Carsten Rose authoredCarsten Rose authored
Installation: https://phpunit.de/getting-started/phpunit-9.html
Doc um Exceptions zu testen: https://docs.phpunit.de/en/9.6/writing-tests-for-phpunit.html
TODO: if (!defined('PHPUNIT_QFQ')) {...}
rewrite $phpUnit to: "if (!defined('PHPUNIT_QFQ')) {...}
Run unit tests from CLI:
Make sure dev dependencies are installed:
# in extension directory
composer update --dev
Run all tests:
# in extension directory
vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml
Run single test:
# in extension directory
vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml --filter <test_name>
Requirements for running the php unittests:
make bootstrap
was executed - The following files exist at the same location (either
- The database credentials in
are correct - The database with the name
followed by_phpunit
exists. E.g.app_qfq_phpunit
In Tests/Unit/ you may find a mockup of LocalConfiguration.php
and a template for qfq.json
Run unit tests from commandline
REMARK: Running the unit tests without specifying the configuration file phpunit.xml
will not work. See section "
Autoloader" for explanation.
From the extension folder run:
vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml
Phpunit configurations
Phpunit configurations are stored in extension/phpunit.xml Running the tests without specifying these configurations will not work.
The test classes use the composer autoloader to reference to the source classes. The autoloader is loaded by phpunit
before each test as specified in phpunit.xml by the line <phpunit bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php">
Run tests without typo3 installation (e.g. gitlab runner)
As defined in the phpunit command of projectRoot/Makefile.
The files phpunit_qfq.json and phpunit_LocalConfiguration.php are copied outside the extension folder by the Makefile.