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Debug.rst 11.21 KiB



Setup in :ref:`configuration`

  • qfqLog
    • Filename where to log QFQ debug and error messages.
    • File is relative to the <site path> or absolute (starting with '/').
    • Content: error situations of QFQ and debug, if enabled.

All non SQL related information will be logged to QFQ log file.


Setup in :ref:`configuration`

  • sqlLog
    • Filename where to log SQL queries and statistical data.
    • File is relative to the <site path> or absolute (starting with '/').
    • Content: SQL queries and timestamp, formName/formId, fe_user, success, affected rows, newly created record id's and accessed from IP.
    • The global setting can be overwritten by defining sqlLog inside of a QFQ tt-content record.
  • sqlLogMode: all|modify|error|none

    • all: logs every SQL statement.
    • modify: logs only statements who might potentially change data.
    • error: logs only queries which generate SQL errors.
    • none: no query logging at all.
    • The global setting can be overwritten by defining sqlLogMode inside of a QFQ tt-content record.
  • showDebugInfo = [yes|no|auto],[download]

    If active, displays additional information in the Frontend (FE). This is typically helpful during development.

    • yes:

      • Form:

        • For every internal link/button, show tooltips with decoded SIP on mouseover.
        • Shows an 'Edit form'-button (wrench symbol) on a form. The link points to the T3 page with the :ref:`form-editor`.
      • Report: Will be configured per tt-content record.

        debugShowBodyText = 1

    • no: No debug info.

    • auto: Depending if there is a Typo3 BE session, set internally:

      • showDebugInfo = yes (BE session exist)
      • showDebugInfo = no (no BE session)
    • download:

      • During a download (especially by using wkhtml), temporary files are not deleted automatically. Also the wkhtmltopdf, pdfunite, pdf2img command lines will be logged to :ref:`QFQ_LOG`. Use this only to debug problems on download.


Setup in :ref:`configuration`

  • mailLog
    • File which sendEmail logs sending mail.
    • File is relative to the <site path> or absolute (starting with '/').

Mail Log page (Table MailLog)

For debugging purposes you may like to add a Mail Log page in the frontend. The following QFQ code could be used for that purpose (put it in a QFQ PageContent element)

Use this code only on access restricted pages. GET/POST Parameter might be used to get access to unintended content.

Note: If you do not use/have the Ggroup table, then remove the "# Filters" block.:

# Page parameters
1.sql = SELECT @grId := '{{grId:C0:digit}}' AS _grId
2.sql = SELECT @summary := IF('{{summary:CE:alnumx}}' = 'true', 'true', 'false') AS _s

# Filters
10 {
  sql = SELECT "'",, IF( = @grId, "' selected>", "'>"), gr.value, ' (Id: ',, ')'
           FROM Ggroup AS gr
           INNER JOIN MailLog AS ml ON ml.grId =
           GROUP BY
  head = <form onchange='this.submit();' class='form-inline'><input type='hidden' name='id' value='{{pageAlias:T0}}'>
           Filter By Group: <select name='grId' class='form-control'><option value=''></option>
  rbeg = <option value=
  rend = </option>
  tail = </select>

20 {
  sql = SELECT IF(@summary = 'true', ' checked', '')
  head = <div class='checkbox'><label><input type='checkbox' name='summary' value='true'
  tail = >Summary</label></div></form>

# Mail Log
50 {
  sql = SELECT id, '</td><td>', grId, '</td><td>', xId, '</td><td>'
               , REPLACE(receiver, ',', '<br>'), '</td><td>', REPLACE(sender, ',', '<br>'), '</td><td>'
               , DATE_FORMAT(modified, '%d.%m.%Y<br>%H:%i:%s'), '</td><td style="word-break:break-word;">'
               , CONCAT('<b>', subject, '</b><br>', IF(@summary = 'true', CONCAT(SUBSTR(body, 1
                        , LEAST(IF(INSTR(body, '\n') = 0, 50, INSTR(body, '\n')), IF(INSTR(body, '<br>') = 0, 50
                        , INSTR(body, '<br>')))-1), ' ...'), CONCAT('<br>', REPLACE(body, '\n', '<br>'))) )
          FROM MailLog
          WHERE (grId = @grId OR @grId = 0)
          ORDER BY modified DESC
          LIMIT 100
  head = <table class="table table-condensed table-hover"><tr>
  tail = </table>
  rbeg = <tr><td>
  rend = </td></tr>

Redirect all mail to (catch all)

Setup in :ref:`configuration`

    • During the development, it might be helpful to configure a 'catch all' email address, which QFQ uses as the final receiver instead of the original intended one.
    • The setting will:
      • Replace the 'To' with the configured one.
      • Clear 'CC' and 'Bcc'
      • Write a note and the original configured receiver at the top of the email body.
    • If more than one email address is given, QFQ compares all of them (in the order given) with the logged in FE and BE User email address (which might be configured in T3). If a match is found, that one is the final 'redirectAllMailTo' address. If there is no match found, take the last email address - this behaves like a fallback.

