Carsten Rose authoredCarsten Rose authored
UseCase.rst 13.74 KiB
Use Case
To install the following use cases, please:
- Create the page and tt-content records.
- Copy the JSON form code to a new empty form (open Form in JSON mode).
Self Registration
- The T3 FE User record will be created on the fly in the last step, when the user set's the password.
- Form Registration
- Input: last name, first name, email.
- Create record in table Person, if no name or email sibling is found. Else give a hint to do a password reset.
- Set a new
token. - Set
Person.authExpired = NOW() + INTERVAL 1 DAY
. - Send an email to the given email address with a password reset link (incl. the token) which is time limited.
- Further steps: See Set password.
- Form Request password reset link
- This is optional, but useful to offer the opportunity to reset the own password.
- Input: email address.
- Send an email to the given email address with a password reset link (incl. a token) which is time limited.
- Only send email if the email address is known!
- If email is not found, the user should not be noticed. This prohibits misusing the form to validate email adresses.
- Set a new
token. - Set
Person.authExpired = NOW() + INTERVAL 1 DAY
- Form Set password
- The user types in the new password.
- On save:
- If the FE account does not exist, it will be created.
- Set the FE user password.
- Clear
Table: Person
`id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`lastName` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`firstName` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`email` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`account` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`auth` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
`authExpire` datetime NOT NULL,
Page: Registration
- Page Alias: registration
QFQ content record:
# {{action:SE}}: thanksRegistration
form={{SELECT IF('{{action:SE}}' = '','registration','') }}
20.sql = SELECT "<p>Thank you for your registration.</p><p>An email with further instructions has been sent to you.</p>"
, "<p>You should receive the mail during the next 5 minutes. If not, please check your SPAM folder.</p>"
FROM (SELECT '') AS fake
WHERE '{{action:SE}}' = 'thanksRegistration'
AND '{{form:SE}}'=''
Form: registration
"title": "Registration",
"tableName": "Person",
"permitNew": "always",
"permitEdit": "never",
"showButton": "close,save",
"forwardMode": "url-sip-skip-history",
"forwardPage": "?id=registration&action=thanksRegistration",
"parameter": "submitButtonText=Register",
"FormElement_ff": [
"enabled": "yes",
"name": "firstName",
"label": "First name",
"mode": "required",
"type": "text"
"enabled": "yes",
"name": "lastName",
"label": "Last name",
"mode": "required",
"type": "text"
"enabled": "yes",
"name": "email",
"label": "Email",
"mode": "required",
"class": "native",
"type": "text",
"checkType": "email",
"parameter": "retype\r\nretypeLabel=Retype email"
"enabled": "yes",
"label": "Check for double registration",
"mode": "show",
"modeSql": "",
"class": "action",
"type": "beforeSave",
"parameter": "sqlValidate={{!SELECT p.id FROM Person AS p WHERE p.email='{{email:F:alnumx}}' OR ('{{firstName:F:allbut}}'=p.firstName AND '{{lastName:F:allbut}}'=p.lastName ) LIMIT 1 }}\r\n expectRecords=0\r\nmessageFail=Sorry, person already registered by name or email. Please just reset the password under <a href='?id=reset'>reset</a>"
"enabled": "yes",
"label": "auth, deadline",
"class": "action",
"type": "afterSave",
"parameter": "# Set token & expiration\r\nsqlBefore={{UPDATE Person SET auth='{{random:V}}', authExpire=DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) WHERE id={{id:R}} }}"
"enabled": "yes",
"label": "a) sendEmail, b) fe user",
"mode": "show",
"class": "action",
"type": "sendMail",
"value": "Dear new user\r\nPlease set a new password under {{baseUrl:Y}}?id=set&auth={{auth:R}}\r\nRegards.",
"parameter": "sendMailTo={{email:R}}\r\nsendMailSubject=Registration confirmation\r\nsendMailFrom={{ADMINISTRATIVE_EMAIL:Y}}\r\n\r\n# Create User in T3\r\nsqlAfter={{INSERT INTO {{dbNameT3:Y}}.fe_users (pid, usergroup, username, password, first_name, last_name, name, email) VALUES (6, '1', '{{email:F:alnumx}}','$p$initial invalid hash', '{{firstName:R}}', '{{lastName:R}}', '{{firstName:R}} {{lastName:R}}', '{{email:F:alnumx}}') }}"
Request password reset link
Page: reset
- Page Alias: reset
QFQ content record:
# {{action:SE}}: passwordReset
# Empty: {{action:SE}}='' > shows the form angezeigt 'passwordReset'.
# Given: {{action:SE}}='confirmation' > show confirmation.
form={{SELECT IF('{{action:SE}}' = '','passwordReset','') }}
10 {
sql = SELECT '' FROM (SELECT '') AS fake WHERE '{{action:SE}}'='confirmation'
head = <div class="alert alert-success">
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>If the email address is known in our database, we sent a password reset link to it.</p>
<p>The mail should be received during the next minutes. If not, please check you junk folder.</p>
<p>To set a new password, please click on the link provided in the email.</p>
Form: passwordReset
Take care that there is one dummy person record with person.id=1
Form 'passwordReset':
"title": "Password reset",
"tableName": "Person",
"permitNew": "never",
"permitEdit": "always",
"escapeTypeDefault": "c",
"render": "bootstrap",
"dirtyMode": "exclusive",
"showButton": "save",
"multiMode": "none",
"forwardMode": "url-sip-skip-history",
"forwardPage": "?id={{pageAlias:T}}&action=confirmation",
"labelAlign": "default",
"parameter": "submitButtonText = Send password reset email",
"deleted": "no",
"FormElement_ff": [
"enabled": "yes",
"name": "emailValue",
"label": "Email",
"mode": "show",
"class": "native",
"type": "text",
"encode": "specialchar",
"checkType": "email",
"ord": 10
"enabled": "yes",
"label": "Check for *example.com email",
"mode": "show",
"class": "action",
"type": "beforeSave",
"ord": 20,
"parameter": "sqlValidate={{!SELECT 'fake' FROM (SELECT '') AS fake WHERE '{{emailValue:F:alnumx}}' LIKE '%example.com' }}\r\n expectRecords=0\r\nmessageFail=Sorry, Password reset is not possible for *example.com."
