Assistants meeting
Wednesday, 10:00 AM, break room. First meeting Oct 1. In the middle of each month, we will all meet with Jean at 12pm for lunch.
Assistant list
- Gabriel Berzunza Ojeda
- Cyril Marzouk
- Alexander Watson *
- Severin Schraven *
- Timo Schmidt * (PHY)
- Matthieu Jaquier * (PHY)
Class assignments
- Mon 08:15. Gabriel.
- Mon 15:15. Severin.
- Tue 08:15. Cyril.
- Thu 08:15. Matthieu.
- Thu 10:15. Timo.
- Fri 15:15. Alex.
I set up trays for Severin, Timo and Matthieu on top of the letterboxes on floor K.
Exercise sheet assignments
- Week 1. Cyril. Circulate Fri 12 Sep. Upload Mon 15 Sep. Deposit Fri 19 Sep (noon).
- Week 2. Alex. Circulate Tue 16 Sep. Upload Thu 18 Sep. Deposit Thu 25 Sep (5pm).
- Week 3. Matthieu. Circulate Tue 23 Sep. Upload Thu 25 Sep. Deposit Thu 2 Oct (5pm).
- Week 4. Timo. Circulate Tue 30 Sep. Upload Thu 2 Oct. Deposit Thu 9 Oct (5pm).
- Week 5. Gabriel. Circulate Tue 7 Oct. Upload Thu 9 Oct. Deposit Thu 16 Oct (5pm).
- Week 6. Severin. Circulate Tue 14 Oct. Upload Thu 16 Oct. Deposit Thu 23 Oct (5pm).
- Week 7. Cyril. Circulate Tue 21 Oct. Upload Thu 23 Oct. Deposit Thu 30 Oct (5pm).
- Week 8. Alex. Circulate Tue 28 Oct. Upload Thu 30 Oct. Deposit Thu 6 Nov (5pm).
- Week 9. Matthieu. Circulate Tue 4 Nov. Upload Thu 6 Nov. Deposit Thu 13 Nov (5pm).
- Week 10. Timo. Circulate Tue 11 Nov. Upload Thu 13 Nov. Deposit Thu 20 Nov (5pm).
- Week 11. Gabriel. Circulate Tue 18 Nov. Upload Thu 20 Nov. Deposit Thu 27 Nov (5pm).
- Week 12. Severin. Circulate Tue 25 Nov. Upload Thu 27 Nov. Deposit Thu 4 Dec (5pm).
- Week 13. Alex. Circulate Tue 2 Dec. Upload Thu 4 Dec. Deposit Thu 11 Dec (5pm).
- Week 14. Matthieu. Circulate Tue 9 Dec. Upload Thu 11 Dec. Deposit Thu 18 Dec (5pm). This sheet will be marked and solutions posted on the web, but there will be no class associated with it.