Carsten Rose authoredCarsten Rose authored
Release.rst 117.05 KiB
Version 22.x.x
Date: <date>
Bug Fixes
Version 22.5.0
Date: 16.5.2022
Please update your CSS and JS (T3 Main Template > Setup) to include the new DateTime Picker. Forms cannot save if the JS files are missing:
page.includeCSS.file08 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.css
page.includeJS.file14 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/moment.min.js
page.includeJS.file15 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js
- #9052 / Report frontend editing: CodeMirror with syntax highlight.
- #10096 / Date time picker.
- #10782 / TinyMCE: image upload via drag'n'drop. 'fileUploadPath=fileadmin/...'.
- #13440 / Form: remember last used pill in localstore.
- #13543 / System - base url: multiple base url can be configured.
- #13562 / System - base url: if not set, set base url.
- #13572 / Form Load: better error message on try to load non existent record.
- #13581 / Copy to clipboard: small animation on icon.
- #13657 / Added two new twig report files to system: FormEditorTwig and autoCronTwig.
- #13679 / tablesorter/subrecord: view-saver added.
- #13788 / Date time picker: selectable weekdays.
- Update / doc: datetimepicker requires moment.js - put it in example code before datetimepicker.
- Update / QFQ config note to baseUrl.
- Skip selenium to speed up.
- Move Marc Egger to further contributor.
Bug Fixes
- #9520 / Button Save inside form.
- #10646 / typeAhead: maxLength by default 512.
- #11134 / Set samesite header for cookies.
- #11325 / SQL CALL is handled seperate. All statements will execute. If only a SELECT statement is used in PROCEDURE then the output will shown, otherwise not.
- #13658 / qfq.json: remove world readable.
- #12483 / qfq.json - Doc: update all references of config.qfq.php to qfq.json
- #12484 / config.render: old Both, new: Single.
- #13084,9724 / Dropdown list on iOS not clickable.
- #13527 / Form Multi: by default set r=0.
- #13677 / FormEditor: Preview disabled if 'new.required' is given.
- #13722 / Detect and fix pdfunite problems "Gen inside xref table too large (bigger than INT_MAX)" via pdf2ps, ps2pdf.
- #13767 / Date time picker: up down button better design if required.
- #13827 / Date time picker should not offer user credentials (like username / password).
- #13751 / Date time picker dynamic update aware.
- #13797 / Checkbox: dynamic update (single and multi) fixed.
- #13818 / typeahead: fix for key/value problem: expects parameter 1 to be string, array given.
- #13842 / Broken SIP: wkhtml and qfqpdf.
- #13933 / Broken SIP: exception handling buggy.
- #13860 / Safari: broken typeahead input.
Version 21.12.0
Date: 13.12.2021
New HTML to PDF renderer: puppeteer. Wrapped and used by qfqpdf. Solves various JS and CSS problems of wkhtml. Install:
mkdir /opt/qfqpdf; cd /opt/qfqpdf curl -L -o qfqpdf https://www.math.uzh.ch/repo/qfqpdf/current/qfqpdf-linux chmod a+x qfqpdf
Module php-curl not needed anymore - has been replaced by php-stream.
- #4812 / Subrecord - check for reserved Typo3 keywords (id, type, L) and throw exception.
- #10145 / Typeahead Min Length = 0 is now possible.
- #10715 / qfqpdf (puppeteer).
- #13113 / Rewrite REST Client as php stream, add contentFile option.
- #13242 / Apply given sanitize class to all defined stores.
- #13330 / Multi Form: Upload.
- #13333 / Option: Switch off attack detect.
- #13496 / TinyMCEfontselect - Fontselect and fontsize are removed from the default configuration.
- #12511 / Typo3 Store: new variables.
- #13526 / QFQ tablesorter: Rename 'private view' to 'personal view' and 'public view' to 'group view'.
- #12541 / Page and link without pageAlias.
Bug Fixes
- #3446 / Unknown permission mode: 'logged_in'
- #9268 / SELECT with outer brackets not recognized as SELECT
- #13030 / Max length cuts - line endings rn has been counted as two chars. During input they are counted as 1 and
- therefore on data load the string has been cutted.
- #13139 / Tablesorter: some elements are in front of a sticky title row
- #13507 / QFQ function should work without 'sql='
- #13525 / makefile adjusted for multiple users
Version 21.6.0
Date: 29.6.2021
- For full image HEIC/HEIF support, please install package
- #8945 / Best practice `self-registration`_
- #12551 / Add QFQ bootstrap diagram
- #12615 / Implements silent HEIC/HEIF conversion to png. Write a note in realease notes, to install 'libheif-examples'.
- #12636 / New FormElement.encoding = 'single tick'
- Form.rst: Update doc of Multi-Form
Bug Fixes
- #12701 / Bug 'spaces in mails'. Replaces '<br>' by '<br>rn'
- #9371 / MultiSQL now accepts _id too.
- #12674 / QFQ Function subheader: skip deleted
- Remove keySemId and keySemIdUser - outdated / deprecated since 0.19.0 (pre 09.2017)
- Download.php: Fix broken variable $this->$downloadDebugLog.
Version 21.5.1
Date: 17.05.2021
- The log directory was moved into the qfqProject directory in version 21.2.0 for new installations. But if the directory fileadmin/protected/log already exists then QFQ keeps storing logs there. This was added to release notes of 21.2.0 in hindsight.
- #12183 / Download table as csv
- #12159 / Make url paths absolute (relative to baseUrl)
Bug Fixes
- #12516 / Password Hashing Exception
Version 21.5.0
Date: 02.05.2021
- CodingGuideline.rst: add Form Best practice
Bug Fixes
- #10505 / Drag'n'Drop broken on Multi DB Instance - all checks done
- #10754 / Clean up stale requirements.txt
- #11769 / Missing description table in Form.rst
- #12352 / Form As Json: copy via JSON in FormEditor broken.
- #12398 / Fix check required for uploads
- #12475 / During QFQ update take care that all system tables exist.
- #12479 / Remove unwrap('p-tag') for TinyMCE - currently, this breaks regular consecutive <p> tags
Version 21.4.0
Date: 11.04.2021
- The new introduced 'Form As File' Feature in QFQ Version 21.3.* has been disabled. Instead every form can be imported and exported as JSON. The automatic import/export was not stable and a manual process promises less problems.
- #12015 / useAdvancedFormEditor: disable form sync using feature flag
- #12346 / Add new formJson.json to system forms
- #12345 / Update documentation of special column formJson
- REST.rst: small reformat.
- Add Test copyToClipboard
- HTTP Header: Add 'X-Api-Key'. Fix problem for token without argument name. Update doc.
- Add margin to qfq-badge
- Fix undefined clearMe
Bug Fixes
- #12341 / FormSubmitLog also saves FormName (not only FormId)
- #11265 / Dropdown Menu: wrap with <p> breaks dropdown
- #12268 / Enhanced FormSubmitLog Page Sample Code
- gitlab-ci.yml: `mkdir -p ... ` suppresses warning if directory already exist. Add more descriptive message.
- docker/run_qfq_docker.sh: 'source' eines files, das nicht existiert, gibt immer einen Fehler auf stdout.
- Fix problem: /var/www/html/my/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Core/Form/FormAction.php / Line: 394 / Undefined index: saveFormJson
- extension/Classes/Core/Helper/SessionCookie.php: Index 'host' was empty
Version 21.3.2
Date: 22.03.2021
- #9528 / Implement option 'clearMe' to show a small X in input & textaera fields per FormElement, per Form or global.
Bug Fixes
- #12015 / use Advanced Form Editor - problem with uppercase f in Form for form name.