From fcdaa0f0610a14c20254c4933d891fb333a62ecc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carsten  Rose <>
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2021 22:58:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Implements #12085. Add doc and custom error message. Finalize
 directDownload notation. Add unit test.

 Documentation/Report.rst                      | 86 ++++++++++++++++---
 extension/Classes/Core/Report/Download.php    | 30 +++++--
 extension/Classes/Core/Report/Link.php        | 60 ++++++++-----
 extension/Classes/Core/Store/Session.php      |  1 +
 extension/Tests/Unit/Core/Report/LinkTest.php | 36 +++++++-
 extension/ext_conf_template.txt               | 13 +++
 6 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/Report.rst b/Documentation/Report.rst
index 41d21c895..56c2fc3b8 100644
--- a/Documentation/Report.rst
+++ b/Documentation/Report.rst
@@ -1945,20 +1945,45 @@ Output::
-Download offers:
+| Mode               | Security                                               | Note                                   |
+| Direct File access | Files are public available. No access restriction      | Use ``<a href="...">``                 |
+|                    | | Pro: Simple, links can be copied.                    | | Merge multiple sources: no           |
+|                    | | Con: Directory access, guess of filenames, only      | but check :ref:`column-save-pdf`       |
+|                    | removing the file will deny access.                    | | Custom 'save as filename': no        |
+| Persistent Link    | Access is be defined by a SQL statement. In *T3/BE     | Use ``..., 'd:1234|s:0' AS _link``     |
+|                    | > Extension > QFQ > File > download* define a SQL      | | Merge multiple sources: yes          |
+|                    | statement.                                             | | Custom 'save as filename': yes       |
+|                    | | Pro: speaking URL, link can be copied, access can    |                                        |
+|                    | can be defined a SQL statement.                        |                                        |
+|                    | | Con: **Key might be altered by user**, permission    |                                        |
+|                    | can't be user logged in dependent.                     |                                        |
+| Secure Link        | **Default**. SIP protected link.                       | Use ``..., 'd|F:file.pdf' AS _link``   |
+|                    | | Pro: Parameter can't be altered, most easy definition| | Merge multiple sources: yes          |
+|                    | in QFQ, access might be logged in user dependent.      | | Custom 'save as filename': yes       |
+|                    | | Cons: Links are assigned to a browser session and    |                                        |
+|                    | can't be copied                                        |                                        |
+The rest of this section applies only to `Persistent Link` and `Secure Link`. Download offers:
 * Single file - download a single file (any type),
 * PDF create - one or concatenate several files (uploaded) and/or web pages (=HTML to PDF) into one PDF output file,
 * ZIP archive - filled with several files ('uploaded' or 'HTML to PDF'-converted).
 * Excel - created from scratch or fill a template xlsx with database values.
-The downloads are SIP protected. Only the current user can use the link to download files.
 By using the `_link` column name:
-* the option `d:...` initiate creating the download link and optional specifies an export filename,
+* the option `d:...` initiate creating the download link and optional specifies
+  * in `SIP` mode: an export filename (),
+  * in `persistent link` mode: path download script (optional) and key(s) to identify the record with the PathFilename
+    information (see below).
 * the optional `M:...` (Mode) specifies the export type (file, pdf, zip, export),
-* setting `s:1` is recommended for the download function (file / path name is hidden to the user),
 * the alttext `a:...` specifies a message in the download popup.
 By using `_pdf`,  `_Pdf`, `_file`, `_File`, `_zip`, `_Zip`, `_excel` as column name, the options `d`, `M` and `s`
@@ -1967,16 +1992,12 @@ will be set.
 All files will be read by PHP - therefore the directory might be protected against direct web access. This is the
 preferred option to offer secure downloads via QFQ.
-In case the download needs a persistant URL (no SIP, no user session), a regular
-link, pointing directly to a file, have to be used - the download functionality described here is not appropriate for
-such a scenario. If necessary, :ref:`column-save-pdf` can be used to generate such a file.
 .. _download-parameter-files:
 Parameter and (element) sources
-* *download*: `d[:<exportFilename>]`
+* mode `secure link` (s:1) - *download*:  `d[:<exportFilename>]`
   * *exportFilename* = <filename for save as> - Name, offered in the 'File save as' browser dialog. Default: 'output.<ext>'.
@@ -1984,6 +2005,51 @@ Parameter and (element) sources
     The user typically expects meaningful and distinct file names for different download links.
+* mode `persistent link` (s:0) - *download*:  `d:[<path/name>]<key1>[/<keyN>]`
+  This setup is divided in part a) and b):
+  Part a) - offering the download link.
