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Report.rst 167 KiB
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.. ==================================================
.. ==================================================
.. ==================================================
.. Header hierarchy
.. ==
..  --
..   ^^
..    ""
..     ;;
..      ,,
.. --------------------------------------------used to the update the records specified ------
.. Best Practice T3 reST:
..             Reference:
.. Italic *italic*
.. Bold **bold**
.. Code ``text``
.. External Links: `Bootstrap <>`_
.. Add Images:    .. image:: ../Images/a4.jpg
.. Admonitions
..           .. note::   .. important::     .. tip::     .. warning::
.. Color:   (blue)       (orange)           (green)      (red)
.. Definition:
.. some text becomes strong (only one line)
..      description has to indented

.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM.

.. include:: Includes.txt

.. _`report`:


QFQ content element

The QFQ extension is activated through tt-content records. One or more tt-content records per page are necessary to render
*forms* and *reports*. Specify column and language per content record as wished.

The title of the QFQ content element will not be rendered. It's only visible in the backend for orientation of the webmaster.

To display a report on any given TYPO3 page, create a content element of type 'QFQ Element' (plugin) on that page.

A simple example

Assume that the database has a table person with columns firstName and lastName. To create a simple list of all persons, we can do the following::

    10.sql = SELECT firstName, lastName FROM Person

The '10' indicates a *root level* of the report (see section :ref:`Structure<Structure>`). The expression '10.sql' defines an SQL query
for the specific level. When the query is executed, it will return a result having one single column name containing first and last name
separated by a space character.

The HTML output, displayed on the page, resulting from only this definition, could look as follows::


I.e., QFQ will simply output the content of the SQL result row after row for each single level.

Format output: mix style and content

Variant 1: pure SQL

To format the upper example, just create additional columns::

    10.sql = SELECT firstName, ", ", lastName, "<br>" FROM Person

HTML output::

    Doe, John<br>
    Miller, Jane<br>
    Star, Frank<br>

Variant 2: SQL plus QFQ helper

QFQ provides several helper functions to wrap rows and columns, or to separate them. In this example 'fsep'='field
Carsten  Rose's avatar
Carsten Rose committed
separate and 'rend' = row end::
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716

    10.sql = SELECT firstName, lastName FROM Person
    10.fsep = ', '
    10.rend = <br>

HTML output::

    Doe, John<br>
    Miller, Jane<br>
    Star, Frank<br>

Check out all QFQ helpers under :ref:`qfq_keywords`.

Due to mixing style and content, this becomes harder to maintain with more complex layout.

Format output: separate style and content

The result of the query can be passed to the `Twig template engine <>`_
in order to fill a template with the data.::

    10.sql = SELECT firstName, lastName FROM Person
    10.twig = {% for row in result %}
        {{ row.lastName }}, {{ row.firstName }<br />
    {% endfor %}

HTML output::

    Doe, John<br>
    Miller, Jane<br>
    Star, Frank<br>

Check out :ref:`using-twig`.

.. _`syntax-of-report`:

Syntax of *report*

All **root level queries** will be fired in the order specified by 'level' (Integer value).

For **each** row of a query (this means *all* queries), all subqueries will be fired once.

* E.g. if the outer query selects 5 rows, and a nested query select 3 rows, than the total number of rows are 5 x 3 = 15 rows.

There is a set of **variables** that will get replaced before ('count' also after) the SQL-Query gets executed:

  Variables from specific stores.

``{{<name>:R}}`` - use case of the above generic definition. See also :ref:`access-column-values`.

  Similar to  ``{{<name>:R}}`` but more specific. There is no sanitize class, escape mode or default value.

``{{<level>.line.count}}`` - Current row index
  This variable is specific, as it will be replaced before the query is fired in case of ``<level>`` is an outer/previous
  level or it will be replaced after a query is fired in case ``<level>`` is the current level.

  Total rows (MySQL ``num_rows`` for *SELECT* and *SHOW*, MySQL ``affected_rows`` for *UPDATE* and *INSERT*.

  Last insert id for *INSERT*.

  If the content of `<level>` have been stored, e.g. `<level>.content=hide`.

``{{<level>.line.altCount}}`` - Like 'line.count' but for 'alt' query.

``{{<level>.line.altTotal}}`` - Like '' but for 'alt' query.

``{{<level>.line.altInsertId}}`` - Like 'line.insertId' but for 'alt' query.

See :ref:`variables` for a full list of all available variables.

Different types of SQL queries are possible: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SHOW, REPLACE

Only SELECT and SHOW queries will fire subqueries.

Processing of the resulting rows and columns:

  * In general, all columns of all rows will be printed out sequentially.
  * On a per column base, printing of columns can be suppressed by starting the column name with an underscore '_'. E.g.
    `SELECT id AS _id`.

