diff --git a/Documentation/Report.rst b/Documentation/Report.rst
index c17abd4b76aefa61631e582148f70dd158ad016b..5ac16128be9d5a296d72b8dd1eb0a27cf25ca436 100644
--- a/Documentation/Report.rst
+++ b/Documentation/Report.rst
@@ -1611,20 +1611,16 @@ Example::
 Column: _saveZip
-Generated ZIP can be stored directly on the server with this functionality. The link query consists of the following parameters:
+Save generated ZIP locally on the server.
-* One or more element sources (such as ``F:``, ``U:``, ``p:``, see :ref:`download-parameter-files`), including possible wkhtmltopdf parameters
-* Any element sources given with ``F:`` is accepted for insert in zip file.
-* Element sources given with ``U:`` or ``p:`` will first generated as pdf files before they are added to zip. Generated pdf files will be named "file-#.pdf".
+* One or more element sources (such as ``F:``, ``U:``, ``p:``, see :ref:`download-parameter-files`), including possible
+  wkhtmltopdf parameters.
+* Element sources given with ``U:`` or ``p:`` will first generated as pdf files before they are added to ZIP. Generated
+  pdf files will be named "file-#.pdf".
 * The export filename and path as ``d:`` - for security reasons, this path has to start with *fileadmin/* and end with *.zip*.
-* Please note that this option does not render anything in the front end, but is executed each time it is parsed.
-  You may want to add a check to prevent multiple execution.
-* It is not advised to generate the filename with user input for security reasons.
-* If the target file already exists it will be overwriten. To save individual files, choose a new filename,
-  for example by adding a timestamp.
+* If the target file already exists it will be overwritten.
+* This option does not render anything in the front end, but is executed each time it is parsed!
+  Add a check to prevent unnecessary execution.