+  * The whole part a) is optional. The download itself will work without it.
+  * (Optional) *path/name* = of the QFQ `download.php` script. By default``typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/download.php``.
+    Three further possibilities: ``dl.php`` or ``dl2.php`` or ``dl3.php`` (see below).
+  * *key1* = give a uniq identifier to select the wished record.
+  Part b) - process the download
+  * In the QFQ extension config: File > Query for direct download mode: `download.php` or `dl.php` or `dl2.php` or `dl3.php`
+    up to 4 different SQL statements can be given with the regular QFQ download link syntax (skip the visual elements
+    like button, text, glyph icon, question,...)::
+        SELECT CONCAT('d|F:', n.pathFileName) FROM Note AS n WHERE
+    All `?` in the SQL statement will be replaced by the specified parameter. If there are more `?` than parameter,
+    the last parameter will be reused for all pending `?`.
+    E.g. ``10.sql = SELECT 'd:1234|t:File.pdf' AS _link`` creates a link
+    ``<a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/download.php/1234"><span class="btn btn-default">File.pdf</span></span>``.
+    If the user clicks on the link, QFQ will extract the `1234` argument and via ``download.php`` the query (defined in
+    the Typo QFQ extension config) will be prepared and fires ``SELECT CONCAT('d|F:', n.pathFileName, '|t:File.pdf') FROM Note AS n WHERE``.
+    The download of the file, specified by ``n.pathFileName``, will start.
+    If no record ist selected, a custom error will be shown. If the query selectes more than one record, a general error will be shown.
+    If one of ``dl.php`` or ``dl2.php`` or ``dl3.php`` should be used, please initially create the symlink(s), e.g. in the
+    application directory (same level as typo3conf) ``ln -s typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/download.php dl.php`` (or, dl3.php).
+  Speaking URL)
+  Instead of using a numeric value reference key, also a text can be used. Always take care that exactly one record is
+  selected. The key is transferred by URL therefore untrusted: The sanitize class :ref:`alnumx<sanitize-class>` is applied.
+  Example::
+        Query: SELECT CONCAT('d|F:', n.pathFileName) FROM Person AS p WHERE AND p.firstName=? AND p.publish='yes'
+        Link:
 * *popupMessage*: `a:<text>` - will be displayed in the popup window during download. If the creating/download is fast, the window might disappear quickly.
 * *mode*: `M:<mode>`
diff --git a/extension/Classes/Core/Report/Download.php b/extension/Classes/Core/Report/Download.php
index a830a6940..0f88d7515 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Core/Report/Download.php
+++ b/extension/Classes/Core/Report/Download.php
@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ class Download {
      * Retrieve SQL query from QFQ config, specific to script name.
      * Four script names are possible: download.php, dl.php, dl2.php, dl3.php
-     * @return array|bool|int|string|null
+     * @return array   //  [ 'sql' -> 'SELECT "d|F:file.pdf"', 'error' -> 'Record not found']
      * @throws \CodeException
      * @throws \DbException
      * @throws \UserFormException
@@ -696,7 +696,16 @@ class Download {
         // Example: /var/www/html/qfq/dl.php >> dl.php
         $scriptName = substr($scriptName, strrpos($scriptName, '/') + 1);
-        return $this->store->getVar(SYSTEM_SQL_DIRECT_DOWNLOAD . $scriptName, STORE_SYSTEM . STORE_EMPTY);
+        $arr['sql'] = $this->store->getVar(SYSTEM_SQL_DIRECT_DOWNLOAD . $scriptName, STORE_SYSTEM . STORE_EMPTY);
+        if ($arr['sql'] == '') {
+            throw new \DownloadException(json_encode([ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_USER => 'Missing SQL',
+                    ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_DEVELOPER => "Missing SQL in QFQ extension config variable: " . SYSTEM_SQL_DIRECT_DOWNLOAD . $scriptName
+                ])
+                , ERROR_MISSING_VALUE);
+        }
+        $arr['error'] = $this->store->getVar(SYSTEM_SQL_DIRECT_DOWNLOAD . $scriptName . 'error', STORE_SYSTEM . STORE_EMPTY);
+        return $arr;
@@ -707,10 +716,10 @@ class Download {
      * @throws \UserReportException
     private function getDirectDownloadModeDetails() {
-        //TODO was ist wenn sql leer ist
-        $sql = $this->getDirectDownloadSql();
-        // Get, Clean: with  http://loclhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/download.php/help is $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']='/help'.
