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Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Client: removing the blackout screen when modal gets dismissed.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Client: modal alerts are now blocking everything.
* Manual.rst: fix RST syntax errors.

Bug Fixes

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5677-TinyMCE broken - fixed.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Version 0.25.14

Date: 14.03.2018


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Change notification from 'save: success' to 'Save' and 'delete: success' to 'Delete'.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* DB update: write intermediate QFQ version after every step.

Bug Fixes

* #5652 / TypeAheadSql: destroyed SQL statement. Fixed broken compare and missing init of $sqlTest.
* #5668 / Fix Broken SIP after login.

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Version 0.25.13

Date: 08.03.18

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* AutoCron: Added doc for autocron. Extend AutoCron.php to be MultiDB aware. Update der AutoCron form.
* #4720 / Separate Database for Form & FormElement - Multi DB - fixed problem that 'Quick Edit Form / FormElement' has been broken in MultiDB Setup.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5603 / Report: final value of report columns (special column name).
* Fabric / delete now triggers form.changed / emojis work again.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5571 / File Upload: save filesize and mimetype automatically in 'upload mode simple',if those columns exist.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5423 / two new column names 'filesize', 'mimetype'.
* #5571 / File Upload: save filesize and mimetype.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed

  * STORE_VARS contains now 'mimeType' and 'fileSize'.
  * sqlBefore and sqlAfter will be fired in Upload Advanced and new in Upload Simple as well.
  * STORE_VARS contains now `filenameOnly`. It can be used in downloadButton=....

Bug Fixes
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Fabric: Corrected resizing with changed width in editor.
* #5640 / UTF8 encoded strings: MAX LENGTH wrong.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed

Version 0.25.12

Date: 18.02.2018


* New

  * FE.parameter:

    * timeIsOptional
    * enterAsSubmit

  * FE.checkType: Auto
  * Thumbnail rendering. Public or secure.

* Update

  * Multi DB Support: Form & Report


* #5064 / Throw user form exception on invalid date.
* #5308 / TimeIsOptional parameter.
* #5318 / Allow sendmail speaking word token, adjust documentation and fix some typos.
* #5347 / Error Message (Exception): BS colored box for report error messages. Hide technical informations, show it on click.
* #5392 / Violate message with expected date format.
* #5414 / Add checkType Auto, refactor setDefault methods, add smart detection of defaults, extend documentation and rules.
* #3470 / Enter As Submit= on/off - implemented.
* #4437 / violate sanitize message.
* #4542 / input-type-decimal' into 'master'.
* #5298 / Update docs for HTML mails.
* #5333 / Thumbnail: implementation.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5425 / Thumbnail: render mode 7 - implemented, rewrite - secure thumbnails are now rendered on first access, not when
  'AS _thumbnail' is called.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Implemented $dbIndex for Report.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Implemeted two new STORE_SYSTEM variables: '_dbNameData' and '_dbNameQfq' - those will be automatically filled qfq
  during instantiation QuickFormQuery(). They can be used in Report to easily access the needed DB.
* Increased Formelement.label from 255 to 511.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Make DB_INIT in config.qfq.ini set by default.
* Notes how to optimize PDF thumbnailing.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Reformat manual for config.qfq.ini. Copy config.qfq.example.ini to MANUAL.rst. Migrate config defaults from
  setIfNotSet() to array_merge().
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Security: hide $SQL in error messages to regular user.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* New FE.parameter 'inputType'. Can optional be given by webmaster. Additional, the 'type="number"' will be automatically
  set, if the column is of type 'int' or if 'min' and 'max' is numerically.
Bug Fixes

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3192 / Fill STORE_RECORD before loading table title.
* #5285 / Make typeAheadPedantic the default.
* #5348 / Exception/Report: level key missing.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5367 / Error Report: reworked alerts, updated css for alerts, 'full level' missing, content too much escaped: Fixed
  too much escaping. Form / FormElement Links in error messages now with BS Buttons.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5382 / Double quotes in tooltips are now escaped with ".
* #5390 / input validation decimal broken. fixed.
* #5430 / Add unique ID to each radio button for dynamic update.
* Form: 'FormElement' > 'Container' - relied on '{{formId:S}}' even if the FE record already exist - fixed.
* Subrecord Title - now wrapped with <label class='control-label'>.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Version 0.25.11

Date: 31.01.2018


* Violating a sanitize class now returns '!!<sanitize class>!!' instead of an empty string.