     This might be useful to store values, which will be used later on in another query via the `{{id:R}}` or
     `{{<level>.columnName}}` variable. To suppress printing of a column, use a underscore as column name prefix. E.g.
     `SELECT id AS _id`

*Reserved column names* have a special meaning and will be processed in a special way. See
:ref:`Processing of columns in the SQL result<Processing of columns in the SQL result>` for details.

There are extensive ways to wrap columns and rows. See :ref:`wrapping-rows-and-columns`

.. _`using-twig`:

Using Twig

How to write Twig templates is documented by the `Twig Project <>`_.

QFQ passes the result of a given query to the corresponding Twig template using the Twig variable
`result`. So templates need to use this variable to access the result of a query.

Specifying a Template
By default the string passed to the **twig**-key is used as template directly,
as shown in the simple example above::

   10.twig = {% for row in result %}
       {{ row.lastName }}, {{ row.firstName }<br />
   {% endfor %}

However, if the string starts with **file:**, the template is read from the
file specified.::

   10.twig = file:table_sortable.html.twig

The file is searched relative to *<site path>* and if the file is not found there, it's searched relative to
QFQ's *twig_template* folder where the included base templates are stored.

The following templates are available:

  A basic table with column headers, sorting and column filters using tablesorter and bootstrap.

  A template to display the values of a single record in a vertical table.

The link syntax described in :ref:`column-link` is available inside Twig templates
using the `qfqlink` filter::

  {{ "u:" | qfqlink }}

will render a link to **.

Json Decode
A String can be JSON decoded in Twig the following way::

  {% set decoded = '["this is one", "this is two"]' | json_decode%}

This can then be used as a normal object in Twig::

  {{ decoded[0] }}

will render *this is one*.

Available Store Variables

QFQ also provides access to the following stores via the template context.

  * record
  * sip
  * typo3
  * user
  * system

All stores are accessed using their lower case name as attribute of the
context variable `store`. The active Typo3 front-end user is therefore available as::

  {{ store.typo3.feUser }}


The following block shows an example of a QFQ report.

*10.sql* selects all users who have been assigned files in our file tracker.

.. TODO use content = hide instead of _user once this is implemented

*10.10* then selects all files belonging to this user, prints the username as header
and then displays the files in a nice table with links to the files. ::

      10.sql = SELECT assigned_to AS _user FROM FileTracker
                  WHERE assigned_to IS NOT NULL
                  GROUP BY _user
                  ORDER BY _user

      10.10.sql = SELECT id, path_scan FROM FileTracker
      WHERE assigned_to = '{{user:R}}'
      10.10.twig = <h2>{{ store.record.user }}</h2>
      <table class="table table-hover tablesorter" id="{{pageAlias:T}}-twig">
        {% for row in result %}
            <td>{{ }}</td>
            <td>{{ ("d:|M:pdf|s|t:"~ row.path_scan ~"|F:" ~ row.path_scan ) | qfqlink }}</td>
        {% endfor %}

Debug the bodytext

The parsed bodytext could be displayed by activating 'showDebugInfo' (:ref:`debug`) and specifying


    debugShowBodyText = 1

A small symbol with a tooltip will be shown, where the content record will be displayed on the webpage.
Note: :ref:`debug` information will only be shown with *showDebugInfo: yes* in :ref:`configuration`.

.. _`inline-report`:

Inline Report editing

For quick changes it can be bothersome to go to the TYPO3 backend to update the page content and reload the page.
For this reason, QFQ offers an inline report editing feature whenever there is a TYPO3 BE user logged in. A small
link symbol will appear on the right-hand side of each report record. Please note that the TYPO3 Frontend cache
is also deleted upon each inline report save.

In order for the inline report editing to work, QFQ needs to be able to access the T3 database. This database
is assumed to be accessible with the same credentials as specified with indexQfq.

.. _`Structure`:


A report can be divided into several levels. This can make report definitions more readable because it allows for
splitting of otherwise excessively long SQL queries. For example, if your SQL query on the root level selects a number
of person records from your person table, you can use the SQL query on the second level to look up the city where each person lives.

See the example below::

    10.sql = SELECT id AS _pId, CONCAT(firstName, " ", lastName, " ") AS name FROM Person
    10.rsep = <br>

    10.10.sql = SELECT CONCAT(postal_code, " ", city) FROM Address WHERE pId = {{10.pId}}
    10.10.rbeg = (
    10.10.rend = )

This would result in::

    John Doe (3004 Bern)
    Jane Miller (8008 Zürich)
    Frank Star (3012 Bern)

Text across several lines

To get better human readable SQL queries, it's possible to split a line across several lines. Lines
with keywords are on their own (:ref:`QFQ Keywords (Bodytext)<qfq_keywords>` start a new line). If a line is not a 'keyword' line, it will
be appended to the last keyword line. 'Keyword' lines are detected on:

* <level>.<keyword> =
* {
* <level>[.<sub level] {


    10.sql = SELECT 'hello world'
               FROM Mastertable
    10.tail = End

    20.sql = SELECT 'a warm welcome'
               'some additional', 'columns'
               FROM AnotherTable
               WHERE id>100

    20.head = <h3>
    20.tail = </h3>

Join mode: SQL

This is the default. All lines are joined with a *space* in between. E.g.::

    10.sql = SELECT 'hello world'
               FROM Mastertable

Results to: ``10.sql = SELECT 'hello world' FROM Mastertable``

Notice the space between "'" and "FROM ...".

