Carsten Rose authoredCarsten Rose authored
Version 19.x.x
Date: <date>
Bug Fixes
Version 19.9.1
Date: 21.09.2019
- Use the CSS class 'qfq-sticky' in <thead> to make a table header 'sticky' - on long pages such tables headers are always visible.
- The page with the list of all forms: a new best practice report includes useful statistics `Form-Editor-Usage`_ - best is to replace the old code.
- #9203 / Pin the header of table (CCS 'sticky'), to make it always visible even if the page scrolls down.
- #9172 / AutoCron: new colum 'autoGenerated', 'xId'
- #9089 / Move Stored Procedure to SECURITY=INVOKER
- Manual.rst: Best practice `Form-Editor-Usage`_
- Reduce BS legend.font-size from 21 to 17.
- Change doc of tablesorter to use 'sorter-false' as class.
Bug Fixes
- #9074 / QFQ query with nested QFQ query failed, if the outer QFQ query is a multi column query ( ='{{!' ). Fixed.
Version 19.9.0
Date: 09.09.2019
- Size of input elements now might be specified dynamically (with min and max height).
- Twig converts json objects to an array.
- Report.php: Twig, convert json object into associative array.
- Test SQL stored procedure in Form report.
- qfq-bs.css.less: a) reduce 'qfq-note' padding-top from 7 to 2 px, b) reduce 'legend' margin-bottom from 25 to 0.
- Debug output sendmail redirect all: addresses now always space delimited.
- FormEditor:
- Remove FormElement 'tabindex'.
- Change FormElement.class from 'Select' to 'Radio'.
- Manual.rst:
- Clean syntax highlight.
- Update realtime log file QFQ code.
- Add 'Best Practice' code to show QFQ log files in realtime. Reformat some content.
- #7849 / New option 'fileTrash' and 'fileTrashText'.
- #7682 / 'Input textarea auto height'
- #4434 / Special column names now have to start with underscore. Earlier it was recognised even if there was no underscore.
Bug Fixes
- #7860 / Special column name 'mailto' no handles text correctly if multi byte encoded.
- #7849 / Missed filename after the file chooser selected an file. fixed.
- #1201 / FE.parameter option 'tabindex' has never been implemented. According https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/tabindex only the values '0' and '-1' are good.
- Add table html-id to subrecords, created by QFQ. Needed for tablesorter.
- Add TinyMCE to list of 'Software distributed together with QFQ'
Version 19.8.0
Date: 28.08.2019
- Update tablesorter class="sorter-false".
- Add note to include font-awesome.
- QFQ_LOG documentation.
- Enhance wkhtml debug info.
- Add link to https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/stored-routine-privileges/
Increase Length of column Form.forwardPage limit from 255 to 511.
Index.rst: Add Rafi, Elias, Nicola as further contributors.
Add SQL stored procedure QIFEMPTY().
#8806 / Add SQL stored procedure QNL2BR().
#8851 / Add sqlLogMode modifyAll and restrict sqlLogMode modify.
#8859 / FormEditor: Filter + ColumnSelector.
#8856 / AutoCron: SQL logMode should be defined separately.
Bug Fixes
- #8933 / Broken record lock: lock extend does not work - fixed
- #8846 / FormEditor: subrecord of FormElement might be wider than Form.
- #8853 / fe.class=action: container should be hidden - hidden is wrong - FE-action might be assigned to templateGrou Container. New solution: if FE.class='action' only templateGroups are in the 'container' list.
- #6656 / DragnDrop' into 'master'
- Update compatibility: API change in T3 makes QFQ incompatible with Typo3 >=9.4. Change compatibility back to <9.3. Problem: sys_language_uid
- Update QFQ from earlier/equal version than 0.19.2 fails to create table 'Cron'.
Version 19.7.1
Date: 17.07.2019
- TWIG integration
- Add Twig Extension to parse QFQ Links
- Pass assoc-array of query result as context
- allow to pass template as string
Database.php: extend function sql error message
#8179 / extraButtonLock and extraButtonPassword might be specified without a value or with 0 or with 1.
Bug Fixes
- Database.php: fix CodeException
- Fabric: Readonly now displays annotations again.
Version 19.7.0
Date: 02.07.2019
- Settings for tablesorter can now be saved.
- Selenium docker based is integrated now.
- #7284 / tablesorter save sort order
- #8592 / Fixed button display, added Alert instead of disabled button.
- #8204 / position required mark
- Excel.php: Delete superficial autoloader require
- Cleanup: hashPassword.php moved from Api to External.
- Cleanup unwanted git tracked files: Documentation-develop/jsdoc|...
- Selenium + Docker
- Update .gitignore - documentation directory moved several days ago.
Bug Fixes
- #6917 / Fix Monitor does not work.
- #8098 / Fix Language specific retype label or note has not been set correctly.
