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F8270 more button for columns with long text AND add QBAR to for qfq | escape

Merged Marc Egger requested to merge F8270moreButtonForColumnsWithLongText into master
@@ -5573,9 +5573,9 @@ Special column names
| _XLSn |Used for Excel export. Prepend 'n=' and append a `newline` character around the string. See `excel-export`_. |
| _+html-tag attributes |The content will be wrapped with '<html-tag attributes>'. Example: SELECT 'example' AS '_+a href=""' creates '<a href="">example</a>' |
| _+<html-tag attributes>|The content will be wrapped with '<html-tag attributes>'. Example: SELECT 'example' AS '_+a href=""' creates '<a href="">example</a>' |
| _=varname |The content will be saved in store 'user' under 'varname'. Retrieve it later via {{varname:U}}. See `STORE_USER`_, `store_user_examples`_ |
| _=<varname> |The content will be saved in store 'user' under 'varname'. Retrieve it later via {{varname:U}}. Example: 'SELECT "Hello world" AS _=text'. See `STORE_USER`_, `store_user_examples`_ |
|_<nonReservedName> |Suppress output. Column names with leading underscore are used to select data from the database and make it available in other parts of the report without generating any output. |
@@ -5588,6 +5588,7 @@ Column: _link
* Most URLs will be rendered via class link.
* Column names like `_pagee`, `_mailto`, ... are wrapper to class link.
* The parameters for link contains a prefix to make them position-independent.
* Parameter have to be separated with '|'. If '|' is part of the value, it needs to be escaped '\\|'. This can be done via QFQ SQL function `QBAR()` - see `qbar-qscape-qfq-delimiter`_.
|URL|IMG|Meaning |Qualifier |Example |Description |
@@ -5660,6 +5661,8 @@ Column: _link
| | |Delete record | x[:a|r|c] |x, x:r, x:c |a: ajax (only QFQ internal used), r: report (default), c: close (current page, open last page) |
.. _render-mode:
Render mode
@@ -6470,6 +6473,43 @@ Example::
CONCAT('y|F:', p.pathFileName,'|t:File (link)|o:', p.pathFileName) AS _link
FROM Person AS p
.. _special-sql-functions:
Special SQL Functions
.. _qbar-qscape-qfq-delimiter:
QBAR: Escape QFQ Delimiter
The SQL function QBAR(text) replaces "|" with "\\|" in `text` to prevent conflicts with the QFQ special column notation.
In general this function should be used when there is a chance that unplanned '|'-characters occur.
10.sql = SELECT CONCAT('p:notes|t:Information: ', QBAR(Note.title), '|b') AS _link FROM Note
In case 'Note.title' contains a '|' (like 'fruit | numbers'), it will confuse the '... AS _link' class. Therefore it's
necessary to 'escape' (adding a '\' in front of the problematic character) the bar which is done by using `QBAR()`.
.. _qmore-truncate-long-text:
QMORE: Truncate Long Text - more/less
The SQL function QMORE(text, n) truncates `text` if it is longer than `n` characters and adds a "more.." button. If the "more..."
button is clicked, the whole text is displayed. The stored procedure QMORE() will inject some HTML/CSS code.
10.sql = SELECT QMORE("This is a text which is longer than 10 characters", 10)
This is a `more..`
.. _download:
@@ -7451,9 +7491,9 @@ last used (STORE_USER) or (first time call during browser session) takes the def
# Semester switch
10 {
sql = SELECT '{{semId:SUY}}' AS '_=semId',
CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&semId=',, '|t:',, '|s|b|G:glyphicon-chevron-left') AS _link,
CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&semId=',, '|t:', QBAR(, '|s|b|G:glyphicon-chevron-left') AS _link,
' <button class="btn disabled ', IF({{semId:Y0}}, 'btn-success', 'btn-default'), '">',, '</button> ',
CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&semId=',, '|t:',, '|s|b|G:glyphicon-chevron-right|R') AS _link
CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&semId=',, '|t:', QBAR(, '|s|b|G:glyphicon-chevron-right|R') AS _link
FROM semester AS sc
LEFT JOIN semester AS sp ON
LEFT JOIN semester AS sn ON AND sn.show_semester_from<=CURDATE()