before_script: - VERSION=`cat ./version` - RELDATE=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M'` - mkdir build || true variables: SELENIUM_LOGS_PATH: "/scratch/tmp/7/" stages: - before - build # - selenium documentation: stage: before script: - docker pull t3docs/render-documentation - source <(docker run --rm t3docs/render-documentation show-shell-commands) - dockrun_t3rd makehtml snapshot: stage: build except: - tags artifacts: expire_in: 1 week paths: - build/ script: - make VERSION=${VERSION} phpunit_snapshot - chmod a+r qfq_${VERSION}_*.zip - echo "mv qfq_${VERSION}_*.zip qfq_${VERSION}_${RELDATE}-${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}.zip" - mv qfq_${VERSION}_*.zip qfq_${VERSION}_${RELDATE}-${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}.zip - scp qfq_${VERSION}_*.zip w16:qfq/snapshots/ - mv qfq_${VERSION}_*.zip build/ release: stage: build only: - tags artifacts: expire_in: 1 week paths: - build/ script: - make VERSION=${VERSION} phpunit_release - chmod a+r qfq_${VERSION}_*.zip - scp qfq_${VERSION}_*.zip w16:qfq/releases/ - mv qfq_${VERSION}_*.zip build/ selenium: stage: selenium script: - unzip -q build/ -d qfq - cd docker/ - ./ -no-deploy - ./ ../qfq - ./ - echo "hello" after_script: # remove containers and move logs to persistent location - cd docker; ./ <<< "y" - cd .. - umask 002 - mkdir "$SELENIUM_LOGS_PATH/$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" - cp extension/Tests/selenium/selenium_logs/* "$SELENIUM_LOGS_PATH/$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA/" - echo "Selenium Logs copied to $SELENIUM_LOGS_PATH/$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA/" - echo "Or download result (log/screenshot) in gitlab under CI/CD > Pipelines <job> > right side 'Artifacts'" artifacts: expire_in: 1 week paths: - extension/Tests/selenium/selenium_logs/