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Support for record locking is given with mode:

* *exclusive*: user can't force a write.

  * Including a timeout (default 15 mins recordLockTimeoutSeconds in :ref:`configuration`) for maximum lock time.

* *advisory*: user is only warned, but allowed to overwrite.
* *none*: no bookkeeping about locks.

For 'new' records (r=0) there is no locking at all.

The record locking protection is based on the `tablename` and the `record id`. Different `Forms`, with the same primary table,
will be protected by record locking. On the other side, action-`FormElements` updating non primary table records are not
protected by 'record locking': the QFQ record locking is *NOT 100%*.

The 'record locking' mode will be specified per `Form`. If there are multiple Forms with different modes, and there is
already a lock for a `tablename` / `record id` pair, the most restrictive will be applied.

Best practice

View: List vs. Detail

As 'list' a number of data/rows shown on the page is meant.

As 'detail' a form is meant, which shows one single data record and let the user edit it.

To provide an easy understandable navigation structure, it's nice for the user to stay on the same page, even the user is
in 'detail' or 'list' mode. Create a single QFQ tt-content record on a fresh page::

  form = {{form:SE}}

  10.sql = SELECT, CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=Person&r=', AS _pagee FROM Person AS p
  10.rend = <br>

* If the page is called without any parameter, a list of persons is shown.
* Behind each name, a button is shown. A click on it opens the form 'Person' (with the selected person record) on the same page.

Mode 'list' or 'detail' is detected automatically: if a form is given via STORE_SIP or STORE_TYPO3, the form (=detail) is
shown else the report (=list).

Custom default value only for 'new records'

Method 1

On `Form.parameter` define a `fillStoreVar` query with a column name equal to a form field. That's all.

Example: :: = technicalContact
  Form.parameter.fillStoreVar = {{! SELECT CONCAT(p.firstName, ' ', AS technicalContact FROM Person AS p WHERE p.account='{{feUser:T}}' }}

What we use here is the default STORE prio FSRVD. If the form loads with r=0, 'F', 'S' and 'R' are empty. 'V' is filled.
If r>0, than 'F' and 'S' are empty and 'R' is filled.

Method 2

In the specific `FormElement` set `value={{columnName:RSE}}`. The link to the form should be rendered with
'"...&columnName=<data>&..." AS _page'. The trick is that the STORE_RECORD is empty for new records, and therefore the
corresponding value from STORE_SIP will be returned. Existing records will use the already saved value.

Central configured values

Any variable in :ref:`configuration` can be used by *{{<varname>:Y}}* in form or report statements.



Could be used in an *FormElement.type* = sendmail with *parameter*  setting *sendMailFrom={{TECHNICAL_CONTACT:Y}}*.

Debug Report

Writing "report's" in the nested notation or long queries broken over several lines, might not interpreted as wished.
Best for debugging is to specify in the tt-content record::

  debugShowBodyText = 1

Note: Debug information is only display if it's enabled in  :ref:`configuration` by

* *showDebugInfo: yes* or
* *showDebugInfo: auto* and logged in in the same Browser as a Typo3 backend user.

More detailed error messages

If *showDebugInfo* is enabled, a full stacktrace and variable contents are displayed in case of an error.

Form search

QFQ content record::

  # Creates a small form that redirects back to this page
  10 {
    sql = SELECT '_'
    head = <form action='#' method='get'><input type='hidden' name='id' value='{{pageAlias:T}}'>Search: <input type='text' name='search' value='{{search:CE:all}}'><input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>

  # SQL statement will find and list all the relevant forms - be careful not to open a cross site scripting door: the parameter 'search' needs to be sanitized.
  20 {
    sql = SELECT CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=form&r=', AS _pagee,,, f.title
              FROM Form AS f
              WHERE LIKE  '%{{search:CE:alnumx}}%'
    head = <table class='table'>
    tail = </table>
    rbeg = <tr>
    rend = </tr>
    fbeg = <td>
    fend = </td>

Form: compute next free 'ord' automatically

Requirement: new records should automatically get the highest number plus 10 for their 'ord' value. Existing records
should not be altered.

