From cf88c24a4d8cfdaa31ac603c895303db5d0b7554 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: crose <>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 16:32:33 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Make REST PUT/POST aware of FE Elements, not submitted via

 extension/Documentation/Manual.rst            | 322 ++++++++++--------
 extension/Source/core/Constants.php           |   2 +-
 extension/Source/core/QuickFormQuery.php      |  55 +--
 extension/Source/core/Save.php                |   8 +-
 extension/Source/core/store/FillStoreForm.php |   9 +-
 extension/Source/sql/formEditor.sql           |  13 +-
 6 files changed, 232 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
index 9a9a6236e..f97d0cca5 100644
--- a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
+++ b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
@@ -9,12 +9,16 @@
 .. --------------------------------------------------
 .. Best Practice T3 reST
-.. External Links: `Bootstrap <>`_:
+.. External Links: `Bootstrap <>`_
 .. Add Images: ...
 .. Admonitions (
 ..       .. note::    .. important::     .. tip::      .. warning::
+.. Definition:
+.. some text becomes strong (only one line)
+..      description has to indented
 .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM.
@@ -7416,6 +7420,182 @@ last used (STORE_USER) or (first time call during browser session) takes the def
       tail = </div><p></p>
+.. _`rest`:
+Via `REST`_ it's possible to access the QFQ based
+application. Each REST API endpoint has to be defined as a QFQ Form. The QFQ REST api implements the
+four most used REST HTTP methods:
+GET - Read
+    Shows a list of database records or a single record. The QFQ form holds the definition which and what to show.
+    List: ``curl -X GET "http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person/``
+    Record with id=123: ``curl -X GET "http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person/123``
+POST - Create new record
+    The QFQ form defines wich columns will be written in which table. Most of QFQ Form functionality can be used. Example:
+    ``curl -X POST "http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person/" -d '{"name":"Miller","firstname":"Joe"}'``
+PUT - Update a record
+    Similar to POST, but a given record will be updated.
+    ``curl -X PUT "http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person/123" -d '{"name":"Miller","firstname":"Joe"}'``
+DELETE - Delete a record
+    Similar to a QFQ Delete form.
+    ``curl -X DELETE "http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person/123"``
+All data is exported in JSON notation.
+To define a QFQ form becomes a REST form by enable one or more of:
+Form: Access > Permit REST: get / insert / update / delete
+.. tip::
+    The basic REST API endpoint: ``<domain>/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/``
+    ``<domain>/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/<level1>/<id1>/<level2>/<id2>/.../?<var1>=<value1>&...``
+Append level names and ids after `.../rest.php/`, each separated by '/' .
+1. List of all persons: `<domain>/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person`
+2. Data of person 123: `<domain>/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person/123`
+3. Adresses of person 123: `<domain>/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person/123/address`
+4. Adress details of address 45 from person 123: `<domain>/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person/123/address/45`
+QFQ 'Forms' are used as a 'container' (to define all details).
+.. tip::
+    The QFQ ``form name`` represents  the level name.
+Only the last <level> of an URI will be processed. The former ones are just to fulfil a good looking REST API.
+.. note::
+    Each level name (=form name) is available via STORE_CLIENT and name `_formX`. E.g. in example
+    (1) `{{_form1:C:alnumx}}=person` and `{{_form2:C:alnumx}}=address`.
+    Each level id is available via STORE_CLIENT and name `_idX`. E.g. in example
+    (2) `{{_id1:C}}=123` and `{{_id2:C}}=45`.
+    Also the `id` after the last `level` in the URI path, 123 in example (2) and 45 in example (4), is copied to
+    variable `r` in STORE_TYPO3, access it via `{{r:T}}`.
+GET - Read
+A REST (GET) form has two modes: ::
+    Specific content to a given id. Defined via 'form.parameter.restSqlData'. This mode is selected if there is an
+    id>0 given.
+    A list of records will be exported.  Defined via 'form.parameter.restSqlList'. This mode is selected if there is no
+    id or id=0.
+There are  *no* FormElements.
+To simplify access to id parameter of the URI, a mapping is possible via 'form.parameter.restParam'.
+E.g. `restParam=pId,adrId` with example d) makes `{{pId:C}}=123` and `{{adrId:C}}=45`. The order of variable
+names corresponds to the position in the URI. `_id1` is always mapped to the first parameter name, `_id2` to
+the second one and so on.
