diff --git a/Documentation-develop/F_FE_PARAMETER.md b/Documentation-develop/F_FE_PARAMETER.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b8fd7a8b19b6ad9be10a310f5b5b19fe9756a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation-develop/F_FE_PARAMETER.md
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# Config, Form & FormElement parameter
+## QFQ Config > Form > FormElement
+* QFQ Config: Add to ext_conf_template.txt
+  * Update PHP Unittest
+  * Define a default in case there is no T3 Localconf file.
+* Form
+  * Inherit from QFQ config 
+  * Add in ... (Form) init.
+* FormElement
+  * Inherit from Form
+  * Add in Formelrment init
+## Check parameter
+To add a new Form/FormElement parameter, include it in the constant array `$FE_PARAMETER_RULES` in `HelperFormElement`. 
+Adding rules for the parameter is optional but recommended. This array is used to verify whether a parameter in 
+the Form Element is recognized by QFQ. If a parameter is not listed in the array, a `UserFormException` will be thrown.
+Location: `Qfq\Core\HelperFormElement->$FE_PARAMETER_RULES[]`
+The `$FE_PARAMETER_RULES` array should contain all parameters along with their corresponding wrapping rules. To add a 
+new parameter, simply insert a key-value pair into the array.
+Note: Empty values are skipped during wrapping validation but are still checked for existence in `$FE_PARAMETER_RULES`.
+## Rule
+When configuring a new rule array, you can choose from the following options (multiple options allowed). 
+At least one of the selected options must be satisfied for the input to be considered valid.
+If no rules are configured ([]), no wrapping checks will be performed.
+### Option
+* NO_BRACE: no wrap
+* DOUBLE_OPEN_BRACE: wrap by `{{ }}`.
+## Things to Keep in Mind
+*  Dynamic Parameter Values
+    If a parameter's value needs to be dynamically set and should only allow `{{VAR:STORE}}`,  use the rule 
+    `DOUBLE_OPEN_BRACE` in the configuration. This ensures proper validation and dynamic value handling.
+    Example:
+    ```php
+    ```
+*  Static Text with Dynamic Replacements
+    If the parameter contains static text with placeholders for dynamic values (e.g., `Hi {{name:F}}`), there is no need to include the `DOUBLE_OPEN_BRACE` rule in the configuration. Such cases are implicitly handled by the system.
+    Example:
+    ```plaintext
+    paramName = Hi {{name:F}}
+    ```
+*  Consistency
+   Regularly review and update the `$FE_PARAMETER_RULES` array to ensure it remains aligned with actually implemented parameters.
diff --git a/Documentation/Installation.rst b/Documentation/Installation.rst
index 4ffb1a120bbae6f1e3649189cc818515001d8092..4cc732bdcffaf0f4a68a2b5b4834a366631c6c3e 100644
--- a/Documentation/Installation.rst
+++ b/Documentation/Installation.rst
@@ -685,28 +685,6 @@ Extension Manager: QFQ Configuration
 | renderer                          | Bootstrap3Renderer                                    | Name of the class used for rendering                                       |
-| **Authentication** (see :ref:`column-authenticate`)                                                                                                                    |
-| authCreateAccount                 | false                                                 | Controls if user accounts can be created on the fly.                       |
-| authUnlockAccount                 | false                                                 | Controls if a disabled user accounts can be unlocked.                      |
-| authActivateAccount               | false                                                 | Controls if an expired or inactive user accounts can be activated.         |
-| authExtendByDays                  | 7 (positive integer)                                  | The number of days for which an expired account is extended.               |
-| authUpdateAccount                 | false                                                 | When true, then accounts can be updated on a successful authentication.    |
-| authEnable                        | true                                                  | The false value disables the qfq-based authentication service.             |
-| authPriority                      | 82 (positive integer)                                 | Consult :ref:`typo3-service-precedence`                                    |
-| authQuality                       | 80 (positive integer)                                 | Consult :ref:`typo3-service-precedence`                                    |
-| authUserStorage                   | comma-separated list of integers                      | The list of IDs of pages on which FE accounts are stored.                  |
-| authUserGroups                    | comma-separated list of integers                      | The list of IDs of FE user groups to be assigned to newly created accounts.|
 | **Graphics**                                                                                                                                                           |
 | cmdInkscape                       | inkscape                                              | If inkscape is not available, specify an empty string.                     |
@@ -841,6 +819,9 @@ Extension Manager: QFQ Configuration
 | showHistory                       | 0 (off), 1 (on), SqlQuery (auto)                      | Show history button in form. SQL query can be used for dynamic value.      |
 |                                   |                                                       | Default: 0                                                                 |
+| validateFormElementParameter      | 0 (off), 1 (on)                                       |Checks if parameters known by qfq and are wrapped correctly where necessary.|
+|                                   |                                                       | Default: 1                                                                 |
 | recentLog                         | 0 (off), 1 (on)                                       | For each user form open, create a record in table `Recent`.                |
 |                                   |                                                       | Default: 1                                                                 |
@@ -1030,6 +1011,28 @@ Extension Manager: QFQ Configuration
 | cmdWget                           | wget >/dev/null 2>&1                                  | Command is used for trying to download content from protected folder.      |
