |                                                       | | *auto*: becomes 'yes', if 'flagProduction'!='yes', else 'no'.            |
|                                   |                                                       | | *no*: 'general errors' in QFQ (PHP) will be silently ignored.            |
| formSubmitLogMode                 | all                                                   | | *all*: every form submission will be logged.                             |
|                                   |                                                       | | *none*: no logging.                                                      |
|                                   |                                                       | | *modify*: prevent logging tables: FormSubmitLog and Dirty.               |
|                                   |                                                       | | See :ref:`form-submit-log-page` for example QFQ code to display the log. |
| redirectAllMailTo                 |                                          | If set, redirect all QFQ generated mails (Form, Report) to the specified.  |
| sqlLogMode                        | modify                                                | | *all*: every statement will be logged - this might be a lot.             |
|                                   |                                                       | | *modifyAll*: log all statements which might change data, even if 0 rows  |
|                                   |                                                       | |    affected.                                                             |
|                                   |                                                       | | *modify*: log only statements which change data (affected rows > 0).     |
|                                   |                                                       | | *error*: log only DB errors.                                             |
|                                   |                                                       | | *none*: no SQL log at all.                                               |
| sqlLogModeAutoCron                | error                                                 | Applies only to AutoCron Jobs. For production 'error' should be fine.      |
| sqlLog                            | fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/log/sql.log            | Filename to log SQL commands: relative to <site path> or absolute. If the  |
|                                   |                                                       | directory does not exist, create it.                                       |
| qfqLog                            | fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/log/qfq.log            | Filename to log general QFQ events:relative to <site path> or absolute.    |
|                                   |                                                       | If the directory does not exist, create it.                                |
| mailLog                           | fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/log/mail.log           | Filename to log `sendEmail` commands: relative to <site path> or absolute. |
|                                   |                                                       | If the directory does not exist, create it.                                |
| showDebugInfo                     | auto                                                  | FE - Possible values: yes|no|auto|download. For 'auto': If a BE User is    |
|                                   |                                                       | logged in, a debug information will be shown on the FE.                    |
| reportMinPhpVersion               | auto                                                  | Possible values: yes|no|auto. For 'auto': If a BE User is logged in, it    |
|                                   |                                                       | becomes 'yes'. If installed PHP version is too low, report and stop QFQ.   |
Carsten  Rose's avatar
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| **Database**                                                                                                                                                           |
| init                              | init=SET names utf8; SET sql_mode =                   | Global init for using the database. For 'sql_mode="NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"'|
|                                   | "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"                              | see #7407.                                                                 |
| update                            | auto                                                  | | General: QFQ will only do a DB update during an active T3 BE User session|
|                                   |                                                       | | *auto*: apply DB Updates only if there is a newer version.               |
|                                   |                                                       | | *always*: apply DB Updates always,                                       |
|                                   |                                                       |   time QFQ is called - *not* recommended!                                  |
|                                   |                                                       | | *never*: never apply DB Updates.                                         |
| indexData                         | 1                                                     | Optional. Default: 1. Retrieve the current setting via {{dbNameData:Y}}.   |
| indexQfq                          | 1                                                     | Optional. Default: 1. Retrieve the current setting via {{dbNameQfq:Y}}.    |
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| **Security**                                                                                                                                                           |
| sessionTimeoutSeconds             | empty                                                 | Default is empty to take the php.ini system value (minimum of              |
|                                   |                                                       | 'session.cookie_lifetime' and 'session.gc_maxlifetime').                   |
| escapeTypeDefault                 | m                                                     | All variables `{{...}}` get this escape class by default.                  |
|                                   |                                                       | See :ref:`variable-escape`.                                                |
| securityVarsHoneypot              | email,username,password                               | If empty: no check. All named variables will rendered as INPUT elements.   |
| securityAttackDelay               | 5                                                     | If an attack is detected: a) clear SIP Store b) wait number of seconds, c) |
|                                   |                                                       | quit PHP process. -1: Switch off attack detection.                         |
| securityShowMessage               | on/off                                                | on: If an attack is detected, show a message.                              |
| securityGetMaxLength              | 50                                                    | GET vars longer than 'x' chars triggers an `attack-recognized`.            |
