# cat=database/db; type=string; label=Update QFQ database structures & data:Default is 'auto'. After installing a new QFQ version it might be necessary to apply updates to QFQ database structures and data. 'auto' - apply DB updates only if there is a newer version. 'always' - apply DB updates always, including play formEditor.sql every time QFQ is called - *not* recommended - slow! 'never' - never apply DB Updates.
update = auto
# cat=database/db; type=string; label=Database index for QFQ data:Default is '1'. Retrieve the current setting via {{_dbNameData:Y}}
# cat=database/db; type=string; label=Database index for QFQ data:Default is '1'. Retrieve the current setting via {{indexData:Y}} or the database name via {{_dbNameData:Y}}
indexData = 1
# cat=database/db; type=string; label=Database index for QFQ system:Default is '1'. Retrieve the current setting via {{_dbNameQfq:Y}}
# cat=database/db; type=string; label=Database index for QFQ system:Default is '1'. Retrieve the current setting via {{indexQfq:Y}} or the database name via {{_dbNameQfq:Y}}