# cat=config/config; type=string; label=Flag Production:Possible values: 'yes', 'no'. Retrieve via '{{flagProduction:Y}}''. Default is 'yes'. Used to differentiate between development & production systems. flagProduction = yes # cat=config/config; type=string; label=Max file size for file uploads:If empty, take minimum of 'post_max_size' and 'upload_max_filesize' (PHP.INI). maxFileSize = # cat=config/config; type=string; label=Base URL of the current Typo3 installation:Default is empty. Example: https://your.base.url/including/sub/dir. Will be used to convert local pages to PDF. In special cases https://localhost/including/sub/dir might be necessary. Use {{baseUrl:Y}} whenever the own URL should be displayed. baseUrl = # cat=config/date; type=string; label=Date format:Default is 'dd.mm.yyyy'. Possible options: 'yyyy-mm-dd', 'dd.mm.yyyy' dateFormat = dd.mm.yyyy # cat=config/config; type=string; label=Thumbnail directory 'secure':Default is 'fileadmin/protected/qfqThumbnail'. Important: secure the directory (recursive) against direct access. Will be used by a special columnname '_thumbnail'. thumbnailDirSecure = fileadmin/protected/qfqThumbnail # cat=config/config; type=string; label=Thumbnail directory 'public':Default is 'typo3temp/qfqThumbnail'. Will be used by a special columnname '_thumbnail'. thumbnailDirPublic = typo3temp/qfqThumbnail # cat=config/config; type=string; label=Command 'inkscape':Default is 'inkscape'. Will be used to convert SVG to images (png). An empty string disables `inkscape`. If it is not available, `convert` will be used instead. cmdInkscape = inkscape # cat=config/config; type=string; label=Command 'convert':Default is 'convert'. Will be used to convert images to thumbnails. GraphicsMagics 'convert' is recommended. cmdConvert = convert # cat=config/config; type=string; label=Command 'wkhtmltopdf':Default is '/opt/wkhtmltox/bin/wkhtmltopdf'. Command to convert a HTML page to a PDF. cmdWkhtmltopdf = /opt/wkhtmltox/bin/wkhtmltopdf # cat=config/email; type=string; label=Options for SendEMail:Default is empty. General options. Check: http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail. E.g.: 'sendEMail=-o tls=yes' sendEMailOptions = # cat=config/config; type=string; label=URL QFQ Documentation:Default is 'https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/drafts/github/T3DocumentationStarter/Public-Info-053/Manual.html'. Might be changed to a local repo. Every QFQ installation contains a local copy: <site path>/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Documentation/html/Manual.html (corresponds always to the QFQ version). documentation = https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/drafts/github/T3DocumentationStarter/Public-Info-053/Manual.html # cat=dynamic/config; type=string; label=Fill store 'SYSTEM' by SQL 1:Default is empty. SQL query fired during QFQ load. The result have to be exactly one row. That row will be merged to store 'SYSTEM'. Retrieve values via '{{column:Y}}'. Example 'SELECT id AS _periodId FROM Period WHERE start<=NOW() ORDER BY start DESC LIMIT 1' fillStoreSystemBySql1 = # cat=dynamic/config; type=string; label=Error message for SQL 1:Default is empty. Error message in case the SQL does not return exact one row. Important: if a message is given, QFQ will stop and return the message. Without a message: QFQ run's as there would be no 'fillStoreSystemStoreBySql1'. fillStoreSystemBySqlErrorMsg1 = # cat=dynamic/config; type=string; label=Fill store 'SYSTEM' by SQL 2:Default is empty. SQL query fired during QFQ load. The result have to be exactly one row. That row will be merged to store 'SYSTEM'. Retrieve values via '{{column:Y}}'. Example 'SELECT id AS _periodId FROM Period WHERE start<=NOW() ORDER BY start DESC LIMIT 1' fillStoreSystemBySql2 = # cat=dynamic/config; type=string; label=Error message for SQL 2:Default is empty. Error message in case the SQL does not return exact one row. Important: if a message is given, QFQ will stop and return the message. Without a message: QFQ run's as there would be no 'fillStoreSystemStoreBySql2'. fillStoreSystemBySqlErrorMsg2 = # cat=dynamic/config; type=string; label=Fill store 'SYSTEM' by SQL 3:Default is empty. SQL query fired during QFQ load. The result have to be exactly one row. That row will be merged to store 'SYSTEM'. Retrieve values via '{{column:Y}}'. Example 'SELECT id AS _periodId FROM Period WHERE start<=NOW() ORDER BY start DESC LIMIT 1' fillStoreSystemBySql3 = # cat=dynamic/config; type=string; label=Error message for SQL 3:Default is empty. Error message in case the SQL does not return exact one row. Important: if a message is given, QFQ will stop and return the message. Without a message: QFQ run's as there would be no 'fillStoreSystemStoreBySql3'. fillStoreSystemBySqlErrorMsg3 = # cat=debug/debug; type=string; label=Throw exception General Error:Possible values: 'yes', 'no', 'auto'. Default is 'auto'. If a) 'yes' or b) 'auto' and 'flagProduction!