+GET Variables provided via URL are available via STORE_CLIENT as usual.
+| Attribute         | Description                                                                  |
+| name=<level>      | Level name in URI                                                            |
+| permitNew=rest    | The form can be loaded in REST mode with mising parameter 'id' or 'id=0'     |
+| permitEdit=rest   | The form can be loaded in REST mode with parameter 'id' > 0                  |
+| Attribute         | Description                                                                  |
+| restSqlData       | SQL query selects content shown in data mode.                                |
+|                   | `restSqlData={{!SELECT id, name, gender FROM Person WHERE id='{{r:T0}}'' }}` |
+| restSqlList       | SQL query selects content shown in data mode.                                |
+|                   | `restSqlData={{!SELECT id, name FROM Person }}`                              |
+| restParam         | Optional. CSV list of variable names. E.g.: `restParam=pId,adrId`            |
+| restToken         | Optional. User defined string. For dynamic token see below.                  |
+.. note:
+    There are no `special-column-names`_ available in `restSqlData` or `restSqlList`. Also there are no
+    SIPs possible, cause REST typically does not offer sessions/cookies (which are necessary for SIPs).
+By default, the REST API is public accessible.
+If this is not wished, HTTP AUTH might be used (configured via webserver) or the
+QFQ internal 'HTTP header token based authorization'.
+Token based authorization
+A form will require a 'token based authorization', as soon as there is a `form.parameter.restToken` defined.
+Therefore the HTTP Header 'Authorization' has to be set with `token=<secret token>`. The 'secret token' will
+be checked against the server. Using HTTPS, such token can't be sniffed and will typically not be logged in
+any server logs.
+Example: ::
+  form.parameter.restToken=myCrypticString0123456789
+  Test via commandline: curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token token=myCrypticString0123456789' "http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person/123/address/"
+The static setup with `form.parameter.restToken=myCrypticString0123456789 is fine, as long as only one token
+exist. In case of multiple tokens, replace the static string against a SQL query.
+General: The HTML Header Authorization token is available in STORE_CLIENT via '`{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}`.
+For example all created tokens are saved in a table 'Auth' with a column 'token'. Define: ::
+  form.parameter.restToken={{SELECT a.token FROM Auth AS a WHERE a.token='{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}' }}
+To restrict access to a subset of data, just save the limitations inside the Auth record and update the query
+to check it:
+.. code-block:: pmysql
+  form.parameter.restToken={{SELECT a.token FROM Auth AS a WHERE a.token='{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}'}}
+  form.parameter.restSqlList={{!SELECT,, FROM Person AS p, Auth AS a WHERE a.token='{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}' AND a.attribute=p.attribute}}
+  form.parameter.restSqlData={{!SELECT p.* FROM Person AS p, Auth AS a WHERE a.token='{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}' AND a.attribute=p.attribute AND'{{r:T0}}' }}
+If authorization is denied, the request will be answered with a delay of 3 seconds (configured via securityFailedAuthDelay).
 .. _`system`:
@@ -7605,146 +7785,6 @@ AutoCron / website: HTTPS protocol
   This is useful if there is a general 'HTTP >> HTTPS' redirection configured and the website is accessed via `https://localhost/...`
-.. _`rest`:
-QFQ offers an API endpoint for GET (and later POST,PUT,DELETE) operations. ::
-  <domain>/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/<level1>/<id1>/<level2>/<id2>/.../?<var1>=<value1>&...
-Append level names and ids after `rest.php/...`, separated by '/' each.
-1. List of all persons: `<domain>/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person`
-2. Data of person 123: `<domain>/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person/123`
-3. Adresses of person 123: `<domain>/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person/123/address`
-4. Adress details of address 45 from person 123: `<domain>/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person/123/address/45`
-QFQ 'Forms' are used as a 'container' to configure all necessary export/import details per 'level'.
-Each 'level' is represented by a QFQ Form.
-Only the last <level> of an URI will be processed. The former ones are just to fulfil a good looking REST API.
-.. note::
-    The level name is the QFQ form name.
-Each level name (=form name) is available via STORE_CLIENT and name `_formX`. E.g. in example
-(1) `{{_form1:C:alnumx}}=person` and `{{_form2:C:alnumx}}=address`.