Join mode: strip whitespace

Ending a line with a \\ strips all leading and trailing whitespaces of that line joins the line directly (no extra
space in between). E.g.::

    10.sql = SELECT 'hello world', 'd:final.pdf \
                                    |p:id=export  \
                                    |t:Download' AS _pdf \

Results to: ``10.sql = SELECT 'hello world', 'd:final.pdf|p:id=export|t:Download' AS _pdf``

Note: the \\ does not force the joining, it only removes the whitespaces.

To get the same result, the following is also possible::

    10.sql = SELECT 'hello world', CONCAT('d:final.pdf'
                                    '|t:Download') AS _pdf

Nesting of levels

Levels can be nested. E.g.::

  10 {
    sql = SELECT ...
    5 {
        sql = SELECT ...
        head = ...

This is equal to::

  10.sql = SELECT ...
  10.5.sql = SELECT ...
  10.5.head = ...

Leading / trailing spaces

By default, leading or trailing whitespaces are removed from strings behind '='. E.g. 'rend =  test ' becomes 'test' for
rend. To prevent any leading or trailing spaces, surround them by using single or double ticks. Example::

  10.sql = SELECT name FROM Person
  10.rsep = ' '
  10.head = "Names: "

Braces character for nesting

By default, curly braces '{}' are used for nesting. Alternatively angle braces '<>', round braces '()' or square
braces '[]' are also possible. To define the braces to use, the **first line** of the bodytext has to be a comment line and the
last character of that line must be one of '{[(<'. The corresponding braces are used for that QFQ record. E.g.::

    # Specific code. >
    10 <
      sql = SELECT
      head = <script>
             data = [
                 10, 20

Per QFQ tt-content record, only one type of nesting braces can be used.

Be careful to:

* write nothing else than whitespaces/newline behind an **open brace**
* the **closing brace** has to be alone on a line::

   10.sql = SELECT 'Yearly Report'

   20 {
         sql = SELECT companyName FROM Company LIMIT 1
         head = <h1>
         tail = </h1>

   30 {
         sql = SELECT depName FROM Department
         head = <p>
         tail = </p>
         5 {
               sql = SELECT 'detailed information for department'
               1.sql = SELECT name FROM Person LIMIT 7
               1.head = Employees:

   30.5.tail = More will follow


          sql = SELECT 'A query with braces on their own'

.. _`access-column-values`:

Access column values

Columns of the upper / outer level result can be accessed via variables in two ways

* STORE_RECORD: `{{pId:R}}`
* Level Key: `{{10.pId}}`

The STORE_RECORD will always be merged with previous content. The Level Keys are unique.

Multiple columns, with the same column name, can't be accessed individually. Only the last column is available.

Retrieving the *final* value of :ref:`special-column-names` is possible via '{{&<column>:R}}. Example::

  10.sql = SELECT 'p:home&form=Person|s|b:success|t:Edit' AS _link
  10.20.sql = SELECT '{{link:R}}', '{{&link:R}}'

The first column of row `10.20` returns 'p:home&form=Person|s|b:success|t:Edit',the second column returns
'<span class="btn btn-success"><a href="?home&s=badcaffee1234">Edit</a></span>'.


  10.sql= SELECT AS _pId, FROM Person AS p
  10.5.sql = SELECT, 'dummy' AS _pId FROM Address AS adr WHERE adr.pId={{pId:R}}
  10.5.20.sql = SELECT '{{pId:R}}'
  10.10.sql = SELECT '{{pId:R}}'

The line '10.10' will output 'dummy' in cases where there is at least one corresponding address.
If there are no addresses (all persons) it reports the person id.
If there is at least one address, it reports 'dummy', cause that's the last stored content.

