Carsten Rose authoredCarsten Rose authored
Version 23.x.x
Date: <date>
Bug Fixes
Version 23.10.0
Date: 05.10.2023
- #16350 / QFQ Table 'FormSubmiLog': update recordid after insert.
- #16350 / sql.log: reference to FormSubmitLog entry. All SQL statements generated by one HTTP Post (Form Submit) can be identified.
- #16350 / Do not log Dirty.
- #16350 / If the T3 instance is behind a proxy, log HTTP_X_REAL_IP instead of REMOTE_ADDR in logfiles.
- #16584 / FormEditor Report: Default without statistics.
- #16589 / Implemented language configuration in backend for tt-content type qfq.
- #16798 / Report inline edit v2. Improved search inside inline edit report. Whole content will be searched. Added ability to switch the editor to dark mode.
- Doc: Refactor description of {{random:V}}.
- Doc: Add config option 'protectedFolderCheck'.
Bug Fixes
- #16573 / Fixed wrong built date and datetime string if default value was given.
- #16574 / Added multiple siteConfigurations compatibility for typo3 v10 and 11.
- #16616 / Fixed typeahead api query response problem if typeahead sql is not used.
- #16664 / Fix multi db user error.
- #16975 / Fix problem if a 'Form Submit' contains more than 64kB data. This can happen easily for 'fabric' elements.
Version 23.6.4
Date: 26.06.2023
Bug Fixes
- #16485 / TypeAhead: strpos() string, array given error.
- #16488 / Missing default values break saving records. New custom FE.parameter.defaultValue.
- #16491 / FE Typ Upload - JS failure: document.querySelector() is null.
Version 23.6.3
Date: 22.06.2023
Bug Fixes
- #16478 / Rest API: Fixed stream_get_contents failure in PHP8.1 Generic Error.
Version 23.6.2
Date: 21.06.2023
Bug Fixes
- #16475 / Spontaneous spaces in HTML emails.
- #16476 / SQL columns Text/Blog with default empty string becomes "''"
Version 23.6.1
Date: 16.06.2023
- QFQ is Typo3 V11 compatible
Bug Fixes
- #16372 / Upload Element 'Undefined index htmlDownloadButton' und 'unknown mode ID'
- #16381 / Form title dynamic update broken.
- #16392 / Reevaluate sanitize class for each store.
- Fix db column enum dropdown 'data truncated'
- DB Update 'alter index' pre check if exists
- FE: Upload - fix undefined index.
Version 23.6.0
Date: 09.06.2023
- Typo3 V11 compatible
- #9579 / Multiform with Process Row.
- #15770 / httpOrigin: Parameter missing in QFQ Config.
- #16285 / PHP V8 Migration.
- #16364 / T3 >=V10 pageSlug and ForwardPage.
- Add .phpunit.result.cache to .gitignore.
- Add bullet-orange.gif.
- Add index createdFeUserFormId to table FormSubmitLog.
- Doc: Add link to icons. Update use-case self-registration and add info in case of namesake. Unify word 'spam' to 'junk'. Add bootstrap links.
- Remove Form/FormElement parameter 'feGroup'.
- QFQ Typo3 Updatewizard: Sort output by page and tt-content ordering. Add page uid an title to be reported. Inline Edit: add tt_content uid and header as tooltip.
- Update package.json.
- Update to PHPUnit version 9.
Bug Fixes
- #12468 / Form: Dynamic Update Form.title after save.
- #14636 / 'Clear Me'-cross lighter and 2 px up.
- #15445 / Doc: JS Output Widged added.
- #15497 / Delete link: a) broken for 'table', b) broken with 'r:3'.
- #15527 / Form/subrecord: class 'qfq-table-50' no impact.
- #15654 / Form FE required 'Undefined index Error'.
- #15659 / Multi Form: Datetime Picker not aligned.
- #15691 / T3 V10: Export PDF (PDF Generator) invalid link causes error.
- #15726 / Formelement upload stays required when changed from required to hidden.
- #15729 / Form: text readonly input should show newline as '<br>'.
- #15747 / Typeahead does not work with special character. Added croatian special chars (Ć,ć,Č,č,Đ,đ,Š,š,Ž,ž) to alnumx whitelist.
- #15763 / Search/Refactor: a) search for ID, b) message if nothing is found - New highlighting for disabled content. Added output for not found in search.
- #15773 / TypeAhead missing check type warning.
- #15813 / Pressing 'Enter' in Form asks: Do you really want to delete the record?
- #15875 / Unecessary qfq-config save.
- #15905 / FE type time undefined index.
- #15913 / Refactor: Footer displayed at the wrong place.
- #15921 / Frontend edit Report Codemirror resizeable.
- #16004 / Template Group Fields broken.
- #16046 / Datepicker not initialized in Template Group.
- #16051 / Dropdown menu: Download file broken with ZIP File.
- #16055 / Dropdown option with render mode 3 format problem.
- #16064 / Dynamic Update Checkbox and Form Store in parameter.
- #16073 / saveButtonActive is disabled after first save.
- #16201 / Character Count Class Quotation Mark.
- #16204 / TypeAhead Prefetch Expects String Array Given.
- #16228 / extraButtonPassword unhide broken.
- #16264 / Multi DB Broken since QFQ V23.2.0.
- #16273 / TinyMCE image upload path incorrect for T3 v10 and upwards.
Version 23.3.1
Date: 31.03.2023
Bug Fixes
- #15920 / QFQ variable evaluation broken: wrong variable name
Version 23.3.0
Date: 30.03.2023
- #15491 / Search refactor redesign and T3 V10 compatiblity: underscore character, counter fixed, page alias and slug handling.
- #15529 / Form/subrecord: Design Titel / Box.
- #15570 / Changed DB handling in class FormAction. Fixed multi-db problem with this. Included change for check of existing form editor report.
- #15579 / Ability for searching all possible characters, includes not replaced QFQ variables.
- #15627 / Added character count and maxLength feature for TinyMCE.
- Add various icons to documentation.
- Doc Form.rst: reference 'orderColumn'.
- Doc Report.rst: fix typo, add icons, improved example for tablesorter.
- Add indexes for table FormSubmitLog.
- FormEditor: Show Tablename in pill 'table definition'.
- FormEditor: FE subrecord > show container id below name.
Bug Fixes
- #14754 / Using double quotes in tableview config caused sql error.
- #15483 / Protected folder check fixed. Changed default of wget, preventing errors. Changed handling from protected folder check, new once a day.
- #15521 / FormEditor assigns always container, even none is selected. Change handling of form variables from type select, radio and checkbox. Expected 0 from client request instead of empty string.
- #15523 / Search/Refactor broken for Multi-DB.
