#!/bin/bash -ex source _helper_functions.sh ######################################## ## Config ## ######################################## #CONTAINER_TIMEOUT=60 # stop container after this timeout (does not work with gitlab ci) ### Config Database Container ### DB_CONTAINER_NAME= # if empty choose random DB_PORT=0 # if set to 0 choose random MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=MN7HKEB7AnvdVKQE MYSQL_USER=typo3 MYSQL_PASSWORD=jP36XnRdGvfmS7RL QFQ_DATABASE=qfq_db T3_DATABASE=t3_db ### Config Typo3 Container ### T3_IMAGE=typo3-qfq T3_CONTAINER_NAME= # if empty choose random T3_PORT=0 # if set to 0 choose random # T3_ADMINO_PASSWORD= # typo3 password for user admino (if not set, then default is used) # T3_INSTALL_PASSWORD_HASH=<ReplaceWithHashGeneratedByTypo3InstallTool> # T3_REPLACE_ENCRYPTION_KEY=yes # generate new key using /dev/urandom ######################################## ## Pre Process ## ######################################## source run_qfq_docker.output && echo "File run_qfq_docker.output already exists. Delete it first. Abort." \ && exit 1 || true ######################################## ## DB Container ## ######################################## DB_CONTAINER=$(docker run -d --name "${DB_CONTAINER_NAME}" \ -p ${DB_PORT}:3306 \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} \ -e MYSQL_USER=${MYSQL_USER} \ -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_PASSWORD} \ mariadb:latest \ --character-set-server=utf8 \ --collation-server=utf8_general_ci) DB_PORT="$(getHostPort 3306 ${DB_CONTAINER})" addUsernameToContainerName ${DB_CONTAINER} echo " DB_CONTAINER=${DB_CONTAINER} DB_PORT=${DB_PORT} " >> run_qfq_docker.output if [[ "${CONTAINER_TIMEOUT}" ]]; then removeContainerAfterTimeout ${CONTAINER_TIMEOUT} ${DB_CONTAINER} fi ### import database files ### # HACK: Have to retry until database is ready. Database loading could be done earlier in image build process. # As described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49680802 # Instead of copying the sql files in the dockerfile we could mount them in a volume! tries=0 until mysql -u root --password=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} --port=${DB_PORT} -h \ -e "CREATE DATABASE ${T3_DATABASE}; CREATE DATABASE ${QFQ_DATABASE}" do tries=$((tries+1)) if [[ "${tries}" -gt 30 ]]; then echo "Timeout: could not connect to database." exit 1; fi echo "Try again" sleep 1 done mysql -u root --password=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} --port=${DB_PORT} -h -D ${T3_DATABASE} < db_fixture_t3.sql mysql -u root --password=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} --port=${DB_PORT} -h -D ${QFQ_DATABASE} < db_fixture_qfq.sql mysql -u root --password=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} --port=${DB_PORT} -h \ -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '${MYSQL_USER}'@'%';" ######################################## ## T3 Container ## ######################################## T3_CONTAINER=$(docker run -d --name "${T3_CONTAINER_NAME}" -p ${T3_PORT}:80 --link ${DB_CONTAINER}:db ${T3_IMAGE}) T3_PORT="$(getHostPort 80 ${T3_CONTAINER})" addUsernameToContainerName ${T3_CONTAINER} echo " T3_CONTAINER=${T3_CONTAINER} T3_PORT=${T3_PORT} " >> run_qfq_docker.output if [[ "${CONTAINER_TIMEOUT}" ]]; then removeContainerAfterTimeout ${CONTAINER_TIMEOUT} ${T3_CONTAINER} fi ### Write config files ### # QFQ config echo " <?php return [ 'DB_1_USER' => '${MYSQL_USER}', 'DB_1_SERVER' => 'db', 'DB_1_PASSWORD' => '${MYSQL_PASSWORD}', 'DB_1_NAME' => '${QFQ_DATABASE}', ];" > config.qfq.php docker cp config.qfq.php ${T3_CONTAINER}:/var/www/html/typo3conf/config.qfq.php rm config.qfq.php docker exec ${T3_CONTAINER} chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/typo3conf/config.qfq.php # Typo3 config docker exec ${T3_CONTAINER} sed -i -e "s/<MYSQL_USER>/${MYSQL_USER}/g" /var/www/html/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php docker exec ${T3_CONTAINER} sed -i -e "s/<MYSQL_PASSWORD>/${MYSQL_PASSWORD}/g" /var/www/html/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php docker exec ${T3_CONTAINER} sed -i -e "s/<T3_DATABASE>/${T3_DATABASE}/g" /var/www/html/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php if [[ "${T3_INSTALL_PASSWORD_HASH}" ]]; then current_hash='s/$pbkdf2-sha256$25000$1h4tjST5Wv.PyZcwfIIVvQ$kUl8homXlnaDohmt6ki0Vsji9tEaJ6tQ9vnymDCfYAY' docker exec ${T3_CONTAINER} sed -i -e "s/${current_hash}/${T3_INSTALL_PASSWORD_HASH}/g" \ /var/www/html/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php fi if [[ "${T3_REPLACE_ENCRYPTION_KEY}" ]]; then key=$(hexdump -n 48 -e '4/4 "%08X" 1 "\n"' /dev/urandom) key=$(echo "${key}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr -d '[:space:]') old_key=50c80989f47d1097a66ed9d584b935dca4ecf881ffaf814701572906cb6f0cd894d10da8859d1d9b2241e0fe0fb2692d docker exec ${T3_CONTAINER} sed -i -e "s/${old_key}/${key}/g" /var/www/html/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php fi ### Deploy qfq extension to container ### # This is slow. Could also be done in docker image build process. # Or could mount qfq as a volume to the typo3-qfq container. (might cause problems) if ! [[ $1 == "-no-deploy" ]]; then ./deploy_to_container.sh fi ######################################## ## Post Process ## ######################################## ### Set Typo3 Admin Pass ### if [[ "${T3_ADMINO_PASSWORD}" ]]; then T3_ADMINO_PASSWORD_HASH=$(curl${T3_PORT}/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/External/hashPassword.php?pw=${T3_ADMINO_PASSWORD}) mysql -u root --password=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} --port=${DB_PORT} -h -D ${T3_DATABASE} \ -e "UPDATE be_users SET password='${T3_ADMINO_PASSWORD_HASH}' WHERE username='admino';" fi ######################################## ## User Output ## ######################################## echo "Finished. Go to:" echo "localhost:${T3_PORT}"