 |                                   |                                                       | To accept self signed certificate, add option '--no-check-certificate'     |
+| **Authentication** (see :ref:`column-authenticate`)                                                                                                                    |
+| authEnable                        | true                                                  | The false value disables the qfq-based authentication service.             |
+| authPriority                      | 82 (positive integer)                                 | Consult :ref:`typo3-service-precedence`                                    |
+| authQuality                       | 80 (positive integer)                                 | Consult :ref:`typo3-service-precedence`                                    |
+| authUserStorage                   | comma-separated list of integers                      | The list of IDs of pages on which FE accounts are stored.                  |
+| authUserGroups                    | comma-separated list of integers                      | The list of IDs of FE user groups to be assigned to newly created accounts.|
+| authCreateAccount                 | false                                                 | Controls if user accounts can be created on the fly.                       |
+| authUnlockAccount                 | false                                                 | Controls if a disabled user accounts can be unlocked.                      |
+| authActivateAccount               | false                                                 | Controls if an expired or inactive user accounts can be activated.         |
+| authExtendByDays                  | 7 (positive integer)                                  | The number of days for which an expired account is extended.               |
+| authUpdateAccount                 | false                                                 | When true, then accounts can be updated on a successful authentication.    |
 .. _`typo3-service-precedence`:
diff --git a/extension/Classes/Core/Constants.php b/extension/Classes/Core/Constants.php
index 34f38414afdd2ed52300dfdf5ecd846600f444ac..d131e8de2671ec463991127b1dbcf3bc5298cd68 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Core/Constants.php
+++ b/extension/Classes/Core/Constants.php
@@ -805,6 +805,7 @@ const SYSTEM_SHOW_ID_IN_FORM_TITLE = 'showIdInFormTitle';
 const SYSTEM_INPUT_CLEAR_ME = 'clearMe';
 const SYSTEM_REMEMBER_LAST_PILL = 'rememberLastPill';
 const SYSTEM_SHOW_HISTORY = 'showHistory';
+const SYSTEM_VALIDATE_FORM_ELEMENT = 'validateFormElementParameter';
 const SYSTEM_CMD_WKHTMLTOPDF = 'cmdWkhtmltopdf';
 const SYSTEM_CMD_QFQPDF = 'cmdQfqpdf';
 const SYSTEM_CMD_INKSCAPE = 'cmdInkscape';
diff --git a/extension/Classes/Core/Helper/HelperFormElement.php b/extension/Classes/Core/Helper/HelperFormElement.php
index a4c9637878a3dd06fa1084bc4f37a29c2fc4bdb2..617768db56ed0a23e979b4a5d29582d0db06ec4e 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Core/Helper/HelperFormElement.php
+++ b/extension/Classes/Core/Helper/HelperFormElement.php
@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ class HelperFormElement {
     private static $store = null;
+     * Array containing all FE parameter and rules that they should follow.
+     * Rule options
+     * 1. NO_BRACE => The parameter value should not be wrapped by ether '{{!' or '{{'
+     * 2. DOUBLE_OPEN_BRACE => The parameter value must be wrapped by '{{'
+     * 3. DOUBLE_OPEN_BRACE_WITH_EXCLAMATION => The parameter value must be wrapped by '{{'
+     * @see Documentation-develop/NEW_PARAMETER.md
      * @var array
     private static array $FE_PARAMETER_RULES = [
@@ -60,8 +66,8 @@ class HelperFormElement {
         FE_ITEM_LIST => [NO_BRACE],
-        FE_EMPTY_ITEM_AT_START => [],
-        FE_EMPTY_ITEM_AT_END => [],
         FE_DATE_FORMAT => [NO_BRACE],
@@ -195,7 +201,73 @@ class HelperFormElement {
         FE_FILE_SPLIT => [NO_BRACE],
         F_CLASS_BODY => [NO_BRACE],
+        F_MULTI_MODE => [],
+        F_BTN_TOP_LEFT => [],
+        F_BTN_TOP_RIGHT => [],
+        F_BTN_TOP_WRAP => [NO_BRACE],
+        F_BS_COLUMNS => [NO_BRACE],
+        FE_CLASS => [NO_BRACE],
+        F_CLASS_TITLE => [NO_BRACE],
+        F_CLASS_PILL => [NO_BRACE],
+        F_SHOW_HISTORY => [NO_BRACE],
@@ -257,7 +329,7 @@ class HelperFormElement {
      * @throws \UserFormException
      * @throws \UserReportException
-    public static function explodeParameter(array &$element, $keyName, $flagAllowOverwrite = false, $flagValidateParameter = false) {
+    public static function explodeParameter(array &$element, $keyName, $flagAllowOverwrite = false) {
         // Something to explode?
         if (isset($element[$keyName]) && $element[$keyName] !== '') {
@@ -281,18 +353,6 @@ class HelperFormElement {
-            if ($flagValidateParameter && $keyName === FE_PARAMETER) {
-                // Check if FE.Parameter exists in $FE_PARAMETER_RULES
-                $parameterKeys = array_keys($arr);
-                $feParameterRulesKeys = array_keys(self::$FE_PARAMETER_RULES);
-                $missingKeys = array_diff($parameterKeys, $feParameterRulesKeys);
-                // If there are missing keys, throw an exception
-                if ($missingKeys) {
-                    $missingKeysList = implode(', ', $missingKeys);
-                    throw new \CodeException("The following parameters are unknown: {$missingKeysList}. Please check for spelling mistakes or ensure the parameters are correctly defined or contact Developer :)");
-                }
-            }
             $element = array_merge($element, $arr);
             // For retype elements: copy the language specific value.
@@ -1434,54 +1494,74 @@ EOF;
      * Checks a formElement against a list of requirements and throws a error if they are not met.
-     *
+     * @see Documentation-develop/NEW_PARAMETER.md
      * @param array $element
      * @return void
      * @throws \UserFormException
      * @throws \CodeException
+     * @throws \UserReportException
     public static function validateFormRules(array $element): void {
         // self::$FE_PARAMETER_RULES defines the validation rules for each parameter.
         // Each parameter must adhere to at least one of the specified rules to be valid.
         // The rules specify whether the value must be wrapped in {{ }}, {{! }}, or have no wrapper at all.
