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  • #js_formupdate
  • 10115ThypeAheadStaticList2
  • B10117TypeAheadAfterSaveJSONIsShown
  • B10554extraButtonLockSeemsToBeBroken
  • B10754failMakeDocLocal
  • B11325_sql_call
  • B11517_extraButtonInfo_notVisible
  • B11865FormEditorExceptionWhenEditedAfterSave
  • B12015FormInsteadOfFormInOldFormListReport
  • B12016passwordHasingTypo3v8NotWorking
  • B12186_TinyMCE_Config_für_Objekte
  • B12341FormSubmitLogBroken
  • B12395DoubleOutputWhenFunctionWithSql
  • B12468FormTitleAfterSave
  • B12674-QFQ_Function_subheader_skip_deleted
  • B13899_fix_deprecations
  • B14288removed_upload
  • B14530_action_X_no_debug_message
  • B15314_CatchAll_with_logged_in_FE/BE_does_not_respect_the_current_logged_in_user_
  • B15691_PDF_Export_Link_Error_T3_V10
  • v24.12.0
  • v24.10.0
  • v24.7.0
  • v24.5.1
  • v24.5.0
  • v24.3.0
  • test-alfred20
  • v23.10.1
  • v23.10.0
  • v23.6.4
  • v23.6.3
  • v23.6.2
  • v23.6.1
  • v23.6.0
  • v23.3.1
  • v23.3.0
  • v23.2.0
  • v23.1.1
  • v23.1.0
  • v22.12.1
40 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.018Jul1412109765426Jun2523222120191615129876532131May3025232221201917151412114330Apr2927262521181716141211874231Mar30292522212016151413108632128Feb232117161512116532131Jan252423221917131211105421Dec2019181615141311107654230Nov2928272625242318171615ipa_haller_jan (WIP): Added SQL function QMANR() which should have been added already. Formats the input into Matrikel-Nr. format: 12-345-678. Documentation already exists. refs #15634B16616: Changed check method 2. refs#16616B16616: Changed check method. refs#16616B16616: Fixed typeahead api query response problem if typeahead sql is not used. refs#16616Doc: Add config option 'protectedFolderCheck'Merge branch 'F16589_qfq_missing_language_config' into 'develop'ipa_haller_jan (WIP): Minor updates. refs #15634ipa_haller_jan (WIP): Updated the documentation. refs #15634Merge branch 'develop' into F8975_report_notation_v2.0ipa_haller_jan (WIP): Updated both forms. refs #15634Merge branch 'develop' into ipa_haller_janipa_haller_jan (WIP): Added documentation for the wiki. refs #15634ipa_haller_jan (WIP): Updated report wiki.qfq. Because the navigation within the wiki does not rely on SIP anymore, an additional level has been added (120). Because a page forward after editing the content is still necessary this level sneakingly reloads the page after updating the records to a URL without SIP. refs #15634ipa_haller_jan (WIP): Did some major refactoring for renderWiki() which now uses a DOMXPath() to iterate over the elements. This enables the modification of the DomDocument() during the iteration. DOMElements can now be created and inserted into the DomDocument() at their corresponding position (e.g. <div> containing link to edit a section, list with table of contents, etc.). With this approach the DOM as a whole can later be converted to HTML and returned instead of converting each element into HTML and returning it immediately. This solves several problems regarding nested elements (e.g. tables) and makes the code flexible. The macro '{{collapse()}}' needs to be replaced separately at the end because it is not possible while iterating over the elements. The functions loadWikiContent() and getWikiContentSection() have slightly been adjusted as well to deal with the problem of nested elements. With the current approach the functions iterate over each child of <body>. As a consequence, every heading element must be placed on the highest level, meaning it cannot be a child of a <div> for example. The function doNavigation() recursively creates a navigation from the current page to its parent and so on. Constants have been updated and a CSS rule for the navigation has been added. refs #15634F16589: Implemented language configuration in backend for tt-content type qfq. refs#16589Merge branch 'F16584_FormEditor_Report_no_statistics' into 'develop'Implements #16584 - FormEditor Report: Default without statisticsF8975: Replaced is_numeric() with regex to correctly match levels like 10.10.10. refs #8975F8975: Removed error message "Invalid level detected". refs #8975F8975: Added documentation for report notation 2.0. refs #8975Merge branch 'B16573_date_datetime_false_default' into 'develop'Merge branch 'B16574_multiple_site_configuratoin_failure' into 'develop'UTF8 Encode sender, ccB16506_Error_se…B16506_Error_sendmail_failed_Umlaute_in_FROM_ADDRESSB16574: Added multiple siteConfigurations compatibility for typo3 v10 and 11. refs#16574B16573: Fixed wrong built date and datetime string if default value was given. refs#16573F8975 WIP: Previously the notation mode was not set correctly because statements such as 'form={{form:SE}}' were not considered while determining the first token. This should now be fixed. The first token gets determined earlier on while joining the lines. Based on this first token the notation mode will be set like before. Added an error "Invalid level detected" which tells the user that an alias was used where it is not allowed. refs #8975F8975 WIP: "Missing open delimiter" error message is now supported. Added error message "numeric alias detected", which tells the user, that they cannot use a numeric value as an alias. Added error message "double definition", which tells the user, that they used the same alias twice. Added a check that only replaces existing aliases in variables. refs #8975Merge branch 'develop' into F8975_report_notation_v2.0ipa_haller_jan (WIP): Formatting. refs #15634Merge branch 'develop' into 'master'v23.6.4v23.6.4Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into developNew version v23.6.4Merge branch 'hotfix_mysql_error' into 'develop'B16488: WIP: JS failure. Changes to test in ik tool dev. refs#16488Merge branch 'hotfix_mysql_error' into 'develop'B16488 - Form.rst - move doc from Form.parameter to FormElement.parameter.B16488 - ReformatMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/hotfix_mysql_error' into hotfix_mysql_errorB16488 - Only process values, defined by FE. Refactor double copying of values.B16488: Added documentation. refs#16488