+        $arr = $this->getDirectDownloadSql();
+        // Get, Clean: with  http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/download.php/help is $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']='/help'.
         $pathInfo = $this->store->getVar('PATH_INFO', STORE_CLIENT . STORE_EMPTY, SANITIZE_ALLOW_ALNUMX);
         $pathInfo = Sanitize::sanitize(urldecode($pathInfo), SANITIZE_ALLOW_ALNUMX);
@@ -718,14 +727,17 @@ class Download {
         // In case there are more question mark than parameter, duplicate the last parameter until enough parameter filled.
         $last = end($param);
-        $questionMark = substr_count($sql, '?');
+        $questionMark = substr_count($arr['sql'], '?');
         while ($questionMark > count($param)) {
             $param[] = $last;
-//TODO SQL Fehler abfangen: SQL Fehler ausgeben!!
+        if ($arr['error'] == '') {
+            $arr['error'] = 'Key for download not found.';
+        }
         // Get cmd which defines the download
-        $param = $this->db->sql($sql, ROW_EXPECT_1, $param);
-        // In case there are more than on column: implode
+        $param = $this->db->sql($arr['sql'], ROW_EXPECT_1, $param, $arr['error']);
+        // In case there are more than one column: implode
         $cmd = implode('', $param);
         // Use the link class only to reuse the parsing code of the download element.
         $link = new Link(Store::getSipInstance());
diff --git a/extension/Classes/Core/Report/Link.php b/extension/Classes/Core/Report/Link.php
index 6150aebb2..013925d89 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Core/Report/Link.php
+++ b/extension/Classes/Core/Report/Link.php
@@ -850,12 +850,12 @@ class Link {
         // Download Link needs some extra work
-        if (isset($rcTokenGiven[TOKEN_DOWNLOAD]) && $rcTokenGiven[TOKEN_DOWNLOAD]) {
+        if ($rcTokenGiven[TOKEN_DOWNLOAD] ?? false) {
             $vars = $this->buildDownloadLate($vars);
         // CopyToClipboard (Download) Link needs some extra work
-        if (isset($rcTokenGiven[TOKEN_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD]) && $rcTokenGiven[TOKEN_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD]) {
+        if ($rcTokenGiven[TOKEN_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD] ?? false) {
             $vars = $this->buildCopyToClipboardLate($vars);
@@ -985,11 +985,6 @@ class Link {
                     case LINK_PICTURE:
-                    case NAME_FILE:
-                    case NAME_URL:
-                    case NAME_PAGE:
-                        $countSources++;
-                        break;
@@ -1008,10 +1003,14 @@ class Link {
             throw new \UserReportException ("Token Mail and Target at the same time not possible'" . TOKEN_PAGE . "'", ERROR_MULTIPLE_DEFINITION);
-        if (isset($tokenGiven[TOKEN_DOWNLOAD]) && count($vars[NAME_COLLECT_ELEMENTS]) == 0 && $countSources == 0) {
+        if (isset($tokenGiven[TOKEN_DOWNLOAD]) && $vars[NAME_SIP] == "1" && count($vars[NAME_COLLECT_ELEMENTS]) == 0) {
             throw new \UserReportException ("Missing element sources for download", ERROR_MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER);
+        if (isset($tokenGiven[TOKEN_DOWNLOAD]) && $vars[NAME_SIP] == "0" && count($vars[NAME_COLLECT_ELEMENTS]) > 0) {
+            throw new \UserReportException ("For persistent downloads, sources are not necessary/allowed in the link definition. Instead, please define the sources in QFQ extension setup > file.", ERROR_MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER);
+        }
         if (isset($tokenGiven[TOKEN_ACTION_DELETE])) {
@@ -1107,11 +1106,14 @@ class Link {
             $vars[NAME_EXTRA_CONTENT_WRAP] = str_replace(DOWNLOAD_POPUP_REPLACE_TITLE, 'Download: ' . addslashes($vars[NAME_DOWNLOAD]), $vars[NAME_EXTRA_CONTENT_WRAP]);
-            $tmpUrlParam = array();
-            $tmpUrlParam[DOWNLOAD_MODE] = $this->getDownloadModeNCheck($vars);
-            $tmpUrlParam[DOWNLOAD_EXPORT_FILENAME] = $vars[NAME_DOWNLOAD];
-            $tmpUrlParam[SIP_DOWNLOAD_PARAMETER] = base64_encode(implode(PARAM_DELIMITER, $vars[NAME_COLLECT_ELEMENTS]));
-            $vars[NAME_URL_PARAM] = KeyValueStringParser::unparse($tmpUrlParam, '=', '&');
+            if ($vars[NAME_SIP] == '1' || $vars[NAME_SIP] == '') {
+                // Special encoding only necessary for SIP based downloads.