+        $initialElementState = $element;
         $generalErrorState = Store::getVar(SYSTEM_THROW_GENERAL_ERROR, STORE_SYSTEM);
-        self::explodeParameter($element, FE_PARAMETER, flagValidateParameter: true);
+        self::explodeParameter($element, FE_PARAMETER);
         Store::setVar(SYSTEM_THROW_GENERAL_ERROR, $generalErrorState, STORE_SYSTEM);
-        // Loop through each parameter rule and validate against the element's value.
-        foreach (self::$FE_PARAMETER_RULES as $paramKey => $paramRuleArray) {
-            // If the parameter is not set or is empty, skip validation.
+        // Identify keys that exist in the processed element but are not part of the initial state or allowed rules
+        $missingKeys = array_diff(array_keys($element), array_keys($initialElementState), array_keys(self::$FE_PARAMETER_RULES));
+        // If there are missing keys then they are not defined in the $FE_PARAMETER_RULES
+        if (!empty($missingKeys)) {
+            throw new \CodeException("The following parameters are unknown: " . implode(', ', $missingKeys) . ". Please check for spelling mistakes or contact the developer.");
+        }
+        foreach (self::$FE_PARAMETER_RULES as $paramKey => $rules) {
             if (!isset($element[$paramKey])) {
-            if ($element[$paramKey] == '') {
+            $value = $element[$paramKey];
+            if ($value === '') {
-            $value = trim($element[$paramKey]);
+            $value = trim($value);
             $escapedValue = OnString::trimQuote($value);
             $isValid = false;
-            // A rule is either:
-            // - '' (no wrapper allowed),
-            // - '{{' (value must start and end with {{ }}),
-            // - '{{!' (value must start with {{! and end with }}).
-            foreach ($paramRuleArray as $rule) {
-                // IF Rule is '' also regex match to check that the value is not wrapped by {{ }}
-                if ($rule === '' && !preg_match('/^\{\{.*}}$/', $escapedValue)) {
-                    $isValid = true;
-                } elseif ($rule && preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($rule, '/') . '.*}}$/', $escapedValue)) {
+            foreach ($rules as $rule) {
+                // Rule: '' (No wrapper allowed)
+                // If the rule is '', ensure the value is not wrapped by {{ }}
+                // Example: 'value' is valid; '{{value}}' is invalid if NO_WRAPPER is the only rule in $rules
+                if ($rule === '' && (!preg_match('/^\{\{[^{}]*}}$/s', $escapedValue) || count($rules) > 1)) {
                     $isValid = true;
+                // Rule: '{{' or '{{!' (Specific wrappers allowed)
+                // Check if the value starts with the rule and ends with }}
+                // Example for '{{': '{{value}}' is valid; '{{!value}}' is invalid
+                // Example for '{{!': '{{!value}}' is valid; '{{value}}' is invalid
+                elseif ($rule && preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($rule, '/') . '.*}}$/s', $escapedValue)) {
+                    // Additional brace balance validation
+                    $innerContent = substr($escapedValue, strlen($rule), -2); // Extract content inside the wrapper
+                    if (OnString::validateBraceBalance($innerContent)) {
+                        $isValid = true;
+                    }
+                }
             if (!$isValid) {
                 // turn '' into 'no wrapper' to make the exception less confusing
-                $readableRules = array_map(fn($rule) => $rule === '' ? 'no wrapper' : $rule, $paramRuleArray);
+                $readableRules = array_map(fn($rule) => $rule === '' ? 'no wrapper' : $rule, $rules);
                 throw new \UserFormException("{$paramKey} is not wrapped correctly. Allowed wrapper(s): " . implode(', ', $readableRules));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extension/Classes/Core/Helper/OnString.php b/extension/Classes/Core/Helper/OnString.php
index 9d5feb5493f6921617287b37cc0b181d500e272e..cc4652df0ba1403f021a94dafa5d8e778edfd292 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Core/Helper/OnString.php
+++ b/extension/Classes/Core/Helper/OnString.php
@@ -897,5 +897,29 @@ class OnString {
         return $str;
+    public static function validateBraceBalance(string $content): bool {
+        $stack = [];
+        $len = strlen($content);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
+            if ($content[$i] === '{' && isset($content[$i + 1]) && $content[$i + 1] === '{') {
+                // Push an opening brace onto the stack
+                $stack[] = '{{';
+                $i++;
+            } elseif ($content[$i] === '}' && isset($content[$i + 1]) && $content[$i + 1] === '}') {
+                // Pop a closing brace from the stack
+                if (empty($stack) || array_pop($stack) !== '{{') {
+                    // Unmatched closing brace
+                    return false;
+                }
+                $i++;
+            }
+        }
+        // If the stack is empty, all braces are balanced
+        return empty($stack);
+    }
diff --git a/extension/Classes/Core/Save.php b/extension/Classes/Core/Save.php
index e4cc6225282482e70b16849feadb10ff5f478ed7..b6b286865894ea6152566a5094c32f6dac1ebf61 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Core/Save.php
+++ b/extension/Classes/Core/Save.php
@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ class Save {
         if ($formName === FORM_NAME_FORM_ELEMENT) {
             // Check formElement
-            // disaable tmp 20388
-            //HelperFormElement::validateFormRules($this->store->getStore(STORE_FORM));
+            if ($this->store->getVar(SYSTEM_VALIDATE_FORM_ELEMENT, STORE_SYSTEM)) {
+                HelperFormElement::validateFormRules($this->store->getStore(STORE_FORM));
+            }
             $encryptionState = $this->store->getVar(FE_ENCRYPTION, STORE_FORM, SANITIZE_ALLOW_ALL);
             $databaseFieldType = 'No real column';
diff --git a/extension/Tests/Unit/Core/Helper/HelperFormElementTest.php b/extension/Tests/Unit/Core/Helper/HelperFormElementTest.php
index 080ce060ed862a630e63d76746dc3c496a75290a..344bf7ee1218d9cb8549f8a3f643a891175a0708 100644
--- a/extension/Tests/Unit/Core/Helper/HelperFormElementTest.php
+++ b/extension/Tests/Unit/Core/Helper/HelperFormElementTest.php
@@ -410,4 +410,145 @@ class HelperFormElementTest extends TestCase {
 //            [FE_NAME => 'nameB', FE_LABEL => 'labelB', FE_VALUE => '11']];
 //        $this->assertEquals($formElements, $result, "Both arrays should be equal");
 //    }
+    /**
+     * @throws \UserFormException
+     * @throws \CodeException
+     * @throws \UserReportException
+     */
+    public function testValidateParameterPassingCases() {
+        $element = [
+            FE_ID => 1,
+            FE_PARAMETER =>
+                FE_SQL_BEFORE . '={{TEST}}' . "\n" . // RULES ['{{']
+                FE_ITEM_LIST . '=item:1' . "\n" . // RULES ['']
+                FE_FILL_STORE_VAR . '={{!TEST}}' // RULES ['{{!']