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5022 / Variable violates sanatize class: 'msg' instead of empty string - new identifier "!!<sanitize class>!!".
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4813 / Exception during form load: show 'form edit link' if editor is logged in.
* formEditor.sql: Increas size of Form.title to give more room for SQL statements in.
* Manual.rst: enhance debug tipps.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5321 / Plain Link - render mode- only url - implemented.
* Add regex101 link to checkPattern FormEditor.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed

Bug Fixes

* Fixed some broken help links in formEditor.sql.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5306 / Exception: tt_content_uid wrong - fixed.
* #4303 / Download von doc/docx-Dateien / Download.php - Mime type wird nicht mehr an Dateiname angehängt.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5316 / Help on how to send an E-Mail is wrong - several places fixed.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5311 / Error Msg SLQ_RAW != SQL_FINAL: Debug message shows outdated SQL_RAW.
* #5309 / min/max broken for date fields. Add min/max attributes to input and date input tag.
* Fabric now detects 'dirty'.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Manual.rst: Remove broken link to W3C file upload.

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Version 0.25.10

Date: 26.01.2018


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* update notes.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Form / Upload: new option 'downloadButton' - if given renders a download button instead of showing the pathFileName.


* #5023 / Fabric: Cut, rotate and enhance uploaded images. Update Manual.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* All FE 'typeahead' fields are set to 'autocomplete="off"'. Respect user setting for 'autocomplete' - if none given
  (mostly), set it for FE 'typeahead' to 'off'.
* #5295 / Upload: check if given QFQ 'maxFileSize' is higher than post_max_size, upload_max_filesize.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* FE.Subrecord: rearranged column order, start columns with uppercase letter.
* New CSS class 'qfq-full-width-left': especially for buttons to become full width.
* New CSS class 'qfq-table-100' - 100% width, with auto width per column. FE.subrecord changed to  'qfq-table-100'.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5302 / remove CSS class 'internal / external'.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed

Bug Fixes

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5189 / BCC SendMail Problem - fixed missing double ticks.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Manual.rst: Update documentation that the default escape type is 'm'. Remove subrecord/list (have been removed long
  time ago). Fix enumeration problem FE.type=radio `classButton`. Add short note for typeahead.js. Remove never
  implemented 'keySemdId...', 'ANREDE'. Fixed typo - replace '\' by '\\' on most places (not in code sections).
  More generic SQL to extract filename from pathFileName. Fixed several phinx syntax errors. Add example for
  'recent list'-records.
* Fixed problem with missing 'if note exits' in CREATE TABLE `Split`.
* #5030 / Manual.rst: Fixed example with XSS vulnerability.
* #5275 / typeahead.bundle.min.js missing in Manual.rst: fixed.
* FormEditor: 'typeahead' for column 'name' fixed. Attention: only succeed if DB_1_NAME is the final DB (mostly given).
* #5048 / Default value NULL in pathFileName breaks uploads.
* #5028 / Links im FormularEditor zeigen ins Leere (Fehlende Ziel-Anker) - fixed.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Make readonly BS radio buttons non-selectable.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Version 0.25.9
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Date: 17.12.2017
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5133 / sendmail: subject and body html entity decode: Introduce options for 'subject' and 'body' to switch on/off HTML encoding / decoding
* Manual.rst: Add notes to QFQ installation, wkhtml problems, paragraph on 'sendEmail' Html2Pdf.php: Add error codes and a hint on wkhtml fails.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Reformat table qfq-letter.css.less: redefined h1, letter-receiver.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed

Bug Fixes

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Bug in sendEmail: invalid SSL_version specified at /usr/share/perl5/IO/Socket/ line 575. Patch for sendEmail
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed

Version 0.25.8

Date: 11.12.2017


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5080 / Dynamic PDF Letter.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5083 / Bodytext / Report: join lines without spaces.

Bug Fixes

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Fix problem with commit from 8.12.17 / Store.php: appendToStore.php stopped working - 'report' failed to replace
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Store.php: fix problem with empty 'appendToStore()' call.

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Version 0.25.7

Date: 07.12.2017


* Report: parameter in '... AS _sendmail' needs token now - position dependent is removed now.
* Report: parameter 'a:' in '... AS _sendmail' replaced by 'F:' to be compatible with downloads. Do not separate files by comma.
* Manual: most occurences of 'U:' replaced by 'p:' - same meaning.


* #4255 / Attachments for emails implemented.

Bug Fixes

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Bug - PHP Warning: Declaration of qfq\BuildFormTable::head() should be compatible with
  qfq\AbstractBuildForm::head($mode = qfq\FORM_LOAD) - fixed.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Version 0.25.6

Date: 03.12.2017


Bigger changes in update form after save/dynamic update.