- #15626 / Multi-DB: FormEditor save error.
Version 23.2.0
Date: 05.02.2023
- QMANR, QMARK: new SQL prepared function to format Swiss Matrikelnumbers and mark found text.
- Refactoring: Search form to support refactoring. Search over tables FormElement,Form,tt_content,pages. On T3 page 'form', replace file=_formEditor by file={{file:SU:::_formEditor}}
- #7650 / For FormElement which are required: indicateRequired=0|1 show or hide the 'required asterix'.
- #10013 / FormEditor: Several textarea inputs changed to 'editor' incl. SQL syntax highlighting.
- #14995 / Support for refactoring: search in QFQ Form/FormElement and Typo3 pages/tt-content tables.
- QMANR: SQL prepared function to format Swiss Matrikelnumbers
Bug Fixes
- #7899 / Fe.type=password / retype / required: always complain about missing value - bug has been fixed earlier.
- #8668 / Fix that if a pill becomes disabled, child FE should not respected during save.
- #15168 / Fixed language form save problem for t3 v >= 9.
- #15420 / TypeAhead Prefetch triggers 'form changed' after save.
- #15482 / Added missing password font file.
Version 23.1.1
Date: 22.01.2023
- Additional option to dynamically fill the STORE_SYSTEM: fillStoreSystemBySqlRow
- #11980 / check protected folder for access from outside after new qfq installation or update.
- #13566 / Cleanup: Delete config-example.qfq.php
- #15053 / New dynamic QFQ config option: fillStoreSystemBySqlRow.
- Update SANITIZE_ALLOW_EMAIL_MESSAGE to be more generic: 'Invalid email format'
- Update Documentation/Form.rst: Added QFQ Function QMANR(manr), broken ref to restAuthorization, fixed typos.
- Update copyright year
Bug Fixes
- #2665 / Fixed not working dynamic update with tinymce and codemirror. Improved frontend edit visualization, elements in window will be resized automatically.
- #11517 / Fixed Bug not showing extraInfoButton on certain FormElements like: TextArea, Select, Checkbox, Radio, Upload, Editor.
- #12066 / Form: Enter as submit forward not working.
Version 23.1.0
Date: 05.01.2023
- #6250 / Enhance layout subrecord.
- #10003 / Fieldset: stronger visualize group.
- #15036 / FormElement subrecord summary additional row(s).
- #15154 / FormElement input check via regexp: trim whitespace before regexp.
Bug Fixes
- #14305 / Bug "No form found with this id".
- #14997 / Tablesorter: Filter value shown but no effect after 'Browser Back'
- #15191 / Broken datepicker in template group.
- #15214 / Inline report save history.
- #15229 / Typeahead and qfq-clear-me will be initialized after adding new fields.
- #15230 / Set own button class for dropdown.
- #15314 / FE & BE Email now filled in 'sipForTypo3Vars' and therefore available in API calls.
- #15316 / config.baseUrl might be overwritten if no scheme or multiple urls are given.
- Doc: Fix missing ! in doc: sqlValidate. Fix index undefined htmlAllow. Fix filemtime() Warning.
- Fixed date to datetime convert bug.
- Fixed error coming from typeahead when array is empty.
Version 22.12.1
Date: 18.12.2022
- New Button Sizes: btn-tiny, btn-small.
- Caching for on the fly rendered files (PDF, Excel, ZIP).
- Inline Report edit saves history to T3.
- #5715 / Caching for on the fly rendred files (PDF, Excel, ZIP).
- #6250 / Enhance form layout: a) Subrecord, b) Subrecord-Title
- #9927 / Do QFQ Update (config, table defintion) only if there is a BE user logged in the current session.
- #12503 / Detect likely unwanted UPDATE statement with missing WHERE.
- New Button Sizes: btn-tiny, btn-small
Bug Fixes
- #14305 / Inline Report edit saves history to Typo 3.
- #14506 / Tablesorter: after form close, already defined filter criteria in tablesorter will be applied.
- #15188 / Clean up config to T3 parameter.
- #15193 / No form found with this id error in MultiDB Setup.
- #15206 / Form Save: Internal Error in MultiDB Setup.
- Fix Doc: latest CCS/JS includes.
Version 22.12.0
Date: 11.12.2022
Customable list of FE names that won't be logged to SubmitFormLog. Default is 'password'. List of FE can be customized per QFQ installation and/or per form.
- Dynamically computed 'new' button in subrecord: FE.parameter.new. Use regular ... AS _link syntax.
- Per row customizeable edit and delete button. Use special column name _rowEdit and _rowDelete. Use regular ... AS _link syntax.
Link/Tablesorter: New link qualifier |Y:... which is invisible to the user, but will be respected by tablesorter and filter.
Link: Text before and/or after a link - |v:...|V:.... Example: if fbeg/fend (</td>) is used and there should be more than one link inside:
'p:{{pageAlias:T}}|t:Reload 1|v:<td>Some text before |V: - ' AS '_link|_noWrap', 'p:{{pageAlias:T}}|t:Reload 2|V:</td>' AS '_link|_noWrap'
QFQ Config option: forceSmtpSender - force sendmail to use specified sender address.
- #8187 / Subrecord: Dynamically computed subrecord 'new' button. Per row customizeable edit and delete button.
- #11892 / Link/Buttons in HTML table column sort/filterable via tablesorter. Qualifier 'Y:...'.
- #13945 / Link/Buttons: Text before and after link.
- #14320 / TinyMCE: htmlAllow parameter - client and serverside check. Removes not allowed html tags.
- #15075 / New QFQ config sendmail configuration: forceSmtpSender
- #15111 / Special column name: _saveZip. Save zip on server.
- Documentation-develop/*.md: CONFIG.md, Reformat
- Fix undefined index in SendMail.php. Show message 'forceSmtpSender is active' in catch all mail. Skip forcing sender address in redirectAll mode.
Bug Fixes
- #8891 / doNotLogColumn: list of FE.name in qfq config and/or form parameter. Value of such column will be logged as 'hide in log'. List default is 'password'.
- #13716 / Mask typed password: Added new (local) font file.
- #14245 / After change via datetimepicker form save button keeps disabled.
- #14303 / Datetime broken with picker
- #14323 / Render mode: Fixed unit test.
- #15013,#15014 / (Again) Excel Import: fix import of regions.
- #15026 / Multiple checkbox dynamic update not working correctly.
- #15027 / Excel Export error when BE user is logged in.
- #15028 / Encryption with special column name broken.
- #15079 / Dynamic Update / Readonly: lost value
- #15090 / typeahead: fixed bug with given empty array.