Example 'level'::

  10.sql= SELECT AS _pId, FROM Person AS p
  10.5.sql = SELECT, 'dummy' AS _pId FROM Address AS adr WHERE adr.pId={{10.pId}}
  10.5.20.sql = SELECT '{{10.pId}}'
  10.10.sql = SELECT '{{10.pId}}'

Notes to the level:

| Levels      |A report is divided into levels. The Example has levels *10*, *20*, *30*, *30.5*, *30.5.1*, *50*                        |
| Qualifier   |A level is divided into qualifiers *30.5.1* has 3 qualifiers *30*, *5*, *1*                                             |
| Root levels |Is a level with one qualifier. E.g.: 10                                                                                 |
| Sub levels  |Is a level with more than one qualifier. E.g. levels *30.5* or *30.5.1*                                                 |
| Child       |The level *30* has one child and child child: *30.5* and *30.5.1*                                                       |
| Example     | *10*, *20*, *30*, *50** are root level and will be completely processed one after each other.                          |
|             | *30.5* will be executed as many times as *30* has row numbers.                                                         |
|             | *30.5.1*  will be executed as many times as *30.5* has row numbers.                                                    |

Report Example 1::

    # Displays current date
    10.sql = SELECT CURDATE()

    # Show all students from the person table
    20.sql = SELECT AS pId, p.firstName, " - ", p.lastName FROM Person AS p WHERE p.typ LIKE "student"

    # Show all the marks from the current student ordered chronological
    20.25.sql = SELECT e.mark FROM Exam AS e WHERE e.pId={{20.pId}} ORDER BY

    # This query will never be fired, cause there is no direct parent called 20.30.
    20.30.10.sql = SELECT 'never fired'

.. _wrapping-rows-and-columns:

Wrapping rows and columns: Level

Order and nesting of queries, will be defined with a TypoScript-alike syntax::

    level.sublevel1.subsublevel2. ...

* Each 'level' directive needs a final key, e.g: 20.30.10. **sql**.
* A key **sql** is necessary in order to process a level.

See all :ref:`QFQ Keywords (Bodytext)<qfq_keywords>`.

.. _`Processing of columns in the SQL result`:

Processing of columns in the SQL result

* The content of all columns of all rows will be printed sequentially, without separator (except one is defined).
* Rows with :ref:`special-column-names`  will be rendered internally by QFQ and the QFQ output of such processing (if there
  is any) is taken as the content.

.. _special-column-names:

Special column names

.. note::

    Twig: respect that the 'special column name'-columns are rendered before Twig becomes active. The recommended
    way by using Twig is *not to use* special column names at all. Use the Twig version *qfqLink*.

QFQ don't care about the content of any SQL-Query - it just copy the content to the output (=Browser).

One exception are columns, whose name starts with '_'.  E.g.::

  10.sql = SELECT 'All', 'cats' AS red, 'are' AS _green, 'grey in the night' AS _link

* The first and second column are regular columns. No QFQ processing.
* The third column (alias name 'green') is no QFQ special column name, but has an '_' at the beginning: this column
  content will be hidden.
* The fourth column (alias name 'link') uses a QFQ special column name. Here, only in this example, it has no
  further meaning.
* All columns in a row with the same special column name  (e.g. ``... AS _page``) will have the same column name: 'page'.
  To access individual columns a uniq column title can be added::

      10.sql = SELECT '..1..' AS '_page|column1', '..2..' AS '_page|column2'

  Those columns can be accessed via ``{{10.column1}}`` ,  ``{{10.column2}}`` or ``{{column1:R}}`` ,  ``{{column2:R}}``
* To skip wrapping via ``fbeg``, ``fsep``, ``fend`` for dedicated columns, add the keyword ``|_noWrap`` to the column alias.

      10.sql = SELECT 'world' AS 'title|_noWrap'


* Special column names always start with '_'.
* Columns starting with a '_' but not defined as as QFQ special column name are hidden(!) - in other words: they are
  not **printed** as output.
* SQL hint: If there is no column alias defined, the column name becomes the value
  of the first row. E.g. if the first selected row contains a  '_' as the first
  character, the column name becomes '_....' - which will be hidden! To be safe: always define an alias!
* Access to 'hidden' columns via ``{{<level>.<column>}}`` or ``{{<column>:R}}`` are possible and often used.
* Important: to reference a column, the name has to be given without '_'. E.g. ``SELECT 'cat' AS _pet`` will be used with
  ``{{pet:R}}`` (notice the missing '_').
* For 'special column names': the column name together with the value controls how QFQ processes the column.