Bug Fixes

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4865 / Pill Dynamic Updates Show / Hide.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5031 / Missing details in DbException: New definition of SYSTEM_SHOW_DEBUG_INFO: even after config.qfq.ini is parsed
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
  and SIP Infos has been read - if there is no BE User logged in, the value stays on 'auto' (earlier it has been replaced
  to 'no'). Staying on 'auto' keeps the information that replacing is still open and not replaced means 'no'-BE User logged in.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #5016 / Loose checkbox value on save - Dirty workaround - better solution necessary.
* #5017 / STORE_RECORD used in FormElement and via '#!report' - save & restore STORE_RECORD.
* #5004 / FormElement with state 'ReadOnly' will be saved with empty value - existing values will be overwritten - fixed.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* 'element-update' for type 'UPLOAD seems to make trouble. Exclude it like 'SELECT'.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Version 0.25.5

Date: 23.11.17

Bug Fixes

* #4771: Workaround which switches off updates to SELECT lists, if they are part of a Multi-FE-Row.

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Version 0.25.4

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Date: 22.11.2017
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed


* New keywords / features in report:

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
  * `altsql`: Fire the query if there is no record selected in `sql`. Shown after `althead`.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
  * `shead`: Static head - will always be shown (before `head`), independent of sql selects records or not.
  * `stail`: Static tail - will always be shown (after `tail`), independent of sql selects records or not.


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #2948 / altsql, shead, stail - new directives in Report.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4255 / Attachments fuer 'Email'. Static files can be attached to mails.

Bug Fixes

* #4980 / Variables in Report: a) nested not replaced, b) 'rbeg' not replaced, c) missing unit tests.

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Version 0.25.3

Date: 19.11.2017


* Report:

  * Special column name 'sendmail': the old way of position dependent parameter are deprecated. Instead use the new
    defined token. See

  * Every row is now merged in STORE_RECORD. Inner SQL statement can now retrieve outer values via STORE_RECORD.
    E.g. `{{column:R}}`. No more level keys!

* The config.qfq.ini directive `VAR_ADD_BY_SQL` is replaced by `FILL_STORE_SYSTEM_BY_SQL_?`. Up to 3 statements are possible.


* Report / sendmail: control via token.
* #4967 / config.qfq.ini: Rename 'VAR_ADD_BY_SQL' to 'FILL_STORE_SYSTEM_BY_SQL_1'. Handle up to 3 FILL_STORE_SYSTEM_SQL_x.
  Implement an optional error message together with a full stop.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4766 / Set STORE_RECORD in Report per row.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed

Bug Fixes

* #4966 / Variable {{feUser:T}} is not available in config.qfq.ini `FILL_STORE_SYSTEM_?` - changed ordering of store
  initialization. Now: TCY...
* #4944 / Delete: broken when using 'tableName' (instead of form).
* #4904 / Undefined Index: DIRTY_FE_USER - PHP problem that constants cant be replaced inside of single ticks. Fixed.
* #4965: insert path to QFQ cookie/session, to make usage of multiple QFQ installation on one host possible.

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Version 0.25.2

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Date: 8.11.2017
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed


* Starting with this release, the default escape mode is 'm' (mysql_real_escape).


* Default Escape Type changed from 's' to 'm'. DatabaseUpdateData.php: removed the DB update from last commit - not necessary.
  Config.php: New default 'm' Evaluate.php: Respect EscapeTypeDefault in form definition.
  QuickFormQuery.php: Replace 'EscapeTypeDefault' in form defintion very early.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4049 / QFQ Variables '{{...}}' might now contain a default value.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* If 'pageAlias:T' is empty, take 'pageId:T'.

Bug Fixes

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4836 / Multiple entries in table after several clicks on save. Created a saveInProgress Variable.
* Replaced latest project homepage URL in Manual.rst.
* Fix example SQL for periodId in config.qfq.ini in Manual.rst.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Remove multiple header 'RELEASE' - there has to be only one.


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
Date: 3.11.2017
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4857 / broken (stale) download: multiple 'u:..' or 'u:...'.
* #4212 / Broken JSON on response to save new record 'Unknown index' fixed by isset().

Version 0.25.0

Date: 10.10.2017
* The config.qfq.ini directives DB_USER, DB_NAME, DB_HOST, DB_PASSWORD are replaced by DB_1_USER, DB_1_NAME, DB_1_HOST,
  DB_1_PASSWORD. The old directives are still used, as long as the new directives does not exist.

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* New config.qfq.ini directives: DB_INDEX_DATA, DB_INDEX_QFQ.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4720 / Separate database handles for QFQ 'form' and QFQ 'data' - 'Form' might  now load/save from forign database/host/user.