- #15091 / Hidden FormElement: After save, value in typeahead input will be refreshed with actual data. Usability of processReadOnly is given even when dynamic update is active. Jquery serialize caused problems with checkbox setup.
Version 22.11.0
Date: 27.11.2022
- #15075 / sendmail: special option forceSmtpSender
Bug Fixes
- #11325 / SQL CALL() - insert() and select() should be supported now.
- #14622 / FormElement unexpected error on save.
- #15005 / TypeAhead Dynamic Update Mode Hidden to Required
- #15014 / Excel import broken if multiple regions defined.
- #15048 / STORE_USER broken.
Version 22.10.1
Date: 24.10.2022
- Migration of existing Typo3 V9 to V10: Check #12584, #12440
- #12584, #12440 / Typo3 V10 Migration Script Replace Alias Patterns
- #14738 / Datetimepicker: verify various setups
- #14802 / DateTime own class and unit tests
- Add doc to table vertical column via CSS,
- Add qfq-badge-* to doc
Bug Fixes
- #14618 / Changed logic behind getting first value from array (check for typeahead array was already given but was
placed after the checkForEncryptedValue function). No exception possible. Function name changed to generic. Added new function is_multi_array to check if array is multidimensional and return true or false.
- #14736 / Datetimepicker: FormElement.parameter.dateFormat - required.
- #14755 / Fix for typeahead problem in t3 v9 and higher. Typeahead url will be setup same as save.php. Results to an absolute path.
- #14813 / Report: dbIndex - missing per level definition
- #14844 / Fixed bug of no working dynamic update and empty output in Form Store with Datetimepicker.
- #14857 / String expected, array given.
- #14885 / Fabric zoom problem.
Version 22.10.0
Date: 04.10.2022
- TinyMCE Feature "upload images via drag'n'drop" now supported.
- #14813 / Report: dbIndex - missing per level definition
- #12474 / Check BaseConfigURL if it is given and the the last char is '/'
- #12452 / baseUrl: add automatically '/' at end
- #10782 / Tiny MCE: Image Upload & Image drag'n'drop
Bug Fixes
- #14803 / MultiDB (different DB hosts): broken 'show table definition' in FormEditor -
- #14791 / datetimepicker: undefined index: timeParts[2]
- #14619 / Added note to missed bug fix.
- #12630 / Added code commentary. Reformatted code. getUniqueFileName function changed. New logFileMessages implemented.
- #14463 / llow statusbar (resize button included) to show as default.
- #14455 / Drag and drop triggers record lock.
- #13818 / htmlspecialchars_decode() - expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
Version 22.9.2
Date: 22.09.2022
- #12630 / dateTimePicker refactored. Mode: 'qfq', 'browser', 'no'. Default: 'qfq'
- Add release notes to update UZH CD to latest version and to remove QFQ JS/CSS includes from custom typoscript template.
Bug Fixes
- #14619 / dateTimePicher: missing popup on first click, record not dirty
Version 22.9.1
Date: 18.09.2022
In 22.5.0 CodeMirror has been implemented for Report editing in the front end. QFQ delivers now the minimized Javascript version too. Please check http://docs.qfq.io/en/master/Installation.html#setup-css-js for updated JS includes.
T3 extension 'UZH_CD' should be updated to latest version >=22.09.18!
Attention: since 22.09.07 UZH_CD includes all JS/CSS (exception: fabric). Remove all QFQ standard JS/CSS includes like datetimepicker, codemirror, ... from your typoscript template(s).
- #14616 / Fabric updated to version 5. Annotation of images should now be supported again by modern browsers.
- #10011,#10012 / RedirectAllMailto: optionally dynamically set by current logged in FE or BE User.
- #14718 / Added prepared MySQL statement: QLEFT(), QRIGHT().
- #14635 / Add comment to update /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml in case of 'convert-im6.q16: no images defined'.
- #9052 / Report: CodeMirror with SQL Syntax Highlight in FE - minimized JS versions.
- #T3 QFQ extension config: change 'enter-as-submit' from string to boolean.
Bug Fixes
- #12452 / T3 QFQ extension setup: Fixes broken string in doc for 'baseUrl'.
Version 22.9.0
Date: 04.09.2022
- Report.rst: Add description details to tablesorter view saver. Fix Typo QESC_SQUOTE.
Bug Fixes
- #14660 / Tablesorter View Saver: Broken in Multi-DB Setup
- #14622 / Temp workaround for broken exception - Encrypt/Decrypt detection.
Version 22.8.1
Date: 28.08.2022
- #9221 / If FE_TYPEAHEAD_LDAP or FE_TYPEAHEAD_SQL is set, skip forcing maxlength to table column definition. Instead use custom supplied value.
- Minor update form 'FormElement'
- Refactor $buildElementFunctionName: remove indirect function calls from AbtractBuildForm.php to simplify debugging.
- Extend Support::getColumnSize with further MariaDB column type sizes
- Extension config description baseUrl: updated.
Bug Fixes
- #14618 / string expected, null given.
- #14611 / MultiDB: broken 'show table definition' in FormEditor. Add pill 'Table Definition' to form FormElement.
- #14590 / emptyTypeAheadRequest'.
- #9281 / QFQ system tables: Allow STRICT_TRANS_TABLES - Default '0' is now set for all INT columns. DB-Update will change column definition. TEXT columns still don't have a default: Before MariaDB 10.2.1, BLOB and TEXT columns could not be assigned a DEFAULT value. This restriction was lifted in MariaDB 10.2.1.
- Removed empty typeahead request at the beginning
Version 22.8.0
Date: 22.08.2022
- Add Enis Nuredini as developer.
- #11262 / stored Procedure: QNBSP - replace space by ' '.
- #14270 / FormEditor: add pill 'Table Definition'.
- #14321 / Remember last used pill: on/off via QFQ config or per form.
- #14588 / FormEditor: Remove bell for debugging Form/Session mode.
- FormEditor: Column fe.mode shows now fe.modeSql by default. If empty, fe.mode will be shown.
- QFQ_Encrypt_Decrypt - pre version - not finalized.
Bug Fixes
- #4018 / Typeahead Attack Detected: Implement renamed keywords _ta_query, _ta_prefetch. Fix broken detection of typeahead mode.
- #13689 / Enter auf Eingabefeld mit ungültigem Wert führt zu blurry Seite.
- #14288 / Upload: removed upload + save > triggers general error.
- #14291 / Doc minor fix: Upload Doku table broken.
- #14292 / Upload: mode=required broken for advanced upload (non primary column) after first save.
- #14302 / Doc minor fix. SanitizeTest.php: minor const replacement.
- #14587 / Use case: Self Registration - table definiton broken in doc: Changed Table Person, to include index and auto increment + authExpire default Null.
