diff --git a/doc/HTML.md b/doc/HTML.md
index d7d3266f03759c60187b40e35e44d6675f1b4863..2fd09e25523f921b14765800f42a4def042834dc 100644
--- a/doc/HTML.md
+++ b/doc/HTML.md
@@ -37,3 +37,31 @@ call to `api/load.php` upon change.
 ### id="close-button"
 ### id="delete-button"
 ### id="form-new-button"
+## Typeahead
+Typeahead capable text input elements will be defined by the following attributes:
+### .class='qfq-typeahead'
+### .data-typeahead-sip
+The SIP will store: 
+Use with SQL: `typeAheadSql`
+Use with LDAP:
+* `typeAheadLdapServer`
+* `typeAheadLdapBaseDn`
+* `typeAheadLdapSearch`
+* `typeAheadLdapValuePrintf`
+* `typeAheadLdapKeyPrintf`
+### .data-typeahead-limit
+* Defines the limit of entries shown on the client. Default on client is 5. The server will always send a value. The server default is 20.
+### .data-typeahead-minlength
+* Defines the string minlegth, typed by the user, before the first lookup is started. Default is 2.
diff --git a/doc/PROTOCOL.md b/doc/PROTOCOL.md
index 2cd25c77d334e05dec0b645e1df1e19d39830cd2..2f788733ae86197a660ada4c5a6df95946958096 100644
--- a/doc/PROTOCOL.md
+++ b/doc/PROTOCOL.md
@@ -207,6 +207,20 @@ The format of redirect information is outlined below
 :	Used to provide an URL when `"redirect"` is set to `"url"`. It
 	should be disregarded unless `"redirect"` is set to `"url"`.
+### Typeahead dict Response
+    {
+		...
+		[
+			{
+				"key": "<key value>",
+				"value": <display value>
+			},
+			...
+		],
+		...
+    }
 ## API Endpoints
@@ -321,6 +335,22 @@ Server Response
 :	The response contains a [Minimal Response].
 	[Redirection Response] may be included.
+### Typeahead
+The Client initiates Typeahead actions via a GET request. A JSON key/value dict will we be send back as response.
+The Client GET request contains a 'sip' and the already typed value as 'query' paramter.    
+Request URL
+:	api/typeahead.php
+Request Method
+:	GET
+URL Parameters
+:	`sip`, `query`
+Server Response
+:   The response contains at least a [Minimal Response]. In addition, a [Typeahead dict],
 ## Glossary