diff --git a/Documentation/Manual.rst b/Documentation/Manual.rst
index a95ee28adc8aa9bc0b4dcb6d6ab54cbcf1ff1879..9cfe205f393a4da88b0c654f3e8a355bcc66b72d 100644
--- a/Documentation/Manual.rst
+++ b/Documentation/Manual.rst
@@ -127,6 +127,14 @@ If there are problems with converting/downloading FE_GROUP protected pages, chec
     and so on! Typically some of them fails to load and wkhtml stops running! Verify the correct loading of all elements
     by calling the site via a regular browser and bypassing any browser cache (Ctrl F5).
+.. note::
+   On Ubuntu, Apache is started by default with `LANG=C`. This is true even when the OS default locale is set to `en_US.UTF-8`.
+   Furthermore, all child processes of Apache will inherit `LANG=C`. Some PHP functions (like 'escapeshellarg()')
+   or `wkhtml` will strip all non-ASCII characters (e.g. commandline arguments).
+   Let Apache run with the system locale: `/etc/apache/envvars`, activate the line `. /etc/default/locale` and restart Apache.
 Checklist wkhtml problems
@@ -1299,7 +1307,7 @@ Store variables
 .. note::
-  Syntax: {{ `store`_ : `sanitize-class`_ : `variable-escape`_ : `variable-default`_ : `variable-type-message-violate`_ }}
+  Syntax: {{ variable name : `store`_ : `sanitize-class`_ : `variable-escape`_ : `variable-default`_ : `variable-type-message-violate`_ }}
diff --git a/extension/Classes/Core/Database/DatabaseUpdateData.php b/extension/Classes/Core/Database/DatabaseUpdateData.php
index 1ec9c570bfb0ee7917c923a098fedfec8c475511..1bbcb9f2edabc1017013e86cdee052a2ef10db26 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Core/Database/DatabaseUpdateData.php
+++ b/extension/Classes/Core/Database/DatabaseUpdateData.php
@@ -189,6 +189,11 @@ $UPDATE_ARRAY = array(
         "ALTER TABLE `Dirty` ADD `tabUniqId` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL AFTER `recordHashMd5`;",
+    '20.5.0' => [
+        "ALTER TABLE `FormElement` CHANGE `label` `label` VARCHAR(1023) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '';",
+    ],
diff --git a/extension/Classes/Core/QuickFormQuery.php b/extension/Classes/Core/QuickFormQuery.php
index 47106ce68c54544883218f5f3f996de13517f18e..411b764fcf5607d4751bd365c1185cdb69d2601a 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Core/QuickFormQuery.php
+++ b/extension/Classes/Core/QuickFormQuery.php
@@ -1978,7 +1978,7 @@ class QuickFormQuery {
                 case SIP_SIP:
                 case SIP_URLPARAM:
                 case SIP_TABLE:
-                    continue; // do not copy these params to the new SIP
+                    continue 2; // do not copy these params to the new SIP
                 case SIP_RECORD_ID:
                     // set the new recordId
diff --git a/extension/Classes/Core/Store/Store.php b/extension/Classes/Core/Store/Store.php
index c6ec92b646b410feacf236bdee432512166e69d5..b3b298e036c844fae96818db467366d5333a82f2 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Core/Store/Store.php
+++ b/extension/Classes/Core/Store/Store.php
@@ -806,8 +806,10 @@ class Store {
                 case SIP_FORM;
                 case SIP_URLPARAM:
                     continue 2;
+                    break;
                     $tmpParam[$key] = $value;
+                    break;
diff --git a/extension/Classes/Sql/formEditor.sql b/extension/Classes/Sql/formEditor.sql
index 02bc26bee5ec8e345c9daad769c330c341b9508d..5b28fdde77843bd74fc1f0f7073030c23a9ea824 100644
--- a/extension/Classes/Sql/formEditor.sql
+++ b/extension/Classes/Sql/formEditor.sql
@@ -57,45 +57,44 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Form`
-    `id`                 INT(11)                                                                    NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
-    `formId`             INT(11)                                                                    NOT NULL,
-    `feIdContainer`      INT(11)                                                                    NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
-    `dynamicUpdate`      ENUM ('yes', 'no')                                                         NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no',
-    `enabled`            ENUM ('yes', 'no')                                                         NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes',
-    `name`               VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-    `label`              VARCHAR(511)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-    `mode`               ENUM ('show', 'required', 'readonly', 'hidden')                            NOT NULL DEFAULT 'show',
-    `modeSql`            TEXT                                                                       NOT NULL,
-    `class`              ENUM ('native', 'action', 'container')                                     NOT NULL DEFAULT 'native',
-    `type`               ENUM ('checkbox', 'date', 'datetime', 'dateJQW', 'datetimeJQW', 'extra', 'gridJQW', 'text',
-        'editor', 'annotate', 'time', 'note', 'password', 'radio', 'select', 'subrecord', 'upload',
-        'annotate', 'imageCut', 'fieldset', 'pill', 'templateGroup',
-        'beforeLoad', 'beforeSave', 'beforeInsert', 'beforeUpdate', 'beforeDelete', 'afterLoad',
-        'afterSave', 'afterInsert', 'afterUpdate', 'afterDelete', 'sendMail',
-        'paste')                                                                                    NOT NULL DEFAULT 'text',
-    `subrecordOption`    SET ('edit', 'delete', 'new')                                              NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-    `encode`             ENUM ('none', 'specialchar')                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT 'specialchar',
-    `checkType`          ENUM ('auto', 'alnumx', 'digit', 'numerical', 'email', 'pattern', 'allbut',
-        'all')                                                                                      NOT NULL DEFAULT 'auto',
-    `checkPattern`       VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-    `onChange`           VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-    `ord`                INT(11)                                                                    NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
-    `tabindex`           INT(11)                                                                    NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