- SYSTEM_SECURITY_GET_MAX_LENGTH: take care that minimum is 32.
- Update Release.rst and Installation.rst: add missing Codemirror.css|js
- RestClient undefined array element fix.
Version 22.5.0
Date: 16.05.2022
Please update your CSS and JS (T3 Main Template > Setup) to include the new DateTime Picker. Forms cannot save if the JS files are missing:
page.includeCSS.file08 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.css
page.includeCSS.file09 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/codemirror.css
page.includeJS.file14 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/moment.min.js
page.includeJS.file15 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js
page.includeJS.file16 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/codemirror.min.js
page.includeJS.file17 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/code-mirror-mode/sql/sql.min.js
- #9052 / Report frontend editing: CodeMirror with syntax highlight.
- #10096 / Date time picker.
- #10782 / TinyMCE: image upload via drag'n'drop. 'fileUploadPath=fileadmin/...'.
- #13440 / Form: remember last used pill in localstore.
- #13543 / System - base url: multiple base url can be configured.
- #13562 / System - base url: if not set, set base url.
- #13572 / Form Load: better error message on try to load non existent record.
- #13581 / Copy to clipboard: small animation on icon.
- #13657 / Added two new twig report files to system: FormEditorTwig and autoCronTwig.
- #13679 / tablesorter/subrecord: view-saver added.
- #13788 / Date time picker: selectable weekdays.
- Update / doc: datetimepicker requires moment.js - put it in example code before datetimepicker.
- Update / QFQ config note to baseUrl.
- Skip selenium to speed up.
- Move Marc Egger to further contributor.
Bug Fixes
- #9520 / Button Save inside form.
- #10646 / typeAhead: maxLength by default 512.
- #11134 / Set samesite header for cookies.
- #11325 / SQL CALL is handled seperate. All statements will execute. If only a SELECT statement is used in PROCEDURE then the output will shown, otherwise not.
- #13658 / qfq.json: remove world readable.
- #12483 / qfq.json - Doc: update all references of config.qfq.php to qfq.json
- #12484 / config.render: old Both, new: Single.
- #13084,9724 / Dropdown list on iOS not clickable.
- #13527 / Form Multi: by default set r=0.
- #13677 / FormEditor: Preview disabled if 'new.required' is given.
- #13722 / Detect and fix pdfunite problems "Gen inside xref table too large (bigger than INT_MAX)" via pdf2ps, ps2pdf.
- #13767 / Date time picker: up down button better design if required.
- #13827 / Date time picker should not offer user credentials (like username / password).
- #13751 / Date time picker dynamic update aware.
- #13797 / Checkbox: dynamic update (single and multi) fixed.
- #13818 / typeahead: fix for key/value problem: expects parameter 1 to be string, array given.
- #13842 / Broken SIP: wkhtml and qfqpdf.
- #13933 / Broken SIP: exception handling buggy.
- #13860 / Safari: broken typeahead input.
Version 21.12.0
Date: 13.12.2021
New HTML to PDF renderer: puppeteer. Wrapped and used by qfqpdf. Solves various JS and CSS problems of wkhtml. Install:
mkdir /opt/qfqpdf; cd /opt/qfqpdf curl -L -o qfqpdf https://www.math.uzh.ch/repo/qfqpdf/current/qfqpdf-linux chmod a+x qfqpdf
Module php-curl not needed anymore - has been replaced by php-stream.
- #4812 / Subrecord - check for reserved Typo3 keywords (id, type, L) and throw exception.
- #10145 / Typeahead Min Length = 0 is now possible.
- #10715 / qfqpdf (puppeteer).
- #13113 / Rewrite REST Client as php stream, add contentFile option.
- #13242 / Apply given sanitize class to all defined stores.
- #13330 / Multi Form: Upload.
- #13333 / Option: Switch off attack detect.
- #13496 / TinyMCEfontselect - Fontselect and fontsize are removed from the default configuration.
- #12511 / Typo3 Store: new variables.
- #13526 / QFQ tablesorter: Rename 'private view' to 'personal view' and 'public view' to 'group view'.
- #12541 / Page and link without pageAlias.
Bug Fixes
- #3446 / Unknown permission mode: 'logged_in'
- #9268 / SELECT with outer brackets not recognized as SELECT
- #13030 / Max length cuts - line endings rn has been counted as two chars. During input they are counted as 1 and therefore on data load the string has been cutted.
- #13139 / Tablesorter: some elements are in front of a sticky title row
- #13507 / QFQ function should work without 'sql='
- #13525 / makefile adjusted for multiple users
Version 21.6.0
Date: 29.06.2021
- For full image HEIC/HEIF support, please install package
- #8945 / Best practice `self-registration`_
- #12551 / Add QFQ bootstrap diagram
- #12615 / Implements silent HEIC/HEIF conversion to png.
- #12636 / New FormElement.encoding = 'single tick'
- Form.rst: Update doc of Multi-Form
Bug Fixes
- #12701 / Bug 'spaces in mails'. Replaces '<br>' by '<br>rn'
- #9371 / MultiSQL now accepts _id too.
- #12674 / QFQ Function subheader: skip deleted
- Remove keySemId and keySemIdUser - outdated / deprecated since 0.19.0 (pre 09.2017)
- Download.php: Fix broken variable $this->$downloadDebugLog.
Version 21.5.1
Date: 17.05.2021
- The log directory was moved into the qfqProject directory in version 21.2.0 for new installations. But if the directory fileadmin/protected/log already exists then QFQ keeps storing logs there. This was added to release notes of 21.2.0 in hindsight.
- #12183 / Download table as csv
- #12159 / Make url paths absolute (relative to baseUrl)
Bug Fixes
- #12516 / Password Hashing Exception
Version 21.5.0
Date: 02.05.2021
- CodingGuideline.rst: add Form Best practice
Bug Fixes
- #10505 / Drag'n'Drop broken on Multi DB Instance - all checks done
- #10754 / Clean up stale requirements.txt
- #11769 / Missing description table in Form.rst
- #12352 / Form As Json: copy via JSON in FormEditor broken.
- #12398 / Fix check required for uploads
- #12475 / During QFQ update take care that all system tables exist.
- #12479 / Remove unwrap('p-tag') for TinyMCE - currently, this breaks regular consecutive <p> tags
Version 21.4.0
Date: 11.04.2021
- The new introduced 'Form As File' Feature in QFQ Version 21.3.* has been disabled. Instead every form can be imported and exported as JSON. The automatic import/export was not stable and a manual process promises less problems.
- #12015 / useAdvancedFormEditor: disable form sync using feature flag
- #12346 / Add new formJson.json to system forms
- #12345 / Update documentation of special column formJson
- REST.rst: small reformat.