| Reserved column name   | Purpose                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| _link                  | :ref:`column-link` - Build links with different features.                                                                                                                                   |
| _pageX or _PageX       | :ref:`column_pageX` - Shortcut version of the link interface for fast creation of internal links. The column name is composed of the string *page*/*Page*                                   |
|                        | and a optional character to specify the type of the link.                                                                                                                                   |
| _download              | :ref:`download` - single file (any type) or concatenate multiple files (PDF, ZIP)                                                                                                           |
| _pdf, _file, _zip      | :ref:`column_pdf` - Shortcut version of the link interface for fast creation of :ref:`download` links. Used to offer single file download or to concatenate several                         |
| _Pdf, _File, _Zip      | PDFs and printout of websites to one PDF file.                                                                                                                                              |
| _savePdf               | :ref:`column-save-pdf` - pre render PDF files                                                                                                                                               |
| _excel                 | :ref:`excel-export` - creates Excel exports based on QFQ Report queries, optional with pre uploaded Excel template files                                                                    |
| _yank                  | :ref:`copyToClipboard`. Shortcut version of the link interface                                                                                                                              |
| _mailto                | :ref:`column_mailto` - Build email links. A click on the link will open the default mailer. The address is encrypted via JS against email bots.                                             |
| _sendmail              | :ref:`column_sendmail` - Send emails.                                                                                                                                                       |
| _exec                  | :ref:`column_exec` - Run batch files or executables on the webserver.                                                                                                                       |
| _vertical              | :ref:`column_vertical` - Render Text vertically. This is useful for tables with limited column width.                                                                                       |
| _img                   | :ref:`column_img` - Display images.                                                                                                                                                         |
| _bullet                |Display a blue/gray/green/pink/red/yellow bullet. If none color specified, show nothing.                                                                                                     |
| _check                 |Display a blue/gray/green/pink/red/yellow checked sign. If none color specified, show nothing.                                                                                               |
| _nl2br                 |All newline characters will be converted to `<br>`.                                                                                                                                          |
| _striptags             |HTML Tags will be stripped.                                                                                                                                                                  |
| _htmlentities          |Characters will be encoded to their HTML entity representation.                                                                                                                              |
| _fileSize              |Show file size of a given file                                                                                                                                                               |
| _mimeType              |Show mime type of a given file                                                                                                                                                               |
| _thumbnail             | :ref:`thumbnail<thumbnail>` - Create thumbnails on the fly. See :ref:`column-thumbnail`.                                                                                                    |
| _monitor               | :ref:`column-monitor` - Constantly display a file. See :ref:`column-monitor`.                                                                                                               |
| _XLS                   |Used for Excel export. Append a `newline` character at the end of the string. Token must be part of string. See :ref:`excel-export`.                                                         |
| _XLSs                  |Used for Excel export. Prepend the token 's=' and append a `newline` character at the string. See :ref:`excel-export`.                                                                       |
| _XLSb                  |Used for Excel export. Like '_XLSs' but encode the string base64. See :ref:`excel-export`.                                                                                                   |
| _XLSn                  |Used for Excel export. Prepend 'n=' and append a `newline` character around the string. See :ref:`excel-export`.                                                                             |
| _noWrap                |Skip wrapping via `fbeg`, ``fsep``, ``fend``.                                                                                                                                                |
| _hide                  |Column is hidden.                                                                                                                                                                            |
| _+<html-tag attributes>|The content will be wrapped with '<html-tag attributes>'. Example: SELECT 'example' AS '_+a href=""' creates '<a href="">example</a>'                    |
| _=<varname>            |The content will be saved in store 'user' under 'varname'. Retrieve it later via {{varname:U}}. Example: 'SELECT "Hello world" AS _=text'. See :ref:`STORE_USER`, :ref:`store_user_examples` |
|_<nonReservedName>      |Suppress output. Column names with leading underscore are used to select data from the database and make it available in other parts of the report without generating any output.            |

.. _column-link:

Column: _link

* Most URLs will be rendered via class link.
* Column names like `_pagee`, `_mailto`, ... are wrapper to class link.
* The parameters for link contains a prefix to make them position-independent.
* Parameter have to be separated with '|'. If '|' is part of the value, it needs to be escaped '\\|'. This can be done
  via QFQ SQL function `QBAR()` - see :ref:`qbar-escape-qfq-delimiter`.

