Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- #js_formupdate
- 10115ThypeAheadStaticList2
- B10117TypeAheadAfterSaveJSONIsShown
- B10554extraButtonLockSeemsToBeBroken
- B10754failMakeDocLocal
- B11325_sql_call
- B11517_extraButtonInfo_notVisible
- B11865FormEditorExceptionWhenEditedAfterSave
- B12015FormInsteadOfFormInOldFormListReport
- B12016passwordHasingTypo3v8NotWorking
- B12186_TinyMCE_Config_für_Objekte
- B12341FormSubmitLogBroken
- B12395DoubleOutputWhenFunctionWithSql
- B12468FormTitleAfterSave
- B12674-QFQ_Function_subheader_skip_deleted
- B13659-Sanatize-class-for-reserved-keyword-in-report
- B13899_fix_deprecations
- B14288removed_upload
- B14530_action_X_no_debug_message
- B15314_CatchAll_with_logged_in_FE/BE_does_not_respect_the_current_logged_in_user_
- Tags 20
- v24.12.0
- v24.10.0
- v24.7.0
- v24.5.1
- v24.5.0
- v24.3.0
- test-alfred20
- v23.10.1
- v23.10.0
- v23.6.4
- v23.6.3
- v23.6.2
- v23.6.1
- v23.6.0
- v23.3.1
- v23.3.0
- v23.2.0
- v23.1.1
- v23.1.0
- v22.12.1
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