| B | :ref:`STORE_BEFORE`: Record - the current record loaded in the form before any update. | All columns of the current record from the current table |
| P | Parent record. E.g.: on multi & copy forms the current record of the outer query. | All columns of the MultiSQL Statement from the table for the current row |
| B | :ref:`STORE_BEFORE`: Record - the current record loaded in the form before any update. | All columns of the current record from the current table. See `STORE_BEFORE`_. |
| L | :ref:`STORE_LDAP`: Will be filled on demand during processing of a *FormElement*. | Custom specified list of LDAP attributes. See `STORE_LDAP`_. |
| P | Parent record. E.g.: on multi & copy forms the current record of the outer query. | All columns of the MultiSQL Statement from the table for the current row |
| R | :ref:`STORE_RECORD`: Record - the current record loaded in the form. | All columns of the current record from the current table. See `STORE_RECORD`_. |
| T | :ref:`STORE_TYPO3`: a) Bodytext (ttcontent record), b) Typo3 internal variables. | See Typo3 tt_content record configuration. See `STORE_TYPO3`_. |
| U | :ref:`STORE_USER`: per user variables, valid as long as the browser session lives. | Set via report: '...' AS '_=<var name>' See: `STORE_USER`_, |
| _+html-tag attributes |The content will be wrapped with '<html-tagattributes>'. Example: SELECT 'example' AS '_+a href="http://example.com"' creates '<ahref="http://example.com">example</a>' |
| _=varname |The content will be saved in store 'user' under 'varname'. Retrieve it later via {{varname:U}} |
| _=varname |The content will be saved in store 'user' under 'varname'. Retrieve it later via {{varname:U}}. See `STORE_USER`_, `store_user_examples`_ |
|_<nonReservedName> |Suppress output. Column names with leading underscore are used to select data from the database and make it available in other parts of the report without generating any output. |