- Add Test copyToClipboard
- HTTP Header: Add 'X-Api-Key'. Fix problem for token without argument name. Update doc.
- Add margin to qfq-badge
- Fix undefined clearMe
- File formEditor.sql only contains QFQ system table definitions anymore.
Bug Fixes
- #12341 / FormSubmitLog also saves FormName (not only FormId)
- #11265 / Dropdown Menu: wrap with <p> breaks dropdown
- #12268 / Enhanced FormSubmitLog Page Sample Code
- gitlab-ci.yml: `mkdir -p ... ` suppresses warning if directory already exist. Add more descriptive message.
- docker/run_qfq_docker.sh: 'source' eines files, das nicht existiert, gibt immer einen Fehler auf stdout.
- Fix problem: /var/www/html/my/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Core/Form/FormAction.php / Line: 394 / Undefined index: saveFormJson
- extension/Classes/Core/Helper/SessionCookie.php: Index 'host' was empty
Version 21.3.2
Date: 22.03.2021
- #9528 / Implement option 'clearMe' to show a small X in input & textaera fields per FormElement, per Form or global.
Bug Fixes
- #12015 / use Advanced Form Editor - problem with uppercase f in Form for form name.
Version 21.3.1
Date: 21.03.2021
- Custom QFQ Function:
- Call QFQ function from inside a report, at any place, as often as needed. The QFQ function code will be parsed only one time. Variables will be replaced in time.
- Based on QFQ function: a new download source can be specified : source:<function name>
- #11998 / Custom QFQ-Function
- #12015 / Use Advanced FormEditor
Bug Fixes
- Bug with empty Fabric string fixed
Version 21.3.0
Date: 07.03.2021
- To enforce usage of the new form-list we throw an exception on QFQ update if the line "file=_formEditor" is not present in any tt-content bodytext. :ref:`form-editor`.
- Persistent download links, combined with SQL based access check. :ref:`download`.
- Check new file based definition of forms :ref:`form-as-file` - this makes it easier to work in team with GIT based files.
- #12085 / Persistent download links.
- #12022 / New Escape class HtmlSpecialChar 'h'
- #11957 / Get European Timezone {{start:R::t}}
- #11926 / Update Form As File Documentation
- #12015 / Add formEditor as a system QFQ report and enforce formEditor existence
- #11926 / Use alternate form and report directories for phpunit (form_phpunit)
- #11953 / Logger.php: replace makePathAbsolute with Path functions
- #11931 / Report minimal required PHP version and stop, if PHP version is too low.
- #9213 / Add note for tablesorter.
- Add EV tips for tablesorter as a table in doc
Bug Fixes
- #12016 / Run Typo3 autoloader before password hashing if API request
- #5444 / Typeahead FE value is now prefetched after save.
Version 21.2.0
Date: 01.02.2021
- The log directory was moved into the qfqProject directory in version 21.2.0 for new installations. But if the directory fileadmin/protected/log already exists then QFQ keeps storing logs there. This was added to release notes of 21.2.0 in hindsight.
- #10286 / Download Links: Glyphicon selbst wählen/ausblenden
- #11878 / Purge extension option config.documentation
- #6793 / Source files for ZIP archives might now specified with a path/filename how they are called inside the ZIP.
- log directory was moved into qfqProject directory
Bug Fixes
- #11925 / downloadButton Parameter 'd:Filename'
- #9355 / Increase column width header & attach
- #11865 / Form Editor exception when edited after saved
- #11798 / Use T3 password hashing API instead of hack
- #11750 / Checkbox does not work together correctly with required fields
- #11666 / PHP 7.4: Trying to access array offset on value of type int
- #11245 / If forwardMode column is set to '', set forwardMode to 'auto'
Version 20.11.0
Date: 12.11.2020
- #7156 / Throw exception when a report level is defined twice.
- #11335 / Sanitize Alnumx: allow 'ß'
- #11325 / Allow SQL CALL(). Unsupported: Multiple (like query_multi()) - only the first one will be returned.
- #11269 / REST Post might return a customized answer.
- #11512 / Twig: add access to Var store
- #11118 / Uniqueness is now guaranteed in {{random:V}}
- #11513 / Add special column AS _script
- #11509 / PDF split fails for broken PDF
- #10979 / Ajax Calls an API - dataReport
Bug Fixes
- #11430 / phpSpreadsheet throws exception that '' is not numeric
- #10257 / Delete AS _link only worked with certain parameter order.
- #11511 / Tablesorter: fix encoding error, sanitize base64 encoding
- #11146 / Sendmail dynamic PDF broken
- #10554 / Fix extrabuttonlock also for select, radio and checkbox
- #11245 / If forwardMode column is set to '', set forwardMode to 'auto'
Version 20.9.0
Date: 06.09.2020
- New SIP protected AJAX calls.
- Report now fires calls to websocket (remote hosts).
- Report now fires REST calls to remote hosts.
- #10979 / Report: do SIP protected AJAX calls to typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/dataReport.php.
- #11076 / Report: trigger call to websockets.
- #11119 / Report: REST Client calls - incl. processing of answer.
- Add CodingGuideline.rst.
Bug Fixes
- #10919 / AutoCron: Fix missing FillStoreSystemBySql.
- #11075 / Form: Missing SQL error message in FE Action Elements.
- #11039 / Fix CSS for Checkbox.
Version 20.6.2
Date: 25.06.2020
Bug Fixes
- #10641 / TypeAheadTag: Fehler beim gleichzeitigen anlegen mehrerer neuer Tags
- #10794 / Documentation: Crontab entry more clearly
Version 20.6.1
Date: 24.06.2020
- #10778 / Upload ZIP and unpack
Version 20.6.0
Date: 14.06.2020
- Add note in Installation.rst to start Apache with Locale en_US.UTF-8. This helps to support Umlaut and other characters in filenames and wkhtml commandline options (like header/footer).
- Migrate documentation from T3 to ReadTheDocs.io - looks older but 'search' is much more better. New: chapters separated in individual files.
- For the image to PDF feature, installation of img2pdf is required (please check :ref:`preparation`).
- #10751 / Allow images to be concatenated for PDF download.
- Fontawesome updated 5.13.
- Extend FE.label size to 1023.
- Local documentation rendering directly via Sphinx.
- Manual: Search is working, table width not truncated anymore, PDF & epub export, redirect qfq.io/doc to docs.qfq.io.
- Update copyright notice.
Bug Fixes
- #10507 / FormElement.type: 'annotate' is defined two times in Enum
- #10705 / New function 'HelperFile::joinPathFilename($pre, $post)'. Joins only if $post is without leading slash.