Show log files realtime

Use this code only on access restricted pages. GET/POST Parameter might be used to get access to unintended content.

Display QFQ log files in realtime. Put the following code in a QFQ page content element.:

# {{logfile:SU}}

# Show buttons to select log file.
10 {
  sql = SELECT '{{logfile:SU:::sql.log}}' AS '_=logfile'
  head = <p>
  tail = </p>

  20.sql = SELECT CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&logfile=sql.log|t:sql.log|b:', IF('{{logfile:R}}'='sql.log','primary','')) AS _page, ' '
                  , CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&logfile=qfq.log|t:qfq.log|b:', IF('{{logfile:R}}'='qfq.log','primary','')) AS _page, ' '
                  , CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&logfile=mail.log|t:mail.log|b:', IF('{{logfile:R}}'='mail.log','primary','')) AS _page

# Show selected log file.
100 {
  sql = SELECT 'file:{{qfqProjectPath:Y}}/log/{{logfile:R}}' AS _monitor
  head = <pre id="monitor-1">Please wait</pre>

NOTE: The log directory has been moved into qfqProject with a recent upgrade of QFQ. For backwards compatibility logs are still stored in fileadmin/protected/log/ if that directory already exists.

Form Submit Log page

Use this code only on access restricted pages. GET/POST Parameter might be used to get access to unintended content.

Check the Form Submit Log page to see what have been submitted. Put the following code in a QFQ page content element.:

# Show all form submit. Optional filter by Form or FeUser.
# {{formId:SC0}}
# {{feUser:SCE:alnumx}}

# Filters
10 {
  sql = SELECT ''
  shead = <form onchange='this.submit()' class='form-inline'><input type='hidden' name='id' value='{{pageAlias:T0}}'>
  stail = </form>

  # Dropdown: Form
  20 {

    sql = SELECT "'",, IF( = '{{formId:SC0}}', "' selected>", "'>"),, ' (', QIFEMPTY(COUNT(,'-'), ')'
            FROM Form AS f
            LEFT JOIN FormSubmitLog AS fsl
            GROUP BY
            ORDER BY
    head = <label for='formId'>Form:</label> <select name='formId' id='formId' class='form-control'><option value=0></option>
    tail = </select>
    rbeg = <option value=
    rend = </option>

  # Dropdown: feUser
  30 {
    sql = SELECT feUser, IF(feUser = '{{feUser:SCE:alnumx}}', "' selected>", "'>"), feUser, ' (', COUNT(id), ')'
            FROM FormSubmitLog
            WHERE feUser!=''
            GROUP BY feUser
            ORDER BY feUser
    head = <label for='feUser'>FE User:</label> <select name='feUser' id='feUser' class='form-control'><option value=''></option>
    tail = </select>
    rbeg = <option value='
    # just to sync syntax highlighter: '
    rend = </option>

# Show Log
50 {
  sql = SELECT
                , CONCAT('<b>Form</b>: ',
                         , '<br><b>Record Id</b>: ', l.recordId
                         , '<br><b>Fe User</b>: ', l.feUser
                         , '<br><b>Date</b>: ', l.created
                         , '<br><b>Page Id</b>: ', l.pageId
                         , '<br><b>Session Id</b>: ', l.sessionId
                         , '<br><b>IP Address</b>: ', l.clientIp
                         , '<br><b>User Agent</b>: ', l.userAgent
                         , '<br><b>SIP Data</b>: <div style="margin-left:20px;">'
                         , "<script>var data = JSON.parse('", l.sipData, "'); for (var key in data) {
                            document.write('<b>' + key + '</b>: ' + data[key] + '<br>'); }</script>", '</div>')
                 , CONCAT("<script>var data = JSON.parse('", l.formData, "'); for (var key in data) {
                            document.write('<b>' + key + '</b>: ' + data[key] + '<br>'); }</script>")
            FROM FormSubmitLog AS l
            LEFT JOIN Form AS f
              ON = l.formId
            WHERE (l.formId = '{{formId:SC0}}' OR '{{formId:SC0}}' = 0)
              AND (l.feUser = '{{feUser:SCE:alnumx}}' OR '{{feUser:SCE:alnumx}}' = '')
            ORDER BY l.created DESC
            LIMIT 100
  head = <table class="table table-hover">
         <tr><th>Id</th><th style="min-width:250px;">Environment</th><th>Submitted Data</th>
  tail = </table>
  rbeg = <tr>
  renr = </tr>
  fbeg = <td>
  fend = </td>