Version 1

Compute the next 'ord' in advance in the subrecord field of the primary form. Submit that value to the new record
via SIP parameter to the secondary form.

On the secondary form: for 'new' records choose the computed value, for existing records leave the value

* Master form, `subrecord` *FormElement*, field `parameter`: set ::

    detail=id:formId,{{SELECT '&', IFNULL(fe.ord,0)+10 FROM Form AS f LEFT JOIN *FormElement* AS fe ON WHERE{{r:S0}} ORDER BY fe.ord DESC LIMIT 1}}:ord

* Slave form, `ord` *FormElement*, field `value`: set



Version 2

Compute the next 'ord' as default value direct inside the secondary form. No change is needed for the primary form.

* Secondary form, `ord` *FormElement*, field `value`: set `{{SELECT IF({{ord:R0}}=0,  MAX(IFNULL(fe.ord,0))+10,{{ord:R0}})  FROM (SELECT 1) AS a LEFT JOIN FormElement AS fe ON fe.formId={{formId:S0}} GROUP BY fe.formId}}`.

Form: Person Wizard - firstname, city

Requirement: A form that displays the column 'firstname' from table 'Person' and 'city' from table 'Address'. If the
records not exist, the form should create it.

Form primary table: Person

Form slave table: Address

Relation: ` = Address.personId`

* Form: wizard

  * Name: wizard
  * Title: Person Wizard
  * Table: Person
  * Render: bootstrap

* *FormElement*: firstname

  * Class: **native**
  * Type: **text**
  * Name: firstname
  * Label: Firstname

* *FormElement*: email, text, 20

  * Class: **native**
  * Type: **text**
  * Name: city
  * Label: City
  * Value: `{{SELECT city FROM Address WHERE personId={{r}} ORDER BY id LIMIT 1}}`

* *FormElement*: insert/update address record

  * Class: **action**
  * Type: **afterSave**
  * Label: Manage Address
  * Parameter:

    * `slaveId={{SELECT id FROM Address WHERE personId={{r}} ORDER BY id LIMIT 1}}`
    * `sqlInsert={{INSERT INTO Address (personId, city) VALUES ({{r}}, '{{city:F:allbut:s}}') }}`
    * `sqlUpdate={{UPDATE Address SET city='{{city:F:allbut:s}}' WHERE id={{slaveId:V}} }}`
    * `sqlDelete={{DELETE FROM Address WHERE id={{slaveId:V}} AND ''='{{city:F:allbut:s}}' LIMIT 1}}`

Form: Person Wizard - firstname, single note

Requirement: A form that displays the column 'firstname' from table 'Person' and 'note' from table 'Note'.
If the records don't exist, the form should create it.
Column Person.noteId points to

Form primary table: Person

Form slave table: Address

Relation: ` = Address.personId`

* Form: wizard

  * Name: wizard
  * Title: Person Wizard
  * Table: Person
  * Render: bootstrap

* *FormElement*: firstname

  * Class: **native**
  * Type: **text**
  * Name: firstname
  * Label: Firstname

* *FormElement*: email, text, 20

  * Class: **native**
  * Type: **text**
  * Name: note
  * Label: Note
  * Value: `{{SELECT Note FROM Note AS n, Person AS p WHERE{{r}} AND ORDER BY id }}`

* *FormElement*: insert/update address record

  * Class: **action**
  * Type: **afterSave**
  * Name: noteId
  * Label: Manage Note
  * Parameter:

    * `sqlInsert={{INSERT INTO Note (note) VALUES ('{{note:F:allbut:s}}') }}`
    * `sqlUpdate={{UPDATE Note SET note='{{note:F:allbut:s}}' WHERE id={{slaveId:V}} }}`

.. _example_class_template_group:

Icons Template Group

This example will display graphics instead of text 'add' and 'remove'. Also there is a distance between the templateGroups.