-Each level id is available via STORE_CLIENT and name `_idX`. E.g. in example
-(2) `{{_id1:C}}=123` and `{{_id2:C}}=45`.
-Also the `id` after the last `level` in the URI path, 123 in example (2) and 45 in example (4), is copied to
-variable `r` in STORE_TYPO3, access it via `{{r:T}}`.
-Export (GET)
-All data is exported in JSON notation.
-A REST (GET) form has two modes: ::
-    Specific content to a given id. Defined via 'form.parameter.restSqlData'. This mode is selected if there is an
-    id>0 given.
-    A list of records will be exported.  Defined via 'form.parameter.restSqlList'. This mode is selected if there is no
-    id or id=0.
-There are  *no* FormElements.
-To simplify access to id parameter of the URI, a mapping is possible via 'form.parameter.restParam'.
-E.g. `restParam=pId,adrId` with example d) makes `{{pId:C}}=123` and `{{adrId:C}}=45`. The order of variable
-names corresponds to the position in the URI. `_id1` is always mapped to the first parameter name, `_id2` to
-the second one and so on.
-GET Variables provided via URL are available via STORE_CLIENT as usual.
-| Attribute         | Description                                                                  |
-| name=<level>      | Level name in URI                                                            |
-| permitNew=rest    | The form can be loaded in REST mode with mising parameter 'id' or 'id=0'     |
-| permitEdit=rest   | The form can be loaded in REST mode with parameter 'id' > 0                  |
-| Attribute         | Description                                                                  |
-| restSqlData       | SQL query selects content shown in data mode.                                |
-|                   | `restSqlData={{!SELECT id, name, gender FROM Person WHERE id='{{r:T0}}'' }}` |
-| restSqlList       | SQL query selects content shown in data mode.                                |
-|                   | `restSqlData={{!SELECT id, name FROM Person }}`                              |
-| restParam         | Optional. CSV list of variable names. E.g.: `restParam=pId,adrId`            |
-| restToken         | Optional. User defined string. For dynamic token see below.                  |
-.. note:
-    There are no `special-column-names`_ available in `restSqlData` or `restSqlList`. Also there are no
-    SIPs possible, cause REST typically does not offer sessions/cookies (which are necessary for SIPs).
-By default, the REST API is public accessible.
-If this is not wished, HTTP AUTH might be used (configured via webserver) or the
-QFQ internal 'HTTP header token based authorization'.
-Token based authorization
-A form will require a 'token based authorization', as soon as there is a `form.parameter.restToken` defined.
-Therefore the HTTP Header 'Authorization' has to be set with `token=<secret token>`. The 'secret token' will
-be checked against the server. Using HTTPS, such token can't be sniffed and will typically not be logged in
-any server logs.
-Example: ::
-  form.parameter.restToken=myCrypticString0123456789
-  Test via commandline: curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token token=myCrypticString0123456789' "http://localhost/qfq/typo3conf/ext/qfq/Source/api/rest.php/person/123/address/"
-The static setup with `form.parameter.restToken=myCrypticString0123456789 is fine, as long as only one token
-exist. In case of multiple tokens, replace the static string against a SQL query.
-General: The HTML Header Authorization token is available in STORE_CLIENT via '`{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}`.
-For example all created tokens are saved in a table 'Auth' with a column 'token'. Define: ::
-  form.parameter.restToken={{SELECT a.token FROM Auth AS a WHERE a.token='{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}' }}
-To restrict access to a subset of data, just save the limitations inside the Auth record and update the query
-to check it:
-.. code-block:: pmysql
-  form.parameter.restToken={{SELECT a.token FROM Auth AS a WHERE a.token='{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}'}}
-  form.parameter.restSqlList={{!SELECT,, FROM Person AS p, Auth AS a WHERE a.token='{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}' AND a.attribute=p.attribute}}
-  form.parameter.restSqlData={{!SELECT p.* FROM Person AS p, Auth AS a WHERE a.token='{{Authorization:C:alnumx}}' AND a.attribute=p.attribute AND'{{r:T0}}' }}
-If authorization is denied, the request will be answered with a delay of 3 seconds (configured via securityFailedAuthDelay).
