.. ==================================================
.. ==================================================
.. ==================================================
.. Header hierarchy
.. --------------------------------------------used to the update the records specified ------
.. Best Practice T3 reST:
.. Reference:
.. Italic *italic*
.. Bold **bold**
.. Code ``text``
.. External Links: `Bootstrap <>`_
.. Internal Link: :ref:`downloadButton` (default url text) or :ref:`download Button<downloadButton>` (explicit url text)
.. Admonitions
.. .. note:: .. important:: .. tip:: .. warning::
.. Color: (blue) (orange) (green) (red)
.. Definition:
.. some text becomes strong (only one line)
.. description has to indented
.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM.
.. include:: Includes.txt
.. _OnlineRecruitingTool:
Online Recruiting Tool
The ORT will show a typical QFQ application with some best practices tips.
Play the SQL file 'onlineRecruitingTool.sql' on a fresh installation. Otherwise some `Form` and `FormElement` id's might be
used and playing the file will fail.