+        ];
+        HelperFormElement::validateFormRules($element);
+        $this->assertTrue(true);
+        $element = [
+            FE_ID => 1,
+            FE_PARAMETER =>
+                FE_SQL1 . '={{! TEST  {{VAR}} }} ' . "\n" . // RULES ['{{!', '']
+                FE_TYPEAHEAD_SQL . '=TEST' // RULES ['{{', '']
+        ];
+        HelperFormElement::validateFormRules($element);
+        $this->assertTrue(true);
+        $element = [
+            FE_ID => 1,
+            FE_PARAMETER =>
+                FE_SQL1 . "={{! Test \n {{VAR}} \n }}" . "\n" . // RULES ['{{!']
+                FE_WRAP_NOTE . "=TEST {{VAR}} \n " // RULES ['']
+        ];
+        HelperFormElement::validateFormRules($element);
+        $this->assertTrue(true);
+        $element = [
+            FE_ID => 1,
+            FE_PARAMETER =>
+                FE_SQL1 . '=' . "\n" . // RULES ['{{!']
+                FE_WRAP_NOTE . "={{VAR}} {{VAR}}" // RULES ['']
+        ];
+        HelperFormElement::validateFormRules($element);
+        $this->assertTrue(true);
+        $element = [
+            FE_ID => 1,
+            FE_PARAMETER =>
+                FE_SQL1 . "={{! \n    Multiline Content \n    }}", // Valid as per '{{!'
+        ];
+        HelperFormElement::validateFormRules($element);
+        $this->assertTrue(true);
+        $element = [
+            FE_ID => 1,
+            FE_PARAMETER =>
+                FE_SQL1 . '={{! Complex Content {{Nested}} Extra }}' . "\n" . // Valid as per '{{!'
+                FE_TYPEAHEAD_SQL . "={{Outer}}" . "\n" . // Valid as per '{{'
+                FE_WRAP_ROW . "=plainValue", // Valid as per ''
+        ];
+        HelperFormElement::validateFormRules($element);
+        $this->assertTrue(true);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @throws \CodeException
+     * @throws \UserReportException
+     */
+    public function testValidateFormRulesInvalidCases() {
+        // Case: Partial Wrapping
+        try {
+            $element = [
+                FE_ID => 1,
+                FE_PARAMETER =>
+                    FE_SQL1 . '={{! TEST {{VAR}} }} {{EXTRA}} ' . "\n" . // Invalid: content outside `{{! ... }}`
+                    FE_WRAP_NOTE . "=plainValue" // Valid as per ''
+            ];
+            HelperFormElement::validateFormRules($element);
+            $this->fail('Expected UserFormException was not thrown for partial wrapping.');
+        } catch (\UserFormException $e) {
+            $this->assertStringContainsString('is not wrapped correctly', $e->getMessage());
+        }
+        // Case: Unwrapped Value for `{{`
+        try {
+            $element = [
+                FE_ID => 1,
+                FE_PARAMETER =>
+                    FE_SQL1 . '=plainValue', // Invalid: should be wrapped as `{{ ... }}`
+            ];
+            HelperFormElement::validateFormRules($element);
+            $this->fail('Expected UserFormException was not thrown for unwrapped value.');
+        } catch (\UserFormException $e) {
+            $this->assertStringContainsString('is not wrapped correctly', $e->getMessage());
+        }
+        // Case: Missing Closing Braces
+        try {
+            $element = [
+                FE_ID => 1,
+                FE_PARAMETER =>
+                    FE_SQL1 . '={{! TEST {{VAR}}', // Invalid: missing closing `}}`
+            ];
+            HelperFormElement::validateFormRules($element);
+            $this->fail('Expected UserFormException was not thrown for missing closing braces.');
+        } catch (\UserFormException $e) {
+            $this->assertStringContainsString('Missing close delimiter', $e->getMessage());
+        }
+        // Case: Extra Content After Wrapper
+        try {
+            $element = [
+                FE_ID => 1,
+                FE_PARAMETER =>
+                    FE_SQL1 . '={{! TEST }} ExtraContent', // Invalid: extra content outside wrapper
+            ];
+            HelperFormElement::validateFormRules($element);
+            $this->fail('Expected UserFormException was not thrown for extra content after wrapper.');
+        } catch (\UserFormException $e) {
+            $this->assertStringContainsString('is not wrapped correctly', $e->getMessage());
+        }
+        // Case: Completely Missing Wrapping
+        try {
+            $element = [
+                FE_ID => 1,
+                FE_PARAMETER =>
+                    FE_SQL1 . '=TEST', // Invalid: does not meet the wrapping requirement
+            ];
+            HelperFormElement::validateFormRules($element);
+            $this->fail('Expected UserFormException was not thrown for completely missing wrapping.');
+        } catch (\UserFormException $e) {
+            $this->assertStringContainsString('is not wrapped correctly', $e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/extension/ext_conf_template.txt b/extension/ext_conf_template.txt
index ef02efb9de6c1fd321fe764505a1223a6df769c8..f4fa9d1bc78b75793f406bc67578157e2b3c4c05 100644
--- a/extension/ext_conf_template.txt
+++ b/extension/ext_conf_template.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# cat=config/config; type=options[yes,no]; label=Flag Production: Retrieve via '{{flagProduction:Y}}''. Default is 'yes'. Used to differentiate between development & production systems.