Version 20.4.1
Date: 30.04.2020
- Developer: update local npm/font awesome packages via
make bootstrap
- #10433 / Update to Font Awesome 5.0
- #10379 / Stored Procedure: SLUGIFY()
- Manual.rst: Example Report 'render'. Update several places to fit latest ReST layout rules.
Version 20.4.0
Date: 05.04.2020
- New Feature: :ref:`type-ahead-tag` - extend regular input with multiple values via typeAhead. _
- MySQL StoredProcedure:
- strip_tags() - Simple strip html tags.
- QCC() - Escape colon / coma. Useful for QFQ link arguments like 'text' or 'tooltip'.
- #9686 / Download: sanitize output filename.
- #10358 / Configure path/environment via QFQ config: qpdf, gs, pdfunite.
- #9517, #10145, #10177, #10117 / typeAheadTag.
- #10152 / QCC() - Stored Procedure to escape colon / coma.
- FabricJS: replaced glyphicons with font awesome.
- Rename config.qfq.example.php config-example.qfq.php.
Bug Fixes
- #6798 / Close didn't worked with r=0.
- #10199 / Form.forwardMode: missing mode 'Close' / 'Auto'.
- #10173 / Dynamic Update: Readonly element can't be activated via dynamic update.
- Fix broken default value for Form.forwardMode.
- Fix problem with reporting broken TG-FormElements.
- Add error message if primary table does not exist.
Version 20.2.0
Date: 02.02.2020
- Add new keyword 'render' in tt-content Report and QFQ config. 'render' will control if a) only Form OR Report will be
rendered (render=single) or b) as previous Form AND Report together (render=both).
- Advantage: with 'render=single' no more SELECT ... FROM (SELECT '') AS fake WHERE '{{form:SE}}'=''.
- Attention: NEW default behaviour in new QFQ installations - render=single. Behaviour in old installations is unchanged.
- tt-content records with 'render = api' can stay on the same page as the link to get the content (e.g. Excel Export).
- Change default doc page to qfq.io/doc.
- Add new specialColumnName: '_noWrap' - skips wrapping of fbeg,fsep,fend.
- First version of 'FullCalendar.io' - new SpecialColumnName will follow in the future.
- #9929 / New keyword '_noWrap' for column names (alias) - skips wrapping of fbeg/fskip/fend.
- #9905 / Keyword 'render' in Report. Final implementation. Doc updated.
- #9959 / Update QFQ Config on the fly.
- #9990 / Describe order of FormElement processing - :ref:`form-process-order`.
- #8658 / FullCalendar.io V3 implemented.
- #9535 / VerticalText new implementation.
- Manual.rst: Add list of icons. Enhance sendmail doc.
- Change color of qfq-info-* from blue to light-blue. Add qfq-primary, qfq-danger.
Bug Fixes
- #10010 / FE.type=sendmail will now be fired together with fe.type=after* (not after).
- #5869 / Table names not properly escaped.
- #9638 / TextArea: Autosize - broken when using clipboard,
- Fixed problem with border showing when qfq-color-white is set.
- Fix selenium tests, remove chromedriver from npm.
- Log problem that crashes qfq when calendar dependencies are missing.
- Fixed gruntfile problem.
Version 20.1.1
Date: 13.01.2020
Bug Fixes
- #7705 / Fix problem with wrong value after save and form update.
- #8587 / A form triggers a save only, if there are real table columns.
Version 20.1.0
Date: 09.01.2020
- Deprecated: Form.parameter.mode. Use Form.parameter.formModeGlobal
- #9805 / Form.parameter.activateFirstRequiredTab.
- #9858 / Form.parameter: replace 'mode' by 'formModeGlobal'
- #9860 / SQL function QMORE(): change text '...' to '[...]'.
- Update Developer doc for record locking.
- Mockup for error handling.
Bug Fixes
- #7925 / Error in split PDF file during upload. Fix the cwd error in Logger.
- #9789 / Record lock release to early on 'leave page'. QfqJS: Moved release lock to before unload.
- #9861 / Fix problem with broken sql.log filename.
- #8851 / Revert implementation: LogMode 'modify' vs. 'modifyAll'.
- #9859 / Database Update: check for 'Update specialColumnName needed' breaks new QFQ install.
- #9813 / During QFQ database update, skip errors like 'Error 1060 - Duplicate Column'.
- Manual.rst: Fix various broken table layouts.
Version 19.12.0
Date: 17.12.2019
- Switch the whole homepage to readonly: FormModeGlobal and STORE_USER
- TinyMCE: grey out controls when readonly.
- Mockup:
- Update files to get CSS & JS files from their own directory structure (not an installed QFQ extension).
- Add fontawesome, tablesorter to mockup 'formCheckbox.html'.
- CI: Download selenium logs (only failed) under artifacts.
- Dev: .gitignore: exclude some docker & selenium.
- Merge Selenium Python Checks into Master.
- #9686 / html decode and sanitize an export filename to become the 'save as'-filename.
- #9666 / min-width for extraButtonInfo.
- FormEditor: optimize minWidth for 'rowLabelInputNote' field.
Bug Fixes
- #9720 / Checkbox dynamic update varoious settings:
- Multi Plain Vertical & Horizontal, Checkbox Multi BS.
- Fixed that label of 'checkbox' are bold and label of 'checkbox-inline' are normal.
- #7974 / TinyMCE: ReadOnly.
- #9424 / modeSql: skip if it starts with '#'.
- #9674 / Select Required Dynamic Update.
- #9678 / textarea now trigger DynamicUpdate.
- #9679 / FormModeGlobal: add STORE_USER - system wide readonly.
- #9690 / Select Required.
- #9691 / Checkbox: dynamic update > readonly. HTML ID for checkbox elements. Dynamic update switch 'readonly' for 'checkbox plain multi' and 'radio plain multi'.
- #9692 / Keyboard Select Checkbox.
- #9720 / Checkbox: Various setups with dynamic update.
- #9733 / Identify different tabs. Record lock for same tab will always be granted.
- #9734 / Fix 'dirty lock release' - leaving a dirty form without closing, leaves a stale lock record. Added a releaselock() before window.unload. Dirty remove on goBack.
- #9735 / File Delete: no dirty trigger.
- Download / PDF merge: skip leading errors, interpret only 'Could not merge encrypted files'.
- DragAndDrop broken: after refactoring Support.php, the dragAndDrop was broken - missed init of '$store'.
Version 19.11.3
Date: 29.11.2019
- #8886 / Check pattern: after focus lost.
- #9655 / Checkboxes and radios now defined with a min-width in horizontal plain mode.