|                                   |                                                       | :ref:`ExceptionMaxLength`.                                                 |
| securityFailedAuthDelay           | 3                                                     | If REST authorization fails, sleep 'x' seconds before answering.           |
| encryptionMethod                  | AES-128                                               | Options: 'AES-128' (default) or 'AES-256'.                                 |
|                                   |                                                       | Invalid option will be shown on page.                                      |
| protectedFolderCheck              | on/off                                                | on (default): check if fileadmin/protected is really protected.            |
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| **Form-Config**                                                                                                                                                        |
| recordLockTimeoutSeconds          | 900                                                   | Timeout for record locking. After this time, a record will be replaced.    |
| enterAsSubmit                     | enterAsSubmit = 1                                     | 0: off, 1: Pressing *enter* in a form means *save* and *close*.            |
| editFormPage                      | form                                                  | T3 page slug to edit a form.                                               |
| dateTimePickerType                | qfq                                                   | Type of date-time-picker in form. Options: 'no', 'browser', 'qfq'          |
| formDataPatternError              | please check pattern error                            | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'pattern' violation.      |
| formDataRequiredError             | missing value                                         | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'required' fields.        |
| formDataMatchError                | type error                                            | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'match' retype mismatch.  |
| formDataError                     | generic error                                         | Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'no specific' given.      |
| showIdInFormTitle                 | 0 (off), 1 (on)                                       | Append at the form title the current record id.                            |
| cssClassColumnId                  | text-muted                                            | A column in a subrecord with the name id|ID|Id gets this class.            |
| clearMe                           | 0 (off), 1 (on)                                       | Default to show a small 'x' in every input or textarea to clear field.     |
| rememberLastPill                  | 0 (off), 1 (on)                                       | On form load, bring last used pill to front. Default is on.                |
| doNotLogColumn                    | password                                              | Do not log named FE-Elements during form save in table FormSubmitLog.      |
|                                   |                                                       | Default: password                                                          |
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| **Form-Layout**                                                                                                                                                        |
| labelAlign                        | left                                                  | Label align (left/center/right)/ Default: left. Will be inherited to Form. |
| cssClassQfqContainer              | container                                             | | QFQ with own Bootstrap: 'container'.                                     |
|                                   |                                                       | | QFQ already nested in Bootstrap of mainpage: <empty>.                    |
| cssClassQfqForm                   | qfq-color-base                                        | Wrap around QFQ 'Form'.                                                    |
| cssClassQfqFormPill               | qfq-color-grey-1                                      | Wrap around title bar for pills: CSS Class, typically a background color.  |
| cssClassQfqFormBody               | qfq-color-grey-2                                      | Wrap around FormElements: CSS Class, typically a background color.         |
| formBsColumns                     | col-md-12 col-lg-10                                   | The whole form will be wrapped. See :ref:`bs-custom-field-width`           |
| formBsLabelColumns                | col-md-3 col-lg-3                                     | The column get the width. See :ref:`bs-custom-field-width`                 |
+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+                                                                            |
| formBsInputColumns                | col-md-6 col-lg-6                                     |                                                                            |
+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+                                                                            |
| formBsNoteColumns                 | col-md-3 col-lg-3                                     |                                                                            |
| extraButtonInfoInline             | <img src="info.png">                                  | Image for :ref:`extraButtonInfo` (inline).                                 |
| extraButtonInfoBelow              | <img src="info.png">                                  | Image for :ref:`extraButtonInfo` (below).                                  |
| extraButtonInfoPosition           | below                                                 | 'auto' (default) or 'below'. See :ref:`extraButtonInfo`.                   |
| extraButtonInfoClass              | pull-right                                            | '' (default) or 'pull-right'. See :ref:`extraButtonInfo`.                  |
| fieldsetClass                     | qfq-fieldset                                          | Alternative: qfq-fieldset-borderless                                       |
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| **Form-Language**                                                                                                                                                      |
| formLanguage[ABCD]Id              | E.g.: 1                                               | In Typo3 configured pageLanguage id. The number after the 'L' parameter.   |
| formLanguage[ABCD]Label           | E.G.: english                                         | Label shown in *Form editor*, on the 'basic' tab.                          |
| **Form-Button**                                                                                                                                                        |
| saveButtonText                    |                                                       | Text on the form save button. Typically none.                              |
| saveButtonTooltip                 | Save                                                  | Tooltip on the form save button.                                           |
