# HTML This document explains the HTML markup used by QFQ. ## Hooks Hooks are used on the Client to gather information required for asynchronous requests and to add predefined event handlers to HTML Elements. ### form.data-toggle="validator" Adding the attribute `data-toggle="validator"` to a `<form>` element, enables the Bootstrap Validator on that HTML Form. ### .data-sip Asynchronous requests require to pass a SID to the Server. Elements triggering an asynchronous request, may gather the SIP from the `data-sip` attribute assigned to the HTML Form Element. ### .class="record-delete" HTML Form Buttons having the class `record-delete` set, will get an `onclick` handler attached by `QfqNS.QfqRecordList`. Each `<button>` also requires an `data-sip` attribute. ### .data-load="" HTML Form Elements having the attribute `data-load`, will trigger a call to `api/load.php` upon change. ### id="save-button" ### id="close-button" ### id="delete-button" ### id="form-new-button" ## Typeahead Typeahead capable text input elements will be defined by the following attributes: ### .class='qfq-typeahead' ### .data-typeahead-sip The SIP will store: Use with SQL: `typeAheadSql` Use with LDAP: `typeAheadLdap` * `ldapServer` * `ldapBaseDn` * `typeAheadLdapSearch` * `typeAheadLdapValuePrintf` * `typeAheadLdapKeyPrintf` ### .data-typeahead-limit * Defines the limit of entries shown on the client. Default on client is 5. The server will always send a value. The server default is 20. ### .data-typeahead-minlength * Defines the string minlegth, typed by the user, before the first lookup is started. Default is 2.