+# cat=config/config; type=options[yes,no]; label=Flag Production:Default is 'yes'. Retrieve via '{{flagProduction:Y}}''. Used to differentiate between development & production systems.
 flagProduction = yes
 # cat=config/config; type=options[single,both]; label=QFQ shows Form and Report at the same time or only one: a) 'single' (default) - only form or report (depending of if a form is given via SIP), b) 'both' at the same time.
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ render = single
 # cat=config/config; type=string; label=Base URL of the current Typo3 installation:Use '{{baseUrl:Y}}' to reference own URL. Important for API calls (load, save, dirty, delete), downloads and PDF conversion. Example: https://your.base.url/including/sub/dir. Separate multiple URLs with comma. Final one will detected dynamically. Skip the scheme if the website needs to be accessible with http and https. Advanced example: first.base.url/sub1,second.example.url
 baseUrl =
-# cat=config/date; type=string; label=Date format:Default is 'dd.mm.yyyy'. Possible options: 'yyyy-mm-dd', 'dd.mm.yyyy'
+# cat=config/config; type=string; label=Date format:Default is 'dd.mm.yyyy'. Possible options: 'yyyy-mm-dd', 'dd.mm.yyyy'
 dateFormat = dd.mm.yyyy
 # cat=config/config; type=boolean; label=Show edit inline reports: In the frontend, for every QFQ Report record an edit symbol is shown. Click on it will open a window to edit the QFQ report.
 editInlineReports = 1
-# cat=config/config; type=boolean; label=Dark mode for edit inline report editor: Default is off=light mode.
+# cat=config/config; type=boolean; label=Dark mode for edit inline report editor:Default is off=light mode.
 editInlineReportDarkTheme = 0
 # cat=config/config; type=string; label=Report as File Auto Export:Default is 'no'. If set to 'yes': When a QFQ tt-content record is rendered which does not contain the "file=" keyword, then its body is exported to a file in the qfq-project directory and the tt-content body is replaced by "file=<path_to_file>".
@@ -29,37 +29,6 @@ websocketUrl =
 renderer = Bootstrap3Renderer
-# cat=authentication/service/11; type=boolean; label=Enable authentication: If selected, then QFQ can authenticate a Typo3 user
-authEnable = 0
-# cat=authentication/service/12; type=int+; label=Service priority: This defines the order of the QFQ authentication service in relation to other authentication services. Higher number wins.
-authPriority = 82
-# cat=authentication/service/13; type=int+; label=Service quality: This value is used by TYPO3 if two authentication services have the same priority. Higher number wins.
-authQuality = 80
-# cat=authentication/service/14; type=string; label=User storage: The UID of the page where local users are located. The first UID is used to store new users.
-authUserStorage =
-# cat=authentication/service/15; type=string; label=User groups: The comma-separated list of UIDs of user groups to be assigned to new users.
-authUserGroups =
-# cat=authentication/enable/21; type=boolean; label=Create accounts: If selected, then a local account is created if non exists when a user is authenticated by QFQ
-authCreateAccount = 0
-# cat=authentication/enable/22; type=boolean; label=Unlock accounts: If selected, then a disabled local account is unlocked when a user is authenticated by QFQ
-authUnlockAccount = 0
-# cat=authentication/enable/23; type=boolean; label=Activate accounts: If selected, then an inactive or expired account is activated when a user is authenticated by QFQ
-authActivateAccount = 0
-# cat=authentication/enable/24; type=int+; label=Account extension time: The number of days after which an account activated during authentication will expire
-authExtendByDays = 7
-# cat=authentication/enable/25; type=boolean; label=Update accounts: If selected, then accounts are updated when a user is authenticated by QFQ with provided user data
-authUpdateAccount = 0
 # cat=graphics/config; type=string; label=Command 'inkscape':Default is 'inkscape'. Will be used to convert SVG to images (png). An empty string disables `inkscape`. If it is not available, `convert` will be used instead.
 cmdInkscape = inkscape
@@ -100,40 +69,40 @@ cmdPdf2ps = pdf2ps
 cmdPs2pdf = ps2pdf
-# cat=debug/debug; type=options[auto,yes,no]; label=Throw exception General Error: Default is 'auto'. If a) 'yes' or b) 'auto' and 'flagProduction!=yes', throw an exception in case of a 'General Error'.
+# cat=debug/debug; type=options[auto,yes,no]; label=Throw exception General Error:Default is 'auto'. If a) 'yes' or b) 'auto' and 'flagProduction!=yes', throw an exception in case of a 'General Error'.
 throwExceptionGeneralError = auto
-# cat=debug/form; type=options[all,none]; label=Form submit log mode:Default is 'all'. Form submit requests will be logged in the table FormSubmitLog. 'all' - every form save will be logged. 'none' - no logging. This setting can also be changed per form.