* FormElement.parameter::

     tgClass = qfq-child-margin-top
     tgAddClass = btn alert-success
     tgAddText = <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus" aria-hidden="true"></span>
     tgRemoveClass = btn alert-danger
3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610
     tgRemoveText = <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" aria-hidden="true"></span>


* QFQ delivers a chart JavaScript lib: Docs:
* The library is not sourced in the HTML page automatically. To do it, either include the lib

  * in the specific tt_content record (shown below in the example) or
  * system wide via Typo3 Template record.

* By splitting HTML and JavaScript code over several lines, take care not accidentally to create a 'nesting'-end token.
  Check the line after `10.tail =`. It's '}' alone on one line. This is a valid 'nesting'-end token!. There are two options
  to circumvent this:

  * Don't nest the HTML & JavaScript code - bad workaround, this is not human readable.
  * Select different nesting token, e.g. '<' (check the first line on the following example). ::

     # <

     10.sql = SELECT '_'
     10.head =
       <div style="height: 1024px; width: 640px;">
         <h3>Distribution of FormElement types over all forms</h3>
         <canvas id="barchart" width="1240" height="640"></canvas>
       <script src="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Chart.min.js"></script>
         $(function () {
           var ctx = document.getElementById("barchart");
           var barChart = new Chart(ctx, {
             type: 'bar',
               data: {

     10.tail =

     # Labels
     10.10 <
       sql = SELECT "'", fe.type, "'" FROM FormElement AS fe GROUP BY fe.type ORDER BY fe.type
       head = labels: [
       tail = ],
       rsep = ,

     # Data
     10.20 <
       sql = SELECT COUNT( FROM FormElement AS fe GROUP BY fe.type ORDER BY fe.type
       head = datasets: [ {   data: [
       tail = ],  backgroundColor: "steelblue", label: "FormElements" } ]
       rsep = ,

Upload Form Simple

Table Person

| Name                | Type         |
| id                  | int          |
| name                | varchar(255) |
| pathFileNamePicture | varchar(255) |
| pathFileNameAvatar  | varchar(255) |

* Form:

  * Name: UploadSimple
  * Table: Person

* FormElements:

  * Name: name

    * Type: text
    * Label: Name

  * Name: pathFileNamePicture

    * Type: upload
    * Label: Picture
    * Parameter::


  * Name: pathFileNameAvatar

    * Type: upload
    * Label: Avatar
    * Parameter::


Upload Form Advanced 1

Table: Person

| Name                | Type         |
| id                  | int          |
| name                | varchar(255) |

Table: Note

| Name                | Type         |
| id                  | int          |
| pId                 | int          |
| type                | varchar(255) |
| pathFileName        | varchar(255) |

* Form:

  * Name: UploadAdvanced1
  * Table: Person

* FormElements

  * Name: name

    * Type: text
    * Label: Name

  * Name: mypathFileNamePicture

    * Type: upload
    * Label: Picture
    * Value: {{SELECT pathFileName FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}} }}
    * Parameter::

        slaveId={{SELECT id FROM Note WHERE pId={{id:R0}} AND type='picture' LIMIT 1}}
        sqlInsert={{INSERT INTO Note (pathFileName, type, pId) VALUE ('{{fileDestination}}', 'picture', {{id:R0}}) }}
        sqlUpdate={{UPDATE Note SET pathFileName = '{{fileDestination}}' WHERE id={{slaveId}} LIMIT 1}}
        sqlDelete={{DELETE FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}}  LIMIT 1}}

