- May 30, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
- May 29, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
AbstractBuildForm.php, BuildFormBootstrap.php, BuildFormTable.php, Constants.php, QuickFormQuery.php, Save.php: Replace string 'tableName' through constant F_TABLE_NAME.
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
StoreTest.php: unit test fixed to run on Jenkins
Carsten Rose authored
Report.php, Store.php, QuickFormQuery.php: configuration option 'SESSION_NAME' removed and hard coded to 'qfq'. Session.php, Sip.php: function checkFeUserUid() moved from Sip to Session. Will be called by using 'Session'. SIP's now stored one level deeper in $_SESSION['qfq'][...]. This makes it easier to destroy the SIP cachae in case of login/logout. Destroying the whole $_SESSION var is not a good idea.
- May 27, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
Constants.php,QuickFormQuery.php: Introduced new variables, Bodytext: no var 'form=' or empty var 'form' are now allowed. If given, no form will be load -nothing happens.
- May 26, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
Bug: SIP Parameter have been urlencoded before put, but not urldecoded after get. New: SIP Parameter will be URL decoded before put!. Before creating the SIP it's hard to determine if a parameter is a SIP or not. General: All 'href' attributes are not wrapped by Support::doAttribute(). Sip.php: urldecode. AbstractBuildForm.php, BuildFormBootstrap.php, BuildFormTable.php: wrapped href in Support::doAttribute()
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
FormElementEditor: dynamic update hat nicht mehr fuer class/type funktioniert. FIXED. Ursache: das flag dynamixUpdate war nicht gesetzt.
Carsten Rose authored
Database.php: Fixed bug that INSERT returns affected rows. Correct is last_insert_id. Moved 'REPLACE' to behave like 'INSERT' instead of 'UPDATE. Extended Tests
- May 25, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
Link.php: #2037 - Bei _link mit Grafik wird das Argument o: (tooltip) ignoriert - FIXED. 'title' are rendered now in '<a>' and '<img>'.
Carsten Rose authored
Link.php: #2037 - Bei _link mit Grafik wird das Argument o: (tooltip) ignoriert - FIXED. 'title' are rendered now in '<a>' and '<img>'.
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
AbstractBuildForm.php: elements() generates no HTML for 'extra' anymore.
Carsten Rose authored
UsersManual/Index.rst: updated FillStoreManual.php, AbstractBuildForm.php: new constant FE_TYPE_EXTRA.
Carsten Rose authored
Store.php: typo. AbstractBuildForm.phhp: for all real form elements a fith't has been added: 'mode'.
Carsten Rose authored
- May 23, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
Report.php: refactored: TOKEN_* moved to Constants.php. New Alias TOKEN_VALID_LIST. $this->tokenList remplaced by TOKEN_VALID_LIST. Lines with less than 2 elements are ignored. Every token is checked if it is known. Exceptions got a error number. BodyTextParser.php: valid token checked against TOKEN_VALID_LIST.
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Link.php: make error messsage more user friendly Report.php: introduced new constants DEFAULT_ICON, DEFAULT_QUESTION
Carsten Rose authored
Link.php: added parameter to JS alert code
Carsten Rose authored
- May 20, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
OnArray.php: new explodeWithoutEscaped() Link.php: new doQuestion() Report.php: Link class will be initialized during __construct().
Carsten Rose authored
Unittests fuer _page und _Page. Link.php: add checkEmptyValue(), checkValue() - code becomes cleaner. Report.php: diverse Stellen empty() entfernt und durch isset() && ==='' ersetzt. empty() nimmt auch '0' als leeren Wert.
- May 18, 2016
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
Link.php: fixed bug that '0' as parameter for a token was equal to 'take default'. Report.php: fixed two bugs with 'uninitialized variable' Sip.php: index.php replaced by a constant.
Carsten Rose authored
FillStoreForm.php, AbstractBuilForm.php, Support.php: replaced 'dateFormat' with 'FE_DATE_FORMAT' where appropriate. AbstractBuilForm.php: buildDateJQW in a first version.
Carsten Rose authored
Carsten Rose authored
FillStoreForm.php, AbstractBuilForm.php: rena,ed buildFormElementId() to buildFormElementName(), deleted: builddateJQW(), copied buildDateTime() to buildDateJQW - but not coded.
Rafael Ostertag authored
Carsten Rose authored
Rafael Ostertag authored
Carsten Rose authored
Rafael Ostertag authored
Rafael Ostertag authored
Rafael Ostertag authored
Rafael Ostertag authored
Rafael Ostertag authored
Rafael Ostertag authored