|URL|IMG|Meaning       |Qualifier                          |Example                    |Description                                                                                                                             |
|x  |   |URL           |u:<url>                            |u:   |If an image is specified, it will be rendered inside the link, default link class: external                                             |
|x  |   |Mail          |m:<email>                          |         |Default link class: email                                                                                                               |
|x  |   |Page          |p:<pageId>                         |p:impressum                |Prepend '?' or '?id=', no hostname qualifier (automatically set by browser)                                                             |
|x  |   |Download      |d:[<exportFilename>]               |d:complete.pdf             |Link points to `api/download.php`. Additional parameter are encoded into a SIP. 'Download' needs an enabled SIP.  See :ref:`download`.  |
|x  |   |Copy to       |y:[some content]                   |y:this will be copied      |Click on it copies the value of 'y:' to the clipboard. Optional a file ('F:...') might be specified as source.                          |
|   |   |clipboard     |                                   |                           |See :ref:`copyToClipboard`.                                                                                                             |
|   |   |Dropdown menu |z                                  |z||p:home|t:Home           |Creates a dropdown menu. See :ref:`dropdownMenu`.                                                                                       |
|   |   |websocket     |w:ws://<host>:<port>/<path>        | w:ws://localhost:123/demo |Send message given in 't:...' to websocket. See :ref:`websocket`.                                                                       |
|   |   |Text          |t:<text>                           |t:Firstname Lastname       |                                                                                                                                        |
|   |   |Render        |r:<mode>                           |r:3                        |See: :ref:`render-mode`, Default: 0                                                                                                     |
|   |   |Button        | b[:0|1|<btn class>]               | b:0, b:1, b:success       |'b', 'b:1': a bootstrap button is created. 'b:0' disable the button. <btn class>: default, primary, success, info, warning,danger       |
|   |x  |Picture       |P:<filename>                       |P:bullet-red.gif           |Picture '<img src="bullet-red.gif"alt="....">'.                                                                                         |
|   |x  |Edit          |E                                  |E                          |Show 'edit' icon as image                                                                                                               |
|   |x  |New           |N                                  |N                          |Show 'new' icon as image                                                                                                                |
|   |x  |Delete        |D                                  |D                          |Show 'delete' icon as image (only the icon, no database record 'delete' functionality)                                                  |
|   |x  |Help          |H                                  |H                          |Show 'help' icon as image                                                                                                               |
|   |x  |Info          |I                                  |I                          |Show 'information' icon as image                                                                                                        |
|   |x  |Show          |S                                  |S                          |Show 'show' icon as image                                                                                                               |
|   |x  |Glyph         |G:<glyphname>                      |G:glyphicon-envelope       |Show <glyphname>. Check:                                                                  |
|   |x  |Bullet        |B:[<color>]                        |B:green                    |Show bullet with '<color>'. Colors: blue, gray, green, pink, red, yellow. Default Color: green.                                         |
|   |x  |Check         |C:[<color>]                        |C:green                    |Show checked with '<color>'. Colors: blue, gray, green, pink, red, yellow. Default Color: green.                                        |
|   |x  |Thumbnail     |T:<pathFileName>                   |T:fileadmin/file.pdf       |Creates a thumbnail on the fly. Size is specified via 'W'. See :ref:`column-thumbnail`                                                  |
|   |   |Dimension     |W:[width]x[height]                 |W:50x , W:x60 , W:50x60    |Defines the pixel size of thumbnail.  See :ref:`column-thumbnail`                                                                       |
|   |   |URL Params    |U:<key1>=<value1>[&<keyN>=<valueN>]|U:a=value1&b=value2&c=...  |Any number of additional Params. Links to forms: U:form=Person&r=1234. Used to create 'record delete'-links.                            |
|   |   |Tooltip       |o:<text>                           |o:More information here    |Tooltip text                                                                                                                            |
|   |   |Alttext       |a:<text>                           |a:Name of person           |a) Alttext for images, b) Message text for :ref:`download` popup window.                                                                |
|   |   |Class         |c:[n|<text>]                       |c:text-muted               |CSS class for link. n:no class attribute, <text>: explicit named                                                                        |
|   |   |Attribute     |A:<key>="<value">                  |A:data-reference="person"  |Custom attributes and a corresponding value. Might be used by application tests.                                                        |
|   |   |Target        |g:<text>                           |g:_blank                   |target=_blank,_self,_parent,<custom>. Default: no target                                                                                |
|   |   |Question      |q:<text>                           |q:please confirm           |See: :ref:`question`. Link will be executed only if user clicks ok/cancel, default: 'Please confirm'                                    |
|   |   |Encryption    |e:0|1|...                          |e:1                        |Encryption of the e-mail: 0: no encryption, 1:via Javascript (default)                                                                  |
|   |   |Right         |R                                  |R                          |Defines picture position: Default is 'left' (no definition) of the 'text'. 'R' means 'right' of the 'text'                              |
|   |   |SIP           |s[:0|1]                            |s, s:0, s:1                |If 's' or 's:1' a SIP entry is generated with all non Typo 3 Parameters. The URL contains only parameter 's' and Typo 3 parameter       |
|   |   |Mode          |M:file|pdf|zip                     |M:file, M:pdf, M:zip       |Mode. Used to specify type of download. One or more element sources needs to be configured. See :ref:`download`.                        |
|   |   |File          |F:<filename>                       |F:fileadmin/file.pdf       |Element source for download mode file|pdf|zip. See :ref:`download`.                                                                     |
|   |   |Delete record | x[:a|r|c]                         |x, x:r, x:c                |a: ajax (only QFQ internal used), r: report (default), c: close (current page, open last page)                                          |

.. _render-mode:

Render mode

The following table might be hard to read - but it's really useful to understand. It solves a lot of different situations.
If there are no special condition (like missing value, or suppressed links), render mode 0 is sufficient.
But if the URL text is missing, or the URL is missing, OR the link should be rendered in sql row 1-10, but not 5, then
render mode might dynamically control the rendered link.

