Addition of ad.test
Modification of fitting and backtransformation to allow for any type of distribution. Problem with the argument CDF. It currently is a variable, which needs to be pre-specified. How can we just provide any character string e.g. "gev" instead of using CDF <- "gev"?
- DESCRIPTION 1 addition, 1 deletionDESCRIPTION
- NAMESPACE 1 addition, 0 deletionsNAMESPACE
- R/fun_stoch_sim.R 79 additions, 17 deletionsR/fun_stoch_sim.R
- R/todo.R 0 additions, 16 deletionsR/todo.R
- demo/PRSim.R 33 additions, 1 deletiondemo/PRSim.R
- man/fun_stoch_sim.Rd 23 additions, 9 deletionsman/fun_stoch_sim.Rd
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