- #9617 / formModeGlobal:
- Two modes of 'formModeGlobal' available: 'requiredOff' and 'requiredOffButMark'.
- 'requiredOffButMark':
- Renamed temporary 'skipRequiredCheck' to 'requiredOffButMark'.
- Keep required marks after save.
- Stop hiding helpblocks per default, set with class qfq-only-active-error.
- Radio: new class 'qfq-disabled' if readonly is set. Softer blue. Mark disabled - changed hover. Text in darker orange. Simple-error renamed to qfq-notify - removed box around error.
- New default class for 'form' tag: 'qfq-notify'.
- Manual.rst: Add info for 'letter-no-break'.
- Add validator.js to list of used packages.
Bug Fixes
- #9670 / If qpdf fails to decrypt a PDF, try gs.
- #3995 / Implemented partly: CheckBox and Radio can now be locked.
- #8091 / Checkbox required:
- If radio or checkbox is required and empty on submit, form save brings the element to front.
- Fix radio plain vertical.
- Fix label2 not to be bold.
- Checkbox Plain Vertical: forces 'font-weight: 400;'.
- Updated colors for checkboxes/radios.
- #9638 / Textarea Sizing: Now also listens for paste.
- #7891 / Added missing 'type="button"' to button element.
- Remove ' style="font-size: 1em;"' in extraButton - this causes extra space between multiple extraButton inline in one input element.
Version 19.11.2
Date: 25.11.2019
- Enhance formModeGlobal=requiredOff/-ButMark (temporarily skipRequiredCheck): fill's '{{allRequiredGiven:V}}' before save to 1 (all given) else 0.
- Offers user to save form, even if not all required data are given and offers application logic to check easily if all required fields has been filled.
- #9526 / Mark required fields more visible.
- #9617 / Improve 'formModeGlobal=requiredOff'.
- Feature Form.formModeGlobal implemented - STORE_SIP overwrites form definition.
- New STORE_VAR variable 'allRequiredGiven'. Becomes '1' if all required fields are given, else 0.
- Add param 'L' & 'type' automatically to form save.
- Manual.rst: Procedure to find an irreproducible error.
- Change definition of QFQ system tables for 'modified' and 'created'. Use DATETIME instead of TIMESTAMP.
Bug Fixes
- #7639 / subrecord drag n drop:
- orderInterval has not been respected.
- Update Manual.rst.
- Fake STORE_SIP so it can be used during processing sql1.
- The record, currently loaded into form, is available via STORE_RECORD.
- Check for id/_id and ord/_ord.
- Throw meaningful exception if missing 'id' or 'ord'.
- Fixes bug that no mime_type_content is called if there is on file.
- Fix broken regex101 url.
Version 19.11.1
Date: 11.11.2019
Bug Fixes
- #9532 / 'Advanced Upload' broken - slaveId/sqlUpdate/... have been processed two times, after multiform code changes.
Version 19.11.0
Date: 08.11.2019
New CSS Class:
- 'qfq-sticky' - to make an element sticky.
Update/new stored procedures:
- QMORE: change symbols from '..more' / '..less' to '...' / '<<'.
- QIFEMPTY: add empty detection for a) date, b) datetime, c) '0'.
- QDATE_FORMAT(timestamp). Return text in 'dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm' format or '-' if timestamp is empty.
- #9521 / Textarea auto-grow. Update Manual.rst. New class qfq-auto-grow for textareas.
- Update FormEditor to 80,1,350.
- Alerts a) changed overlay to blur and white, b) optimized to better reading for developer - ':hover' inside of error messages: black text and blue highlight.
- Add new CSS class 'qfq-sticky-element' - to stick individual elements.
Bug Fixes
- #9354 / Missing border around form if there are no pills / no title
- #9053 / Using the tablesorter filter in form triggers dirty detection for save. Set qfq-skip-dirty on all tablesorter-filter.
- #2720 / Formelement 'radio' - required failed.
- #9512 / PDF merge fails on encrypted PDFs. Try to use qpdf to decrypt.
- #6232 / Missing required: Pill/Input not 'bring to front' - Textarea, Editor, Radio.
- #9300 / Fix Name restMethod-FormElement.
- Add '@' to various PHP/IO function to suppress generic OS exception - now QFQ will report customized messages.
- FormEditor / error message: fix missing formId in STORE_SIP on calling FE directly from error message.
- Manual.rst: Tip for wkhtml added. Add description for 'fileButtonText'. Adjustments for 'slaveId' concept.
Version 19.10.0
Date: 17.10.2019
- Background color of popups & error messages changed.
- slaveId/sqlInsert/sqlUpdate/sqlDelete are now available for all FormElements.
- New MySQL stored procedure strip_tags() function.
- #5695 / First implementation of multiform.
- #7495 / Removed dirty flag when 'enable-save-button' is set.
- Add MySQL strip_tags() function.
Bug Fixes
- #9329 / Fabric annotations. Fixed Scaling Problem on Static Canvas instances.
- #9298 / Fix timeout of file_get_contents. Extend timeout for downloadPage to 10min.
- #9274 / PHP 7.3 reports: switch statement with 'continue 2'.
- #9269 / fillStoreForm now fired two times in API calls. The first time during loadFormDefinition and the second time after the STORE_TYPO3 has been faked via SIP.
- Manual.rst: Add '!' to fillStoreVar Query
- Increase z-index in CSS 'dropdown-menu' class to 1060. The 'tablesorter > columnselector' will be hidden with 'qfq-sticky' by values < 1000.
- Reduce z-index in CSS 'qfq-sticky' class from 9999 to 1000. The 'tablesorter > columnselector' will be hidden with values > 1060.
Version 19.9.1
Date: 21.09.2019
- Use the CSS class 'qfq-sticky' in <thead> to make a table header 'sticky' - on long pages such tables headers are always visible.
- The page with the list of all forms: a new best practice report includes useful statistics :ref:`Form-Editor-Usage` - best is to replace the old code.
- The DB User needs privileges to the Typo3 database of at least table tt_content with SELECT.
- #9203 / Pin the header of table (CCS 'sticky'), to make it always visible even if the page scrolls down.
- #9172 / AutoCron: new colum 'autoGenerated', 'xId'
- #9089 / Move Stored Procedure to SECURITY=INVOKER
- Manual.rst: Best practice :ref:`Form-Editor-Usage`
- Reduce BS legend.font-size from 21 to 17.
- Change doc of tablesorter to use 'sorter-false' as class.
Bug Fixes
- #9074 / QFQ query with nested QFQ query failed, if the outer QFQ query is a multi column query ( ='{{!' ). Fixed.
Version 19.9.0
Date: 09.09.2019
- Size of input elements now might be specified dynamically (with min and max height).