Version 0.24.0

Date: 09.10.2017


* Change Remove SYSTEM_SECURITY_ABSOLUTE_GET_MAX_LENGTH - makes no sense to hardcode an upper limit.


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Feature Manual.rst: Doc updated for latest subrecord column special names.
* Feature AbstractBuildForm.php: new function subrecordHead(). Replaced several hard coded subrecord column names against constants.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Feature #4456 / formModeGlobal=requiredOff - update Manual.rst.
* Feature #4606 / _link: qualifier to render bootstrap button - fix unit tests for tooltip. Add tooltip to button/text,
  even if there is no link. Implement token  'b:...' for link class. Manual is updated. Open: `pageX` should be recoded
  to use the new 'b:' instead of hardcoed behaviour to render a button.
* Feature: Upload Button - wrapped with Bootstrap Button. New option 'fileButtonText' to specify a button text.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Feature #3752 / Pills auf mode|modeSql=hidden|readonly setzen - implemented during 'form load' (not dynamic update).
* Feature: Neu wird nach dem Speichern das Formular nochmal komplett geladen. Das ist wichtig um die durch aftersave
  geaenderten Records in die Formularelemente zu bekommen.
* Feature #4511 / Form: URL Forward - mode dynamic computed - more generic implementation.

Bug Fixes

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Bug #4731 / Dynamic Update: load(post) triggers 'check required' - makes no sense during filling a form - fixed.
* Bug #4730 / InvalidDate-00-00-2000 FE.type=date - detection of empty date was broken for '00.00.0000'.
* Bug Fixed problem in subrecord when no record is selected.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Bug #4620 / Easy Fix: saveButtonText / closeButtonText Formatierung.

Version 0.23.1

Date: 23.9.2017

Bug Fixes

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4620 / Easy Fix: saveButtonText / closeButtonText Formatierung.

Version 0.23.0

Date: 17.09.2017


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3752 / Pills auf mode|modeSql=hidden|readonly setzen - implemented during 'form load' (not dynamic update).
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4548 /Template Group: 'form-update' broken - Broken Redirect after Save - Broken same HTML ID for FE copies in a
  template group.
* #4548 /Template Group: 'form-update' broken - max tg element value/index shown after save instead of last user
  supplied value, but save is ok. Neu wird nach dem Speichern das Formular nochmal komplett geladen. Das ist wichtig um
  die durch aftersave geaenderten Records in die Formularelemente zu bekommen.

Version 0.22

Date: 14.09.2017


* Form Editor: element 'forwardPage' is static again (no dynamic update) - see features in #4511.


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4511 / Form: URL Forward - mode dynamic computed.

Bug Fixes

* #4512 | SIP URL does not respect anker token '#'- fixed PLUS: L and type _GET Params included in links which contain a SIP (regular links still open).
* #4508 / Form: during Save with FE with 'report'-Note/Values an exception is thrown - report does not expect, to be called without typo3 - but this is the case during save and generating the JSON.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4021 / "required" asterik does not handle multi column labels correctly.
* #4423 / Date inputs with readonly: label is grey.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Empty date might create '2001-00-00'.
* #4504 / Upload Button: required asterik missing after save - seems to be a problem for every element - should be fixed now.

Version 0.21.0

Date: 10.09.2017


* The Form-Editor now has two 'requiredParamter' fields: one for 'New' record and one 'Edit'. Existing settings will be
  automatically copied to both.
* The FormElement-Editor field 'Note' is not anymore a TinyMCE Editor. Instead a regular 'textarea' is used. Main reason
  are incompatibilities between TinyMCE HTML mode and the neede CR/LF linebreaks needed for 'Report' Syntax in the 'note'


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4431 / FE.type=note: QFQ Report Syntax in 'FE.value' and 'FE.note'.
* #4456 / formModeGlobal=requiredOff - Switches FormElement.mode=required to 'show' for all FE of the current Form.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4356 / Form: required parameter - split between 'New' & 'Edit'.

Version 0.20.0


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* New configuration value EXTRA_BUTTON_INFO_POSITION in config.qfq.ini.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4386 Fuer GRC: Optional Info Button bei 'input' wie bei 'textarea' - EXTRA_BUTTON_INFO_POSITION=below.
* #4429 / subrecord: new FE parameter 'subrecordTableCass' - a custom class for the subrecord table might be specified.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4428 / subrecord: mode=readonly.
* #4421 / subrecord: column of the sql1 row should go into the edit link - implemented.
* #4399 / Do not render '_pdf' when r:5 or empty string.

