From ce0045c5890093bf858879320c97de6c94ada66b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: enured <>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 13:24:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] F9052: New feature implemented with js to edit content
 records in front end. Now a separate window will be shown for every content
 record to edit it. Extern edit window stays open until it will be closed.
 After refreshing main window changes are shown.

 extension/Classes/Core/QuickFormQuery.php | 12 ++--
 javascript/src/Helper/codemirror.js       | 88 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extension/Classes/Core/QuickFormQuery.php b/extension/Classes/Core/QuickFormQuery.php
index cf12b7d02..c011804bc 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Core/QuickFormQuery.php
+++ b/extension/Classes/Core/QuickFormQuery.php
@@ -1694,9 +1694,9 @@ class QuickFormQuery {
         if ($uid === null) {
             return '';
-        $icon = Support::renderGlyphIcon(GLYPH_ICON_TASKS);
+        $icon = Support::renderGlyphIcon(GLYPH_ICON_EDIT);
         $showFormJs = '$("#tt-content-edit-' . $uid . '").toggleClass("hidden")';
-        $toggleBtn = Support::wrapTag("<a href='#' onclick='$showFormJs' style='float:right;'>", $icon);
+        $toggleBtn = Support::wrapTag("<a href='#' class='targetEditReport btn-xs btn-default' onclick='$showFormJs' style='float:right;'>", $icon);
         $saveBtnAttributes = Support::doAttribute('class', 'btn btn-default') .
             Support::doAttribute('id', "tt-content-save-$uid") .
@@ -1709,10 +1709,14 @@ class QuickFormQuery {
         $headerBar = Support::wrapTag("<div class='col-md-12 qfq-form-title'>", $header . $saveBtn);
         $ttContentCode = Support::htmlEntityEncodeDecode(MODE_ENCODE, $bodytext);
-        $codeBoxAttributes = Support::doAttribute('style', "width:100%;") .
+        $json = json_encode(array('mode'=>'text/x-sql','lineNumbers'=>true,'lineWrapping'=>true), JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
+        $codeBoxAttributes =  Support::doAttribute('style', "width:100%;") .
             Support::doAttribute('id', "tt-content-code-$uid") .
+            Support::doAttribute('name', REPORT_INLINE_BODYTEXT) .
+            Support::doAttribute('class', 'qfq-codemirror') .
             Support::doAttribute('rows', 20) .
-            Support::doAttribute('name', REPORT_INLINE_BODYTEXT);
+            Support::doAttribute('data-config', $json, true);
         $codeBox = Support::wrapTag("<textarea $codeBoxAttributes>", $ttContentCode);
         $form = join(' ', [$headerBar, $codeBox]);
diff --git a/javascript/src/Helper/codemirror.js b/javascript/src/Helper/codemirror.js
index bdbd06864..ea4cee8b9 100644
--- a/javascript/src/Helper/codemirror.js
+++ b/javascript/src/Helper/codemirror.js
@@ -64,4 +64,90 @@ QfqNS.Helper = QfqNS.Helper || {};
     n.codemirror = codemirror;
\ No newline at end of file
+// Seperate js to force codemirror for reports in frontend. No Form needed with this.
+    var externWindow = $(".externWindow");
+    var targetEditReportButton = $(".targetEditReport");
+    var htmlContent = $('');
+    // select all edit buttons from content records and remove onclick attribute to prevent showing content in primary window if clicked. onclick attribute is not removed in php to have the opportunity for old way of editing in front end.
+    if(targetEditReportButton !== undefined) {
+        for(var i = 0; targetEditReportButton.length > i; i++) {
+            var currentTarget = targetEditReportButton[i];
+            $(currentTarget).removeAttr("onclick");
+        }
+    }
+    // We prepare the content for extern window and show it. Only if onclick doesn't exist. Compatibility for old way is given this way.
+    $(targetEditReportButton).click(function() {
+        if(!$(this).is("[onclick]")){
+            var formContent = $($(this).next()[0].outerHTML);
+            showHtmlEditor(formContent);
+        }
+    });
+    //function to show editor window
+    function showHtmlEditor(formContent) {
+        $(formContent[0]).removeAttr("class");
+        $(formContent[0]).addClass("externWindow");
+        var idNameForWindow = $(formContent[0]).attr('id');
+        htmlContent = $("head").html() + $(formContent)[0].outerHTML;
+        newWindow(idNameForWindow);
+    }
+    // function to create new window with given content for editing
+    function newWindow(windowName) {
+        var w ='',windowName, 'width=900,height=700');
+        w.document.write(htmlContent);
+        w.document.close();
+    }
+    // Show same content editor with refreshed data again after save. Control it with the given get parameter. First fetch only needed html content again (form) and open it in same window.
+    var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
+    var ttContentParam = urlParams.get('tt-content');
+    if(ttContentParam !== null && $(targetEditReportButton).next("#"+ttContentParam)[0] !== undefined){
+        var formContent = $($(targetEditReportButton).next("#"+ttContentParam)[0].outerHTML);
+       showHtmlEditor(formContent);
+    }
+    // execute changes(post) and reload page with id of tt-content as get parameter. Staying in same window with new content.
+    $(externWindow).submit(function() {
+        $.post($(externWindow).attr('action'),$(externWindow).serializeArray());
+        alert("Changes have been saved. Reload your primary window after that.");
+        if( !== '?'+"tt-content="+$('form').attr('id')){
+            window.location.href += "?"+"tt-content="+$('form').attr('id');
+        }
+        return false;
+    });
+    // enable CodeMirror for extern window
+    $(externWindow).children("[class=qfq-codemirror]").each(
+        function () {
+            var config = {};
+            var $this = $(this);
+            var configData = $'config');
+            if (configData) {
+                if (configData instanceof Object) {
+                    // jQuery takes care of decoding data-config to JavaScript object.
+                    config = configData;
+                } else {
+                    QfqNS.Log.warning("'data-config' is invalid: " + configData);
+                }
+            }
+            var cm = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this, configData);
+            cm.on('change', (function ($form, $textArea) {
+                return function (instance, changeObj) {
+                    $textArea.val(instance.getValue());
+                    $form.change();
+                };
+            })($(this).closest('form'), $this));
+            // This added class is needed to not fire the script more than once
+            $(this).addClass("cm-done");
+            // For the extern window we use the whole place to show CodeMirror
+            $(this).next().css('height','100%');
+        }
+    );
\ No newline at end of file