- Twig converts JSON objects to an array.
- Report.php: Twig, convert JSON object into associative array.
- Test SQL stored procedure in Form report.
- qfq-bs.css.less: a) reduce 'qfq-note' padding-top from 7 to 2 px, b) reduce 'legend' margin-bottom from 25 to 0.
- Debug output sendmail redirect all: addresses now always space delimited.
- FormEditor:
- Remove FormElement 'tabindex'.
- Change FormElement.class from 'Select' to 'Radio'.
- Manual.rst:
- Clean syntax highlight.
- Update realtime log file QFQ code.
- Add 'Best Practice' code to show QFQ log files in realtime. Reformat some content.
- #7849 / New option 'fileTrash' and 'fileTrashText'.
- #7682 / 'Input textarea auto height'
- #4434 / Special column names now have to start with underscore. Earlier it was recognised even if there was no underscore.
Bug Fixes
- #7860 / Special column name 'mailto' no handles text correctly if multi byte encoded. Fixed.
- #7849 / Missed filename after the file chooser selected an file. Fixed.
- #1201 / FE.parameter option 'tabindex' has never been implemented. Removed. According https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/tabindex only the values '0' and '-1' are good.
- Add table html-id to subrecords, created by QFQ. Needed for tablesorter.
- Add TinyMCE to list of 'Software distributed together with QFQ'
Version 19.8.0
Date: 28.08.2019
- Manual.rst:
- Update tablesorter
. - Add note to include font-awesome.
- QFQ_LOG documentation.
- Enhance wkhtml debug info.
- Add link to https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/stored-routine-privileges/
- Update tablesorter
- Increase Length of column Form.forwardPage limit from 255 to 511.
- Index.rst: Add Rafi, Elias, Nicola as further contributors.
- Add SQL stored procedure QIFEMPTY().
- #8806 / Add SQL stored procedure QNL2BR().
- #8851 / Add sqlLogMode modifyAll and restrict sqlLogMode modify.
- #8859 / FormEditor: Filter + ColumnSelector.
- #8856 / AutoCron: SQL logMode should be defined separately.
Bug Fixes
- #8933 / Broken record lock: lock extend does not work - fixed.
- #8846 / FormEditor: subrecord of FormElement might be wider than Form.
- #8853 / fe.class=action: container should be hidden - hidden is wrong - FE-action might be assigned to templateGrou Container. New solution: if FE.class='action' only templateGroups are in the 'container' list.
- #6656 / Merge DragnDrop into 'master'
- Update compatibility: API change in T3 makes QFQ incompatible with Typo3 >=9.4. Change compatibility back to <9.3. Problem: sys_language_uid
- Update QFQ from earlier/equal version than 0.19.2 fails to create table 'Cron'.
Version 19.7.1
Date: 17.07.2019
- TWIG integration
- Add Twig Extension to parse QFQ Links
- Pass assoc-array of query result as context
- allow to pass template as string
- Database.php: extend function sql error message
- #8179 / extraButtonLock and extraButtonPassword might be specified without a value or with 0 or with 1.
Bug Fixes
- Database.php: fix CodeException
- Fabric: Readonly now displays annotations again.
Version 19.7.0
Date: 02.07.2019
- Settings for tablesorter can now be saved.
- Selenium docker based is integrated now.
- #7284 / tablesorter save sort order
- #8592 / Fixed button display, added Alert instead of disabled button.
- #8204 / position required mark
- Excel.php: Delete superficial autoloader require
- Cleanup: hashPassword.php moved from Api to External.
- Cleanup unwanted git tracked files: Documentation-develop/jsdoc|...
- Selenium + Docker
- Update .gitignore - documentation directory moved several days ago.
Bug Fixes
- #6917 / Fix Monitor does not work.
- #8098 / Fix Language specific retype label or note has not been set correctly.
- Fix undefined index and potential undefined index.
- Fix Autoloader for External/AutoCron.php.
- Small fixes Manual.rst.
- Fix broken Manual: unwanted '<' after '{{!' lead to fully broken Manual.
- Fix path Source/api to Source/Api.
Version 19.6.2
Date: 21.06.2019
The Rest API path changed:
- old: typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php
- new: typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/rest.php
QFQ is now PSR4 compliant.
- #8520 / Switch to psr4 composer.
- #8272 / Disable 'save' button as long as an upload is running.
- #7529 / Guarantee Sip Action plays only once.
- #8577 / Documentation enhanced for behaviour of SELECT '_test'.
Bug Fixes
- #7903 / Delete with 'table' as parameter doesn't work anymore.
- #8571 / Primary Key: report error if lower/uppercase don't match - in general if given primary key is not found in table definition.
- #8465 / Var substitute: '{{name:R:::0}}' default not used if it is '0'.
Version 19.6.1
Date: 16.06.2019
- 'pdftk' is no longer used.
- Please install 'poppler-utils' - the command 'pdfunite' is the replacement of 'pdftk'.
- #8558 / Split error message in toUser and toDeveloper. Add error code.
- #8562 / Replace pdftk by pdfunite. 'pdftk' is outdated. It's hard to install on Ubuntu 18. It fails for recent PDFs. 'pdfunite' is based on poppler. URLs are preserved. Orientation and size are preserved.
Bug Fixes
- Fix uniqIdQfq() - returned always badcaffeee1234
- Refactor function.sql to function.sql. Implement constants for Version numbers.
- Update NewDoc.md
Version 19.6.0
Date: 12.06.2019
- Add Marc Egger as Developer
Bug Fixes
- #8523 / htmlid: remove spaces (war #8460). Replace uniqid() by uniqIdQfq() which delivers a constant id in case of running unit tests
- #8430 / QFQ Doc mising.
- Index.rst: customize URL for 'report a problem'.
- Sitemap.rst: new created to be included by Index.rst.
- Reformat Index.rst according https://github.com/TYPO3-Documentation/TYPO3CMS-Example-ExtensionManual.git.
- Move doc to docker generation. Update ReST Syntax URLs.
- Remove 'extension/Documentation.outdated'.
- Update .gitignore to not commit rendered doc.
- Manual.rst: Excel Export / PDF export replace 'uid:<int>' with 'uid:<tt-content record id>'
- Update SQL functions to hanlde errors more efficient.
Version 19.5.1
Date: 22.05.2019
- New dropdown menu, fully dynamic via '... AS _link' incl. SIP generation.
- New SQL stored procedure for use directly in SQL queries:
- QMORE(text, length) - limits a text to 'length' characters, click on 'more' shows complete text.
- QBAR(text) - escapes the character '|'. That one is heavily used in format strings for '... AS _link'.