=yes', throw an exception in case of a 'General Error'. throwExceptionGeneralError = auto # cat=debug/form; type=string; label=Form submit log mode:Default is 'all'. Form submit requests will be logged in the table FormSubmitLog. Possible modes are 'all' - every form save will be logged. 'none' - no logging. This setting can also be changed per form. formSubmitLogMode = all # cat=debug/mail; type=string; label=Redirect all mail to ...:Default is empty. If set, redirect all QFQ generated mails (Form, Report) to the specified email address. redirectAllMailTo = # cat=debug/sql; type=string; label=SQL log mode:Default is 'modify'. A logfile of QFQ fired SQL statements will be written. Possible modes are 'all' - every statement will be logged (this might a lot). 'modify' - log only statements who change data. 'error' - log only DB errors. 'none' - log never. sqlLogMode = modify # cat=debug/sql; type=string; label=SQL log file:Default is 'fileadmin/protected/log/sql.log'. A logfile of fired SQL statements. PathFile is absolute or relative to '<site path>'. sqlLog = fileadmin/protected/log/sql.log # cat=debug/qfq; type=string; label=QFQ log file:Default is 'fileadmin/protected/log/qfq.log'. A logfile of fired SQL statements. PathFile is absolute or relative to '<site path>'. qfqLog = fileadmin/protected/log/qfq.log # cat=debug/mail; type=string; label=Mail log file:Default is 'fileadmin/protected/log/mail.log'. A logfile of sent mail. PathFile is absolute or relative to '<site path>'. mailLog = fileadmin/protected/log/mail.log # cat=debug/info; type=string; label=Show debug info:Default is 'auto'. Possible values: [yes|no|auto][,download]. For 'auto': If a BE User is logged in, a debug information will be shown on the FE. showDebugInfo = auto # cat=database/db1; type=string; label=Init database:Default is 'set names utf8'. Optional. Might set specific settings. init = SET names utf8; SET sql_mode = "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"; # cat=database/db; type=string; label=Update QFQ database structures & data:Default is 'auto'. After installing a new QFQ version it might be necessary to apply updates to QFQ database structures and data. 'auto' - apply DB updates only if there is a newer version. 'always' - apply DB updates always, including play formEditor.sql every time QFQ is called - *not* recommended - slow! 'never' - never apply DB Updates. update = auto # cat=database/db; type=string; label=Database index for QFQ data:Default is '1'. Retrieve the current setting via {{indexData:Y}} or the database name via {{_dbNameData:Y}} indexData = 1 # cat=database/db; type=string; label=Database index for QFQ system:Default is '1'. Retrieve the current setting via {{indexQfq:Y}} or the database name via {{_dbNameQfq:Y}} indexQfq = 1 # cat=security/security; type=string; label=Escape type default:Default is 'm'. QFQ Variables `{{...}}` without an 'escape type' get this as default. escapeTypeDefault = m # cat=security/security; type=string; label=List of honeypot input elements:Default is 'email,username,password'. If empty: no check. All named strings will rendered as hidden INPUT elements. If a form submit contains values for those inputs, the POST is treated as an attack. securityVarsHoneypot = email,username,password # cat=security/security; type=string; label=Attack delay in seconds:Default is '5'. After a detected attack, the number of seconds to wait before the PHP process dies (and therefore the browser request deliver nothing). securityAttackDelay = 5 # cat=security/security; type=string; label=Show an attack detected message:Default is 'true'. Show (return to browser) a message, that an attack has been detected. Should be 'false' for production sites. securityShowMessage = true # cat=security/security; type=string; label='GET'-Parameter max length:Default is '50'. GET vars longer than 'x' character triggers an `attack-detected`. securityGetMaxLength = 50 # cat=security/security; type=string; label=REST - Failed auth delay in seconds:Default is '3'. securityFailedAuthDelay = 3 # cat=security/security; type=string; label=Session Timeout in seconds:Default is empty to take the php.ini system value (minimum of 'session.cookie_lifetime' and 'session.gc_maxlifetime'). sessionTimeoutSeconds = # cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Dirty record lock timeout (seconds):Default is '900'. Time in seconds to lock a record, starting from the first modification. If lock expires, it is acquired again on the next modification. recordLockTimeoutSeconds = 900 # cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Enter as submit:Default is '1'. '0'=off, '1'=Pressing 'enter' on an input, means 'save form and close' (exception: 'textarea' and 'editor' elements). enterAsSubmit = 1 # cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Edit form page alias:Default is 'form'. T3 Pagealias to edit a form. editFormPage = form # cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Form data pattern error message: default is 'Pattern mismatch' for all custom pattern. Customizable message used in validator.js. 