- Fix undefined index and potential undefined index.
- Fix Autoloader for External/AutoCron.php.
- Small fixes Manual.rst.
- Fix broken Manual: unwanted '<' after '{{!' lead to fully broken Manual.
- Fix path Source/api to Source/Api.
Version 19.6.2
Date: 21.06.2019
The Rest API path changed:
- old: typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php
- new: typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/rest.php
QFQ is now PSR4 compliant.
- #8520 / Switch to psr4 composer.
- #8272 / Disable 'save' button as long as an upload is running.
- #7529 / Guarantee Sip Action plays only once.
- #8577 / Documentation enhanced for behaviour of SELECT '_test'.
Bug Fixes
- #7903 / Delete with 'table' as parameter doesn't work anymore.
- #8571 / Primary Key: report error if lower/uppercase don't match - in general if given primary key is not found in table definition.
- #8465 / Var substitute: '{{name:R:::0}}' default not used if it is '0'.
Version 19.6.1
Date: 16.06.2019
- 'pdftk' is no longer used.
- Please install 'poppler-utils' - the command 'pdfunite' is the replacement of 'pdftk'.
- #8558 / Split error message in toUser and toDeveloper. Add error code.
- #8562 / Replace pdftk by pdfunite. 'pdftk' is outdated. It's hard to install on Ubuntu 18. It fails for recent PDFs. 'pdfunite' is based on poppler. URLs are preserved. Orientation and size are preserved.
Bug Fixes
- Fix uniqIdQfq() - returned always badcaffeee1234
- Refactor function.sql to function.sql. Implement constants for Version numbers.
- Update NewDoc.md
Version 19.6.0
Date: 12.06.2019
- Add Marc Egger as Developer
Bug Fixes
- #8523 / htmlid: remove spaces (war #8460). Replace uniqid() by uniqIdQfq() which delivers a constant id in case of running unit tests
- #8430 / QFQ Doc mising.
- Index.rst: customize URL for 'report a problem'.
- Sitemap.rst: new created to be included by Index.rst.
- Reformat Index.rst according https://github.com/TYPO3-Documentation/TYPO3CMS-Example-ExtensionManual.git.
- Move doc to docker generation. Update ReST Syntax URLs.
- Remove 'extension/Documentation.outdated'.
- Update .gitignore to not commit rendered doc.
- Manual.rst: Excel Export / PDF export replace 'uid:<int>' with 'uid:<tt-content record id>'
- Update SQL functions to hanlde errors more efficient.
Version 19.5.1
Date: 22.5.19
- New dropdown menu, fully dynamic via '... AS _link' incl. SIP generation.
- New SQL stored procedure for use directly in SQL queries:
- QMORE(text, length) - limits a text to 'length' characters, click on 'more' shows complete text.
- QBAR(text) - escapes the character '|'. That one is heavily used in format strings for '... AS _link'.
- #8391 / Additional line 'Website: ...' in sendmail redirect all.
- #8270 / SQL Stored procedure QMORE(text,length): Limit long text to 'length' characters. Show button 'more'.
- #8270 / SQL Stored procedure QBAR(text): Escape the character '|'.
- #8348 / Dynamic Dropdown menu via '... AS _link'
Bug Fixes
- #8116 / Error-Dialog - Button for FE element is broken. First problem: replacing 'n' with '<br>' failed for FE link. Second problem: FormEditor fixed in case missing {{formId:S}}.
- #8315 / FE Datetime: 'd.m.yy hh:mm' thows an error
- #8278: Too long GET var crashes QFQ - Bug 1 - check GET Vars but try to report problem from POST var. Bug 2: writing log message crashed due to not initialized QFQ-config.
- Html2Pdf.php: Change logfile from sql.log to qfq.log
- formEditor.sql: Add specific pattern message for Form.name allowed characters
- Config.php: more precise error message
Version 19.5.0
Date: 03.05.2019
- QFQ is now T3 V9.5 compatible.
- Minimal required version increased to T3 V7.
- QFQ description in ext_emconf.php updated > will be displayed on TER.
- #5103 / Upload any file type:
. - Manual.rst: update all links to bootstrap to fixed version 3.4: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.4/...
Bug Fixes
- Manual.rst: Update BS glyphicon URL
- Manual.rst: replace '{{feUser:Y}}' by '{{feUser:T}}'
- #8109 / Change email pattern and disable sanitize for FORM_UPDATE
- #8149 / Excel Export cutoff at Column AA
- #8113 / Fehler in Dokumentation für Default value
Version 19.3.2
Date: 18.03.2019
- New Escape/Action Class:
- 'X': Throw an exception if a variable isn't found. Custom message can be defined.
- 'S': Stop replacing nested variables.
