#!/bin/bash source run_qfq_docker.output # this function prints a separator function print_separator { # prints the separator echo -e "----------------------------------------------------------------------" } # prints the starting separator print_separator # checks that a file named geckodriver doesn't already exist if [ ! -f "geckodriver" ]; then # stores the current version of the driver gecko_version=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/latest" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "\K.*?(?=")') &> /dev/null # downloads the geckodriver from github wget -O /tmp/geckodriver.tar.gz https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/${gecko_version}/geckodriver-${gecko_version}-linux64.tar.gz &> /dev/null # unzips the downloaded geckodriver tar xzf /tmp/geckodriver.tar.gz geckodriver &> /dev/null # makes the geckodriver executable chmod +x geckodriver &> /dev/null # prints a success output echo -e "Successfully downloaded geckodriver" fi # checks that a file named chromedriver doesn't already exist if [ ! -f "chromedriver" ]; then # downloads the newest version of the chromedriver from google wget -O /tmp/chromedriver.zip http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/`curl -sS chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE`/chromedriver_linux64.zip &> /dev/null # unzips the downloaded chromedriver unzip /tmp/chromedriver.zip chromedriver &> /dev/null # makes the chromedriver executable chmod +x chromedriver &> /dev/null # prints a success output echo -e "Successfully downloaded chromedriver" fi # reads the url to test from the input variable SELENIUM_URL=$1 # checks if the selenium url is not given if [ -z $SELENIUM_URL ]; then SELENIUM_URL="${T3_PORT}" fi # defines the url to be used during testing export SELENIUM_URL=$SELENIUM_URL # stores the default engine DEFAULT_ENGINE="chrome" # reads the engine from the 2nd input variable ENGINE=$2 # checks if an engine is not specified if [ -z $ENGINE ]; then # defines the default engine to use during tests export BROWSER=$DEFAULT_ENGINE # defines the path to the drivers of the engine export DRIVER_PATH="${PWD}/${DEFAULT_ENGINE}driver" else # defines the engine to use during tests export BROWSER=$ENGINE # defines the path to the drivers of the engine export DRIVER_PATH="${PWD}/${ENGINE}driver" fi # stores the default headless option DEFAULT_HEADLESS="no" # reads the headless option from the 3rd input variable HEADLESS=$3 # checks if the headless parameter is not specified if [ -z $HEADLESS ]; then # defines if the browser gui should open export SELENIUM_HEADLESS=$DEFAULT_HEADLESS else # defines if the browser gui should open export SELENIUM_HEADLESS=$HEADLESS fi # stores the default slowdown DEFAULT_SLOWDOWN="0" # reads the slowdown from the 4th input variable SLOWDOWN=$4 # checks if the slowdown parameter is not specified if [ -z $SLOWDOWN ]; then # defines what slowdown should be applied export SELENIUM_SLOWDOWN=$DEFAULT_SLOWDOWN else # defines what slowdown should be applied export SELENIUM_SLOWDOWN=$SLOWDOWN fi cd ../extension/Tests/selenium # prints running tests echo -e -n "Running tests: " # runs the python tests python3 -W ignore -m unittest discover # checks if the tests were successful if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then print_separator # prints a success message echo -e "Successfully tested ${SELENIUM_URL}" else print_separator # prints a success message echo -e "Failed while testing ${SELENIUM_URL}" fi # prints the trailing separator print_separator # exits the program exit 0