* Column *Mode* is the render mode and controls how the link is rendered.

|Mode        |Given: url & text    |Given: only url     | Given: only text |Description                                                                |
|0 (default) |<a href=url>text</a> |<a href=url>url</a> |                  |text or image will be shown, only if there is a url, page or mailto        |
|1           |<a href=url>text</a> |<a href=url>url</a> |text              |text or image will be shown, independently of whether there is a url or not|
|2           |<a href=url>text</a> |                    |                  |no link if text is empty                                                   |
|3           |text                 |url                 |text              |no link, only text or image, incl. Optional tooltip. For Bootstrap buttons |
|            |                     |                    |                  | r:3 will set the button to disable and no link/sip is rendered.           |
|4           |url                  |url                 |text              |no link, show text, if text is empty, show url, incl. optional tooltip     |
|5           |                     |                    |                  |nothing at all                                                             |
|6           | pure text           |                    |pure text         |no link, pure text                                                         |
|7           | pure url            |pure url            |                  |no link, pure url                                                          |


    10.sql = SELECT CONCAT('u:', p.homepage, IF(p.showHomepage='yes', '|r:0', '|r:5') ) AS _link FROM Person AS p


An easy way to switch between different options of rendering a link, incl. Bootstrap buttons, is to use the render mode.

* no render mode or 'r:0' - the full functional link/button.
* 'r:3' - the link/button is rendered with text/image/glyph/tooltip ... but without a HTML a-tag! For Bootstrap button, the button get the 'disabled' class.
* 'r:5' - no link/button at all.

Link Examples

|SQL-Query                                                              | Result                                                                                                                                  |
| SELECT "" AS _link                                  | as linked text, encrypted with javascript, class=external                                                              |
| SELECT "|c:0" AS _link                              | as linked text, not encrypted, class=external                                                                          |
| SELECT "|P:mail.gif" AS _link                       | as linked image mail.gif, encrypted with javascript, class=external                                                    |
| SELECT "|P:mail.gif|o:Email" AS _link               | ** as linked image mail.gif, encrypted with javascript, class=external, tooltip: "sendmail"                             |
| SELECT "||o:Email" AS link | 'mail to **' as linked text, encrypted with javascript, class=external                                                  |
| SELECT "" AS _link                                   | www.example as link, class=external                                                                                                     |
| SELECT "u:" AS _link                            | *http://www.example* as link, class=external                                                                                            |
| SELECT "|q:Please confirm" AS _link                  | www.example as link, class=external, See: :ref:`question`                                                                               |
| SELECT "|c:nicelink" AS _link                        | *http://www.example* as link, class=nicelink                                                                                            |
| SELECT "p:form_person&note=Text|t:Person" AS _link                    | <a href="?form_person&note=Text">Person</a>                                                                                             |
| SELECT "p:form_person|E" AS _link                                     | <a href="?form_person"><img alttext="Edit" src="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons/edit.gif"></a>                                 |
| SELECT "p:form_person|E|g:_blank" AS _link                            | <a target="_blank" href="?form_person"><img alttext="Edit" src="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons/edit.gif"></a>                 |
| SELECT "p:form_person|C" AS _link                                     | <a href="?form_person"><img alttext="Check" src="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons/checked-green.gif"></a>                       |
| SELECT "p:form_person|C:green" AS _link                               | <a href="?form_person"><img alttext="Check" src="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons/checked-green.gif"></a>                       |
| SELECT "U:form=Person&r=123|x|D" as _link                             | <a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/delete.php?s=badcaffee1234"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash" ></span>"></a>               |
| SELECT "U:form=Person&r=123|x|t:Delete" as _link                      | <a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/delete.php?s=badcaffee1234">Delete</a>                                                           |
| SELECT "s:1|d:full.pdf|M:pdf|p:id=det1&r=12|p:id=det2|F:cv.pdf|       | <a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/download.php?s=badcaffee1234">Download</a>                                                       |
|         t:Download|a:Create complete PDF - please wait" as _link      |                                                                                                                                         |
| SELECT  "y:iatae3Ieem0jeet|t:Password|o:Clipboard|b" AS _link         | <button class="btn btn-info" onClick="new QfqNS.Clipboard({text: 'iatae3Ieem0jeet'});" title='Copy to clipboard'>Password</button>      |
| SELECT  "y|s:1|F:dir/data.R|t:Data|o:Clipboard|b" AS _link            | <button class="btn btn-info" onClick="new QfqNS.Clipboard({uri: 'typo3conf/.../download.php?s=badcaffee1234'});"                        |
|                                                                       | title='Copy to clipboard'>Data</button>                                                                                                 |

.. _question:




    q[:<alert text>[:<level>[:<positive button text>[:<negative button text>[:<timeout>[:<flag modal>]]]]]]

