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System.rst 8.64 KiB
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.. ==================================================
.. ==================================================
.. ==================================================
.. Header hierarchy
.. ==
..  --
..   ^^
..    ""
..     ;;
..      ,,
.. --------------------------------------------used to the update the records specified ------
.. Best Practice T3 reST:
..             Reference:
.. Italic *italic*
.. Bold **bold**
.. Code ``text``
.. External Links: `Bootstrap <>`_
.. Internal Link: :ref:`downloadButton` (default url text) or :ref:`download Button<downloadButton>` (explicit url text)
.. Add Images:    .. image:: ../Images/a4.jpg
.. Admonitions
..           .. note::   .. important::     .. tip::     .. warning::
.. Color:   (blue)       (orange)           (green)      (red)
.. Definition:
.. some text becomes strong (only one line)
..      description has to indented

.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM.

.. include:: Includes.txt

.. _`system`:


.. _`autocron`:


The `AutoCron` service fires periodically jobs like `open a webpage` (typically a QFQ page which does some database
actions) or `send mail`.

* AutoCron will be triggered via system cron. Minimal time distance therefore is 1 minute. If this is not sufficient,
  any process who starts `.../typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/External/autocron.php` via `/usr/bin/php` frequently might be used.

* Custom start time and frequency.
* Per job:

  * If a job still runs and receives the next trigger, the running job will be completed first.
  * If more than one trigger arrives during a run, only one trigger will be processed.
  * If the system misses a run, it will be played as soon as the system is online again.
  * If multiple runs are missed, only one run is fired as soon as the system is online again.

* Running and processed jobs can easily be monitored via *lastRun, lastStatus, nextRun, inProgress*.


* Setup a system cron entry, typically as the webserver user ('www-data' on debian).
* Necessary privileges:

  * Read for `.../typo3conf/ext/qfq/*`
  * Write, if a logfile should be written (specified per cron job) in the custom specified directory.

Cron task (user cron tab):  ::

  * * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/External/autocron.php

AutoCron Jobs of type 'website' needs the php.ini setting: ::

  allow_url_fopen = On

Remember: if a cron job fails for whatever reason, the cron daemon will send a mail to the userid who started the cron
job. E.g. www-data. Setup a email forward of such account to a frequently read email account.

Create / edit `AutoCron` jobs

Create a T3 page with a QFQ record (similar to the formeditor). Such page should be access restricted and is only needed
to edit `AutoCron` jobs::


    10 {
        # Table header.
        sql = SELECT CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=cron') AS _pagen, 'id', 'Next run','Frequency','Comment'
                     , 'Last run','In progress', 'Status', 'Auto generated'
        head = <table class='table table-hover qfq-table-50'>
        tail = </table>
        rbeg = <thead><tr>
        rend = </tr></thead>
        fbeg = <th>
        fend = </th>

        10 {
        # All Cron Jobs
        sql = SELECT CONCAT('<tr class="'
                            , IF(c.lastStatus LIKE 'Error%','danger','')
                            , IF(c.inProgress!=0 AND DATE_ADD(c.inProgress, INTERVAL 10 MINUTE)<NOW(),' warning','')
                            , IF(c.status='enable','',' text-muted'),'" '

                            , IF(c.inProgress!=0 AND DATE_ADD(c.inProgress, INTERVAL 10 MINUTE)<NOW(),'title="inProgress > 10mins"'
                            , IF(c.lastStatus LIKE 'Error%','title="Status: Error"',''))
                            , '>')
                        , '<td>', CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=cron&r=', AS _pagee, '</td><td>'
                        ,, '</td><td>'
                        , IF( c.nextrun=0,"", DATE_FORMAT(c.nextrun, "%d.%m.%y %H:%i:%s")), '</td><td>'
                        , c.frequency, '</td><td>'
                        , c.comment, '</td><td>'
                        , IF(c.lastrun=0,"", DATE_FORMAT(c.lastrun,"%d.%m.%y %H:%i:%s")), '</td><td>'
                        , IF(c.inProgress=0,"", DATE_FORMAT(c.inProgress,"%d.%m.%y %H:%i:%s")), '</td><td>'
                        , LEFT(c.laststatus,40) AS '_+pre', '</td><td>'
                        , c.autoGenerated
                        , CONCAT('U:form=cron&r=', AS _paged, '</td></tr>'
                FROM Cron AS c
        ORDER BY