Bug Fixes

* #4396 / FE: Justify DATE and TIME in case it's DATETIME on a non primary table.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #2414 / Deaktivieren von Option 'new' bei subrecord hat keine Folge.
* #4426 / Subrecord: mode=hidden - still shown.
* #4425 / Subrecords: Table head is not wrapped in <thead>.
* #4331 / SQL Statement 'REPLACE' not fired - Keyword missing in list of SQL Keywords.

Version 0.19.7


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4306 / Update Text Subrecord: Please save this record first.


Bug Fixes

* #4278 / Language: Check that language settings are respectet inside of container / pill / fieldset / templateGroup.
* #4310 / Fixed error where custom values wouldn't be saved, nor not found for non pedantic.
* #4311 / Record Lock: expired lock wird nicht geloescht bei form reload.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4309 / typeahead: allow free entry.

Version 0.19.6


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4299 / HTML Element 'Select': Placeholder.
* Changes to the alert generation and added btn-group for multiple buttons.
* Should only show reload button and be modal when the conflict is mandatory.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4144 / Close/New: bei acquireLock=false anschliessend keine Nachfrage ob gespeichert werden soll.
* #4120 / Removed Timeout from Dirty Alert Message.
* #4283 / FE.parameter=emptyMeansNull.

Bug Fixes

* #4281 Prevent save from being clicked multiple times. Save no turns orange when saving.

Version 0.19.5


* #3790 / Multilanguage: German/ English/ ...

Bug Fixes
* #4274 / ItemList: escape ',' ':'

Version 0.19.4


* Feature: Form Paste Records - skip columns during copy if they do not exist on the source side.

Bug Fixes

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4266 / FormElement Type=Editor: value not saved - fixed.
* #4253 / Record Lock not deleted, when window closes without save.

Version 0.19.3


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Changing buttons for the dirty Events depending on status.

Bug Fixes

* #4257 / Dynamic update broken - after changing JSON data structure, update load.php has been missed.


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4253 / Record Lock not deleted when window closes without save.

Version 0.19.2


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #4250 / autocron: sending mails.
* #4248 / FormElement: TypeAhead fuer den Spaltennamen - Implemented.
* #4144 / Close/New: bei acquireLock=false anschliessend keine Nachfrage ob gespeichert werden soll.
* #4120: Removed Timeout from Dirty Alert Message.

Version 0.19.1


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
 * #4172 / record locking: Bob tries to delete a record and get 'status=error': Client should disable 'delete' button.
 * #4185 / Detect modified record.
 * #4143 / New alert removes old alert(s).
 * #4173 / Form: User open's a new tab and press close - alert to inform user that he has to close the tab.
 * #1930, #3980 /  Client: Bei Form Submit den Status 'submit_reason=save|save,close' mitsenden.
 * Implemented: New > Close (save) now closes correctly the current page. Addtional, #1930 has been solved implizit.

Bug Fixes

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
 * Bug #4174 / record locking: error message if delete fails due to record locking.
 * Bug: SQL 'CREATE' implemented as a valid command.

Version 0.19.0


* bower.json: change bootstrap version number from micro to minor.
* Sip.php: Guarantee that uniqid() is unique at least for the current user.
* Makefile: change installation of phpDocumentor to --alldeps and remove 'phpdoc/'.


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3881 / Variables: Ex 'keySemId', New 'periodId' (System Store).
* AbstractBuildForm.php: if a datetime / timestamp has the string 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' it will be replaced by the current date/time.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Add new STORE_TYPO3 vars: pageAlias, pageTitle.
* Config.php: cleanup of checking GET variables.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3981 / Record Locking.
* Manual.rst: add documentation for record locking.
* Manual.rst: more details about QFQ variables.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* plantuml: sequence diagrams for record locking.

Bug Fixes

* Bug #4158 / Delete Button im Form fehlen die SIP Parameter.
* Bug #4159 / missing htmlspecialchar_decode() for FE.value supplied content.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Bug Makefile: fixed unwanted removing of whole 'doc' by 'maintainer-clean' - doc nowadays contains QFQ related
  manually created documentation.
* Bug typeahead.php: An exception catched in typeahead.php has been assigned as array element, instead of a whole array. Fixed.

Version 0.18.7


* Makefile: 'make bootstrap' udpates all JS Lib packages. Double npm install removed.


* #3947 / Attack detectect: logout current user (only QFQ, FE User still logged in).
* #3959 / Class _link: implement 'any' Bootstrap glyphicons. New token 'G:' for '_link'.

Bug Fixes

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3953 / Radio buttons: Auswahl nicht angezeigt, wenn per itemList definiert.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3982 / Filename Sanatize: remove spaces. Filename not properbly enclosed by double ticks.

