- Mar 30, 2017
Rafael Ostertag authored
Rafael Ostertag authored
Use prefetch to solve `Wird beim laden des Forms aktuell der 'value' als 'key' gesetzt, damit der User sieht was beim letzten Speichern gewaehlt ist.Damit ist dann der 'Key' verloren.`
https://project.math.uzh.ch/issues/3466Rafael Ostertag authored
Partially fixed https://project.math.uzh.ch/issues/3466. Second point `Wird beim laden des Forms aktuell der 'value' als 'key' gesetzt, damit der User sieht was beim letzten Speichern gewaehlt ist.Damit ist dann der 'Key' verloren` not fixed.
- Mar 29, 2017
Rafael Ostertag authored
Rafael Ostertag authored
Rafael Ostertag authored
Rafael Ostertag authored
Rafael Ostertag authored
Rafael Ostertag authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
#3447 / Icons das man im FrontEnd direkt das gewaehlte FormElement im Formulareditor bearbeiten kann. BuildFormBootstrap.php: Add ToolTip to checkbox.
Carsten Rose authored
#3447 / Icons das man im FrontEnd direkt das gewaehlte FormElement im Formulareditor bearbeiten kann. AbstractBuildForm.php: Add checkbox left to the 'EditForm'-Button to toogle the 'FormElemnt'-Icons -as the regular 'Form Edit'-Pencil, the 'FormElement Checkbox' is only displayed if the user is logged in BE. BuildFormBootstrap.php: new function 'buildEditFormElementCheckbos()'
Rafael Ostertag authored
- Mar 28, 2017
Carsten Rose authored
Manual.rst: Updated doc for a) config.qfq.ini: LDAP_1_RDN, LDAP_1_PASSWORD, b) Form.parameter|FormElement.parameter: ldapUseBindCredentials ErrorHandler.php: removed details - the end user should not too many details. FormAction.php, Ldap.php, QuickFormQuery.php: implement 'ldapUseBindCredentials' Ldap.php: set_error_handler() to catch ldap_bind() problems. Always set LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION=3 - this might cause problems with som LDAP Servers - we will see.
- Mar 27, 2017
Carsten Rose authored
#3447 / Icons das man im FrontEnd direkt das gewaehlte FormElement im Formulareditor bearbeiten kann AbstractBuildForm.php, BuildFormBootstrap.php, BuildFormTable.php: Function createFormEditorUrl extended to accept parameter, to make it more generic (best would be to use the 'Link' class). Build the FormElement Edit symbol as together with debug stack symbols
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
''abel' and 'note' are fixed - 'value' is still not updated, open. HelperFormElement.php: buildFormElementName() had some issue if there was no $formElement[FE_NAME] defined. New workaround: take the $formElement[FE_ID] instead. AbstractBuildForm.php: creation of JSON has been missed - now fixed. The $value is rendered (recent value), but probably the client is not prepared to update a non-HTML-input field. This has to debug with RO.
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
- Mar 26, 2017
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
The new implementation creates empty fake instances of all copies of templateGroup FormElements. Those are empty. Before save, the submitted form values will be expanded with the empty fake templateGroup FormElements and such empty values will be saved. FormAction.php: Rename constant SQL_FORM_ELEMENT_TEMPLATE_GROUP to SQL_FORM_ELEMENT_TEMPLATE_GROUP_FE_ID - to be more precise. HelperFormElement.php, Database.php: new function explodeTemplateGroupElements()
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Fixed missing initialisation of $storeUse.
Carsten Rose authored
#3431 / typeAheadSql: columnname 'key' is a reserverd SQL statement - replace by 'id'. Additional the parametername 'typeAheadLdapKeyPrintf' renamed to 'typeAheadLdapIdPrintf'. typeAhead.php: fixed typo. TypeAhead.php: introduced new mapping from 'id' (SQL) to 'key' (API). AbstractBuildForm.php: Constant renamed. Database.php: update function makeArrayDict() to reflect name mapping.
- Mar 25, 2017
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
abstractBuildForm.php: through fix #2064 the FE.checkType has not been used anymore. This is fixed now.
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
formEditor.sql: updated subrecord in 'Form' for 'FormElements' - columns 'size' and 'sql1' removed and 'dyn' inserted. Play formEditor.sql.
Carsten Rose authored
AbstractBuildForm.php: for Form subrecord columns, the default width limit of 20 chars are disabled in 'nostrip' is specifed.
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
AbstractBuildForm.php: Saving 'extra' FE in STORE_SIP has been done with inappropiate FE_NAME. Correct is the pure FE_NAME, without any extension like recordId. Unessary and broken decoding removed.
Carsten Rose authored
HelpFormElement.php: Introduced new constants HTML_DELIMITER_NAME, HTML_DELIMITER_ID AbstractBuildForm.php: Saving 'extra' FE in STORE_SIP has been done with inappropiate FE_NAME. Correct is the pure FE_NAME, without any extension like recordId. Unessary and broken decoding removed.
Carsten Rose authored
Manual.rst: commented handling of 'comment character' and 'escaping of leading/trailing spaces' Support.php: new funtion handleEscapeSpaceComment(). Evaluate.php: parse all F|FE.parameter via handleEscapeSpaceComment().
Carsten Rose authored
AbstractException.php: Changing 'getTraceToString()' to 'getTrace()' causes trouble if there is an exception during formLoad. Rendering error messages will be redesigned (#3424)
Carsten Rose authored
formEditor.sql: Form 'FormElement' failed to display the formtitle of the current form in case of a new FE.
Carsten Rose authored
SaveTest.php: examine php unit problem on CI - reswapped update & insert again. Use global $db instead of local.
Carsten Rose authored