+# cat=debug/debug; type=options[all,none]; label=Form submit log mode:Default is 'all'. Form submit requests will be logged in the table FormSubmitLog. 'all' - every form save will be logged. 'none' - no logging. This setting can also be changed per form.
 formSubmitLogMode = all
-# cat=debug/mail; type=string; label=Redirect all mail to ...:Default is empty. If set, redirect all QFQ generated mails (Form, Report) to the specified email address.
+# cat=debug/debug; type=string; label=Redirect all mail to ...:Default is empty. If set, redirect all QFQ generated mails (Form, Report) to the specified email address.
 redirectAllMailTo =
-# cat=debug/sql; type=options[modify,all,error,none]; label=SQL log mode:Default is 'modify'. A logfile of QFQ fired SQL statements will be written. 'all' - every statement will be logged (this might a lot). 'modify' - log only statements who change data. 'error' - log only DB errors. 'none' - log never.
+# cat=debug/debug; type=options[modify,all,error,none]; label=SQL log mode:Default is 'modify'. A logfile of QFQ fired SQL statements will be written. 'all' - every statement will be logged (this might a lot). 'modify' - log only statements who change data. 'error' - log only DB errors. 'none' - log never.
 sqlLogMode = modify
-# cat=debug/sql; type=options[modify,all,error,none]; label=SQL log mode for AutoCron:Default is 'error'. Modes see 'sqlLogMode'.
+# cat=debug/debug; type=options[modify,all,error,none]; label=SQL log mode for AutoCron:Default is 'error'. Modes see 'sqlLogMode'.
 sqlLogModeAutoCron = error
-# cat=debug/sql; type=string; label=SQL log file:By default fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/log/sql.log. A logfile of fired SQL statements. PathFile is absolute or relative to '<site path>'.
+# cat=debug/debug; type=string; label=SQL log file:Default 'fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/log/sql.log'. A logfile of fired SQL statements. PathFile is absolute or relative to '<site path>'.
 sqlLog =
-# cat=debug/qfq; type=string; label=QFQ log file:By default fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/log/qfq.log directory. A logfile of fired SQL statements. PathFile is absolute or relative to '<site path>'.
+# cat=debug/debug; type=string; label=QFQ log file:Default 'fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/log/qfq.log'. A logfile of QFQ errors. PathFile is absolute or relative to '<site path>'.
 qfqLog =
-# cat=debug/mail; type=string; label=Mail log file:By default fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/log/mail.log. A logfile of sent mail. PathFile is absolute or relative to '<site path>'.
+# cat=debug/debug; type=string; label=Mail log file:Default 'fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/log/mail.log'. A logfile of sent mail. PathFile is absolute or relative to '<site path>'.
 mailLog =
-# cat=debug/merge; type=string; label=Merge log file:By default fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/log/merge.log. A logfile of all data merge actions. PathFile is absolute or relative to '<site path>'.
+# cat=debug/debug; type=string; label=Merge log file:Default 'fileadmin/protected/qfqProject/log/merge.log'. A logfile of all data merge actions. PathFile is absolute or relative to '<site path>'.
 mergeLog =
-# cat=debug/info; type=string; label=Show debug info:Default is 'auto'. Possible values: [yes|no|auto][,download]. For 'auto': If a BE User is logged in, a debug information will be shown on the FE.
+# cat=debug/debug; type=string; label=Show debug info:Default is 'auto'. Possible values: [yes|no|auto][,download]. For 'auto': If a BE User is logged in, a debug information will be shown on the FE.
 showDebugInfo = auto
-# cat=debug/reportMinPhpVersion; type=options[auto,yes,no]; label=Report too low PHP Version:Default is 'auto'. 'auto': If a BE User is logged in, qfq shows message and terminate.
+# cat=debug/debug; type=options[auto,yes,no]; label=Report too low PHP Version:Default is 'auto'. 'auto': If a BE User is logged in, qfq shows message and terminate.
 reportMinPhpVersion = auto
-# cat=database/db1; type=string; label=Init database:Default is 'set names utf8'. Optional. Might set specific settings.
+# cat=database/db; type=string; label=Init database:Default is 'set names utf8'. Optional. Might set specific settings.
 init = SET names utf8; SET sql_mode = "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION";
 # cat=database/db; type=options[auto,always,once,never]; label=Update QFQ database structures,functions & system forms:Default is 'auto'. After installing a new QFQ version it might be necessary to apply DB updates. 'auto' - apply DB updates only if there is a newer version. 'always' - apply DB updates every time QFQ is called - *not* recommended - slow! 'once' - on next QFQ start, do updates and switch back to 'auto'. 'never' - never apply DB updates.
@@ -174,7 +143,7 @@ securityFailedAuthDelay = 3
 # cat=security/security; type=string; label=Default encryption method:Options: 'AES-128' (default) or 'AES-256'. If value is not valid then error will be shown on page.
 encryptionMethod =
-# cat=security/security; type=boolean; label=Check for protected folder access from outside
+# cat=security/security; type=boolean; label=Check for protected folder access from outside: Default is 'on'.
 protectedFolderCheck = 1
 # cat=security/security; type=string; label=Auth token for endpoint QFQ Version check:Default is empty and no qfq information can be fetched.
@@ -184,19 +153,16 @@ qfqVersionApiToken =
 # cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Dirty record lock timeout (seconds):Default is '900'. Time in seconds to lock a record, starting from the first modification. If lock expires, it is acquired again on the next modification.
 recordLockTimeoutSeconds = 900
-# cat=form-config/config; type=boolean; label=Enter as submit:Default is on. Pressing 'enter' on an input, means 'save form and close'  (exception: 'textarea' and 'editor' elements).