Version 0.18.6


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3460 / Report: new column types '_striptags, '_htmlentities', '_+Tag'.

Version 0.18.5


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* QuickFormQuery.php: added function to check if there are copyForm paste records.
* Manual.rst, formEditor.sql: add several links in Form 'FormEditor' to the online documentation. The FormEditor now
  contains links to the Online Documentation. Add missing explanations: Required Parameter, Forward.

Bug Fixes

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3912 / templateGroup: max. 5 instances are saved.
* Manual.rst: Fixed missing '{{' and '%' in examples.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3925 / templateGroup / non primary / delete records: only one at a time.
* Makefile: Artifactory builds fails at chromedriver - temporary remove npm install of chromedriver.

Version 0.18.4

Bug Fixes
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3910 / 'submitButtonText' not shown.

Version 0.18.3b


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3906 / Mark required inputs with an asterik.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3903 / Copy/Paste form: references inside a record are not updated at all.

Version 0.18.3a


* Copy / Paste form: take care that there is now This is now the reserved formId for the 'copyForm'.

      UPDATE `FormElement` SET formId=100 WHERE formId=3
      UPDATE `Form` SET `id` = '100' WHERE `Form`.`id` = 3;

Bug Fixes

Version 0.18.3


* #3899 / Copy/Paste

  * DatabaseUpdate.php: New table Clipboard, New FE.type='paste', New Form.forwardMode='url-sip' - will be applied for 0.18.3.
  * Store.php: New member in STORE_CLIENT 'CLIENT_COOKIE_QFQ' - might be used to identify current user.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
  * formEditor.sql: New form 'copyForm'. New table 'Clipboard'.

Version 0.18.2


Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3891 / Dynamic Update: Multiple Elements in a row - single show/hide - First implementation: Show / Hide via
  dynamicUpdate for a second element, wrapped in an own 'col-md' div.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3875 / FormElement 'extra': Fehler bei neuen Records.
* #3647 / Dynamic Update: Multiple Elements in a row not updated properly.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3890 / upload-FormElement: mode 'hide' without effect.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3876 / upload-FormElement: verschwindet bei dynamicUpdate.

Version 0.18.1

* Update unit tests

Version 0.18.0

*  New defaults to FormElement.type=`file` (=Upload).

  * `access` = `application/pdf`
  * `maxFileSize` = `10485760` (10MB)


* Make the image shown for ExtraButtonInfo configureable. Manual.rst: added documentation for new config.qfq.ini
* Manual.rst: description added for `extraButtonLock` ,`extraButtonPassword`, `extraButtonInfo`. Example on how to reuse
  custom vars defined in `config.qfq.ini`. Add three more examples to _pdf. How to access local online documentation.
  Add note about wkhtml only on linux boxes. More wkhtml explanations.
* #3773 / Button: Info / Unlock / ShowPassword: FE_PARAMETER: extraButtonLock / extraButtonPassword / extraButtopnInfo.
* #3769 / Allow specific GET variables longer than SECURITY_GET_MAX_LENGTH. config.php: implemented special handling of
  GET vars, named with '..._<num>'.
* #3766 / SQL_LOG per tt_content record einstellbar machen. Add `sqlLog` and `sqlLogMode` to QFQ tt-content records.
  Add mode 'error' and `none` to sqlLogMode. Manual.rst: Added explanations for SQL_LOG, SQL_LOG_MODE, and tt-content
  pendants sqlLog, sqlLogMode. Update config.qfq.ini to latest attributes.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Config.php: Set defaults for config.qfq.ini SQL_LOG and SQL_LOG_MODE.
* config.qfq.example.ini: Remove DB_NAME_TEST, Add some details about SQL_LOG, add example for TECHNICAL_CONTACT.
* Session.php: Activate cookie_httponly for QFQ cookies.
* Html2Pdf.php:  recode setting of $this->logFile.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* config.qfq.ini: new syntax for SHOW_DEBUG_INFO - [yes,no,auto][,download].
* #3711 / Upload Button opens the camera on a smartphone. New attribute 'capture'.
* Database.php: Add SQL keyword 'DROP'.
* #3706 / Check File Upload: a) mime type, b) max file size. Implemented: file upload check for mime type and max file size.
* New 'pageForward'-Mode: 'url-skip-history'.
* FormEditor:

  * Most radio FEs changed from HTML standard to Bootstrap Design.
  * FE 'feIdContainer' will only be shown if there is at least one FE container element.
  * Use dynamicUpdate to hide/show FE 'forwardPage'.
  * FE 'subrecordOption' shown only for FE.type==subrecord.
  * FE 'checkPattern' shown only for FE.checkType=='pattern|min%'.
  * In form 'FormElement' the FE 'formId' removed - not necessary.