+                $tmpUrlParam = array();
+                $tmpUrlParam[DOWNLOAD_MODE] = $this->getDownloadModeNCheck($vars);
+                $tmpUrlParam[DOWNLOAD_EXPORT_FILENAME] = $vars[NAME_DOWNLOAD];
+                $tmpUrlParam[SIP_DOWNLOAD_PARAMETER] = base64_encode(implode(PARAM_DELIMITER, $vars[NAME_COLLECT_ELEMENTS]));
+                $vars[NAME_URL_PARAM] = KeyValueStringParser::unparse($tmpUrlParam, '=', '&');
+            }
         // CopyToClipboard
@@ -1655,6 +1657,8 @@ EOF;
      * @param $vars
      * @return array
      * @throws \CodeException
+     * @throws \UserFormException
+     * @throws \UserReportException
     private function buildDownloadLate($vars) {
@@ -1683,6 +1687,11 @@ EOF;
+        // Download links should be by default SIP encoded.
+        if (($vars[NAME_SIP]) === false) {
+            $vars[NAME_SIP] = "1";
+        }
         // No download link! Only text/button
         if ($vars[NAME_RENDER] == '3') {
             return $vars;
@@ -1703,18 +1712,29 @@ EOF;
         $onClick = <<<EOF
            onclick="$('#qfqModalTitle101').text($(this).data('title')); $('#qfqModalText101').text($(this).data('text'));"
-        $vars[NAME_URL] = Path::appToApi(API_DOWNLOAD_PHP);
+        // Check for SIP encoded download link or persistent download link
+        if ($vars[NAME_SIP] == '1') {
+            // SIP encoded.
+            $vars[NAME_URL] = Path::appToApi(API_DOWNLOAD_PHP);
+        } else {
+            // Persistent Download Link
+            if ($vars[NAME_DOWNLOAD] == '') {
+                throw new \UserReportException("Persistent download link (s:0): please specify target key like 'd:1234'", ERROR_MISSING_VALUE);
+            }
+            // Check if there is a shortcut version defined like d:dl.php/123.
+            if (strstr($vars[NAME_DOWNLOAD], '.php/') === false) {
+                // Set the default: API_DOWNLOAD_PHP
+                $vars[NAME_URL] = Path::appToApi(API_DOWNLOAD_PHP) . '/' . $vars[NAME_DOWNLOAD];
+            } else {
+                // Take given shortcut
+                $vars[NAME_URL] = $vars[NAME_DOWNLOAD];
+            }
+        }
         $vars[NAME_EXTRA_CONTENT_WRAP] = '<span ' . $attributes . $onClick . '>';
         $vars[NAME_BOOTSTRAP_BUTTON] = '0';
-        // Download links should be by default SIP encoded.
-        if (($vars[NAME_SIP]) === false) {
-            $vars[NAME_SIP] = "1";
-        }
         return $vars;
diff --git a/extension/Classes/Core/Store/Session.php b/extension/Classes/Core/Store/Session.php
index e444afe5f..c27a38199 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Core/Store/Session.php
+++ b/extension/Classes/Core/Store/Session.php
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ class Session
         if (self::$phpUnit === true) {
             self::$sessionLocal = array();
         } else {
             ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', 1);
             $lifetime = SYSTEM_COOKIE_LIFETIME;
diff --git a/extension/Tests/Unit/Core/Report/LinkTest.php b/extension/Tests/Unit/Core/Report/LinkTest.php
index 523ec6fa3..d30cdaaa1 100644
--- a/extension/Tests/Unit/Core/Report/LinkTest.php
+++ b/extension/Tests/Unit/Core/Report/LinkTest.php
@@ -1506,17 +1506,30 @@ EOF;
         $result = $link->renderLink('d');
+    /**
+     * @expectedException UserReportException
+     *
+     * @throws \CodeException
+     * @throws \UserFormException
+     * @throws \UserReportException
+     */
+    public function testDownloadException1() {
+        $link = new Link($this->sip, DB_INDEX_DEFAULT, true);
+        // Empty
+        $result = $link->renderLink('d|F:file.pdf|F:file2.pdf|s:0');
+    }
      * @throws \CodeException
      * @throws \UserFormException
      * @throws \UserReportException
-    public function testDownload() {
+    public function testDownloadSecureLink() {
         $link = new Link($this->sip, DB_INDEX_DEFAULT, true);
         // Single file
         $result = $link->renderLink('d|F:file.pdf');