| saveButtonClass                   | btn btn-default navbar-btn                            | Bootstrap CSS class for save button on top of the form.                    |
| buttonOnChangeClass               | alert-info btn-info                                   | Bootstrap CSS class for save button showing 'data changed'.                |
| saveButtonGlyphIcon               | glyphicon-ok                                          | Icon for the form save button.                                             |
| closeButtonText                   |                                                       | Text on the form close button. Typically none.                             |
| closeButtonTooltip                | close                                                 | Tooltip on the form close button.                                          |
| closeButtonClass                  | btn btn-default navbar-btn                            | Bootstrap CSS class for close button on top of the form.                   |
| closeButtonGlyphIcon              | glyphicon-remove                                      | Icon for the form close button.                                            |
| deleteButtonText                  |                                                       | Text on the form delete button. Typically none.                            |
| deleteButtonTooltip               | delete                                                | Tooltip on the form delete button.                                         |
| deleteButtonClass                 | btn btn-default navbar-btn                            | Bootstrap CSS class for delete button on top of the form.                  |
| deleteButtonGlyphIcon             | glyphicon-trash                                       | Icon for the form delete button.                                           |
| newButtonText                     |                                                       | Text on the form new button. Typically none.                               |
| newButtonTooltip                  | new                                                   | Tooltip on the form new button.                                            |
| newButtonClass                    | btn btn-default navbar-btn                            | Bootstrap CSS class for new button on top of the form.                     |
| newButtonGlyphIcon                | glyphicon-plus                                        | Icon for the form new button.                                              |
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| custom1...30                      | Empty. Example: PHONE=6355847                         | Custom Variable                                                            |
| **Dynamic**                                                                                                                                                            |
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| fillStoreSystemBySqlRow           | SELECT gr.reference AS name, AS value FROM      | Specific values read from the database to fill STORE_SYSTEM during QFQ     |
|                                   | Ggroup AS gr WHERE gr.loadConfig='yes'                | load. See :ref:`fillStoreSystemBySqlRow` for a usecase.                    |
| fillStoreSystemBySqlRowErrorMsg   | No record found                                       | Only define an error message, if QFQ should stop running                   |
|                                   |                                                       | in case of an SQL error or not at least one record.                        |
| fillStoreSystemBySql1/2/3         | SELECT AS ...                                    | Specific values read from the database to fill the system store during QFQ |
|                                   |                                                       | load. See :ref:`fillStoreSystemBySql` for a usecase.                       |
| fillStoreSystemBySqlErrorMsg1/2/3 | No current period found                               | Only define an error message, if QFQ should stop running                   |
|                                   |                                                       | in case of an SQL error or not exact one record.                           |
| **File**                                                                                                                                                               |
| cacheDirSecure                    | fileadmin/protected/cache                             | Important: secure the directory (recursive) against direct access.         |
| cachePurgeFilesOlderDays          | 365                                                   | Purge files in  $cacheDirSecure older than $cachePurgeFilesOlderDays.      |
| maxFileSize                       | 10M                                                   | If empty, take minimum of 'post_max_size' and 'upload_max_filesize'.       |
| imageUploadDir                    | fileadmin/imageUploadDir                              | Used for TinyMCE Image Upload.                                             |
| thumbnailDirSecure                | fileadmin/protected/qfqThumbnail                      | Important: secure the directory (recursive) against direct access.         |
|                                   |                                                       | Used by special columnname '_thumbnail'.                                   |
| thumbnailDirPublic                | typo3temp/qfqThumbnail                                | Will be used by a special columnname '_thumbnail'.                         |
| sqlDirectdownloadphp/dl...dl3     | no default                                            | Access via download.php. Example: SELECT CONCAT('d:output.pdf|F:',         |
|                                   |                                                       | n.pathFileName) FROM notiz AS n WHERE AND NOW()<n.expire            |
| sqlDirectdownloadphperror/dl...3  | no default                                            | Message shown to the user if record isn't found.                           |
| **Tools**                                                                                                                                                              |
| forceSmtpSender                   | <empty>                                               | Set this ONLY if your SMTP needs a static 'from' address (weired setup).   |
|                                   |                                                       | 'reply-to' will be used to offer simple 'Reply' functionality to user.     |
|                                   |                                                       | To hide static 'from' address to the reciever, a realname is set for the   |
|                                   |                                                       | 'from' address. Take realname from 'Reply-To', 'From', 'forceSmtpSender' or|
|                                   |                                                       | misuse the 'From' email as realname (take first in the named priority).    |
| sendEMailOptions                  | -o tls=yes                                            | General options. Check: |
| cmdWget                           | wget >/dev/null 2>&1                                  | Command is used for trying to download content from protected folder.      |
|                                   |                                                       | To accept self signed certificate, add option '--no-check-certificate'     |