* If a user clicks on a link, an alert is shown. If the user answers the alert by clicking on the 'positive button', the browser opens the specified link.
  If the user click on the negative answer (or waits for timout), the alert is closed and the browser does nothing.
* All parameter are optional.
* Parameter are separated by ':'
* To use ':' inside the text, the colon has to be escaped by \\. E.g. 'ok\\ : I understand'.

|   Parameter          |   Description                                                                                                            |
| Text                 | The text shown by the alert. HTML is allowed to format the text. Any ':' needs to be escaped. Default: 'Please confirm'. |
| Level                | success, info, warning, danger                                                                                           |
| Positive button text | Default: 'Ok'                                                                                                            |
| Negative button text | Default: 'Cancel'. To hide the second button: '-'                                                                        |
| Timeout in seconds   | 0: no timeout, >0: after the specified time in seconds, the alert will dissapear and behaves like 'negative answer'      |
| Flag modal           | 0: Alert behaves not modal. 1: (default) Alert behaves modal.                                                            |


|   SQL-Query                                                |   Result                                                                  |
| SELECT "p:form_person|q:Edit Person:warn" AS _link         | Shows alert with level 'warn'                                             |
| SELECT "p:form_person|q:Edit Person::I do:No way" AS _link | Instead of 'Ok' and 'Cancel', the button text will be 'I do' and 'No way' |
| SELECT "p:form_person|q:Edit Person:::10" AS _link         | The Alert will be shown 10 seconds                                        |
| SELECT "p:form_person|q:Edit Person:::10:0" AS _link       | The Alert will be shown 10 seconds and is not modal.                      |

.. _column_pageX:

Columns: _page[X]

The colum name is composed of the string *page* and a trailing character to specify the type of the link.


    10.sql = SELECT "[options]" AS _page[<link type>]

    with: [options] = [p:<page & param>][|t:<text>][|o:<tooltip>][|q:<question parameter>][|c:<class>][|g:<target>][|r:<render mode>]

    <link type> = c,d,e,h,i,n,s

|  column name  |  Purpose                                      |default value of question parameter  |  Mandatory parameters                        |
|_page          |Internal link without a grafic                 |empty                                |p:<pageId/pageAlias>[&param]                  |
|_pagec         |Internal link without a grafic, with question  |*Please confirm!*                    |p:<pageId/pageAlias>[&param]                  |
|_paged         |Internal link with delete icon (trash)         |*Delete record ?*                    | | U:form=<formname>&r=<record id> *or*       |
|               |                                               |                                     | | U:table=<tablename>&r=<record id>          |
|_pagee         |Internal link with edit icon (pencil)          |empty                                |p:<pageId/pageAlias>[&param]                  |
|_pageh         |Internal link with help icon (question mark)   |empty                                |p:<pageId/pageAlias>[&param]                  |
|_pagei         |Internal link with information icon (i)        |empty                                |p:<pageId/pageAlias>[&param]                  |
|_pagen         |Internal link with new icon (sheet)            |empty                                |p:<pageId/pageAlias>[&param]                  |
|_pages         |Internal link with show icon (magnifier)       |empty                                |p:<pageId/pageAlias>[&param]                  |

* All parameter are optional.
* Optional set of predefined icons.
* Optional set of dialog boxes.

|  Parameter   |  Description                                                                                    |  Default value                                           |Example                                                        |
|<page>        |TYPO3 page id or page alias.                                                                     |The current page: *{{pageId}}*                            |45 application application&N_param1=1045                       |
|<text>        |Text, wrapped by the link. If there is an icon, text will be displayed to the right of it.       |empty string                                              |                                                               |
|<tooltip>     |Text to appear as a ToolTip                                                                      |empty string                                              |                                                               |
|<question>    |If there is a question text given, an alert will be opened. Only if the user clicks on 'ok',     |**Expected "=" to follow "see"**                          |                                                               |
|              |the link will be called                                                                          |                                                          |                                                               |
|<class>       |CSS Class for the <a> tag                                                                        |                                                          |                                                               |
|              |                                                                                                 |                                                          |                                                               |
|<target>      |Parameter for HTML 'target='. F.e.: Opens a new window                                           |empty                                                     |P                                                              |
|<render mode> |Show/render a link at all or not. See :ref:`render-mode`                                         |                                                          |                                                               |
|<create sip>  |s                                                                                                |                                                          |'s': create a SIP                                              |

.. _column_paged:

Column: _paged

These column offers a link, with a confirmation question, to delete one record (mode 'table') or a bunch of records
(mode 'form'). After deleting the record(s), the current page will be reloaded in the browser.

**Syntax** ::

    10.sql = SELECT "U:table=<tablename>&r=<record id>|q:<question>|..." AS _paged
    10.sql = SELECT "U:form=<formname>&r=<record id>|q:<question>|..." AS _paged