+# cat=form-config/config; type=boolean; label=Enter as submit:Default is 'on'. Pressing 'enter' on an input, means 'save form and close'  (exception: 'textarea' and 'editor' elements).
 enterAsSubmit = 1
 # cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Form page alias:Default is 'form'. T3 Page slug to edit a form.
 editFormPage = form
-# cat=form-config/; type=string; label=Datetimepicker type:Default is 'qfq'. Type of date-time-picker in form. Options: 'no', 'browser', 'qfq'.
+# cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Datetimepicker type:Default is 'qfq'. Type of date-time-picker in form. Options: 'no', 'browser', 'qfq'.
 dateTimePickerType = qfq
-# cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Form data pattern error message: default is 'Pattern mismatch' for all custom pattern. Customizable message used in validator.js. 'pattern' violation.
+# cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Form data pattern error message:Default is 'Pattern mismatch' for all custom pattern. Customizable message used in validator.js. 'pattern' violation.
 formDataPatternError =
 # cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Form data required error message:Default is 'Required'. Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'required' violation.
@@ -208,29 +174,30 @@ formDataMatchError =
 # cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Form data error message:Default is 'Error'. Customizable error message used in validator.js. generic violation.
 formDataError =
-# cat=form-config/config; type=boolean; label=Show record-id in form title:Default is off (0). If on (1), append the current record id on the title. New records get '(new)'.
+# cat=form-config/config; type=boolean; label=Show record-id in form title:Default is 'off' (0). If on (1), append the current record id on the title. New records get '(new)'.
 showIdInFormTitle = 0
-# cat=form-config/config; type=boolean; label=On form load, bring last used pill to front
+# cat=form-config/config; type=boolean; label=On form load, bring last used pill to front:Default is 'on'.
 rememberLastPill = 1
 # cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=Do not log column:Default is 'password'. Comma separated more than one column possible.
 doNotLogColumn = password
-# cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=History in forms: Options -  "0" (off / Default), "1" (on), "SELECT ...". Example for sql query (empty result set means 0=off) - "SELECT IF(ISNULL(r.id), 0, 1) FROM Person AS p LEFT JOIN Role AS r ON r.pId = p.id AND r.name = 'admin' WHERE p.id='{{pIdUser:Y}}' LIMIT 1"
+# cat=form-config/config; type=string; label=History in forms: Options -  "0" (off / default), "1" (on), "SELECT ...". Example for sql query (empty result set means 0=off) - "SELECT IF(ISNULL(r.id), 0, 1) FROM Person AS p LEFT JOIN Role AS r ON r.pId = p.id AND r.name = 'admin' WHERE p.id='{{pIdUser:Y}}' LIMIT 1"
 showHistory = 0
-# cat=form-config/config; type=boolean; label=Recent Log:  Each 'form open' by a user will be logged in table Recent, incl. all SIP parameter. Default: on
-recentLog = 1
+# cat=form-config/config; type=boolean; label=Validate F & FE.parameter:Default is 'on'. Checks if parameters known by qfq and are wrapped correctly where necessary. EXAMPLE => FE.parameter.sqlAfter have to be wrapped by {{ }}. Each parameter uses its own configuration.
+validateFormElementParameter = 1
+# cat=form-config/config; type=boolean; label=Recent Log:Default is 'on'. Each 'form open' by a user will be logged in table Recent, incl. all SIP parameter.
+recentLog = 1
 # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=CSS class QFQ container:Default is empty. Empty, if the page content is already wrapped in a Bootstrap container. Else 'container'.
 cssClassQfqContainer =
-# cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=CSS class QFQ form:Default is 'qfq-notify''. If given wrap around QFQ-Form. E.g. 'qfq-color-base'.
+# cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=CSS class QFQ form:Default is 'qfq-notify'. If given wrap around QFQ-Form. E.g. 'qfq-color-base'.
 cssClassQfqForm =
 # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=CSS class of pills on the HTML form:Default is 'qfq-color-grey-1'. Wrap around title bar for pills: CSS Class, typically a background color.
@@ -239,7 +206,6 @@ cssClassQfqFormPill =qfq-color-grey-1
 # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=CSS class of the body of the HTML form:Default is 'qfq-color-grey-2'. Wrap around FormElements: CSS Class, typically a background color.
 cssClassQfqFormBody = qfq-color-grey-2
 # cat=form-layout/layout; type=string; label=Bootstrap CSS column class(es) to wrap the 'whole form':Default is 'col-md-12 col-lg-10'.
 formBsColumns = col-md-12 col-lg-10
@@ -281,6 +247,7 @@ formLanguageDId =
 # cat=form-language/config; type=string; label=Language D label:Default is empty.  Label shown in *Form editor*, on the 'basic' tab.
 formLanguageDLabel =
 # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Button Top Wrap 'class':Default '<div class="row"><div class="col-md-12">' - Wraps the entire row above the form. It is used to group any elements you want to place on the top part of the form.
 btnTopWrap =
@@ -347,36 +314,34 @@ saveButtonGlyphIcon =
 # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Close button 'text':Default empty - Text for the close button (top of the form).
 closeButtonText =
-# cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Close button 'tooltip':Default 'Close'
+# cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Close button 'tooltip':Default 'Close'.
 closeButtonTooltip = Close
-# cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Close button 'CSS Class':Default 'btn btn-default navbar-btn'
+# cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Close button 'CSS Class':Default 'btn btn-default navbar-btn'.
 closeButtonClass = btn btn-default navbar-btn
 # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=close button 'glyph icon':Default 'glyphicon-remove'. Glyph icon shown on the close button.
 closeButtonGlyphIcon =
 # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Delete button 'text':Default empty - Text for the delete button (top of the form).