  * Name: mypathFileNameAvatar

    * Type: upload
    * Label: Avatar
    * Value: {{SELECT pathFileName FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}} }}
    * Parameter::

        slaveId={{SELECT id FROM Note WHERE pId={{id:R0}} AND type='avatar' LIMIT 1}}
        sqlInsert={{INSERT INTO Note (pathFileName, type, pId) VALUE ('{{fileDestination}}', 'avatar', {{id:R0}}) }}
        sqlUpdate={{UPDATE Note SET pathFileName = '{{fileDestination}}' WHERE id={{slaveId}} LIMIT 1}}
        sqlDelete={{DELETE FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}}  LIMIT 1}}

Upload Form Advanced 2

Table: Person

| Name                | Type         |
| id                  | int          |
| name                | varchar(255) |
| noteIdPicture       | int          |
| noteIdAvatar        | int          |

Table: Note

| Name                | Type         |
| id                  | int          |
| pathFileName        | varchar(255) |

* Form:

  * Name: UploadAdvanced2
  * Table: Person

* FormElements

  * Name: name

    * Type: text
    * Label: Name

  * Name: mypathFileNamePicture

    * Type: upload
    * Label: Picture
    * Value: {{SELECT pathFileName FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}} }}
    * Parameter::

        slaveId={{SELECT id FROM Note WHERE id={{noteIdPicture}} LIMIT 1}}
        sqlInsert={{INSERT INTO Note (pathFileName) VALUE ('{{fileDestination}}') }}
        sqlUpdate={{UPDATE Note SET pathFileName = '{{fileDestination}}' WHERE id={{slaveId}} LIMIT 1}}
        sqlDelete={{DELETE FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}}  LIMIT 1}}
        sqlAfter={{UPDATE Person SET noteIdPicture={{slaveId}} WHERE id={{id:R0}} LIMIT 1

  * Name: mypathFileNameAvatar

    * Type: upload
    * Label: Avatar
    * Value: {{SELECT pathFileName FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}} }}
    * Parameter::

        slaveId={{SELECT id FROM Note WHERE id={{noteIdAvatar}} LIMIT 1}}
        sqlInsert={{INSERT INTO Note (pathFileName) VALUE ('{{fileDestination}}') }}
        sqlUpdate={{UPDATE Note SET pathFileName = '{{fileDestination}}' WHERE id={{slaveId}} LIMIT 1}}
        sqlDelete={{DELETE FROM Note WHERE id={{slaveId}}  LIMIT 1}}
        sqlAfter={{UPDATE Person SET noteIdAvatar={{slaveId}} WHERE id={{id:R0}} LIMIT 1

Typeahead: SQL

Table: Person

| Name                | Type         |
| id                  | int          |
| name                | varchar(255) |

* Form:

  * Name: PersonNameTypeahead
  * Table: Person

* FormElements

  * Name: name

    * Type: text
    * Label: Name
    * Parameter: ``typeAheadSql = SELECT name FROM Person WHERE name LIKE ? OR firstName LIKE ? LIMIT 100``

Typeahead: LDAP with additional values

Table: Person

| Name                | Type         |
| id                  | int          |
| name                | varchar(255) |
| firstname           | varchar(255) |
| email               | varchar(255) |

* Form:

  * Name: PersonNameTypeaheadSetNames
  * Table: Person
  * Parameter::

      ldapServer =
      ldapBaseDn = ou=Addressbook,dc=example,dc=com

* FormElements

  * Name: email

    * Class: native
    * Type: text
    * Label: Email
    * Note: Name: {{cn:LE}}<br>Email: {{mail:LE}}
    * dynamicUpdate: checked
    * Parameter::

       # Typeahead
       typeAheadLdapSearch = (|(cn=*?*)(mail=*?*))
       typeAheadLdapValuePrintf ‘%s / %s’, cn, email
       typeAheadLdapIdPrintf  ‘%s’, email

