Marc Egger authoredMarc Egger authored
Release.rst 112.03 KiB
Version 21.x.x
Date: <date>
Bug Fixes
Version 21.y.y
Date: <date>
- The log directory was moved into the qfqProject directory in version 21.2.0 for new installations. But if the directory fileadmin/protected/log already exists then QFQ keeps storing logs there. This was added to release notes of 21.2.0 in hindsight.
Bug Fixes
Version 21.5.0
Date: 02.05.2021
- CodingGuideline.rst: add Form Best practice
Bug Fixes
- #10505 / Drag'n'Drop broken on Multi DB Instance - all checks done
- #10754 / Clean up stale requirements.txt
- #11769 / Missing description table in Form.rst
- #12352 / Form As Json: copy via JSON in FormEditor broken.
- #12398 / Fix check required for uploads
- #12475 / During QFQ update take care that all system tables exist.
- #12479 / Remove unwrap('p-tag') for TinyMCE - currently, this breaks regular consecutive <p> tags
Version 21.4.0
Date: 11.04.2021
- The new introduced 'Form As File' Feature in QFQ Version 21.3.* has been disabled. Instead every form can be imported and exported as JSON. The automatic import/export was not stable and a manual process promises less problems.
- #12015 / useAdvancedFormEditor: disable form sync using feature flag
- #12346 / Add new formJson.json to system forms
- #12345 / Update documentation of special column formJson
- REST.rst: small reformat.
- Add Test copyToClipboard
- HTTP Header: Add 'X-Api-Key'. Fix problem for token without argument name. Update doc.
- Add margin to qfq-badge
- Fix undefined clearMe
Bug Fixes
- #12341 / FormSubmitLog also saves FormName (not only FormId)
- #11265 / Dropdown Menu: wrap with <p> breaks dropdown
- #12268 / Enhanced FormSubmitLog Page Sample Code
- gitlab-ci.yml: `mkdir -p ... ` suppresses warning if directory already exist. Add more descriptive message.
- docker/run_qfq_docker.sh: 'source' eines files, das nicht existiert, gibt immer einen Fehler auf stdout.
- Fix problem: /var/www/html/my/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Core/Form/FormAction.php / Line: 394 / Undefined index: saveFormJson
- extension/Classes/Core/Helper/SessionCookie.php: Index 'host' was empty
Version 21.3.2
Date: 22.03.2021
- #9528 / Implement option 'clearMe' to show a small X in input & textaera fields per FormElement, per Form or global.
Bug Fixes
- #12015 / use Advanced Form Editor - problem with uppercase f in Form for form name.
Version 21.3.1
Date: 21.03.2021
- Custom QFQ Function:
- Call QFQ function from inside a report, at any place, as often as needed. The QFQ function code will be parsed only one time. Variables will be replaced in time.
- Based on QFQ function: a new download source can be specified : source:<function name>
- #11998 / Custom QFQ-Function
- #12015 / Use Advanced FormEditor
Bug Fixes
- Bug with empty Fabric string fixed
Version 21.3.0
Date: 07.03.2021
- To enforce usage of the new form-list we throw an exception on QFQ update if the line "file=_formEditor" is not present in any tt-content bodytext. :ref:`form-editor`.
- Persistent download links, combined with SQL based access check. :ref:`download`.
- Check new file based definition of forms :ref:`form-as-file` - this makes it easier to work in team with GIT based files.
- #12085 / Persistent download links.
- #12022 / New Escape class HtmlSpecialChar 'h'
- #11957 / Get European Timezone {{start:R::t}}
- #11926 / Update Form As File Documentation
- #12015 / Add formEditor as a system QFQ report and enforce formEditor existence
- #11926 / Use alternate form and report directories for phpunit (form_phpunit)
- #11953 / Logger.php: replace makePathAbsolute with Path functions
- #11931 / Report minimal required PHP version and stop, if PHP version is too low.
- #9213 / Add note for tablesorter.