Or you can use the following code in a separate QFQ record for the twig version of autoCron::



The system `cron` service will call the `QFQ AutoCron` every minute. `QFQ AutoCron` checks if there is a pending job, by looking
for jobs with `nextRun` <= `NOW()`. All found jobs will be fired - depending on their type, such jobs will send mail(s) or
open a `webpage`. A `webpage` will mostly be a local T3 page with at least one QFQ record on it. Such a QFQ record might
do some manipulation on the database or any other task.

A job with `nextRun`=0 or `inProgress`!=0 won't never be started.

Due to checking `inProgress`, jobs will never run in parallel, even if a job needs more than 1 minute (interval system

Job: repeating

* frequency: '1 MINUTE', '2 DAY', '3 MONTH', ....

After finishing a job, `nextRun` will be increased by `frequency`. If `nextRun` still points in the past, it will be
increased by `frequency` again, until it points to the future.

Job: asynchronous

* frequency: <empty>

An 'AutoCron' job becomes 'asynchronous' if `frequency` is empty. Then, auto repeating is switched off.

If `nextRun` is > 0 and in the past, the job will be fired. After the job has been done, `nextRun` will be set to 0.

This is useful for jobs which have to be fired from time to time.

To fire such an asynchronous job, just set `nextRun=NOW()` and wait for the next system cron run.

If such a job is running and a new `nextRun=NOW()` is applied, the 'AutoCron' job will be fired again during the next
system cron run.

Type: Mail

Currently QFQ uses a special sendmail notation - this will change in the future.

* `Mail`: ::

  {{!SELECT '' AS sendMailTo, 'Custom subject' AS sendMailSubject, '' AS sendMailFrom, 123 AS sendMailGrId, 456 AS sendMailXId}}

AutoCron will send as many mails as records are selected by the SQL query in field `Mail`. Field `Mail body` provides
the mail text.

All columns of the SQL are available in STORE_PARENT.

Type: Website

The page specified in `URL` will be opened.

Optional the output of that page can be logged to a file (take care to have write permissions on that file).

* `Log output to file`=`output.log` - creates a file in the Typo3 host directory.
* `Log output to file`=`/var/log/output.log` - creates a file in `/var/log/` directory.

Also `overwrite` or `append` can be selected for the output file. In case of `append` a file rotation should be setup on
 OS level.

To check for a successful DB connection, it's a good practice to report a custom token on the T3 page / QFQ record like
'DB Connect: ok'. Such a string can be checked via `Pattern to look for on output=/DB Connect: ok/`. The pattern
needs to be written in PHP PCRE syntax. For a simple search string, just surround them with '/'.
If the pattern is found on the page, the job get's 'Ok' - else 'Error - ...'.

Access restriction

To protect AutoCron pages not to be triggered accidental or by unprivileged access, access to those page tree might be
limited to localhost. Some example Typoscript: ::

  # Access allowed for any logged in user or via 'localhost'
  [usergroup = *] || [IP =]
    page.10 < styles.content.get
    # Error Message
    page.10 = TEXT
    page.10.value = <h2>Access denied</h2>Please log in or access this page from an authorized host. Your current IP address:&nbsp;
    page.20 = TEXT = getenv : REMOTE_ADDR

AutoCron / website: HTTPS protocol

* For `https` the PHP extension `php_openssl` has to be installed.
* All certificates are accepted, even self signed without a correct chain or hostnames, not listed in the certificate.
  This is useful if there is a general 'HTTP >> HTTPS' redirection configured and the website is accessed via `https://localhost/...`