 .. _applicationTest:
 Application Test
diff --git a/extension/Source/core/Constants.php b/extension/Source/core/Constants.php
index aebdfb739..3f8c29427 100644
--- a/extension/Source/core/Constants.php
+++ b/extension/Source/core/Constants.php
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ const SQL_FORM_ELEMENT_BY_ID = "SELECT * FROM FormElement AS fe WHERE = ?"
 const SQL_FORM_ELEMENT_RAW = "SELECT * FROM FormElement AS fe WHERE fe.formId = ? AND fe.deleted = 'no' AND fe.enabled='yes' ORDER BY fe.ord,";
 const SQL_FORM_ELEMENT_SPECIFIC_CONTAINER = "SELECT *, ? AS 'nestedInFieldSet' FROM FormElement AS fe WHERE fe.formId = ? AND fe.deleted = 'no' AND FIND_IN_SET(fe.class, ? ) AND fe.feIdContainer = ? AND fe.enabled='yes' ORDER BY fe.ord,";
 const SQL_FORM_ELEMENT_ALL_CONTAINER = "SELECT *, ? AS 'nestedInFieldSet' FROM FormElement AS fe WHERE fe.formId = ? AND fe.deleted = 'no' AND FIND_IN_SET(fe.class, ? ) AND fe.enabled='yes' ORDER BY fe.ord,";
-const SQL_FORM_ELEMENT_SIMPLE_ALL_CONTAINER = "SELECT, fe.feIdContainer,, fe.label, fe.type, fe.encode, fe.checkType, fe.checkPattern, fe.mode, fe.modeSql, fe.parameter, fe.dynamicUpdate FROM FormElement AS fe, Form AS f WHERE = ? AND = fe.formId AND fe.deleted = 'no' AND fe.class = 'native' AND fe.enabled='yes' ORDER BY fe.ord,";
+const SQL_FORM_ELEMENT_SIMPLE_ALL_CONTAINER = "SELECT, fe.feIdContainer,, fe.value, fe.label, fe.type, fe.encode, fe.checkType, fe.checkPattern, fe.mode, fe.modeSql, fe.parameter, fe.dynamicUpdate FROM FormElement AS fe, Form AS f WHERE = ? AND = fe.formId AND fe.deleted = 'no' AND fe.class = 'native' AND fe.enabled='yes' ORDER BY fe.ord,";
 const SQL_FORM_ELEMENT_CONTAINER_TEMPLATE_GROUP = "SELECT,, fe.label, fe.maxLength, fe.parameter FROM FormElement AS fe, Form AS f WHERE = ? AND = fe.formId AND fe.deleted = 'no' AND fe.class = 'container' AND fe.type='templateGroup' AND fe.enabled='yes' ORDER BY fe.ord,";
 const SQL_FORM_ELEMENT_TEMPLATE_GROUP_FE_ID = "SELECT * FROM FormElement AS fe WHERE = ? AND fe.deleted = 'no' AND fe.class = 'container' AND fe.type='templateGroup' AND fe.enabled='yes' ";
 //const SQL_FORM_ELEMENT_NATIVE_TG_COUNT = "SELECT fe.*, IFNULL(feTg.maxLength,0) AS _tgCopies FROM FormElement AS fe LEFT JOIN FormElement AS feTg ON AND feTg.deleted = 'no' AND feTg.class = 'container' AND feTg.type='templateGroup' AND feTg.enabled='yes' WHERE fe.formId = ? AND fe.deleted = 'no' AND fe.class = 'native' AND fe.enabled='yes'";
diff --git a/extension/Source/core/QuickFormQuery.php b/extension/Source/core/QuickFormQuery.php
index d9636c2b1..c9654862d 100644
--- a/extension/Source/core/QuickFormQuery.php
+++ b/extension/Source/core/QuickFormQuery.php
@@ -1454,31 +1454,6 @@ class QuickFormQuery {
-        switch ($permitMode) {
-            case  FORM_PERMISSION_SIP:
-                if (!$sipFound || $formNameFoundInStore !== STORE_SIP || $recordIdFoundInStore !== STORE_SIP) {
-                    throw new UserFormException("SIP Parameter needed for this form.", ERROR_SIP_NEEDED_FOR_THIS_FORM);
-                }
-                break;
-            case  FORM_PERMISSION_LOGGED_IN:
-                if (!$feUserLoggedIn) {
-                    throw new UserFormException("User not logged in.", ERROR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN);
-                }
-                break;
-                if ($feUserLoggedIn) {
-                    throw new UserFormException("User logged in.", ERROR_USER_LOGGED_IN);
-                }
-                break;
-            case FORM_PERMISSION_ALWAYS:
-                break;
-            case FORM_PERMISSION_NEVER:
-                throw new UserFormException("Loading form forbidden.", ERROR_FORM_FORBIDDEN);
-                break;
-            default:
-                throw new CodeException("Unknown permission mode: '" . $permitMode . "'", ERROR_FORM_UNKNOWN_PERMISSION_MODE);
-        }
         if ($formMode == FORM_REST) {