-    `size`               VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-    `maxLength`          VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-    `labelAlign`         ENUM ('default', 'left', 'center', 'right')                                NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default',
-    `bsLabelColumns`     VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-    `bsInputColumns`     VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-    `bsNoteColumns`      VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-    `rowLabelInputNote`  SET ('row', 'label', '/label', 'input', '/input', 'note', '/note', '/row') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'row,label,/label,input,/input,note,/note,/row',
-    `note`               TEXT                                                                       NOT NULL,
-    `adminNote`          TEXT                                                                       NOT NULL,
+    `id`                INT(11)                                                                    NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
+    `formId`            INT(11)                                                                    NOT NULL,
+    `feIdContainer`     INT(11)                                                                    NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+    `dynamicUpdate`     ENUM ('yes', 'no')                                                         NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no',
+    `enabled`           ENUM ('yes', 'no')                                                         NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes',
+    `name`              VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+    `label`             VARCHAR(1023)                                                              NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+    `mode`              ENUM ('show', 'required', 'readonly', 'hidden')                            NOT NULL DEFAULT 'show',
+    `modeSql`           TEXT                                                                       NOT NULL,
+    `class`             ENUM ('native', 'action', 'container')                                     NOT NULL DEFAULT 'native',
+    `type`              ENUM ('checkbox', 'date', 'datetime', 'dateJQW', 'datetimeJQW', 'extra',
+        'gridJQW', 'text', 'editor', 'annotate', 'time', 'note', 'password', 'radio', 'select',
+        'subrecord', 'upload', 'imageCut', 'fieldset', 'pill', 'templateGroup', 'beforeLoad',
+        'beforeSave', 'beforeInsert', 'beforeUpdate', 'beforeDelete', 'afterLoad', 'afterSave',
+        'afterInsert', 'afterUpdate', 'afterDelete', 'sendMail', 'paste')                          NOT NULL DEFAULT 'text',
+    `subrecordOption`   SET ('edit', 'delete', 'new')                                              NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+    `encode`            ENUM ('none', 'specialchar')                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT 'specialchar',
+    `checkType`         ENUM ('auto', 'alnumx', 'digit', 'numerical', 'email', 'pattern', 'allbut',
+        'all')                                                                                     NOT NULL DEFAULT 'auto',
+    `checkPattern`      VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+    `onChange`          VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+    `ord`               INT(11)                                                                    NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+    `tabindex`          INT(11)                                                                    NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+    `size`              VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+    `maxLength`         VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+    `labelAlign`        ENUM ('default', 'left', 'center', 'right')                                NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default',
+    `bsLabelColumns`    VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+    `bsInputColumns`    VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+    `bsNoteColumns`     VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+    `rowLabelInputNote` SET ('row', 'label', '/label', 'input', '/input', 'note', '/note', '/row') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'row,label,/label,input,/input,note,/note,/row',
+    `note`              TEXT                                                                       NOT NULL,
+    `adminNote`         TEXT                                                                       NOT NULL,
     `tooltip`            VARCHAR(255)                                                               NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
     `placeholder`        VARCHAR(2048)                                                              NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
diff --git a/extension/Resources/Public/Json/fabric.buttons.json b/extension/Resources/Public/Json/fabric.buttons.json
index 3ebb0ae7cdc6fd49508cc0e5dd3e4a9b7b52563e..df6d9bdb54d9deaaea16d13ec02a798313388a46 100644
--- a/extension/Resources/Public/Json/fabric.buttons.json
+++ b/extension/Resources/Public/Json/fabric.buttons.json
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
             "toggleElement": "",
             "disabled": false,
             "tooltip": "Draw with a pencil",
-            "icon": "fa-pencil"
+            "icon": "fa-pencil-alt"
             "name": "highlight",
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
           "toggleElement": "emojiContainer",
           "disabled": false,
           "tooltip": "Emojis",
-          "icon": "fa-smile-o"
+          "icon": "fa-laugh-squint"
             "name": "rectangle",
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
             "toggleElement": "",
           "disabled": false,
           "tooltip": "Draw a rectangle to highlight areas",
-            "icon": "fa-square-o"
+            "icon": "fa-square"
         "name": "write",
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
             "toggleElement": "",
           "disabled": false,
           "tooltip": "Move the viewport, useful if zoomed",
-            "icon": "fa-arrows"
+            "icon": "fa-arrows-alt"
             "name": "delete",
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
         "toggleElement": "",
         "disabled": true,
         "tooltip": "Redo",
-        "icon": "fa-repeat"
+        "icon": "fa-redo"