diff --git a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
index 617ff798e8cef72aa5fa0621dd0e1154ea0a01b8..f3f5edc8bb158d5e24c98d112a9ed85e161f14cc 100644
--- a/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
+++ b/extension/Documentation/Manual.rst
@@ -38,24 +38,25 @@ To normalize UTF8 input, the *php5-intl* resp. *php7.0-intl* package is needed b
 * normalizer::normalize()
+For the `download`_ function, the program `pdftk` is necessary to concatenate PDF files.
 Preparation for Ubuntu 14.04::
-	sudo apt-get install php5-mysqlnd php5-intl
+	sudo apt-get install php5-mysqlnd php5-intl pdftk
 	sudo php5enmod mysqlnd
 	sudo service apache2 restart
 Preparation steps for Ubuntu 16.04::
-	sudo apt install php7.0-intl
+	sudo apt install php7.0-intl pdftk
-wkhtmltopdf: print page / convert HTML to PDF
-Different browser prints the same page in different variations. To prevent this, QFQ implements a small PHP wrapper `print.php`
-which uses http://wkhtmltopdf.org/ (webkit based) to convert HTML to PDF. The converter is also during `download`_ to
-convert HTML to PDF. The converter is not included in QFQ and has to be manually installed.
+`wkhtmltopdf`  http://wkhtmltopdf.org/ will be used by QFQ to offer 'website print' and 'HTML to PDF' conversion.
+The converter is not included in QFQ and has to be manually installed.
 * The Ubuntu package `wkhtmltopdf` needs a running Xserver - this does not work on a headless webserver. Best is to
    install the QT version from the named website above.
 * FE_GROUP protected pages/tt-content are not accessible via `wkhtmltopdf`.
@@ -66,6 +67,17 @@ In `config-qfq-ini`_ specify the:
 * installed `wkhtmltopdf` binary,
 * the site base URL.
+HTML to PDF conversion
+`wkhtmltopdf` converts a website (local or remote) to a (multi)-page PDF file. It's mainly used in `download`_.
+Different browser prints the same page in different variations. To prevent this, QFQ implements a small PHP wrapper
+`print.php` with `wkhtmltopdf` in behind.
 Provide a `print this page`-link (replace {current pageId})::
 	<a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/qfq/api/print.php?id={current pageId}">Print this page</a>
@@ -76,7 +88,7 @@ Typoscript code to implement a print link on every page::
 	10 = TEXT
 	10 {
-		wrap = <a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/qfq/api/print.php?id=|&type=2"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-print" aria-hidden="true"></span> Printview</a>
+		wrap = <a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/qfq/api/print.php?id=...|&type=2"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-print" aria-hidden="true"></span> Printview</a>
 		data = page:uid
@@ -1235,10 +1247,7 @@ Such variant might be called via SIP. The following shows the same *Form* in the
 	10.sql = SELECT CONCAT('from&form=person&r=', p.id) as _Pagee, CONCAT('from&form=person&formModeGlobal=readonly&r=', p.id) as _Pagee FROM Person AS p
@@ -3321,7 +3330,7 @@ Column: _link
 |   |   |SIP           |s[:0|1]                            |s, s:0, s:1                |If 's' or 's:1' a SIP entry is generated with all non Typo 3 Parameters. The URL contains only parameter 's' and Typo 3 parameter       |
-|   |   |Mode          |M:file|pdf|excel|zip               |M:file, M:pdf, M:excel     |Mode. Used to specify type of download. One or more element sources needs to be configured. See `download`_.                            |
+|   |   |Mode          |M:file|pdf|zip                     |M:file, M:pdf, M:zip       |Mode. Used to specify type of download. One or more element sources needs to be configured. See `download`_.                            |
 |   |   |File          |f:<filename>                       |f:fileadmin/file.pdf       |Element source for download mode file|pdf|zip. See `download`_.                                                                         |
@@ -3453,7 +3462,6 @@ Download offers:
 * download a single file (any type),
 * concatenate several files (uploaded) and/or web pages (=HTML to PDF) into one PDF output file,
-* create an `excel` export (based on a Typo3 page which creates XML output),
 * create a ZIP archive, filled with several files ('uploaded' or 'HTML to PDF'-converted).
 The downloads are SIP protected. Only the current user can use the link to download files.
@@ -3461,11 +3469,11 @@ The downloads are SIP protected. Only the current user can use the link to downl
 By using the `_link` columnname:
 * the option `d:...` initiate creating the download link and optional specifies an export filename,
-* the optional `M:...` (Mode) specifies the export type (file, pdf, excel, zip),
+* the optional `M:...` (Mode) specifies the export type (file, pdf, zip),
 * setting `s:1` is mandatory for the download function,
 * the alttext `a:...` specifies a message in the dowload popup.
-By using `_pdf`,  `_Pdf`, `_file`, `_File`, `_excel`, `_Excel`, `_zip`, `_Zip` as columnname the options `d`, `m` and `s`
+By using `_pdf`,  `_Pdf`, `_file`, `_File`, `_zip`, `_Zip` as columnname the options `d`, `m` and `s`
 will be set by automatically.
 All files will be read by PHP - therefore the directory might be protected against direct web access. This way is the
@@ -3495,14 +3503,13 @@ Parameter and (element) sources
 * *mode*: `m:<mode>`
-  * *mode* = <file | pdf | excel | zip> - This parameter is optional and can be skipped in most situations. Mandatory
-    for 'excel', 'zip'.
+  * *mode* = <file | pdf | zip> - This parameter is optional and can be skipped in most situations. Mandatory
+    for 'zip'.
       * If `m:file`, the mimetype is derived dynamically from the specified file. In this mode, only one element source
         is allowed per download link (no concatenation).
       * In case of multiple element sources, only `pdf` or `zip` is supported.
-      * `m:excel` is not implemented now.
       * If `m:zip` is used together with `U:...` oder `u:..`, those HTML pages will be converted to PDF. Those files
         get generic filenames inside the archive.
       * If not specified, the **default** depends on the number of specified element sources (=file or web page).
@@ -3552,6 +3559,24 @@ Example: ::
+Export area
+To offer protected pages, e.g. referenced in download links, the regular FE_GROUPs can't be used, cause the download does
+not have the current user privileges (it's a separate process, started as the webserver user).
+Create a separated export tree in Typo3 Backend, which is IP access restricted. Only localhost or the FE_GROUP 'admin'
+is allowed to access: ::
+   [IP = {$tmp.restrictedIPRange} ][usergroup = admin]
+      page.10 < styles.content.get
+   [else]
+      page.10 = TEXT
+      page.10.value = Please access from localhost or log in as 'admin' user.
+   [global]
 Columns: _page[X]