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  • Carsten  Rose's avatar
    Implement 'encode=specialchar' - new option per formElement. · 434cac36
    Carsten Rose authored
    Play: ALTER TABLE  `FormElement` ADD  `encode` ENUM(  'none',  'specialchar' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT  'specialchar' AFTER  `subrecordOption` ;
    Play: formEditor.sql
    Attention: FEs with text=editor needs actions - the default of 'specialchar' prohibits saving of HTML tags.
    FillStoreForm.php: Submitted values will be specialchars() before copying to STORE_FORM.
    AbstractBuildForm.php: Counterpart of FillStoreForm.php - will htmlspecialchars_decode() values read from database. Replace 'checkType' and 'checkPattern' with CONSTANTS.
    formEditor.sql: Added new column in FormElement. Add new FormElement 'encode' in FormElement-Editor. Add column 'encode' to all FormElement records.