- Form forward:
- 'url-sip': Call a target page with SIP encoded parameter
- 'url-sip-skip-history': Call a target page with SIP encoded parameter, do not add current page to browser history.
- Report: new token 'fskipwrap' - comma separated list of column indexes. Suche columns won't be rendered with 'fbeg, fend'.
- Upload max file size:
- Default changed:
- old: 10MB
- new: System limit
- Definition via a) system configuration, b) qfq setup, c) per Form, d) per FormElement
- Default changed:
- #8043 / New Escape/Action Class "Exception" if variable is not found.
- #8012 / New Escape/Action Class "Stop replace" of nested variables.
- #8067 / url-sip / url-sip-skip-history - Form forwarding can now be used with SIP encoded parameter.
- #8072 / New token for Report: fskipwrap - wrapping of fields can be disabled per column.
- #8041 / Upload: maxFileSize based on system maximum, qfq config, form config, formElement config
- Manual.rst / Add more detailed description for '... AS _exec'. Add notes for 'fileSplit'.
Bug Fixes
- #8035 / Missing sql.log: throws an error - fixed.
- #8077 / PDF/fileSplit: uploaded PDF file with missing extension '.pdf' have not been recognized as PDF files - fixed.
- #8076 / splitPdf: using 'fileSplit=jpeg' and uploading a PDF with only one page, results in filename 'split.jpg' (missing index '-0'). New: split.jpg is renamed internally to split-0.jpg to provide a unified naming scheme.
- #8075 / Catch exception on filesize() - fixed: now return '-' for non existing files.
Version 19.3.1
Date: 15.03.2019
Bug Fixes
- 8058 / Form > fillStoreVar: broken for TemplateGroup - Form.fillStoreVar not available during fillStoreForm().
- 8048 / A retype FE should not be checked for 'required' during save.
Version 19.3.0
Date: 05.03.2019
- New FormElement 'datalist' for fe.type='select'.
- FormElement 'annotate':
- Now supports 'ReadOnly'.
- 'grafic': Undo/Redo
- #7729 / Select as datalist
- #7783 / FormElement 'annotate' - ReadOnly mode is now supported for grafic/text.
- FormElement 'annotate/grafic' History for undo / redo
- FormEditor: by creating a new FormElement, the feIdContainer is now preselected based on the last choice.
- Manual.rst: started to use more predefined Sphinx formatting styles.
Bug Fixes
- #7978 / mail.log: not written in some cases - fixed
- #7949 / Table MailLog: missing column 'cc,bcc'
- Manual.rst: correct parameter 'mode' for special column name '_sendMail'
Version 19.2.3
Date: 22.02.2019
New: QFQ REST interface implemented.
- Rest Implementation with GET,PUT,POST,DELETE and authorization token
- REST.md: add
- Manual.rst: reformat all sql code to use tyoposcript - it seems mysql does not work
- Manual.rst: Add some admonitions
Bug Fixes
- #7925 / Change CWD during split reduced to splitting only.
- #7925 / Fixed problem in mkDirParent() with absolute paths.
- #7925 / Make logger independent of CWD.
- #7925 / Fixed problem with
mktemp --tmpdir
(difference Ubuntu 16 / 18) by using PHP function again. - #7925 / Fixed some 'undefined index' problems.
Version 19.2.2
Date: 19.02.2019
- QFQ now offers a basic REST API. Check https://docs.typo3.org/p/IMATHUZH/qfq/master/en-us/Manual.html#rest
- 7910 / Check for double form names
- 7904 / REST api export. Manual.rst: describe QFQ REST API
- Latest phpStorm IDE complains about missing ext-json in composer.json. Added.
- Manual.rst: Example how to use 'password' escape class.
Bug Fixes
Version 19.2.1
Date: 18.02.2019
- New default session timeout: if nothing special is needed, leave the config.sessionTimeout empty. If there is an old value best is to remove it.
- Variables with escape class='p' now hashes the content to be used as T3 FE passwords. This let's QFQ handle FE User registration or password reset.
- Manual.rst: update pathFilename to pathFileName an all places.
- Apply padding-top|botttom to fieldset via qfq-fieldset class.
- F7165 / fe user registration. New escape type 'p' for T3 passwords.
Bug Fixes
- #7634 / Session Timeout too short. Annoying 'session expired' message removed. Default timeout now takes the system defautl.
- #7864 / 'required'-FE Elements, deactivated via formModeGlobal=requiredOff missed the read marker. Class 'required-field' is now always assigned. The final 'required' mode is still temporarily disabled.
- #7848 / extraColumName 'paged' - easier handling in case 'r=0' or empty 'U:...' - fixes #7848
Version 19.2.0
Date: 07.02.2019
Bug Fixes
- #7714 / autocron fails to open logfiles - adjust CWD based on argv(0).