       # dynamicUpdate: show note
       ldapSearch = (mail={{email::alnumx}})
       ldapAttributes = cn, email

  * Name: fillLdapValues

    * Class: action
    * Type: afterSave
    * Parameter::

       ldapSearch = (mail={{email::alnumx}})
       ldapAttributes = cn, email

       sqlUpdate={{ UPDATE Person AS p SET'{{cn:L:alnumx:s}}' WHERE{{slaveId}} LIMIT 1 }}

.. _`import-merge-form`:

Import/merge form

The form `copyFormFromExt` copies a form from table `ExtForm / ExtFormElement` to `Form / FormElement`. The import/merge

* offers a drop down list with all forms of `ExtForm`,
* an input element for the new form name,
* create new
* copied FormElements get the new
* the copied form will be opened in the FormEditor.


* Play (do all sql statements on your QFQ database, e.g. via `mysql <dbname> < copyFormFromExt.sql` or `phpMyAdmin`) the
  file  *<ext_dir>/Classes/Sql/copyFormFromExt.sql*.
* Insert a link/button 'Copy form from ExtForm' to open the import/merge form. A good place is the list of all forms (see :ref:`form-editor`).
  E.g.: ::

    10.head = {{'b|p:id={{pageAlias:T}}&form=copyFormFromExt|t:Copy form from ExtForm' AS _link }} ...

If there are several T3/QFQ instances and if forms should be imported frequently/easily, set up a one shot
'import Forms from db xyz' like: ::

  10.sql = CREATE OR REPLACE table ExtForm SELECT * FROM <db xyz>.Form
Marc Egger's avatar
Marc Egger committed
  20.sql = CREATE OR REPLACE table ExtFormElement SELECT * FROM <db xyz>.FormElement

Marc Egger's avatar
Marc Egger committed

Form As File

Json Form Editor

The json form editor allows developers to view/edit/copy/paste forms in the json format.

* The json form editor can be accessed via the standard form-editor report. See: :ref:`form-editor`
* All fields of the Form and the FormElements Table are encoded into one big json object. Each formElement is represented as an object contained in the top-level array called `FormElement_ff`.
* Form and FormElement **ids are not encoded into the json string**. Therefore the json may be freely copied and pasted i.e. reused without fear of overwriting the original form.

  * **Container** : Container FormElements are referenced via their name instead of their id by other FormElements. The additional key `containerName_ff` is added to the json of a FormElemnt to reference a container.

* **Form Backups** : If a form is edited using the json form editor then a backup of the previous version is saved in the directory `form/.backup` inside the qfq project directory (:ref:`qfq-project-path-php`).

  * Cron job to remove old backups: :ref:`removeFormBackupCron`

Auto Sync

**ATTENTION** : The synchronisation between form files and Form/FormElement tables has been disabled in favor of the json form editor. It might be enabled again in a future version.

* **Sync** : Forms are synced between the database and form files located in the form directory contained in the qfq project directory. See: :ref:`qfq-project-path-php`

  * The form files have precedence over database forms. i.e. If the form has changed both in the file and database since the last sync, then the database changes are lost. (But there is a backup, see bellow).
  * If a form exists in the database but was never exported to a file (i.e. column `fileStats` in the Form table is empty) then the form is not deleted but kept and exported to a new form file.
  * **ATTENTION** : Form and FormElement changes in the database are only registered if they are performed by the form editor. Otherwise they might get overwritten during the next file sync!

* **First Export** : If there is no form directory then it is created and all forms are exported from the database once.
* **Form Backups** : On every change of a form (both in file and in database) a new backup file is saved in `qfqProject/form/.backup`

  * To restore a backup file just copy it into the parent folder (`form`) and rename it to `<formName>.json`. (Don't forget to adjust the file read/write rights accordingly)
  * Cron job to remove old backups: :ref:`removeFormBackupCron`

* **Form Copy** : To copy a form simply duplicate the corresponding form file `<formName>.json` and rename the duplicate accordingly `<newFormName>.json>`. (Don't forget to adjust the file read/write rights accordingly)