'pattern' violation. formDataPatternError = # cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Form data required error message:Default is 'Required'. Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'required' violation. formDataRequiredError = # cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Form data match error message:Default is 'Fields do not match'. Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'match' violation. Typically used to ensure that two given emails or passwords are identically. formDataMatchError = # cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Form data error message:Default is 'Error'. Customizable error message used in validator.js. generic violation. formDataError = # cat=form-config/config; type=boolean; label=Show record-id in form title:Default is off (0). If on (1), append the current record id on the title. New records get '(new)'. showIdInFormTitle = 0 # cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Wrap the subrecord column 'id|ID|Id' with the given class. E.g. 'text-muted' is rendered as ...<span class="text-muted">value</span>. cssClassColumnId = text-muted # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=FormElement label align:Default is 'left'. Possible values: 'left', 'center', 'right'. labelAlign = left # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=CSS class QFQ container:Default is empty. Empty, if the page content is already wrapped in a Bootstrap container. Else 'container'. cssClassQfqContainer = # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=CSS class QFQ form:Default is empty. If given wrap around QFQ-Form. E.g. 'qfq-color-base'. cssClassQfqForm = # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=CSS class of pills on the HTML form:Default is 'qfq-color-grey-1'. Wrap around title bar for pills: CSS Class, typically a background color. cssClassQfqFormPill =qfq-color-grey-1 # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=CSS class of the body of the HTML form:Default is 'qfq-color-grey-2'. Wrap around FormElements: CSS Class, typically a background color. cssClassQfqFormBody = qfq-color-grey-2 # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=Bootstrap CSS column class(es) to wrap the 'whole form':Default is 'col-md-12 col-lg-10'. formBsColumns = col-md-12 col-lg-10 # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=Bootstrap CSS column class(es) to wrap the 'label' column:Default is 'col-md-3 col-lg-3'. formBsLabelColumns = col-md-3 col-lg-3 # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=Bootstrap CSS column class(es) to wrap the 'input' column:Default is 'col-md-6 col-lg-6'. formBsInputColumns = col-md-6 col-lg-6 # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=Bootstrap CSS column class(es) to wrap the 'note' column:Default is 'col-md-3 col-lg-3'. formBsNoteColumns = col-md-3 col-lg-3 # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=ExtraButtonInfo symbol 'inline':Default is '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span>'. The image appears inside of the formElement. If an `<img src="...">` tag is given, the PathFilename is relative to the Typo3 installation. extraButtonInfoInline = <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span> # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=ExtraButtonInfo symbol 'below':Default is '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign text-info" aria-hidden="true"></span>'. The Image appears below the formElement. If an `<img src="...">` tag is given, the PathFilename is relative to the Typo3 installation. extraButtonInfoBelow = <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign text-info" aria-hidden="true"></span> # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=ExtraButtonInfo position:Default is 'auto'. 'auto' - the image appears inline in formElement types `text`, `date`, `time` or `datetime` and below for all other. 'below' - the image appears always below the formelement. extraButtonInfoPosition = auto # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=ExtraButtonInfoClass:Default is empty. Applies only to FormElements with final 'extraButtonInfoPosition=below'. Typically used to right align the icon. E.g. 'pull-right' extraButtonInfoClass = # cat=form-language/config; type=string; label=Language A id:Default is empty. ID (Typo3 parameter 'L') for language 'A' formLanguageAId = # cat=form-language/config; type=string; label=Language A label:Default is empty. Label shown in *Form editor*, on the 'basic' tab. formLanguageALabel = # cat=form-language/config; type=string; label=Language B id:Default is empty. ID (Typo3 parameter 'L') for language 'A' formLanguageBId = # cat=form-language/config; type=string; label=Language B label:Default is empty. Label shown in *Form editor*, on the 'basic' tab. formLanguageBLabel = # cat=form-language/config; type=string; label=Language C id:Default is empty. ID (Typo3 parameter 'L') for language 'A' formLanguageCId = # cat=form-language/config; type=string; label=Language C label:Default is empty. Label shown in *Form editor*, on the 'basic' tab. formLanguageCLabel = # cat=form-language/config; type=string; label=Language D id:Default is empty. ID (Typo3 parameter 'L') for language 'A' formLanguageDId = # cat=form-language/config; type=string; label=Language D label:Default is empty. Label shown in *Form editor*, on the 'basic' tab. formLanguageDLabel = # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Save button 'text':Default empty - Text for the save button (top of the form). saveButtonText = # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Save button 'tooltip':Default 'Save' saveButtonTooltip = Save # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Save button 'CSS Class':Default 'btn btn-default navbar-btn' saveButtonClass = btn btn-default navbar-btn # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Save button 'CSS class on change':Default 'alert-info btn-info'. If the data in a form has been changed, the save button gets the given class. saveButtonClassOnChange = alert-info btn-info # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Save button 'glyph icon':Default 'glyphicon-ok'. Glyph icon shown on the save button. saveButtonGlyphIcon = glyphicon-ok # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Close button 'text':Default empty - Text for the close button (top of the form). closeButtonText = # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Close button 'tooltip':Default 'Close' closeButtonTooltip = Close # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Close button 'CSS Class':Default 'btn btn-default navbar-btn' closeButtonClass = btn btn-default navbar-btn # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=close button 'glyph icon':Default 'glyphicon-remove'. Glyph icon shown on the close button. closeButtonGlyphIcon = glyphicon-remove # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Delete button 'text':Default empty - Text for the delete button (top of the form). deleteButtonText = # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Delete button 'tooltip':Default 'Delete' deleteButtonTooltip = Delete # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Delete button 'CSS Class':Default 'btn btn-default navbar-btn' deleteButtonClass = btn btn-default navbar-btn # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Delete button 'glyph icon':Default 'glyphicon-trash'. Glyph icon shown on the delete button. deleteButtonGlyphIcon = glyphicon-trash # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=New button 'text':Default empty - Text for the new button (top of the form). newButtonText = # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=New button 'tooltip':Default 'New' newButtonTooltip = New # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=New button 'CSS Class':Default 'btn btn-default navbar-btn' newButtonClass = btn btn-default navbar-btn # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=New button 'glyph icon':Default 'glyphicon-plus'. Glyph icon shown on the new button. newButtonGlyphIcon = glyphicon-plus # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 01:Default empty. Can be used the centrally define variables. E.g. "CONTACT_EMAIL = 'john@doe.com'". Retrieve them via '{{CONTACT_EMAIL:Y}}'. custom1 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 02 custom2 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 03 custom3 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 04 custom4 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 05 custom5 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 06 custom6 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 07 custom7 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 08 custom8 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 09 custom9 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 10 custom10 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 11 custom11 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 12 custom12 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 13 custom13 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 14 custom14 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 15 custom15 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 16 custom16 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 17 custom17 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 18 custom18 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 19 custom19 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 20 custom20 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 21 custom21 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 22 custom22 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 23 custom23 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 24 custom24 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 25 custom25 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 26 custom26 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 27 custom27 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 28 custom28 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 29 custom29 = # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 30 custom30 =