"enabled": "yes",
"label": "a) set auth, expire, b) send email",
"mode": "show",
"class": "action",
"type": "sendMail",
"encode": "specialchar",
"checkType": "auto",
"ord": 50,
"value": "Dear new user\r\nPlease set a new password under {{baseUrl:Y}}?id=set&auth={{auth:V}}\r\nRegards.",
"parameter": "fillStoreVar={{!SELECT CONCAT(p.firstName , ' ', p.lastName) AS name, p.id AS _pId, @expire:=DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 4 DAY) AS expireTs, QDATE_FORMAT(@expire) AS expire, p.email, '{{random:V}}' AS auth FROM Person AS p WHERE p.email='{{emailValue:F:alnumx}}' AND p.email!='' LIMIT 1}}\r\n\r\nsendMailTo={{email:VE}}\r\nsendMailSubject=Password Reset\r\nsendMailFrom=webmaster@example.com\r\nsendMailGrId=123\r\nsendMailXId=456\r\n\r\n# Set token & expiration\r\nsqlAfter = {{UPDATE Person SET auth='{{auth:V}}', authExpire='{{expireTs:V}}' WHERE email='{{emailValue:F:alnumx}}' AND email!='' LIMIT 1}}"
Set new password
Page: set
- Page
- Alias: set
- Hide in menu: yes
QFQ content record:
# {{auth:CE}} - empty >> Form 'setPassword'
# {{auth:CE}} - unknown | expired >> Error message
# {{auth:SE}} - valid >> Set Password
# {{action:CE}} - 'thanks'
form={{SELECT IF( ISNULL(p.id), '', 'passwordSet' )
FROM (SELECT '') AS fake
ON p.auth='{{auth:C:alnumx}}'
AND p.auth!=''
AND NOW()<p.authExpire }}
r={{SELECT IFNULL(p.id, 0) FROM (SELECT '') AS fake LEFT JOIN Person AS p ON p.auth='{{auth:C:alnumx}}' AND p.auth!='' AND NOW()<p.authExpire}}
10 {
sql = SELECT IF( ISNULL(p.id)
, 'Token invalid'
, IF( NOW()<p.authExpire
, IF( p.authExpire=0, 'Password already set', 'Token expired') )
FROM (SELECT '') AS fake
ON p.auth='{{auth:C:alnumx}}'
AND p.auth!=''
WHERE '{{action:SE}}'=''
AND (ISNULL(p.id) OR NOW()>=p.authExpire)
head = <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
tail = </div>
20.sql = SELECT 'Thanks for setting the password. Please <a href="?id=login">log in</a> now.'
FROM (SELECT '') AS fake
WHERE '{{action:SE}}'='thanks'
Form: passwordSet
Please adjust the numbers for usergroup
and pid
in FormElement Update fe_user.password > parameter > sqlInsert
to your needs. Remember that every FE-User needs at least one FE-Group to log in successfully.
Form 'passwordSet':
"title": "Set password",
"tableName": "Person",
"permitNew": "never",
"permitEdit": "always",
"escapeTypeDefault": "c",
"render": "bootstrap",
"dirtyMode": "exclusive",
"showButton": "save",
"multiMode": "none",
"forwardMode": "url-sip-skip-history",
"forwardPage": "?{{pageAlias:T}}&action=thanks",
"parameter": "submitButtonText='Set password'",
"FormElement_ff": [
"enabled": "yes",
"name": "myValue",
"label": "Password",
"mode": "show",
"class": "native",
"type": "password",
"checkType": "pattern",
"checkPattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9-_+ *\\\/.,:;]{10,}",
"ord": 10,
"parameter": "retype\r\nretypeLabel=Retype password\r\ndata-pattern-error=At least 10 characters are required. Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 -_+*\/.,:;\r\nextraButtonPassword"
"enabled": "yes",
"label": "Update fe_user.password",
"mode": "show",
"class": "action",
"type": "afterSave",
"encode": "specialchar",
"ord": 20,
"parameter": "slaveId={{SELECT fe.uid FROM {{dbNameT3:Y}}.fe_users AS fe WHERE fe.username='{{email:RE}}' AND fe.username!='' AND fe.deleted=0 LIMIT 1}}\r\n\r\n# Create FE User. Please update values of `pid`, `usergroup` to your setup.\r\nsqlInsert = {{INSERT INTO {{dbNameT3:Y}}.fe_users ( `pid`, `usergroup`, `username`, `email`, `name`, `password`,`crdate`) VALUES ( 5 , 1 , '{{email:RE}}', '{{email:RE}}', '{{lastName:RE}}, {{firstName:RE}}', '{{myValue:FE:all:p}}', UNIX_TIMESTAMP() ) }}\r\n\r\nsqlUpdate = {{UPDATE {{dbNameT3:Y}}.fe_users SET password='{{myValue:FE:all:p}}' WHERE uid={{slaveId:V0}} }}\r\n\r\nsqlAfter={{UPDATE Person SET authExpire=0 WHERE id={{id:R}} }}"