Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with Docker version 18.09.2 # Other Documentation More documentation and docker tips are located in: - https://wikiit.math.uzh.ch/it/bestpractice/Docker - https://systemvcs.math.uzh.ch/megger/qfq_docker # Build Images 1. Clone the docker image repository: ```git clone https://systemvcs.math.uzh.ch/megger/qfq_docker.git``` 2. Build images as explained in the README.md of the image repository. For the below scripts to work please name the images ```python-selenium``` and ```typo3-qfq``` respectively. # Run and Interact with Containers ## Run qfq in docker container from scratch 1. clone qfq git project ```git clone https://git.math.uzh.ch/typo3/qfq``` 2. change to project directory (qfq) 3. ```make bootstrap``` 4. ``` cd docker``` 5. ```./run_qfq_docker.sh``` 6. open the newly generated file run_qfq_docker.output and copy the value of T3_PORT. In a browser go to<T3_PORT>. ## Deploy qfq extension changes to running container Assumes you have run qfq in docker as explained above. 1. change to docker directory 2. ```./deploy_to_container.sh``` ## Dump QFQ and (truncated) Typo3 databases to docker directory Assumes you have run qfq in docker as explained above. 1. again from the docker directory run ```./dump_databases.sh``` (this will overwrite the db_fixtrue_*.sql files) ## Run Phpmyadmin ATTENTION: Use Firefox if Phpmyadmin login does not work in Chrome! Assumes you have run qfq in docker as explained above. 1. change to docker directory and run ```./run_phpmyadmin.sh``` 2. open the file run_qfq_docker.output and copy the value of PMA_PORT. In a browser (Firefox) go to<PMA_PORT>. ## Run selenium tests on local machine (with visible browser) Assumes you have run qfq in docker as explained above. 0. Install selenium for python: ```python3 -m pip install --user selenium``` 1. again from the docker directory run ```./run_selenium_tests_local.sh``` ## Run a single selenium test file on local machine Assumes you have run qfq in docker as explained above. 1. copy T3_PORT from docker/run_qfq_docker.output 2. Export variables (replace <T3_PORT>): ```export SELENIUM_URL="<T3_PORT>" SELENIUM_HEADLESS="no"``` 3. in extension/Tests/selenium run ```python <selenium test file>.py``` ## Run selenium tests in docker container (test execution not visible) Assumes you have run qfq in docker as explained above. 1. from the docker directory run ```./run_selenium_tests_docker.sh``` ## Permanently remove all above created containers and their data (only removes the containers listed in run_qfq_docker.output) 1. from the docker directory run ```./remove-containers.sh``` # TROUBLE SHOOT ## WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable needs to be in PATH 1. Download Chromedriver: ```wget -O /tmp/chromedriver.zip http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/`curl -sS chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE`/chromedriver_linux64.zip``` 2. Unzip chromedriver to current working directory ```unzip /tmp/chromedriver.zip chromedriver``` 3. export chromedriver path environment variable before running selenium tests locally ```export CHROMEDRIVER_PATH=<absolute path to chromedriver>/chromedriver```