Version 19.1.3
Date: 28.1.2019
- If a variable violates a sanitize class, the substituted result can now be configured: a) !!<class>!!, b) '0', c) '', d) '<custom message>'.
- Alerts (based on _link class), might now show only 'ok' (alone, without 'cancel').
- Excel Import - three new options: importNamedSheetsOnly, importSetReadDataOnly, importListSheetNames
- SQL Error / underlining in exception dialog: Add two SQL errors to be underlined in exceptions. Extend to "... in 'order clause'"
- Extend allowed SQL commands in QFQ vars (have been already subscribed in that way in Manual.rst).
- New escape mode 'C' - escapes ':' by ''.' - useful for variables in variable definition.
- fillStoreVar: Replace setStore() with appendToStore()
- #6914 / Customized typeMessageViolation. Incl. unit tests.
- #7743 / Move error messages to Constants.php. Unit tests use those constants now. 'data-pattern-error' only delivered if a 'pattern' is given. 'required' attribute only delivered is set. Detection of 'pattern error' on per QFQ default, custom instance wide, per form or per FormElement - per FormElement overwrites other. Move default pattern to constants. Make default error text more specific (only if default error text is not explicit set in config, form or form-element)
- #7747 / New options to import Excel files: importNamedSheetsOnly, importSetReadDataOnly, importListSheetNames
- #7684 / Optional hide second button (cancel) in link/question alerts.
Bug Fixes
- #7743 / Form-Element: Explicit given '0' for MIN or MAX has been interpreted as 'not set'.
- #7702 / Form,Form-Element: Unnecessary evaluation of column 'noteInternal' / 'adminNote'.
- #7695 / Form/URL Forward: pageAlias not substituted.
- #7686 / FormAction/sendmail: uninitialised sendMailAttachment.
- #7685 / Open FormElement from QFQ error message and save modified record: report error about missing {{formId:F}}.
- FormElement.type=select: fixed problem with dynamic update and mode=readonly - list was still selectable.
- Hint to skip leading zeros in version number.
Version 19.1.2
Date: 17.01.2019
- Align FormElement labels left/center/right.
- Cleanup FormEditor.
- All SQL commands now are allowed.
- #7620 / Label align left/center/right. Defined by config/form/formelement.
- #7647 / Preparation for Selenium Tests - Implement new token 'A' to add any custom attribute to '... AS _link'
- Cleanup FormEditor: FormElement as second pill. Hide MultiForm as long as it not active. Rename Various to Layout.
- Manual.rst: Add some tips. Add note how to extend TinyMCE valid_elements.
- Delete composer in Resources dir, run phpunit tests in gitlab pipeline.
- Database.php: allow all SQL commands.
Bug Fixes
- #7671 / On FormElements, 'fillStoreVar' is now detected and fired at first.
- Fix for checkbox-inline / radio-inline.
- Check for non unique FormElements: multiple empty FE.name (e.g. for FE.type=subrecord) are allowed now.
Version 19.1.1
Date: 04.01.2019
Bug Fixes
- #7600 / Path to sendEmail has changed and is updated now.
- #7603 / Fix problem: formEditor.sql broken - missing semicolon. QFQ updates did not played formEditor.sql. Unit test for DatabaseUpdate(). Especially that formEditor.sql is running fine.
- #7594 / FE.type=extra: don't name it 'type' or 'id' or 'L' - more detailed error message and an explanation in Manual.rst.
- Config.php: error message about to high session timeout now reports the PHP settings.
Version 19.1.0
Date: 03.01.2019
- Session expired: report details about session timestamps
- File not found in FE.type=file: Show more clearly that the pathfilename is only shown when ShowDebugInfo=on.
Bug Fixes
- #7553 / If a pill is hidden, FE on that one should not be processed during save/update.
- #7573 / Upload: Do FillStoreVar before slaveId.
- #7551 / General error: Access to undefined index.
- #7544 / General error: Download.php / Line: 175.
- #7543 / General error: QuickFormQuery.php / Line: 1364. Happened during upload.
- Download Excel (and all other download types): Content-Disposition header delivered/suppressed in the opposite meaning as it should be. Seems to be fixed now.
Version 18.12.3
Date: 25.12.2018
- Form: Add text 'Record id/Created/Modified' to tooltip of save button.
Bug Fixes
- #7540 / Form: Upload broken. HelperFile.php: correctRelativePathFileName() broken after refactor of qfq paths.
- #7514 / Report: Broken defaults in _pdf, _file, _link.
- #7538 / Report: Excel.php - access to undefined index.
- #7289 / Report: {{<level>.line.insertId}} - missing for altsql.
- #7539 / Report: Copy to clipboard not reliable. 'Direct' content now correctly encoded. 'Copy file content' fully implemented for text files.
Version 18.12.2
Date: 24.12.2018
- Version skipped. Build problems in CI queue.
Version 18.12.1
Date: 22.12.2018