# cat=debug/mail; type=string; label=Redirect all mail to ...:Default is empty. If set, redirect all QFQ generated mails (Form, Report) to the specified email address.
redirectAllMailTo =
# cat=debug/logDir; type=string; label=QFQ log directory:Default is '/var/www/protected/log'. PathFile is absolute or relative to '<site path>'.
# cat=debug/info; type=string; label=Show debug info:Default is 'auto'. Possible values: [yes|no|auto][,download]. For 'auto': If a BE User is logged in, a debug information will be shown on the FE.
showDebugInfo = auto
# cat=debug/mail; type=string; label=Redirect all mail to ...:Default is empty. If set, redirect all QFQ generated mails (Form, Report) to the specified email address.
redirectAllMailTo =
# cat=database/db1; type=string; label=Init database:Default is 'set names utf8'. Optional. Might set specific settings.