-//        $this->assertEquals('<a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/download.php?mode=pdf&_exportFilename=&_b64_download=RjpmaWxlLnBkZg==" class="0" title="Download" ><span class="btn btn-default"  data-toggle="modal" data-target="#qfqModal101" data-title="Download: " data-text="Please wait" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false"            onclick="$(\'#qfqModalTitle101\').text($(this).data(\'title\')); $(\'#qfqModalText101\').text($(this).data(\'text\'));"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-file" ></span></span></a>', $result);
         $this->assertEquals('<a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/download.php?s=badcaffee1234" class="0" title="Download" ><span class="btn btn-default"  data-toggle="modal" data-target="#qfqModal101" data-title="Download: " data-text="Please wait" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false"            onclick="$(\'#qfqModalTitle101\').text($(this).data(\'title\')); $(\'#qfqModalText101\').text($(this).data(\'text\'));"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-file" ></span></span></a>', $result);
         // With download filename
@@ -1577,6 +1590,25 @@ EOF;
+    /**
+     * @throws \CodeException
+     * @throws \UserFormException
+     * @throws \UserReportException
+     */
+    public function testDownloadPersistentLink() {
+        $link = new Link($this->sip, DB_INDEX_DEFAULT, true);
+        Store::setVar(SYSTEM_SQL_DIRECT_DOWNLOAD . 'downloadphp', 'SELECT "d|F:file.pdf"', STORE_SYSTEM);
+        $result = $link->renderLink('d:123|s:0');
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/download.php/123" class="0" title="Download" ><span class="btn btn-default"  data-toggle="modal" data-target="#qfqModal101" data-title="Download: 123" data-text="Please wait" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false"            onclick="$(\'#qfqModalTitle101\').text($(this).data(\'title\')); $(\'#qfqModalText101\').text($(this).data(\'text\'));"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-file" ></span></span></a>', $result);
+        Store::setVar(SYSTEM_SQL_DIRECT_DOWNLOAD . 'dlphp', 'SELECT "d|F:file.pdf"', STORE_SYSTEM);
+        $result = $link->renderLink('d:dl.php/123|s:0');
+        $this->assertEquals('<a href="dl.php/123" class="0" title="Download" ><span class="btn btn-default"  data-toggle="modal" data-target="#qfqModal101" data-title="Download: dl.php/123" data-text="Please wait" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false"            onclick="$(\'#qfqModalTitle101\').text($(this).data(\'title\')); $(\'#qfqModalText101\').text($(this).data(\'text\'));"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-file" ></span></span></a>', $result);
+    }
      * @throws \CodeException
      * @throws \UserFormException
diff --git a/extension/ext_conf_template.txt b/extension/ext_conf_template.txt
index 85c6bcade..888a4d3ce 100644
--- a/extension/ext_conf_template.txt
+++ b/extension/ext_conf_template.txt
@@ -390,11 +390,24 @@ custom30 =
 # cat=file/file; type=string; label=Query for direct download mode. Access via download.php. No default.: SELECT CONCAT('d:output.pdf|F:', n.pathFileName) FROM notiz AS n WHERE AND NOW()<n.expire
 sqlDirectdownloadphp =
+# cat=file/file; type=string; label=Message shown to the user if record isn't found.
+sqlDirectdownloadphperror =
 # cat=file/file; type=string; label=Query for direct download mode. Access via dl.php. No default.: SELECT CONCAT('d:output.pdf|F:', n.pathFileName) FROM notiz AS n WHERE AND NOW()<n.expire
 sqlDirectdlphp =
+# cat=file/file; type=string; label=Message shown to the user if record isn't found.
+sqlDirectdlphperror =
 # cat=file/file; type=string; label=Query for direct download mode. Access via dl2.php. No default.: SELECT CONCAT('d:output.pdf|F:', n.pathFileName) FROM notiz AS n WHERE AND NOW()<n.expire
 sqlDirectdl2php =
+# cat=file/file; type=string; label=Message shown to the user if record isn't found.
+sqlDirectdl2phperror =
 # cat=file/file; type=string; label=Query for direct download mode. Access via dl3.php. No default.: SELECT CONCAT('d:output.pdf|F:', n.pathFileName) FROM notiz AS n WHERE AND NOW()<n.expire
 sqlDirectdl3php =
+# cat=file/file; type=string; label=Message shown to the user if record isn't found.
+sqlDirectdl3phperror =