After parsing the configuration, the following variables will be set automatically in STORE_SYSTEM:

| Keyword                       | Description                                                                                                                        |
| dbNameData                    | Name of the 'data'-database. '{{dbNameData:Y}}                                                                                     |
| dbNameQfq                     | Name of the 'QFQ'-database. '{{dbNameQfq:Y}}                                                                                       |
| dbNameT3                      | Name of the 'T3'-database. '{{dbNameT3:Y}}                                                                                         |
| sitePath                      | Absolute path of the current T3 instance. '{{sitePath:Y}}                                                                          |
| extPath                       | Absolute path of the QFQ extension. '{{extPath:Y}}                                                                                 |

.. _`CustomVariables`:

Custom variables

Up to 30 custom variables can be defined in :ref:`configuration`.

E.g. to setup a contact address and reuse the information inside your installation do: ::

   custom2: ADMINISTRATIVE_ADDRESS = John Doe, Hollywood Blvd. 1, L.A.
   custom3: ADMINISTRATIVE_NAME = John Doe

* Somewhere in a `Form` or in `Report`::


Change your custom variables in the T3 Extension Configuration window under Custom.

.. _`fillStoreSystemBySql`:


A specified SELECT statement in :ref:`configuration` in variable `fillStoreSystemBySql1` (or `2`,
or `3`) will be fired. The query should have 0 (nothing happens) or 1 row. All columns will be
**added** to the existing STORE_SYSTEM. Existing variables will be overwritten. Be careful not to overwrite system values.

This option is useful to make generic custom values, saved in the database, accessible to all QFQ Report and Forms.
Access such variables via `{{<varname>:Y}}`.

In case QFQ should stop working if a given query does not select exact one record (e.g. a missing period), define an
error message: ::

  fillStoreSystemBySql1: SELECT name FROM Person WHERE name='Doe'
  fillStoreSystemBySqlErrorMsg1: Too many or to few "Doe's" in our database

.. _`periodId`:


This is

* a usecase, implemented via :ref:`fillStoreSystemBySql`,
* a way to access `` with respect to the current period (the period itself is custom defined).

After a full QFQ installation:

* a table `Period` (extend / change it to your needs, fill them with your periods),
* one sample record in table `Period`,

Websites, delivering semester data, school year schedules, or any other type or periods, often need an index to the
*current* period.

