# cat=config/config; type=string; label=Max file size for file uploads:If empty, take minimum of 'post_max_size' and 'upload_max_filesize' (PHP.INI).
maxFileSize =
# cat=config/config; type=string; label=Base URL of the current Typo3 installation. Use {{baseUrl:Y}} whenever the own URL should be referenced. Important for downloads and PDF conversion too. Example: https://your.base.url/including/sub/dir. Separate multiple URLs with comma. Final one will detected dynamically. Skip the scheme if the website needs to be accessible with http and https. Advanced example: first.base.url/sub1,second.example.url
# cat=config/config; type=string; label=Base URL of the current Typo3 installation. Use 'baseUrl' to reference own URL. Important for downloads and PDF conversion too. Example: https://your.base.url/including/sub/dir. Separate multiple URLs with comma. Final one will detected dynamically. Skip the scheme if the website needs to be accessible with http and https. Advanced example: first.base.url/sub1,second.example.url
baseUrl =
# cat=config/date; type=string; label=Date format:Default is 'dd.mm.yyyy'. Possible options: 'yyyy-mm-dd', 'dd.mm.yyyy'