- Add EV tips for tablesorter as a table in doc
Bug Fixes
- #12016 / Run Typo3 autoloader before password hashing if API request
- #5444 / Typeahead FE value is now prefetched after save.
Version 21.2.0
Date: 01.02.2021
- The log directory was moved into the qfqProject directory in version 21.2.0 for new installations. But if the directory fileadmin/protected/log already exists then QFQ keeps storing logs there. This was added to release notes of 21.2.0 in hindsight.
- #10286 / Download Links: Glyphicon selbst wählen/ausblenden
- #11878 / Purge extension option config.documentation
- #6793 / Source files for ZIP archives might now specified with a path/filename how they are called inside the ZIP.
- log directory was moved into qfqProject directory
Bug Fixes
- #11925 / downloadButton Parameter 'd:Filename'
- #9355 / Increase column width header & attach
- #11865 / Form Editor exception when edited after saved
- #11798 / Use T3 password hashing API instead of hack
- #11750 / Checkbox does not work together correctly with required fields
- #11666 / PHP 7.4: Trying to access array offset on value of type int
- #11245 / If forwardMode column is set to '', set forwardMode to 'auto'
Version 20.11.0
Date: 12.11.2020
- #7156 / Throw exception when a report level is defined twice.
- #11335 / Sanitize Alnumx: allow 'ß'
- #11325 / Allow SQL CALL(). Unsupported: Multiple (like query_multi()) - only the first one will be returned.
- #11269 / REST Post might return a customized answer.
- #11512 / Twig: add access to Var store
- #11118 / Uniqueness is now guaranteed in {{random:V}}
- #11513 / Add special column AS _script
- #11509 / PDF split fails for broken PDF
- #10979 / Ajax Calls an API - dataReport
Bug Fixes
- #11430 / phpSpreadsheet throws exception that '' is not numeric
- #10257 / Delete AS _link only worked with certain parameter order.
- #11511 / Tablesorter: fix encoding error, sanitize base64 encoding
- #11146 / Sendmail dynamic PDF broken
- #10554 / Fix extrabuttonlock also for select, radio and checkbox
- #11245 / If forwardMode column is set to '', set forwardMode to 'auto'
Version 20.9.0
Date: 06.09.2020
- New SIP protected AJAX calls.
- Report now fires calls to websocket (remote hosts).
- Report now fires REST calls to remote hosts.
- #10979 / Report: do SIP protected AJAX calls to typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/dataReport.php.
- #11076 / Report: trigger call to websockets.
- #11119 / Report: REST Client calls - incl. processing of answer.
- Add CodingGuideline.rst.
Bug Fixes
- #10919 / AutoCron: Fix missing FillStoreSystemBySql.
- #11075 / Form: Missing SQL error message in FE Action Elements.
- #11039 / Fix CSS for Checkbox.
Version 20.6.2
Date: 25.06.2020
Bug Fixes
- #10641 / TypeAheadTag: Fehler beim gleichzeitigen anlegen mehrerer neuer Tags
- #10794 / Documentation: Crontab entry more clearly
Version 20.6.1
Date: 24.06.2020
- #10778 / Upload ZIP and unpack
Version 20.6.0
Date: 14.06.2020
- Add note in Installation.rst to start Apache with Locale en_US.UTF-8. This helps to support Umlaut and other characters in filenames and wkhtml commandline options (like header/footer).
- Migrate documentation from T3 to ReadTheDocs.io - looks older but 'search' is much more better. New: chapters separated in individual files.
- For the image to PDF feature, installation of img2pdf is required (please check :ref:`preparation`).
- #10751 / Allow images to be concatenated for PDF download.
- Fontawesome updated 5.13.
- Extend FE.label size to 1023.
- Local documentation rendering directly via Sphinx.
- Manual: Search is working, table width not truncated anymore, PDF & epub export, redirect qfq.io/doc to docs.qfq.io.
- Update copyright notice.