In :ref:`configuration`: ::

  fillStoreSystemBySql1: SELECT id AS periodId FROM Period WHERE start<=NOW() ORDER BY start DESC LIMIT 1

a variable 'periodId' will automatically computed and filled in STORE SYSTEM. Access it via `{{periodId:Y0}}`.
To get the name and current period: ::

  SELECT name, ' / ', start FROM Period WHERE id={{periodId:Y0}}

Typically, it's necessary to offer a 'previous' / 'next' link. In this example, the STORE SIP holds the new periodId: ::

  SELECT CONCAT('p:{{pageSlug:T}}?periodId=', {{periodId:SY0}}-1, '|Next') AS _page, ' ', name, ' ',
    CONCAT('p:{{pageSlug:T}}?periodId=', {{periodId:SY0}}+1, '|Next') AS _page FROM Period AS s WHERE{{periodId:SY0}}

Take care for minimum and maximum indexes (do not render the links if out of range).

.. _`fillStoreSystemBySqlRow`:

Fill STORE SYSTEM by Sql Row
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Similar to the fillStoreSystemBySql1/2/3 a specified SELECT statement in :ref:`configuration` in variable
`fillStoreSystemBySqlRow` will be fired. This option gives the opportunity to define a key name and assigning a value to
that key for multiple rows. It makes UNION usable too.
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Best practice is to create a new column 'storeSystem' for the specific table from which the query is executed. A type
ENUM with yes and no could then be used to filter the desired values.

Exactly two columns are expected as aliases: name, value
Example: ::

   fillStoreSystemBySqlRow: SELECT gr.reference AS name, IF('{{pageLanguage:T}}'=0 OR gr.value2='', gr.value, gr.value2) AS value FROM Ggroup AS gr WHERE gr.storeSystem='yes'

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To retrieve the value, name is used as variable name. For example if the column reference from one record is named
'id_accepted' and related column value has the value '22': ::


This returns the value '22'.

Giving more or less than two columns will lead to an error. Also not allowed are the use of other aliases than 'name' and 'value'.
In case QFQ should stop working if a given query does not select at least one record or more, define an
error message: ::

  fillStoreSystemBySqlRowErrorMsg: No rows found with given query.

.. _`DbUserPrivileges`:

DB USER privileges

The specified DB User needs privileges

  * to the QFQ database of at least: SELECT / INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE / SHOW.
  * to the Typo3 database of at least table `tt_content` with SELECT.

To apply automatically QFQ-'DB UPDATE' the following rights are mandatory too: CREATE / ALTER

To get access to the Typo3 installation, 'dbuser' should also have access to the Typo3 Database with at least SELECT / INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE.

.. _`ExceptionMaxLength`:


If it is necessary to use a GET variable which exceeds `securityGetMaxLength` limit, name the variable with '_<num>' at
the end. E.g. `my_long_variable_130`. Such a variable has an allowed length of 130 chars. Access the variable as
usual with the variable name: `{{my_long_variable_130:C:...}}`.

.. _`sessionTimeoutSeconds`:

FE-User: Session timeout seconds

There is no timeout for website users who are not logged in (but typically those users don't have access to protected content).

For logged in users, the default timeout is the php.ini settings for `session.cookie_lifetime` and `session.gc_maxlifetime`
(minimum of both). These timeout only affects QFQ related content and can be
specified a) globally (QFQ configuration) and b) specific per Form.

The maximum timeout depends on the minimal value of php.ini `session.cookie_lifetime` and `session.gc_maxlifetime`.
Specifying a higher value produces an error in the front end.

Every access to QFQ related content resets the timeout.

After FE login, the next access to QFQ related content starts the timeout counter.

.. _`removeFormBackupCron`:

Cron Job: Remove Form Backup Files

The following cron job may be used to automatically remove form backup files (see :ref:`formAsFile`) which are older than 31 days. Be sure to adjust the path accordingly: ::

  0 19 * * * find /var/www/html/fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/form/.backup/ -type f -mtime +31  -exec rm {} \;