 deleteButtonText =
-# cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Delete button 'tooltip':Default 'Delete'
+# cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Delete button 'tooltip':Default 'Delete'.
 deleteButtonTooltip = Delete
-# cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Delete button 'CSS Class':Default 'btn btn-default navbar-btn'
+# cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Delete button 'CSS Class':Default 'btn btn-default navbar-btn'.
 deleteButtonClass = btn btn-default navbar-btn
 # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=Delete button 'glyph icon':Default 'glyphicon-trash'. Glyph icon shown on the delete button.
 deleteButtonGlyphIcon =
 # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=New button 'text':Default empty - Text for the new button (top of the form).
 newButtonText =
-# cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=New button 'tooltip':Default 'New'
+# cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=New button 'tooltip':Default 'New'.
 newButtonTooltip = New
-# cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=New button 'CSS Class':Default 'btn btn-default navbar-btn'
+# cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=New button 'CSS Class':Default 'btn btn-default navbar-btn'.
 newButtonClass = btn btn-default navbar-btn
 # cat=form-button/layout; type=string; label=New button 'glyph icon':Default 'glyphicon-plus'. Glyph icon shown on the new button.
@@ -392,7 +357,7 @@ emptySubrecord = show
 # cat=form-Element/formelement; type=options[dnd,button]; label=Upload type:Default is 'dnd'. 'dnd' - file chooser or drag'n'drop of files. 'button' - the regular file chooser button.
 uploadType = dnd
-# cat=form-Element/formelement; type=string; label=Form data pattern error message: default is 'Pattern mismatch' for all custom pattern. Customizable message used in validator.js. 'pattern' violation.
+# cat=form-Element/formelement; type=string; label=Form data pattern error message:Default is 'Pattern mismatch' for all custom pattern. Customizable message used in validator.js. 'pattern' violation.
 formDataPatternError =
 # cat=form-Element/formelement; type=string; label=Form data required error message:Default is 'Required'. Customizable error message used in validator.js. 'required' violation.
@@ -427,14 +392,6 @@ extraButtonInfoClass =
 # cat=custom/layout; type=string; label=Custom variable 01:Default empty. Can be used the centrally define variables. E.g. "CONTACT_EMAIL = 'john@doe.com'". Retrieve them via '{{CONTACT_EMAIL:Y}}'.
 custom1 =
@@ -557,7 +514,7 @@ fillStoreSystemBySql3 =
 fillStoreSystemBySqlErrorMsg3 =
-# cat=file/missingFile; type=options[error,dummy]; label=Action on missing PDF in PDF concat:Default is 'error' - show an error if a file is missing. :'dummy' an empty PDF dummy file is inserted (typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/pdf/dummy.pdf) 
+# cat=file/file; type=options[error,dummy]; label=Action on missing PDF in PDF concat:Default is 'error' - show an error if a file is missing. :'dummy' an empty PDF dummy file is inserted (typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/pdf/dummy.pdf)
 missingFile = error
 # cat=file/file; type=string; label=Cache directory 'secure':Default is 'fileadmin/protected/cache'. Directory to optionally save on-the-fly rendered PDF, Excel, ZIP files. Important: secure the directory against direct access.
@@ -607,8 +564,40 @@ sqlDirectdl3phperror =
 # cat=tools/config; type=string; label=Force fixed sender email address:Default is empty. Set this ONLY if your SMTP needs one fix sender address. QFQ will then set Reply-To to the initial sender. Realname is optional. E.g.: 'realname <mail@example.com>'
 forceSmtpSender =
-# cat=tools/email; type=string; label=Options for SendEMail:Default is empty. General options. Check: http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail. E.g.: 'sendEMail=-o tls=yes'
+# cat=tools/config; type=string; label=Options for SendEMail:Default is empty. General options. Check: http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail. E.g.: 'sendEMail=-o tls=yes'
 sendEMailOptions =
-# cat=tools/tools; type=string; label=Command 'wget':Default is 'wget >/dev/null 2>&1'. Will be used for trying to get content from protected server.
+# cat=tools/config; type=string; label=Command 'wget':Default is 'wget >/dev/null 2>&1'. Will be used for trying to get content from protected server.
 cmdWget = wget >/dev/null 2>&1
+# cat=authentication/service; type=boolean; label=Enable authentication: If selected, then QFQ can authenticate a Typo3 user
+authEnable = 0
+# cat=authentication/service; type=int+; label=Service priority: This defines the order of the QFQ authentication service in relation to other authentication services. Higher number wins.
+authPriority = 82
+# cat=authentication/service; type=int+; label=Service quality: This value is used by TYPO3 if two authentication services have the same priority. Higher number wins.
+authQuality = 80
+# cat=authentication/service; type=string; label=User storage: The UID of the page where local users are located. The first UID is used to store new users.
+authUserStorage =
+# cat=authentication/service; type=string; label=User groups: The comma-separated list of UIDs of user groups to be assigned to new users.
+authUserGroups =
+# cat=authentication/service; type=boolean; label=Create accounts: If selected, then a local account is created if non exists when a user is authenticated by QFQ
+authCreateAccount = 0
+# cat=authentication/service; type=boolean; label=Unlock accounts: If selected, then a disabled local account is unlocked when a user is authenticated by QFQ
+authUnlockAccount = 0
+# cat=authentication/service; type=boolean; label=Activate accounts: If selected, then an inactive or expired account is activated when a user is authenticated by QFQ
+authActivateAccount = 0
+# cat=authentication/service; type=int+; label=Account extension time: The number of days after which an account activated during authentication will expire
+authExtendByDays = 7
+# cat=authentication/service; type=boolean; label=Update accounts: If selected, then accounts are updated when a user is authenticated by QFQ with provided user data
+authUpdateAccount = 0