             $method = $this->store::getVar(CLIENT_REQUEST_METHOD, STORE_CLIENT);
@@ -1501,6 +1476,33 @@ class QuickFormQuery {
                     throw new CodeException('Unknown Request Method: ' . $method, ERROR_UNKNOWN_MODE);
+        } else {
+            switch ($permitMode) {
+                case  FORM_PERMISSION_SIP:
+                    if (!$sipFound || $formNameFoundInStore !== STORE_SIP || $recordIdFoundInStore !== STORE_SIP) {
+                        throw new UserFormException("SIP Parameter needed for this form.", ERROR_SIP_NEEDED_FOR_THIS_FORM);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case  FORM_PERMISSION_LOGGED_IN:
+                    if (!$feUserLoggedIn) {
+                        throw new UserFormException("User not logged in.", ERROR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case FORM_PERMISSION_LOGGED_OUT:
+                    if ($feUserLoggedIn) {
+                        throw new UserFormException("User logged in.", ERROR_USER_LOGGED_IN);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case FORM_PERMISSION_ALWAYS:
+                    break;
+                case FORM_PERMISSION_NEVER:
+                    throw new UserFormException("Loading form forbidden.", ERROR_FORM_FORBIDDEN);
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    throw new CodeException("Unknown permission mode: '" . $permitMode . "'", ERROR_FORM_UNKNOWN_PERMISSION_MODE);
+            }
         // Form Definition valid?
@@ -1512,7 +1514,8 @@ class QuickFormQuery {
             return $sipFound;
         $sipArray = $this->store->getStore(STORE_SIP);
-// Check: requiredParameter: '' or 'form' or 'form,grId' or 'form #formname for form,grId'
+        // Check: requiredParameter: '' or 'form' or 'form,grId' or 'form #formname for form,grId'
         $requiredParameter = ($r > 0) ? $this->formSpec[F_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_EDIT] : $this->formSpec[F_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_NEW];
         if (trim($requiredParameter) == '') {
diff --git a/extension/Source/core/Save.php b/extension/Source/core/Save.php
index f0b2504be..0bac39945 100644
--- a/extension/Source/core/Save.php
+++ b/extension/Source/core/Save.php
@@ -936,10 +936,10 @@ class Save {
-        $fileDestinationSplit = $this->evaluate->parse($formElement[FE_FILE_DESTINATION_SPLIT]);
-        $fileSplitType = $this->evaluate->parse($formElement[FE_FILE_SPLIT]);
-        $fileSplitTypeOptions = $this->evaluate->parse($formElement[FE_FILE_SPLIT_OPTIONS]);
-        $fileSplitTableName = $this->evaluate->parse($formElement[FE_FILE_SPLIT_TABLE_NAME]);
+        $fileDestinationSplit = $this->evaluate->parse($formElement[FE_FILE_DESTINATION_SPLIT]??'');
+        $fileSplitType = $this->evaluate->parse($formElement[FE_FILE_SPLIT]??'');
+        $fileSplitTypeOptions = $this->evaluate->parse($formElement[FE_FILE_SPLIT_OPTIONS]??'');
+        $fileSplitTableName = $this->evaluate->parse($formElement[FE_FILE_SPLIT_TABLE_NAME]??'');
         if (empty($fileSplitTableName)) {
             $fileSplitTableName = $this->formSpec[F_TABLE_NAME];
diff --git a/extension/Source/core/store/FillStoreForm.php b/extension/Source/core/store/FillStoreForm.php
index 5426cfed4..606dbc6fd 100644
--- a/extension/Source/core/store/FillStoreForm.php
+++ b/extension/Source/core/store/FillStoreForm.php
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ class FillStoreForm {
                     throw new CodeException("Missing the " . FE_TYPE_EXTRA . " field '" . $formElement[FE_NAME] . "' in SIP.", ERROR_MISSING_HIDDEN_FIELD_IN_SIP);
-                $newValues[$formElement[FE_NAME]] = $sipValues[$formElement[FE_NAME]];
+                $newValues[$formElement[FE_NAME]] = $sipValues[$formElement[FE_NAME]] ?? '';
@@ -276,6 +276,13 @@ class FillStoreForm {
 //                }
 //            }
+            // FORM_REST: typically form elements are filled and created on form load. This does not exist for REST Forms.
