Assistants meeting
Wednesday, 2:00 PM, break room. At the start of each month we will all meet with Jean at 12pm for lunch.
Progress in lecture classes
- Wed 17 Sep. Up to the end of Chapter 1.
- Wed 24 Sep. Up to the end of Chapter 2. Skipped countability.
- Wed 1 Oct. Up to end of chapter on functions. Included countability and Cantor argument for uncountability of R.
- Wed 8 Oct. Up to the definition of Cauchy sequence and statement of the theorem that a Cauchy sequence converges.
Assistant list
- Gabriel Berzunza Ojeda
- Cyril Marzouk
- Alexander Watson *
- Severin Schraven *
- Timo Schmidt * (PHY)
- Matthieu Jaquier * (PHY)
Class assignments
- Mon 08:00. Gabriel.
- Mon 15:00. Severin.
- Tue 08:00. Cyril.
- Thu 08:00. Matthieu.
- Thu 10:15. Timo.
- Fri 15:00. Alex.
I set up trays for Severin, Timo and Matthieu on top of the letterboxes on floor K. Unreturned student work goes in a tray on floor K.
Exercise sheet assignments
- Week 1. Cyril. Circulate Fri 12 Sep. Upload Mon 15 Sep. Deposit Fri 19 Sep (noon). The first sheet is a practice sheet and should not be entered in the system.
- Week 2. Alex. Circulate Tue 16 Sep. Upload Thu 18 Sep. Deposit Thu 25 Sep (5pm).
- Week 3. Matthieu. Circulate Tue 23 Sep. Upload Thu 25 Sep. Deposit Thu 2 Oct (5pm).
- Week 4. Timo. Circulate Tue 30 Sep. Upload Thu 2 Oct. Deposit Thu 9 Oct (5pm).
- Week 5. Gabriel. Circulate Tue 7 Oct. Upload Thu 9 Oct. Deposit Thu 16 Oct (5pm).
- Week 6. Severin. Circulate Tue 14 Oct. Upload Thu 16 Oct. Deposit Thu 23 Oct (5pm).
- Week 7. Quan. Circulate Tue 21 Oct. Upload Thu 23 Oct. Deposit Thu 30 Oct (5pm).
- Week 8. Cyril. Circulate Tue 28 Oct. Upload Thu 30 Oct. Deposit Thu 6 Nov (5pm).
- Week 9. Alex. Circulate Tue 4 Nov. Upload Thu 6 Nov. Deposit Thu 13 Nov (5pm).
- Week 10. Matthieu. Circulate Tue 11 Nov. Upload Thu 13 Nov. Deposit Thu 20 Nov (5pm).
- Week 11. Timo. Circulate Tue 18 Nov. Upload Thu 20 Nov. Deposit Thu 27 Nov (5pm).
- Week 12. Gabriel. Circulate Tue 25 Nov. Upload Thu 27 Nov. Deposit Thu 4 Dec (5pm).
- Week 13. Severin. Circulate Tue 2 Dec. Upload Thu 4 Dec. Deposit Thu 11 Dec (5pm).
- Week 14. Quan. Circulate Tue 9 Dec. Upload Thu 11 Dec. Deposit Thu 18 Dec (5pm). This sheet will be marked and solutions posted on the web, but there will be no class associated with it.
Marking for Quan
- Sheet 3 (students deposit 2 Oct): Gabriel
- Sheet 4 (students deposit 9 Oct): Severin
- Sheet 5 (students deposit 16 Oct): nobody (you are writing sheet 7 this week)
- Sheet 6 (students deposit 23 Oct): Alex
- Sheet 7 (students deposit 30 Oct): Cyril
- Sheet 8 (students deposit 6 Nov): Matthieu
- Sheet 9 (students deposit 13 Nov): Timo
- Sheet 10 (students deposit 20 Nov): Gabriel
- Sheet 11 (students deposit 27 Nov): Severin
- Sheet 12 (students deposit 4 Dec): nobody (you are writing sheet 14 this week)
- Sheet 13 (students deposit 11 Dec): Cyril
- Sheet 14 (students deposit 18 Dec): Alex