- Aug 19, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
QfqController.php: E_NOTICE Errors are by default not catched by T3. For QFQ E_NOTICE will throw exceptions from now on report/Log.php: unused variables commented out. report/Variables.php: more detailed isset check. AbstractBuildForm.php: rendering of 'subrecord delete links' broken if column 'id' is missing. Code, which switches from 'id' to '_id' have been already prepared, but was not completely implemented. Exception if neither 'id' nor '_id' exist in subrecord query.
- Aug 17, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
- Jun 09, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
- Jun 05, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
During save of a record, if column 'modifed' and/or ' created' exist, set them.
Carsten Rose authored
Session.php: save feUserGroup through init auf session. Store.php: During API access restore feUserGroup from SESSION
Carsten Rose authored
UsersManual/indes.rst: Desription for subrecord updated. Sip.php: code cleaned up. Static SIP defined. AbstractBuildForm.php: Column 'link' implemented.
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
AbstractBuildForm.php: Column with a specific 'title' starting with '_... ' has not been surpressed. Fixed.
- Jun 04, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
AbstractBuildForm.php: Columns with a name starting with '_... ' has not been surpressed. Fixed. Icons path adjusted.
Carsten Rose authored
SIP invalid: it seems that again more SIPs become invalid without known reason. Recoded Store, not to use Session Class - instead $_SESSION is used direct. Session.php: exception commented Store.php: recode accessing $_SESSION.
Carsten Rose authored
#2046: Dynamic Update mit {{feUser:T0}} Feld - fixed. Background: T3 environment not available during dynamicUpdate (called by AJAX through API). Restore feUser and feUserUid from Session. Not good, but better than nothing. Still missing: the rest of STORE_TYPO3 Session.php: extend checkFeUserUid() to save feUser as well as feUserUid. Fixed error that getSession() in phpDoc stated it returned class Store - correct is class Session. Store.php: fillStoreTypo3() now respects that if there is no T3 environment, restore at least feUser and feUserUid.
Carsten Rose authored
QuickFormQuery.php: missing 'r' in forms forces no longer an exception, instead r=0 is the default. This is usefull in report for 'new' links to forms (it's not necessary to specify r=0 in '_pagen') as well as on record definition `form=person`: `r=0` is not needed anymore.
Carsten Rose authored
Support.php: Constant for double curly braces redefined from '#&@[[@_#', '#&@]]@_#' to '#/+open+/#', '#/+close+/#' - it's more secure not to use '[' or ']' for the substitution string, cause square braces are now allowed as nesting chars.
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Report: Nesting of level extented to support different types of braces: '{}[]()<>'. Parsing regexp rewritten to be more precise.
- Jun 02, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Delete.php: chdir to the correct directory before starting to delete files
Carsten Rose authored
- Jun 01, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
Save.php: For Uploads the 'target' variable name renamed (name collison with native column 'pathFileName') from 'pathFileName' to 'fileDestination'.
Carsten Rose authored
Store.php: Typo3 stops rendering, "self::setVarArray($_SESSION[STORE_EXTRA], STORE_EXTRA, true);" has been called with $_SESSION[STORE_EXTRA]=NULL - additional check implemented to detect this.
Carsten Rose authored
delete.php: extended to support returning JSON, HTML redirect (Location) or HTML error messages. Report.php: new adjustDeleteParameter() Delete.php: new. QuickFormQuery.php: delete() extended to support returning JSON and HTML
Carsten Rose authored
Link.php, AbstractBuildForm.php, BuildFormBootstrap.php, Database.php: introduced constants for glyph. Code rearranged testtabbles.sql: extended to test Delete with filenames
Carsten Rose authored
- May 31, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
FormAction.php: cleanup
Carsten Rose authored
FormAction.php: cleanup Store.php: cleanup Database.php: Added TRUNCATE fixtures/Generic.sql: added Person.adrId - just as testcase
Carsten Rose authored
FormAction.php: initialize action formelements. ExpectRecords might specified as a list. After an insert, set slaveId to latest id. Process sqlDelete if given. Store.php: STORE_VAR and STORE_EMPTY missed to configure for Sanatize. QuickFormQuery.php: Initialized after the form is loaded.
Carsten Rose authored
BuildFormPlainTest.php: unit tests adjusted for new behaviour of maxLength /size for columns which are not defined in primary table.
Carsten Rose authored
AbstractBuildForm.php: getting the maxlength of input fields failed for FormElements which are not a column of the primary table. New: in such situtations no size / maxlength are rendered.
Carsten Rose authored
UsersManual/index.rst: New option <escape> in variables described. Updated: before..., after..., slaveId FormAction.php: Implement 'requiredList' for 'action'-FormElements. formEditor.sql: new default for render ... bootstrap.
- May 30, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Session.php: If QFQ called by api, there is no T3 environment. Therefore there is no logged in FE User. We should keep the found SIP cache and take them (no flush, due to unknown logged in user).
Carsten Rose authored
- May 29, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
AbstractBuildForm.php, BuildFormBootstrap.php, BuildFormTable.php, Constants.php, QuickFormQuery.php, Save.php: Replace string 'tableName' through constant F_TABLE_NAME.
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
StoreTest.php: unit test fixed to run on Jenkins
Carsten Rose authored
Report.php, Store.php, QuickFormQuery.php: configuration option 'SESSION_NAME' removed and hard coded to 'qfq'. Session.php, Sip.php: function checkFeUserUid() moved from Sip to Session. Will be called by using 'Session'. SIP's now stored one level deeper in $_SESSION['qfq'][...]. This makes it easier to destroy the SIP cachae in case of login/logout. Destroying the whole $_SESSION var is not a good idea.