+            // If a FE.value is defined, this has precedence over client supplied content.
+            if ($formMode == FORM_REST && $formElement[FE_VALUE]!='') {
+                $clientValues[$clientFieldName] = $this->evaluate->parse($formElement[FE_VALUE]);
+            }
             // copy value to $newValues
             if (isset($clientValues[$clientFieldName])) {
diff --git a/extension/Source/sql/formEditor.sql b/extension/Source/sql/formEditor.sql
index fe3ec40c8..0b252e6cc 100644
--- a/extension/Source/sql/formEditor.sql
+++ b/extension/Source/sql/formEditor.sql
@@ -262,18 +262,23 @@ VALUES
   (1, 'permitEdit', 'Permit Edit', 'show', 'radio', 'all', 'native', 360, 0, 10,
    '<a href="{{documentation:Y}}#form-permitnewedit">Info</a>', '', '', '', 'buttonClass=btn-default', 4, '', '', '',
    'specialchar', 'no', ''),
-  (1, 'escapeTypeDefault', 'Escape type default', 'show', 'radio', 'all', 'native', 370, 0, 10,
+  (1, 'prestMethod', 'Permit REST', 'show', 'checkbox', 'all', 'native', 370, 0, 10,
+   '<a href="{{documentation:Y}}#rest">Info</a>', '', '', '', 'buttonClass=btn-default\nitemList=get,post:insert,put:update,delete', 4, '', '', '',
+   'specialchar', 'no', ''),
+  (1, 'escapeTypeDefault', 'Escape type default', 'show', 'radio', 'all', 'native', 380, 0, 10,
    '<a href="{{documentation:Y}}#variable-escape">Info</a>', '', '', '',
    'itemList=c:config,s:single,d:double,l:ldap search,L:ldap value,m:mysql realEscapeString,-:none\nbuttonClass=btn-default',
    4, '', '', '', 'specialchar', 'no', ''),
-  (1, 'dirtyMode', 'Record Locking', 'show', 'radio', 'all', 'native', 380, 0, 10,
+  (1, 'dirtyMode', 'Record Locking', 'show', 'radio', 'all', 'native', 390, 0, 10,
    '<a href="{{documentation:Y}}#locking-record">Info</a>', '', '', '',
    'buttonClass=btn-default', 4, '', '', '', 'specialchar', 'no', ''),
-  (1, 'recordLockTimeoutSeconds', 'Lock timeout (seconds)', 'show', 'text', 'all', 'native', 390, 0, 0,
+  (1, 'recordLockTimeoutSeconds', 'Lock timeout (seconds)', 'show', 'text', 'all', 'native', 400, 0, 0,
    '<a href="{{documentation:Y}}#locking-record">Info</a>', '',
    '{{SELECT IF("{{recordLockTimeoutSeconds:R0}}"=0,"{{recordLockTimeoutSeconds:Y0}}","{{recordLockTimeoutSeconds:R0}}")}}',
    '', '', 4, '', '', '', 'specialchar', 'no', ''),
-  (1, 'primaryKey', 'Primary Key', 'show', 'text', 'all', 'native', 400, 0, 0,
+  (1, 'primaryKey', 'Primary Key', 'show', 'text', 'all', 'native', 410, 0, 0,
    '<a href="{{documentation:Y}}#form-primary-key">Info</a>', '', '', '', '', 4, '', '', 'id', 'specialchar', 'no', ''),
   # Multi