* #3568 / Form: fuer alle Buttons (save, close, new, delete) eine optionale class & text konfigurierbar.
* #3569 / Input Optional '0' unterdruecken.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3863 / New config var 'DB_UPDATE' in config.qfq.ini.

Bug Fixes

* #3770 / Attack Delay: merge processing to one codeplace. Config.php: new function attackDetectedExitNow(). Sip.php:
  replace local sleep(PENALTY_TIME_BROKEN_SIP) with central function attackDetectedExitNow().
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3768 / log to sql.log: ip, formname, feuser.
* Store.php: Fix problem that an empty SQL_LOG will be added to SYSTEM_PATH_EXT. Logger.php: do nothing if there is no
  file defined.
* #3751 / download FE_GROUP protected pages failed. Implement additional 'SHOW_DEBUG_INFO = download' to track down
  problems with 'session forwarding'.
* Allow spaces in value when selection <radio> and <select> tags.
* #3812 / extraButtonInfo (extraButtonLock, extraButtonPassword) - Problems in TemplateGroups.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3832 / Dynamic Update und Radio buttons - leerer value ( '' ) kann nicht angewählt werden.
* #3612 / Konflikt typeAheadLdap mit dynamic modesql: inputs with typeahead lacks 'dynamicUpdate' via 'modeSql'.
* #3853 / New > Save: Reload des Forms mit neuer SIP und neu erstellter recordId.
* #3854 / Wrong final page: a) New > Save > Close, b) New > Save > Delete, c) New > New
  formEditor.sql: update table 'Form.forwardMode' to ('client', 'no', 'url', 'url-skip-history').
* #2337 / Checkbox: checked/unchecked parameters genügen nicht.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #2542 / FormElement-Typ 'note' funktioniert nicht mit dynamic update.
* #3863 / DB Update Fails: Expected no record, got 2 rows: SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Name='Form'.

Version 0.17.0


* ALTER TABLE  `FormElement` ADD  `encode` ENUM(  'none',  'specialchar' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT  'specialchar' AFTER  `subrecordOption` ;
* UPDATE `FormElement` SET encode='none' WHERE class='native' AND type='editor'

* ALTER TABLE  `Form` ADD  `escapeTypeDefault` ENUM(  '',  's',  'd',  'l',  'L',  'm',  '-' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT  '' AFTER  `permitEdit` ;

* In order to not break functionality of existing forms, it might be necessary (bad for security, good for stability) to
  leave existing forms untouched: `UPDATE Form SET escapeTypeDefault='-'`

* Play formEditor.sql


* New security option `escapeTypeDefault`: will be defined 1) sytem wide in config.qfq.ini, or 2) more specific per
  Form or 3) individually per variable. The later has priority.
* #3544 / Form: view current form - It's now possible to direct view a form, which is currently loaded/edited in the
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
  FormEditor: Button 'eye' near left of button 'save'.
* #3552 / typeAheadLdapSearchPerToken - webpass kann nicht gleichzeitig nach Vornamen und Nachnamen suchen. Added option
  typeAheadLdapSearchPerToken to split search value in token and OR-combine every search with the individual tokens.
* Download latest QFQ builds and releases:
* #3218, #3600 / download.php / export: QFQ is now able to create PDFs and ZIPs on the fly. The sources might be
  uploaded PDFs or Websites (local or remote) which will be converted to PDFs.
* Implement 'encode=specialchar' - new option per FormElement which is now the default for every FormElement.
* Sanatize.php: New function urlDecodeArr(). Decode all _GET vars.
* Implemented max GET parameter lenght. Default: 50.
* Implemented new escape class 'mysql' (realEscapeString).
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* LICENSE.txt: Add GPLv3.
* Html2Pdf.php: Add SIP support wkhtmltopdf URLs. Move cookies for wkhtmltopdf from commandline arguments to filebased.
* SessionCookie.php: New class to save current cookies in a file.
* Html2Pdf.php: implemented session forwarding to wkhtmltopdf.
* Session.php: introduced close(). This will unlock the current session. Take care on subsequent calls to reopen primary session again.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Database.php: Set charset to real_escape_string() functions properly. Proxy for mysqli::real_escape_string().
* Implement honeypot variables to detect bots.
* HTML special char encode all URL GET parameter. This can't be skipped.

