Carsten Rose authoredCarsten Rose authored
The following features are only tested / supported on linux hosts:
- General: QFQ is coded to run on Linux hosts, preferable on Debian derivates like Ubuntu.
- HTML to PDF conversion - command wkhtmltopdf and qfqpdf.
- Concatenation of PDF files - command pdfunite.
- Convert of images to PDF files - command img2pdf.
- PDF decrypt (used for merge with pdfunite) - command qpdf.
- PDF decrypt (used for merge with pdfunite) - command gs - in case qpdf is not successful.
- PDF fix (used for merge with pdfunite) - command pdf2ps and ps2pdf - in case qpdf is not successful.
- Mime type detection for uploads - command file.
- Split PDF into JPG - command convert.
- Repair PDF - command pdftocairo.
- Convert HEIC/HEIF to png - command heif-info and heif-convert.
Report & Form
To normalize UTF8 input, php-intl package is needed by
- normalizer::normalize()
For the :ref:`download` function, the programs img2pdf, pdfunite, qpdf, gs, pdf2ps, ps2pdf and file are necessary to concatenate PDF files.
Preparation for Ubuntu:
sudo apt install php-intl
# for file upload, PDF and 'HTML to PDF' (wkhtmltopdf), PDF split
sudo apt install poppler-utils libxrender1 file pdf2svg qpdf ghostscript img2pdf libheif-examples
sudo apt install inkscape imagemagick # to render thumbnails
HTML to PDF: qfqpdf
The below named wkhtml becomes more and more outdated (no further development). As a replacement, QFQ started to use puppeteer (https://developers.google.com/web/tools/puppeteer/). The tool can't be used directly, a wrapper is neccessary which is available under https://git.math.uzh.ch/bbaer/qfqpdf. The wrapper uses and installs always the latest version of puppeteer. On first start and during updates, it might take longer to render a pdf.
mkdir /opt/qfqpdf; cd /opt/qfqpdf
curl -L -o qfqpdf https://www.math.uzh.ch/repo/qfqpdf/current/qfqpdf-linux
chmod a+x qfqpdf
./qfqpdf --version
HTML to PDF: wkhtmltopdf
wkhtmltopdf will be used by QFQ to offer 'website print' and 'HTML to PDF' conversion. The program is not included in QFQ and has to be manually installed.