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ipa_haller_jan: QFQ-Wiki. refs #15634

Merged Jan Haller requested to merge ipa_haller_jan into develop
2 files
+ 238
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@@ -29,9 +29,51 @@
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"modified": "2023-07-11 18:13:11",
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@@ -48,7 +90,7 @@
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@@ -63,7 +105,7 @@
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"parameter": "editor-plugins=code link lists searchreplace table textcolor textpattern visualchars image,paste\r\neditor-toolbar=code searchreplace undo redo | styleselect link table | bullist numlist outdent indent | forecolor backcolor bold italic image\r\neditor-menubar=false\r\neditor-statusbar=false\r\neditor-paste_data_images=true\r\nfileUploadPath=fileadmin\/imageUploadDir\/wiki",
"parameter": "editor-plugins=code link lists searchreplace table textcolor textpattern visualchars image,paste\r\neditor-toolbar=code searchreplace undo redo | styleselect link table | bullist numlist outdent indent | forecolor backcolor bold italic image\r\neditor-menubar=false\r\neditor-statusbar=false\r\neditor-paste_data_images=true\r\nfileUploadPath=fileadmin\/wiki{{pageSlug:T}}\/img\r\nextraButtonInfo=<strong>Macros<\/strong><\/br><ul><li>{{toc}}<\/br>Creates a table of contents with links to the headings on the current page. If no headings are found, '{{toc}}' is returned.<\/li><li>{{childPages}}<\/br> Generates a list of links to the child pages of the current page. If no child pages are found, '{{childPages}}' is returned.<\/li><li>{{<i>wikiPage<\/i>#<i>Heading<\/i>}}<\/br>Creates a link to a wiki page within the same wiki by replacing <i>wikiPage<\/i> with the name of the wiki page and <i>Heading<\/i> with the title of the paragraph. If the wiki page is not found, '{{<i>wikiPage<\/i>#<i>Heading<\/i>}}' is returned.<\/li><li>{{<i>pageSlug<\/i>\/<i>wikiPage<\/i>#<i>Heading<\/i>}}<\/br>Creates a link to a wiki page in another wiki by replacing <i>pageSlug<\/i> with the page slug of the wiki, <i>wikiPage<\/i> with the name of the wiki page and <i>Heading<\/i> with the title of the paragraph. If the wiki page is not found, '{{<i>pageSlug<\/i>\/<i>wikiPage<\/i>#<i>Heading<\/i>}}' is returned.<\/li><li>{{collapse(<i>[Text is shown]<\/i>)}}<\/br>Text is hidden.<\/br>{{collapse}}<\/br>Creates a toggleable element, that will show\/hide text. Text within <i>[ ]<\/i> is optional.<\/li><\/ul><\/br>Important:<\/br>{{toc}}, {{childPages}}, {{collapse([Text is shown])}}, {{collapse}} must be used on a separate line to ensure their functionality.<\/br><\/br><strong>Link to file<\/strong><\/br><ol><li>Copy the path from the \"Upload\" tab<\/li><li>Insert a link in the editor<\/li><li>Paste the path into the field \"Url\"<\/li><\/ol><\/br>For further information, visit <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/master\/Wiki.html\" target=\"_blank\">QFQ documentation<\/a>.",
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@@ -71,8 +113,9 @@
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@@ -90,7 +133,7 @@
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@@ -113,8 +156,94 @@
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"modified": "2023-07-18 15:54:20",
"created": "2023-05-25 12:30:33",
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"value": "#!report\r\n#\r\n#\r\n\r\n10 {\r\n sql = SELECT CONCAT('p:{{pageSlug:T}}&form=wikiUpload&r=', id, '|s|b|E') AS _link\r\n \t\t\t\t\t , CONCAT('F:', pathFileName\r\n , '|t:', QLEFT(SUBSTRING_INDEX(pathFileName, '\/', -1), 30)\r\n , '|d:', SUBSTRING_INDEX(pathFileName, '\/', -1)\r\n , '|o:', SUBSTRING_INDEX(pathFileName, '\/', -1)\r\n , '|s|b|g:_blank|G:glyphicon glyphicon-paperclip|M:file'\r\n ) AS _link\r\n , QIFEMPTY(feUser, 'anonymous')\r\n , created\r\n , CONCAT('y:', pathFileName) AS _yank\r\n \t\t\t , CONCAT('U:table=WikiAttachment&r=', id, '|q:Do you want to delete <i>', SUBSTRING_INDEX(pathFileName, '\/', -1), '<\/i> ?') AS _paged\r\n \t\tFROM WikiAttachment\r\n WHERE wpId = '{{wpIdPrevious:S0}}'\r\n AND pathFileName != ''\r\n ORDER BY modified ASC\r\n\r\n shead = <div style=\"margin-right:-5px; margin-left:-15px;\">\r\n \t\t\t\t <table class=\"table table-hover qfq-table-100 qfq-subrecord-table qfq-color-grey-2\">\r\n \t\t\t\t <caption class=\"qfq-subrecord-title\">Files<\/caption>\r\n <thead>\r\n <tr>\r\n <th style=\"width: 40px;\">{{'p:{{pageSlug:T}}&form=wikiUpload&r=0&wpId={{wpIdPrevious:S0}}|s|b|N' AS _link}}<\/th>\r\n head = <th>File<\/th>\r\n <th>User<\/th>\r\n <th>Date<\/th>\r\n <th style=\"width: 40px;\">Copy path<\/th><th style=\"width: 40px;\"><\/th>\r\n <\/tr>\r\n <\/thead>\r\n <tbody>\r\n stail = <\/table>\r\n <\/div>\r\n tail = <\/tbody>\r\n fbeg = <td>\r\n fend = <\/td>\r\n rbeg = <tr>\r\n rend = <\/tr> \r\n}",
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\ No newline at end of file