Bug Fixes

* Sip.php: Parameter XDEBUG_SESSUIB_START excluded from GET parameter copied to SIP.
* Manual.rst: add libxrender1 to install by using wkhtmltopdf.
* Download.php: Skip 'pdftk' if there is only one PDF file to concatenate.
* #3615 / download.php: Das Popup schliesst nicht automatisch bei ZIP, im FF, Warnung in der Console, hourglass wobbles.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Split PHP 'print.php' in a pure API file 'print.php' and a class 'Html2Pdf.php' - the class will be reused by Download.php.
* #3573 / TypeaheadLdap: Prefetch funktioniert nicht.
* #3547 / FE of type 'note' causes writing of empty fields.
* #3546 / Throw of a UserFormException with wrong parameter. Fixed.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3545 / Errormessages via API/JSON not displayed.
* #3536 / a) Datum (datetime / timestamp) werden nicht angezeigt, b) Angezeigte Datumsformat String und aktzeptierte Eingabe matchen nicht.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3533 / afterSave: sqlUpdate auf child-record ändert xId von Hauptrecord auf 0.

Version 0.16


* Play:

    ALTER TABLE `FormElement` ADD INDEX `feIdContainer` (`feIdContainer`);
    ALTER TABLE `FormElement` ADD INDEX `ord` (`ord`);
    ALTER TABLE `FormElement` ADD INDEX `feGroup` (`feGroup`);

    ALTER TABLE `FormElement` ADD `adminNote` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `note`;

* Play formEditor.sql


* formEditor.sql:

  * Added 'on update current timestamp'.
  * Add three indexes to formEditor.sql.
  * Column FormElement.adminNote added.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
  * Change default width on Form for subrecord
  * Changed input height of 'parameter of FormEditor and FormElementEditor to 8 lines.

Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* Enlarge placeholder value in FormElement. Old 512, New 2048..
* #3466 / Input Typeahead: optional only allow specified input. Mode: typeAheadPedantic.
* #3465 / Save button: optional 'active after form load': `Form.parameter.saveButtonActive` - if this attribute is set,
  the save button will be enabled directly on form load.
* #3463 / form.mode=readonly. Make a form complete `readonly`. This can be done statically or dynamically via variable (e.g. SIP).
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* #3447 / Icons das man im FrontEnd direkt das gewaehlte FormElement im Formulareditor bearbeiten kann. Add checkbox left.
  to the 'EditForm'-Button, to toogle the 'FormElemnt'-Icons. Like the  'Form Edit'-Pencil, the 'FormElement Checkbox'
  is only displayed if the user is logged in BE.
* #3456 / LDAP: with Credentials (e.g. to access 'webpass'). Updated doc for a) config.qfq.ini: LDAP_1_RDN, LDAP_1_PASSWORD,
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
  b) Form.parameter|FormElement.parameter: ldapUseBindCredentials.

  * ErrorHandler.php: removed details - the end user should not too many details.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
  * FormAction.php, Ldap.php, QuickFormQuery.php: implement 'ldapUseBindCredentials'.
  * Ldap.php: set_error_handler() to catch ldap_bind() problems. Always set LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION=3 - this might
    cause problems with som LDAP Servers - we will see.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
* 3509 / SELECT Element: value wird nicht selektiert.
* 3502 / TemplateGroups: Checkboxen werden beim ersten Speichern (insert) nicht geschrieben - ein anschliessendes Update
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
  ist ok.
* 3385 / templateGroup: insert/update/delete non primary records.

  * Non primary record leads to a problem that the default values, given as an array, are not replaced by scalar values. fixed.
  * Update doc how to insert/update/delete non primary templateGroup records.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
  * Removed $templateGroupIndex - solved implicit by defining a LIMIT on 'slaveId' . Implemented '%D' (one below %d).
    Implemented FE_SQL_HONOR_FORM_ELEMENTS - reduces unecassary SQL queries.
  * Fill STORE_RECORD during Formload - to read templateGroup records very early. Local copy of `getNativeFormElements()`,
    new `explodeTemplateGroupElements()`

* TypeAhead.js: Handle <ENTER> key properly.
* #3462 / FormElement.parameter: requiredList not ok for non numeric content. STORE_FORM had been called without 'sanatize class'.
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
  Therefore, all non numeric values has been sanatized by default. New: SANATIZE_ALLOW_ALL.
* Corrected error message to use 'itemList' instead of 'itemValues'. Renamed constant too.
* #2542 / FormElement-Typ 'note' funktioniert nicht mit dynamic update. 'Label' and 'note' are fixed - 'value' is still not updated, open.

Version 0.15


 * Play formEditor.sql.

   * Form 'FormElement' failed to display the formtitle of the current form in case of a new FE.
   * Updated subrecord in 'Form' for 'FormElements' - columns 'size' and 'sql1' removed and 'dyn' inserted. Play formEditor.sql.